I see a lot of righteous and well-deserved indignation and even fury over what the far-right and their captive courts are doing. Let’s harness all that and be sure to take it to the ballot box. We cannot change things unless we hold political power, and we cannot hold political power unless we win elections.

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I encourage those who follow the status Kuo and like minded folks to check out the nationwide PostcardsToVoters effort. It’s an effective way to motivate voters in important contests.

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Wake up, people!!! Wake up!!! Can you not see how dangerous this is for women’s health?? How can this happen??? We are an intelligent well-informed public!!! We know the consequences!!! Wake up!!!

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And meanwhile, here in Ohio a woman is being charged bc she had a miscarriage! I simply don’t understand women who are willing giving up their rights.

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I read about that case, Karen, and it’s absolutely horrifying. I believe they’re charging her with something like “abuse of a corpse.” I hope this woman is getting mental healthcare because this is extremely traumatizing. These woman-hating Republicans are extremely dangerous. I am not sure how any woman in her right mind even votes for a Republican anymore.

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Can you imagine having to deal with this after experiencing the emotional and physical trauma of a miscarriage??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

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I had two miscarriages, possibly three, but one was way too early to tell. The Dr thought it could be an “empty egg” not really sure. But the others were definitely miscarriages. What was once a sad, traumatic experience is now suddenly becoming a crime in some states?? What in the actual F***?! I will never ever vote for any party or politician that treats women with such contempt and disrespect. NEVER! A woman’s health is more important than a clump of cells inside her! And if a woman doesn’t want a clump of cells growing INIDE HER —she should not be forced to keep them INSIDE HER! And where the hell is legislation against MEN?! Men who out themselves INSIDE HER — WITHOUT HER CONSENT? And I’m not just talking about rape — I’m talking about guys who refuse to wear condoms or get temporary vasectomies and insist and not “pulling out” because it “doesn’t feel good” FOR THEM?! And then she is stuck with THEIR MESS, INSIDE HER — to deal with ON HER OWN — too graphic?? TOO DAMN BAD! That’s the reality! When will MEN be accountable for all the unwanted pregnancies??

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And how many are deadbeat dads who don’t want to financially support those children.

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Truth!! Even ones who are marrried, with kids, and then leave because they don’t want the responsibility

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(Hit post too soon)— they want the fun, and the “visitation” and to show off, but don’t contribute to kids’ school expenses (at any grade level); or their activities/interests (music, sports, etc l). They think they’re entitle bragging rights, but couldn’t care less that their kids need money for clothes, food, housing. They think by depriving the ex wife that they’re hurting HER — but in reality it’s the kids who always suffer. Such people don’t deserve to be parents. They’re takers. They DEMAND respect from their kids but never give it and do nothing to earn it. They deserve to be alone the rest of their miserable lives. But courts side with “dads’ rights”!— without ensuring the mom and kids can survive on the pittance the courts determine for “child support”. Rich dads can, and often do support their kids financially— but are they there when the kids really need them? Some, maybe. But many deadbeat dads are just that - deadbeats. Some will go to great lengths to hide their financial records & assets. Some will flat out refuse to pay for anything the kids need, and will never increase their child “support”. And forget paying toward higher educatIon. Oh, but the kids “owe respect” — laughable at best. The old saying, “garbage in/garbage out” applies: treat your kids and wife like garbage, don’t expect anything else in return. (And that goes for all spouses who stick the other spouse with financial burdens). Some won’t even pay medical expenses. And they call themselves a parent?

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You spoke the truth and are absolutely right. And I'm sorry for your miscarriages.

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Thank you. People who don’t go through any of it, but think they are entitled to make decisions for those who do, really infuriate me.

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Thank you for your honesty and bravery, Irene. I agree with every word of this. Republican men and women, plus the women who vote for them, are a clear and present danger to every woman, young and old. I’m in my 60s and don’t have to ever worry about having an abortion at this point, but I would never, under any circumstances, vote for these forced birth fanatics. And Ken Paxton should’ve been behind bars years ago. I don’t know what the hell is taking so long to convict this repugnant criminal.

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Even if you are in no danger of needing an abortion there are other consequences of those horrible laws that are being created. For example a lot of the medications they are trying to ban because they could be used for abortions are needed during other medical procedures. And birth control which might just be next on the ban agenda is need by countless women for other reasons. So you have good reasons to vote against these people not just to loyal to other women.

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Gabriella, I am as liberal as they come. I am familiar with the courts in Texas trying to ban the widely used abortion and miscarriage drug. And I’ve always felt that birth control might be on the chopping block as well. These people are fanatics and they have to be stopped.

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Feeling your rage, right there with you 😡

Appropriate response to this terrifying era

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OMG Infuriating! As if a woman can stop a miscarriage! And if the court is going to intervene every time a woman has one because "they may have intentially caused one" (or whatever BS charge they are using) the courts will be over loaded. I cannot even imagine having my personal tradgedy put out there for others to whisper about and scrutinize.

