Same old tired theatrics that need to be eliminated. If he's a republican, then when he runs again, he should switch parties so we can give a REAL Democrat a chance to win the seat. Why let the DNC support and help fund his campaign only if he's going to continue to trot out these excuses, pretending to be a Dem, while acting like a Rep? Frustrating, and disingenuous. The people need a real choice, and he's not a Dem. He's faking it.

Once again, I say ad nauseum, BE RID OF LOBBYISTS. It's just bribery, plain and simple.

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Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema are DIXIECRATS in the 1876 Election Double-deal/Jim Crow Tradition!!! They are and have always been Republicans in Democrat clothing working as "moles/undercover agents" for the Republican Party's legislation and agendas!

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