Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

I'm simply not getting too worked up about the polls, my position is, as always, work like Biden is 10 points down. Not really worried about the money either, I want to see how much money trump spent on his lawyers in May. Paying lawyers to file motions is expensive enough, but paying three lawyers to sit in a courtroom all day for 5 weeks ($2,000 an hour EACH?) is crazy expensive. Plus the bulk of the grassroots donations trump got are probably not sustainable month to month. So the world turns as before - and I just donated another $25 dollars to Biden!

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Yup…them damn lawyer fees😉

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Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Best thing the Dems have going for them is the total takeover of the RNC by tRump loyalists, who then will carry out tRump's directives. And, as we all know, "everything tRump touches, dies", and that would include the RNC and campaign "management".

tRump tried to "manage" his various trials, and in doing so lost all of them. I'm wagering his streak will continue despite tens of millions of dollars pouring into the campaign, a good chunk of which is being diverted into legal fees.

The guy is a loser, but nobody close to him dares to speak those home truths.

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His delusion and sycophantic enablers are our secret weapons, Lance!

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Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

“the Trump Campaign is bent on outsourcing its ground game operation to third parties such as Turning Point USA”

Grifters grifting grifters.

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I think you’re right. Big oppy for misusing funds

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Yes it sure sounds like it. My first thought is someone is telling Trump how it’s going to work, but that he can take credit for it being his idea.

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yup...one has to wonder just how much of the $$$ will find its' way into very private pockets.

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Since he thinks he doesn't need votes, that they have all they need and will argue that the election will be stolen, I guess he thinks it doesn't matter if he outsourced the ground game to a third party. Plus when that strategy fails and he loses (honestly) but can't overturn it in the courts (again), he will be able to blame them, especially since nothing is ever his fault.

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It is known.

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Indeed, on all points!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Important to note the difference between Trump eliminating Biden's advantage in cash in-hand and Biden's advantage in fundraising or total expenditure (I'd argue the latter is a better measure of a campaign's financial prowess once we hit March - if they can't spend it, it doesn't matter that they have it). Also, Trump's fundraising bonanzas around his indictments didn't prevent him from being well behind Biden overall in FY23. His fundraising pattern consolidates revenue around a few days per year, while Biden's is a constant flow.

Finally, this seems obvious: The reason the Trump Campaign is outsourcing everything is because they (and now the RNC) have no functional, well, campaign. FWIW, beyond sharing Mellon as a donor, they now share with RFK Jr. the strategy of hiring all their operatives. By many reports, that is not working out very well for Kennedy so far. Similarly, outsourcing all your advertising to third parties prevents any message discipline. I suspect that Biden's PAC ads are being honed alongside his campaign ads to push a cohesive sales pitch in specific places. I expect ads for Trump to be scattershot at best and probably offensive in some cases at worst.

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If the CF's strategy for raising funds is leveraging events that stimulate the outrage button amongst his loyal followers, he's gonna need some more trials and convictions before November to keep the dollars flowing; opposite the strategy of delaying all these processes until after November. The victimization story will go stale without new evidence to stoke the boilers, i.e. more judges, witnesses and juries producing "sham trials and witch hunts" against the would be dictator.

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A couple things occurred to me: 1) Isn't outsourcing a candidate's campaigning the same kind of thing DuhSantis did? We saw how that worked out for him. If your candidate is an uncharismatic loser, you still (probably) aren't going to win.

And B) If all this money is going to Turning Point USA et al, where's Dumpy going to get the money to pay his legsl bills?

And III) The GOP still has a twice-impeached rapist-racist felon as its candidate. Maybe I'm delusional, but I think that's going to matter in the end, when people go to the polls.

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I agree! He is the ugliest candidate to ever run for president. There won’t be new voters saying”I think I’ll vote for tfg because he’s a convicted felon”.

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Turning Point USA and Charlie Kirk are a gift ! Even conservatives are upset.I mean…what could possibly go wrong with having Candace Owen and Alex Jones on your side ??


And I wonder if those paid canvassers will have Charlie Kirk’s messaging ?? ➡️“Women in their thirties are past their prime” and “birth control makes women angry and bitter.”


Just keep making my/our job easier ! ✍️👍💲📣🛒👕

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The ground game is primarily about low-information voters, because the rest of us have pretty much made up our minds a long time ago. Those who generally don't pay much attention. The fact that his trial received OJ-like media attention will probably reach them, but the fact that he is also a rapist, or that he was impeached, may not register.

