I'm sure it's too early for a "Mua-ha-ha" laugh, but I'm certainly feeling the urge right now. It's very smart not to allow Bannon to testify live first, since he'd absolutely say something to destroy all the work the committee has done.

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Bannon-the-Disheveled is NOT capable of destroying the Select Committee 's work. Update: Bannon's Attorney, Costello, has filed a Motion to Withdraw.

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Let me expand my point: the Select Committee's hard work convincing the on-the-fence portion of the population that there is truth to what the rest of us have been yelling about.

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Understand. The Select Committee sophisticated presentation is clearing the Fence Sitters.. Hence the desperate scramble to get on the Stage. Or cameras near any cameras.

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Does anyone else think allowing Bannon to dictate terms and testify LIVE could be a big mistake? Regardless of his past contempt, he has so much opportunity for mischief, and that's his greatest talent. He orchestrates and performs on podcasts for a living! He's an inveterate publicity hound, "Deep State" conspiracy monger, and committed *trumper. What could go wrong? Pleading the 5th. Rambling, ranting, distracting, and refusing to relinquish the mike. Being removed by security (his greatest wish!) while the Committee has to cut away to a recess and network host commentaries (imagine it on Fox!), thus making the J6 committee look like a kangaroo court, exactly what the *trumpers have been calling it. THAT'S what could go wrong, and maybe even more.

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That's exactly my thought. He would testify live and give trumpers exactly what they want. And possibly sway those on the fence to say "See it is all a joke". He's a loose cannon and I don't trust him to come even close to telling the truth. What's a perjury charge if he thinks he's not going to see time anyway?

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So here's the Million-Dollar question: What's stopping Bannon, or anyone else who is accused/charged/found guilty for that matter, from appealing any decisions up to the Supreme Court? We all know how questionable their integrity is at this moment, and frankly, I wouldn't trust them NOT to find in favor of any of these criminals.

To that, what is the end game? Will there be a trial? Will the accused get to appeal the rulings all the way to the SCOTUS as well? It seems to me that all this is moving toward a goal of punishing those who are guilty of attempting to overthrow the government... but if there are appeals that lead all the way to SCOTUS, does anyone think that the prior guilty verdicts WON'T be thrown out by SCOTUS?

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Me Long expensive journey to SCOTUS while cooling heals in a Federal clink. DOJ's midnight motion on limine is spot on.

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He needs to rot in jail for all eternity

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Thank you Jay for or attaching the "MIL" (motion in limine). I once had a four (4) court day hearing on 1 MIL .This MIL will be a lot shorter as Judges do not favor bad faith actors. Update, it's over. Bannon lost ALL the Pretrial motions. Trial next Monday. Do not pass Go.

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Just wondering if this is what Trump considers a win-win and maybe asked Bannon to do on his behalf. Either he gets someone on “his team” to finally have a public appearance in these televised hearings, or if they only allow the private testimony he can rail against and fundraise off of how one-sided it is/how partisan it is (despite the 2 GOP members).

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I have my popcorn ready!!

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could this be another nail in the coffin?

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