Happy Sunday!
Just a quick update and some thanks. On Thursday, I helped organize an online zoom with the Human Rights Campaign and other LGBTQ+ rights organizations. For the gay Trekkies, it was especially wonderful to see so many gay icons from all the franchises on the call, including George Takei, Zachary Quinto, Wilson Cruz, and Jonathan Del Arco.
My own big “get” was to confirm Lynda Carter of Wonder Woman fame to address the online audience! She is just an inspiration.
Together, we raised over $300,000 for the Harris Campaign. Perhaps even more importantly, we engaged 20,000 people across multiple platforms and signed up 1,500 new volunteers.
And we’re just getting started! If you’d like to pitch in, here is a link where there are various options to help out: http://hrc.li/14d/96fhrk
On a personal note, I want to thank all the readers who sent in gifts for my baby shower. We are still unpacking them, and Shade wants his favorite bed back!
This is such an amazing community, and I’m humbled by the outpouring of support. The baby (whose name I will reveal at her birth!) is due to arrive in just under one month now, so I’ll be heading to San Diego to camp out at an AirBnB starting mid-month.
Have a great Sunday! There’s a discernible shift in the winds of this election. Do you feel it, too? Let’s keep the positive energy and volunteer spirit going and save our democracy for future generations.
I'm feeling Obama-style energy out there. There was even a 200 golf cart Kamala for President parade in the deep-red The Villages in Florida yesterday. Something's happening here.....
Thanks for doing an awesome fundraiser, Jay. George Takei is a national treasure.
Quite the baby shower haul! Shade is wondering when Baby Kuo is going to get some presents. 😼
Yes I feel the winds of change as well. I feel revived. And I am very happy for you on your daughter’s impending birth. There is nothing like it is there 💙