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Women are not "giving up" their rights. Their rights were stolen from them by the corrupt and disgraced SC, and what choice do we have? It's not like we have any say in the matter except voting. But we will vote them all out, and women should take over. #WomensLivesMatter. #WLM

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I am male and I say vote ANY AND ALL republican scum bags out !!!! Send them packing !!! VOTE BLUE !!!! Forever !!!

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I’m talking about the women who are still supporting this party. I should have been clearer.

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Brainwashed handmaids. They are chained to a religious viewpoint, and cannot even feel their chains. They believe they are to serve their husbands, bear children, keep the home, and at all times venerate their religious leaders. They ask their pastors and/or their husbands how to vote, or they just don't vote at all - it isn't their place, don't y'know.

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"chained to a religious viewpoint" - I have been bothered by this for years and it seems to be only getting worse.

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I don't know that it is any worse than it ever was - but it sure is more in our faces now. Trace it back to Reagan, and the beginnings of the Republican Party's decisions to elevate and pander to, fundamentalist evangelicals - Falwell, Robertson, et. al. After all, if you can harness true believers' religious fervor, they will follow you any- and everywhere. And those very fundamentalists have ALWAYS subjugated their women.

"Barefoot, pregnant, and chained to the stove." And don't you worry your little head about the politics and the money, darlin' - that there's man's work. And if you can make her believe that is the will of God, then that is how it will be.

And she will not even feel their chains.

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Those who care are already fully aware of the risks - we have been talking about this when the Dobbs decision was leaked in May of 2022. However, we are not talking about those who care, do we? And those who don't care show no intention of waking up. I used to think - maybe if something like this happened to them, it would finally sink in. Now.... I am not so sure. These people would sooner throw their daughters out than let them get an abortion.

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No these people, push come to shove, would do whatever it takes for their own family. If their daughters, wives, grand daughters needed an abortion they would be sure to figure it out. They are hypocrites

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Oh, no - they go away to "visit family" and have the child. The kid is given up for adoption, and they do not speak of it, ever. And neither does the daughter if she knows what's good for her. And she will never, ever have an unsupervised minute again until she is properly married off.

Alternatively, the shotgun comes out, a preacher is called, and voila! sin is washed away, and another unwanted baby is born to resentful parents.

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Those families and daughters may not speak, but boy do they gossip, as does the adoptive family. I dated a girl in high school from a “good catholic family”. My parents knew her parents and her parents whispered out to mind that “she and her brother were both adopted, but don’t you or your son (me) let them know, because we’ve (her parents) have never told them. Yet another skeleton of a lie of omission to keep in the closet.

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And how many weeks, months or years do some of those shotgun marriages last before the divorce lawyer is called or one of the parents is arrested for spousal or worse, child abuse? I’ve always wondered on those stats.

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Then again their book of myth and legend tells them to stone their daughter to death if she has sex before marriage. So banning abortion is just prelude

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These were the Nazi laws for women. They did not care if Black, or Jewish, or Romani or disabled babies were aborted, but it was illegal to abort a White child with the death penalty as a result for anyone who performed abortions.


Why is it so in to be Nazi's that a whole political party has embraced this? Apparently women are buying up Mifepristone and Misoprostol ahead of time, just in case it becomes illegal in the USA. What I cannot understand is are these men wanting these children for slave labor, like breed so we can keep the wages low, or are they seeing these children as being the rulers of the society and joining them in their disgustingness!

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It is like this because of the fear that the "White" race is being diminished by the Black, Brown, Jewish population. These races will soon take over as predominant. That's why abortion is becoming such a political issue. More White women than other races get abortions..."They" want all White babies born to increase the White population...

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Thus the chant:




They are terrified of becoming a minority - because they are perfectly aware of how they have treated minorities in this country for its entire political existence. Oh, and most of them are still convinced they are superior to any other ethnic group. (Full disclosure: I am old, cishet, White, and male - I play the game of life on the lowest difficulty setting. And I grew up in the middle of Ohio in the 1950s - I know whereof I speak.)

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Yup! The Nazi belief that skin color is race, is promoted by these White Supremacists. I still don't know what they believe they will accomplish by forcing women to have babies and to die trying to have babies, other than having more "White" soldiers when they have their final "race war."

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Linda, Two reasons the white male oligarchs, billionaires and so-called bible thumping hypocrites want those children - (1) to serve as low wage labor when borders are closed and the brown people immigrants are deported and (2) to grow up to become breeders of even more dumbed down uneducated religious indoctrinated serfs that won’t question their authoritarian government and religious leaders.

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Michael, if that were all they wanted them for cheap labor, then any color, ethnicity should do. The emphasis on breeding White people is like the Lebensborn program of Nazi Germany, and seems to be to breed a "White" warriors.


We see this same stealing of children going on by Putin of the Ukrainian children.

The goal is of the White Supremacist Militias that follow the Turner Diaries is to create a "White" super race, as if skin color is a race.


