I'm feeling Obama-style energy out there. There was even a 200 golf cart Kamala for President parade in the deep-red The Villages in Florida yesterday. Something's happening here.....
Thanks for doing an awesome fundraiser, Jay. George Takei is a national treasure.
Quite the baby shower haul! Shade is wondering when Baby Kuo is going to get some presents. 😼
Are you serious? They had 200 golf carts for Harris? I used to live in FL and have a friend who lives near The Villages. That's ground zero for FL MAGA lunacy. Wow!
I'm involved in an area Democratic group and one of my neighbors was dropping off flyers on our street for an uncoming Dem event. She'd been given a list of houses where at least one member of the household was a Democrat or in the database as leaning Democrat (e.g., a non-affiliated voter who had requested a Democratic Primary ballot). We were chatting later and she remarked that she was pleasantly surprised how many Democrats there were on our street! I was the only one with yard signs for Democratic candidates - most of the others were flying under the radar!
Now, I am waiting on my new yard sign to replace my Biden-Harris one:
Wow-I’m amazed to hear the tide is turning. Last in FL, I saw long boat lines & car lines with Terminator tRump holding a machine gun flags.
Fun fact (?), tRump played 333 day time rounds of golf during his reign. During covid when people were dying, the CIC was out golfing. He would fly back & forth to Palm Beach on a whim. As BILLION$ have & continue to pour in to his golf clubs & hotels, campaign, courtesy of the Saudis.
If the folks in The Villages are able to get some golf carts rolling then something is changing. Four years ago they would have been shot. Of course, no NYT poll will go beyond that the race is even, but that shows that Harris has already made up 6 points. But there are Christians out there who will vote ONE more time. That's why I would love for Pete B to be VP! But it is probably too big a risk.
@oldandintheway - I would LOVE for Pete to be VP candidate and then VP! I can't imagine anyone doing a better job! And it makes me beyond sad that we both know that that can't happen. Yet. (Speaking as a straight white woman who supports LGBTQ+ freedoms in all ways.)
Pete is one of the smartest politicians to come along in quite a while. As an ally, I would love to see that barrier broken, and I share your sadness that the country may not be ready for a gay VP yet. However, I really believe Pete will be in Kamala Harris's cabinet, probably in a higher-profile capacity.
I do hope Kamala Harris makes full use of him as a surrogate on the campaign trail during this compressed election cycle. I just love it when he decimates conservatives in interviews - especially the homophobic ones!!
I was worried The Villages Kamala rally was a GOP stunt to embarrass her, like the Tik Tok Tulsa, OK dfg 2-4 years ago. 10k people signed up -- it was highly publicized. About 2k showed up. Go Kamala!
I LIVE Pete and I know he will be POTUS one day. But I think Jay hit it on the head in his VEEP write up the other day, she has the LGBTQ community. I feel she needs a strong male running mate, one that draws in those who are still a bit unsure of a woman POTUS.
One thing I am sure of, her choice will be well thought out and better than TFG's choice
If there were 200 golf carts with extremely brave souls in them, then there are many more in the villages who are also voting for Harris. I have to go in there for my motorcycle business periodically. It makes me nauseous. I'd be terrified to show my support there. I'm afraid over on the Space Coast for my dealership, home & self to show my support.
Cindi, I’m also on the Space Coast.Although I don’t have a business (we’re retired), we’ve had a Biden/Harris yard sign (soon to be Harris/?) for several months. We are the ONLY sign amidst a red se of 🪧🪧🪧🚩🚩🚩 in our peninsula community of almost 800.I’ve also been wearing a Biden/Harris shirt since Feb with NO negative comments/conservations. We all have to do what is within our comfort zone…but rest assured there are many blue dots surrounding you here on the Space Coast. 🚀
My hubby has a 2001 Harley Davidson Low Rider in his “museum of speed” …along with the 1990’s windsurfer, 1980’s Italian racing bicycle, and 1974 VW bus. Boys and their toys!
Good to know I'm not alone! I too have many toys. It's been such a fun business to own & run. I looked at a VW convertible today. I truly worry about showing my true colors as it could ruin my whole life & future. That's sad. I love to walk. I can't around my own neighborhood. All the signs make me so sick & ANGRY. All this enthusiasm for Harris gives me such hope. My dealership may be silent, but I'm giving until it hurts. Privately I talk to as many women as I safely can in my interactions at the DMV, banks, library, publix. WE CAN'T GO BACK!