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Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

The Mellon donation is why Citizens United has to go!

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Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

Trump giving money to outsource is hilarious to me. It shows he hasn’t learned a single thing.

We all know how that worked out when he gave Bannon cash to build his wall.

That they found his Nevada team gambling when they should have been working probably still doesn’t click work Trump.

Let them all waste his money. That’s what Trump would do. It’s on brand for him.

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It's gonna be a crimeapalooza!!

It'll take the DOJ dozens of years to clean it all up.

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I agree that it will be very difficult for the Orange Puffy's ground game to get established. I would think that beyond inheriting a collection of people who have already answered yes to the question, "Have aliens eaten your brain?" they won't be able to leverage much of any existing ground game effort.

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What about the 20 million from Bloomberg to Biden's campaign?

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That just happened and will show up next reporting

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Guessing that will be included in this month’s/next quarter totals

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Jun 21Liked by Jay Kuo

"Total paid canvassers: 3,000, at least." I'll believe when I see it. Reminds me of Trump's 2020 campaign boast of having 50,000 canvassers going door-to-door across the nation. It's all a mirage.

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How do I get a job on this team? I'll be happy to go door to door and talk with likely Republican voters about the benefits of having a convicted felon with multiple bankruptcies in charge of your social security check, your food stamps, your government-subsidized healthcare, and so much more. If you can't trust a felon convicted of fraud 34 times, who can you trust?

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That's actually a really good idea. Seriously. Get paid by these fanatics, canvas, and calmly tell voters the full list of his crimes, both convicted and still awaiting trial.

Eventually, we'd probably get fired, but who knows who's minding the store? We may not!

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The tribal mindset exhibited is why we are a third world shithole. It’s not about the opposition. NOTHING the GOP says or does has bearing on the Democratic Party platform. EVER! Have you ever read it? It’s the largest corporate subsidy proposal in our history as a nation.

It’s about your party platform and holding all, no matter party affiliation, accountable to the Oath and WtP.

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Don't forget Melinda Gates.

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She only endorsed him. I don’t believe she gave money to his campaign.

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We are already seeing an uptick in foreign trolls on social media. What's to stop some of this money making it into the hands of Russian and Chinese trolls to flood the media sites with their propaganda. It's already happening and what's to stop them from colluding again with these foreign agents. Remember the media promised to self police but we have seen how that works.

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Those trolls may not even need payment, or collusion. Putin has a strong vested interest of his own in seeing Trump win. And while it's not as clear, I also suspect Xi is also more Trump-inclined.

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Seems to me pretty much ALL your favorite dictators are Trump-inclined. Unlike him, they are all actually pretty damn smart, and didn't get where they are playing checkers instead of chess (except Kim - total nepo baby, but Grandpa and Daddy trained him up well). They know how to push all his buttons, and he will happily do anything they want him to do, as long as the flattery keeps coming, and he sees $$$ coming. NATO? Kiss it bye-bye. Taiwan? Swallow it whole, Mr. Xi - we good. He doesn't much like Iran - now - but that can change in a heartbeat and on a whim. Think those mullahs don't understand how to manipulate an ignoramus like The Convict? Think again.

Every one of them will pour money and disinformation into this campaign.

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Maybe we should all volunteer to canvass for Donald, get paid, and then go gambling instead? He's been paying people to show up at his rallies for a while now. No surprise he plans to just pay people to canvass for him.

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Get the money up front...

It really sounds like a ton of fun, but a little bit dangerous. Unfortunately, at my age the knees won't permit and I really can't be more than about 5 minutes from a bathroom, or I'd absolutely do it!

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Wondering the difference in small donor versus large donor amounts between the campaigns. I may not understand it completely but my impression is that having a higher number of small donors could indicate more enthusiasm about (and possibly votes for) a candidate.

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Seen from that perspective, every 5 dollar donor is a voter. For the other side, every 30 million dollar donor is...one...voter.

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I note that the Trump campaign doesn’t have to spend as much money for publicity as all the news organizations give him so much coverage - his rallies, his tweets, all appear, usually glossing over the bonkers statements, while the quiet work Biden is doing gets scant attention.

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He definitely doesn't need to buy ads on Fox.

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