Isn’t it strange how looking at the facts can possibly change one’s mind. Who woulda thunk it?

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Apr 21Liked by Jay Kuo

I hadn't known that Johnson went for a security briefing. Now his turnaround makes total sense. You're right about his Christian values finally kicking in when he saw that people from his own Baptist "tribe" were being persecuted and killed in Russia. I doubt he wants that for the US.

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Sharing a quote from blog of Heather Cox Richardson, "Ukraine won! Trump lost!"

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I think MTG and her buddies are backtracking because they are afraid of those Republicans resigning immediately and Hakeem being in charge. Personally I would love it.

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Apr 21Liked by Jay Kuo

While my Red MAGA state reps except for Benny Thompson voted for Putin, I am grateful that Johnson saw the light, no matter the reason. Come November I hope the Democratic Party is in the majority and our elected representatives return to governing, and the nonsense chaos eii be minimized.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21Liked by Jay Kuo

So, Holy Mike believed the intel. He finally sees that Russia IS NOT OUR FRIEND. Especially after his own flock is being persecuted for their faith by Putin. Yet, Mike wouldn't be able to take a broader perspective and see that other humans are suffering... it took his own for him to take action. That's still pretty shallow... typical of the Republican party. 🙄 At least we got there.

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If nothing else, Johnson was clever enough to time this now. By delaying it for six months, he made his own removal poison to his party.

It may have been solely for his own preservation, and the intel may be a cover...

But still. Not an idiot.

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Do NOT give Johnson one iota of credit for this!! Purely political. He KNOWS his party is no more, and that they face annihilation this November. He's trying to salvage as many ignorant votes as he can. This was not a "Come to Jesus" moment, it was a "We're screwed", and nothing more. He's been getting flooded with calls and emails telling him what's waiting for him in the afterlife, due to all the blood on his hands. His tail is planted firmly between his legs, where his balls used to be.

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Apr 21Liked by Jay Kuo

So many mixed feelings. Grateful he finally found the courage to do the right thing.

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Jay Kuo: An outstanding article that fully fleshes out your theme is from a very promising young journalist, Catie Edmondson (2018, Barnard College), who has worked with the NYT since her college graduation:


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I am so glad this day has come. Slava Ukraini!

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I love the fact that the GQP got absolutely nothing but humiliation yesterday. If they hadn’t listened to tRump, they would’ve gotten a lot of their southern border wish lists accomplished. That’s what listening to tRump will get you: zero or worse. 😂

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One possibility is that Hakeem had the votes to do this with a discharge petition and showed the signatures to Johnson and offered to let him appear to lead.

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I think that Johnson on his last trip to Mar A Largo saw how totally mad Trump has become and chose the lesser of two evils. We shall see what the fall out will be for him. Trump will likely rage!

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I’m not convinced that MAGA Mike was swayed by all the intel, possibly just the religious junk. He doesn’t seem to mind mass shootings, people dying in razor wire, etc. here at home. However, the aid finally passed and a resounding huzzah! for that. The right wing nut job faction of the GOP will prattle on about Johnson’s betrayal, but in the end it’ll just be posturing.

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I was struck by Mike Johnson bringing up his sudden support for Ukraine to journalists on tape, where he stated he would rather send bullets rather than troops. He added the fact his son is going into Naval Academy right now. What this all boiled down to was the intel making him realize how much danger his son (and ours, but that was immaterial before) would be in should Putin take over Ukraine.

Perhaps we should make it a requirement that all elected representatives need to have their sons and daughters serve in the military.

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