I suspect you're right, Cindi. If all of those people were willing to show up publicly, there's likely an even larger number who wouldn't risk it. After watching the golf cart lunacy for Trump in 2020, I think those Kamala folks yesterday are very brave souls.
You're quite welcome, Christine. Apparently, the size of that parade through the Villages yesterday caught everyone by surprise. It feels GOOD to hope again!
As soon as I finished publishing that note, I went online and the first video I saw was that train of golf carts bopping down the main street of The Villages. It made my heart sooooo glad. Win with smiles, laughter, heart and brains instead of envy, hatred, chaos.
Yes I feel the winds of change as well. I feel revived. And I am very happy for you on your daughter’s impending birth. There is nothing like it is there 💙
This week showcased the Democratic party's "Battle of Midway" victory after the "Pearl Harbor" of the debate. A seemingly miraculous turnaround has restored the respective campaigns to a position of relative parity in the polls; a parity that I believe still masks the true inclinations of the American voter.
The strongest weapon the Democrats have against the Republicans is Donald Trump himself. Relentlessly attacking him on who he is, what he says, what he has done, his criminal convictions, his declining mental state, his utter stupidity, his planned Project 2025 makeover of our very system of government, and above all his absolute unfitness for office is their Achilles heel.
We also now have a burgeoning influx of young, previously disengaged voters who are galvanized at long last by the opportunity to vote for someone who is not an aging white male. This new voltage charging the Democratic battery lights our way forward.
"There’s a discernible shift in the winds of this election. Do you feel it, too? "
It's unmistakable. I'm finding it in unexpected quarters, too. My own motivation isn't to just see Kamala win, but to see the long promised blue tsunami as the other side continues its long running self-parody campaign.
Congrats on everything, and good to see the Trekkie LGBTQ+ Kamala bonanza!
Congratulations on your impending fatherhood and on all the support you helped organize for Kamala. I would like to encourage everyone here to consider what the other guys are offering up and Vote Blue No Matter Who!
I'm thrilled that Kamala has gone way beyond just a "No matter who." She's galvanized a nation. It's as if the U.S. has turned into a giant flash mob overnight. Not quite sure how it happened, but it's awesome.
Happy Sunday, indeed! Hard to remember one week ago right now (11:35 AM EDT) when we were literally in the doldrums. Our Dem schooner was mortally adrift, no wind in her sails, and the sailors were eyeing each other for dinner.
Today, our sails are billowing with brisk, fresh winds from every corner. We have all signed up to be deck hands. We will Roe our Dem boat ashore to victory in November if we have to do it with paddles and cupped hands!
R's truly cannot comprehend what happened to our nation last week because they are self-centered and grievance driven. They look down while we look up. They are heading for the rocks while we welcome the horizon. And it is glorious! The natural disinfectant of our bright sunshine and life-giving breezes will save our democracy.
My sibling sailors, we will make it to harbor in good stead and good time. Together, as an unstoppable crew of aligned Americans, we will prevail.
I'm feeling Obama-style energy out there. There was even a 200 golf cart Kamala for President parade in the deep-red The Villages in Florida yesterday. Something's happening here.....
Thanks for doing an awesome fundraiser, Jay. George Takei is a national treasure.
Quite the baby shower haul! Shade is wondering when Baby Kuo is going to get some presents. 😼
Are you serious? They had 200 golf carts for Harris? I used to live in FL and have a friend who lives near The Villages. That's ground zero for FL MAGA lunacy. Wow!
Last count was over 500!!!
Going to be civil war in the Village 🤣
Over 500?!
OMG that's amazing
Thanks for link!
I'm involved in an area Democratic group and one of my neighbors was dropping off flyers on our street for an uncoming Dem event. She'd been given a list of houses where at least one member of the household was a Democrat or in the database as leaning Democrat (e.g., a non-affiliated voter who had requested a Democratic Primary ballot). We were chatting later and she remarked that she was pleasantly surprised how many Democrats there were on our street! I was the only one with yard signs for Democratic candidates - most of the others were flying under the radar!
Now, I am waiting on my new yard sign to replace my Biden-Harris one:
Wow-I’m amazed to hear the tide is turning. Last in FL, I saw long boat lines & car lines with Terminator tRump holding a machine gun flags.
