I've yet to figure out exactly WHY these people are so loyal to tRump. Has anybody figured that out? Lawmakers, congressmen/women, people who've spent their entire lives in service of this country, their party, their constituents (allegedly, anyway), and they're hitching their wagon to the biggest liar, cheat, morally-bankrupt, sleazy, defiant, narcissistic, (ugh, I could go on) "person" who ever existed, and they're all lying for him willing to throw away not only their credibility with both hands, but the democracy of this country as well. Someone, PLEASE explain to me WHY these people are supporting tRump. What's in it for them? What do they stand to gain/not lose? Why are they so willing to throw this country's 250 year history of democracy and fairness out the window, particularly for someone as horrific as tRump?

It's been 5 years since we'd heard he was running for president, and it's been a nightmare, a $#!tshow from the moment he descended on the escalator. When are the Dems going to start holding these people accountable? When are these people going to realize how dangerous their game is, how much is at stake, and further, what are we going to do to clean this mess up when there are still so many people supporting that huge orange piece of $#!t? Seriously considering leaving this country. I have lived in a state of constant fear for 5 years, and I'm weary, y'all. So damn weary.

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I think the answer is simple... Power, and the means to retain it. Of course you have to have people that blindly follow him, and you do. After the election I honestly thought that all the Lost court cases would have finally convinced most people that he lost. Then I thought the insurrection on January 6th would finally force the Republicans to get rid of him. Wrong in both cases! At this point I don't know what it's going to take.

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