Fun fact (?), tRump played 333 day time rounds of golf during his reign. During covid when people were dying, the CIC was out golfing. He would fly back & forth to Palm Beach on a whim. As BILLION$ have & continue to pour in to his golf clubs & hotels, campaign, courtesy of the Saudis.
If the folks in The Villages are able to get some golf carts rolling then something is changing. Four years ago they would have been shot. Of course, no NYT poll will go beyond that the race is even, but that shows that Harris has already made up 6 points. But there are Christians out there who will vote ONE more time. That's why I would love for Pete B to be VP! But it is probably too big a risk.
@oldandintheway - I would LOVE for Pete to be VP candidate and then VP! I can't imagine anyone doing a better job! And it makes me beyond sad that we both know that that can't happen. Yet. (Speaking as a straight white woman who supports LGBTQ+ freedoms in all ways.)
Pete is one of the smartest politicians to come along in quite a while. As an ally, I would love to see that barrier broken, and I share your sadness that the country may not be ready for a gay VP yet. However, I really believe Pete will be in Kamala Harris's cabinet, probably in a higher-profile capacity.
Me too!!
I do hope Kamala Harris makes full use of him as a surrogate on the campaign trail during this compressed election cycle. I just love it when he decimates conservatives in interviews - especially the homophobic ones!!
I was worried The Villages Kamala rally was a GOP stunt to embarrass her, like the Tik Tok Tulsa, OK dfg 2-4 years ago. 10k people signed up -- it was highly publicized. About 2k showed up. Go Kamala!
I LIVE Pete and I know he will be POTUS one day. But I think Jay hit it on the head in his VEEP write up the other day, she has the LGBTQ community. I feel she needs a strong male running mate, one that draws in those who are still a bit unsure of a woman POTUS.
One thing I am sure of, her choice will be well thought out and better than TFG's choice
Let's get a Kamala elected first...then we can work on getting Pete elected. One battle at a time! Even Napoleon couldn't fight a war on two fronts.
If there were 200 golf carts with extremely brave souls in them, then there are many more in the villages who are also voting for Harris. I have to go in there for my motorcycle business periodically. It makes me nauseous. I'd be terrified to show my support there. I'm afraid over on the Space Coast for my dealership, home & self to show my support.
Cindi, I’m also on the Space Coast.Although I don’t have a business (we’re retired), we’ve had a Biden/Harris yard sign (soon to be Harris/?) for several months. We are the ONLY sign amidst a red se of 🪧🪧🪧🚩🚩🚩 in our peninsula community of almost 800.I’ve also been wearing a Biden/Harris shirt since Feb with NO negative comments/conservations. We all have to do what is within our comfort zone…but rest assured there are many blue dots surrounding you here on the Space Coast. 🚀
My hubby has a 2001 Harley Davidson Low Rider in his “museum of speed” …along with the 1990’s windsurfer, 1980’s Italian racing bicycle, and 1974 VW bus. Boys and their toys!
Good to know I'm not alone! I too have many toys. It's been such a fun business to own & run. I looked at a VW convertible today. I truly worry about showing my true colors as it could ruin my whole life & future. That's sad. I love to walk. I can't around my own neighborhood. All the signs make me so sick & ANGRY. All this enthusiasm for Harris gives me such hope. My dealership may be silent, but I'm giving until it hurts. Privately I talk to as many women as I safely can in my interactions at the DMV, banks, library, publix. WE CAN'T GO BACK!
Cindi,never underestimate the power of your conversations with those in our community.Every action counts….WE AREN’T GOING BACK !
I suspect you're right, Cindi. If all of those people were willing to show up publicly, there's likely an even larger number who wouldn't risk it. After watching the golf cart lunacy for Trump in 2020, I think those Kamala folks yesterday are very brave souls.
I am so excited to hear of the golf cart parade! That gives me hope, making blue voices heard in a sea of red. Thanks for posting. 👍🏻‼️
You're quite welcome, Christine. Apparently, the size of that parade through the Villages yesterday caught everyone by surprise. It feels GOOD to hope again!
Isn't it wonderful - yes on the Obama style energy. I hope there's video of the golf cart parade.
Here's one:
Thank you. Love the interviews and the start.
As soon as I finished publishing that note, I went online and the first video I saw was that train of golf carts bopping down the main street of The Villages. It made my heart sooooo glad. Win with smiles, laughter, heart and brains instead of envy, hatred, chaos.
Something is stirring in this country.......💙
Uh huh. It makes me smile just thinking about that.
Yes I feel the winds of change as well. I feel revived. And I am very happy for you on your daughter’s impending birth. There is nothing like it is there 💙
This week showcased the Democratic party's "Battle of Midway" victory after the "Pearl Harbor" of the debate. A seemingly miraculous turnaround has restored the respective campaigns to a position of relative parity in the polls; a parity that I believe still masks the true inclinations of the American voter.
The strongest weapon the Democrats have against the Republicans is Donald Trump himself. Relentlessly attacking him on who he is, what he says, what he has done, his criminal convictions, his declining mental state, his utter stupidity, his planned Project 2025 makeover of our very system of government, and above all his absolute unfitness for office is their Achilles heel.
We also now have a burgeoning influx of young, previously disengaged voters who are galvanized at long last by the opportunity to vote for someone who is not an aging white male. This new voltage charging the Democratic battery lights our way forward.
Excellent analogy!
I have been saying that about Trump all along. As soon as the details of Project 2025 get out there is not going to be a Trump. Just a convict.
Very well put! Go us!
"There’s a discernible shift in the winds of this election. Do you feel it, too? "
It's unmistakable. I'm finding it in unexpected quarters, too. My own motivation isn't to just see Kamala win, but to see the long promised blue tsunami as the other side continues its long running self-parody campaign.
Congrats on everything, and good to see the Trekkie LGBTQ+ Kamala bonanza!
Congratulations on your impending fatherhood and on all the support you helped organize for Kamala. I would like to encourage everyone here to consider what the other guys are offering up and Vote Blue No Matter Who!
I'm thrilled that Kamala has gone way beyond just a "No matter who." She's galvanized a nation. It's as if the U.S. has turned into a giant flash mob overnight. Not quite sure how it happened, but it's awesome.
The right person at the right time!
Happy Sunday, indeed! Hard to remember one week ago right now (11:35 AM EDT) when we were literally in the doldrums. Our Dem schooner was mortally adrift, no wind in her sails, and the sailors were eyeing each other for dinner.
Today, our sails are billowing with brisk, fresh winds from every corner. We have all signed up to be deck hands. We will Roe our Dem boat ashore to victory in November if we have to do it with paddles and cupped hands!
R's truly cannot comprehend what happened to our nation last week because they are self-centered and grievance driven. They look down while we look up. They are heading for the rocks while we welcome the horizon. And it is glorious! The natural disinfectant of our bright sunshine and life-giving breezes will save our democracy.
My sibling sailors, we will make it to harbor in good stead and good time. Together, as an unstoppable crew of aligned Americans, we will prevail.
Godspeed, all! Enjoy the beautiful day 💨🌞🚢
I'm feeling excited for the first time in a long time. I absolutely love President Biden, but I'm truly excited for this election now.
And, I am over the moon excited for you with your daughter so close to being here!!!
Thank you Jay for all you do to keep us informed and inspired and INSPIRED we are! I can barely contain my excitement about Kamala. 💗💗
Awww..... Shade wants to know why there has to be more than one baby. ;-)
Shade has still not forgiven me my first corgi!
Good Luck embarking on this wonderful new chapter of your life. Happy Birthing month!
I am so happy for you, Jay, and for all of us!! And here is some more good news. Get a load of Dean Obeidallah's Substack today where he praises Kamala Harris for finally telling the truth about Trump's criminal behavior: https://open.substack.com/pub/deanobeidallah/p/harris-is-powerfully-challenging?r=qjf9i&utm_medium=ios.
Tomorrow evening is another call for support. This time it will be White Dudes for Harris. And as a friend of mine said it is only time in his life he will join an event that is billed for white dudes. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/27/2258557/-White-Dudes-for-Harris-You-re-The-Next-Zoom-Call
I believe Pete Buttigieg is headlining it!
Another San Diego library… or tree in Balboa Park would love to host you for another hangout.
Love the philodendron in walking up the side of the bed. Shade is making the best of a crowded situation.
How nice to come back from unhurried Sunday morning shopping to this good news ! .
My hope had been fading, it's better now .
Yes! It’s unmistakable and electric!