Prof. Kathleen Belew discusses the goal of creating a global White nation in her book, Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America. https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674286078

The role of women is to be breeders. We have seen this all in Nazi Germany. Why would anyone want to repeat this again?

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Definitely breeders. Someone else in the comments and replies made a similar comparison - women treated as livestock.

They do want cheap labor. Skin color and ethnicity isn’t a bottom line criteria as long as boss man is white. It’s been pointed out if cheap immigrant labor goes away, they have to be replaced by the uneducated Americans.

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I’ve always thought it was for the wages argument (or another tax payer).

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"We are an intelligent well-informed public!!!" -- uh, no we aren't. A recent Washington Post poll shows that even 10% of self-identified Democrats think that the FBI staged the Jan. 6 uprising, and over 30% of all of those polled thought the same. This is just one example of thousands of how we most assuredly are not an intelligent and well-informed public. Even if you grant the "intelligent" part, you would be hard-pressed to find even 10% of American voters who have an even rudimentary understanding of the issues of the day.

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This is beyond infuriating... and goes against the majority of Americans who want to the government to stay out of our personal business. Don't like abortion? Then don't have one. This is all about power and control... every woman better get to the polls and vote these extremists out. Paxton and his ilk don't care about women's health, just controlling them. It's sick. The only answer is to VOTE!

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VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE … that’s our mantra in 2024

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"Don't like abortion? Then don't have one." Be careful with this argument. It plays well within the bubble, but does not make sense logically. The fallacy is that it presumes something the two sides do not agree on in the first place: whether abortion is a personal decision or not.

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Exactly, to pro-birthers, it's like saying "don't like p3dophiles, then don't be one". They think* they are saving children with these draconian laws, which is why they need to apply to everyone.

*(Research supports that it's less about the "unborn child" than about controlling women, but we already knew that).

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Point taken.

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This is incredibly frightening to learn about how Texas treats women! Why aren't they in the streets protesting? I also learned that Texas banned DEI as of Jan 1, which is mandatory in the school district I taught in California. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion banned, what the heck is left? Thanks Jay for your thorough analysis, although I threw up in my mouth while reading it and now feel ill. Women, we have the power to take this country back!! Please!

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How do you “ban” diversity??? Whoever they are don’t even know or understand the meaning of diversity.

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Well, if you're Chris Rufo, you make it a personal project, starting in Florida, then taking out the president of Harvard, Claudine Gay, all while enlisting the help of the NYT to provide "liberal" cover by shifting the attacks to "plagiarism", but in reality, it's DEI the target, and Ms Gay the human sacrifice needed.

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You hit the nail right on the head with this comment. That plagiarism accusation is a bogus joke. What they’re calling plagiarism was literally a typographical error in citations.

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And the bloody NYT just keeps going on about it, even citing the far-right Washington Beacon as source material --- despicable rags, both of them.

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I discontinued my subscription to the NYT and explained my reasons why. No one responded to me. They simply do not care that non-right wingers dislike their coverage. I'm an Independent.

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I might’ve been off a bit by saying it was a typographical error in citations, but I don’t think this was a deliberate plagiarism act, and I can’t help with thinking this is happening because she is a black woman. I agree with you about the New York Times, and I ended my subscription sometime last year. And things have only gotten worse with them since then. I don’t know if you read Robert Reich, but he published (yesterday I believe) a great newsletter on how the corporate white boy network has everything to do with decisions that colleges and universities make. The rich executives and alumni who contribute a large part of the endowments have everything to say about the decisions these universities make.

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I follow and read Robert Reich and I agree with your comment.

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Excuse the redundancy...😊

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I believe this is the attempt to make us a white Christian country like Hungary under Mike Johnson as Speaker. Everyone needs to wake up and contribute however you can to stop this maga movement, it is huge! But we are larger if we organize.

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I just read a comment on FB that the only living beings that can not control their reproduction is livestock. This is the mindset we are working with!

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Some religious cults treat women like livestock. Unfortunately, these extremists are in political office.

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I just used the analogy of women as livestock — aka valuable property sold to the highest male bidder — in my book club’s discussion of Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen 1813). The subjugation of women has been central for centuries. All of us must rise up, again, to protect ourselves and the rights we fought for over the last 50 years!!

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I agree with you 100%. What I don't get is why so many women have a Phyllis Schlafly mentality and they vote against their own best interests.

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They likely believe they aren’t repressed — like the go-along female characters in Pride and Prejudice. In fact, one book clubber admired Elizabeth’s feisty nature, completely missing the underlying fact that she still had to “find a rich husband” (aka be bought) to pay for her family’s lifestyle. This is the sort of embedded, systemic sexism that we must acknowledge, to ourselves and every woman we meet.

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They are probably getting fed a lot of misinformation.

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They are being brainwashed from earliest childhood.

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Yes please, rise up women! Let's take over this country, run for local office. We should take over this country, I'm sick of the BS. Because, believe it or not, #women'slivesmatter! #WLM

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Yep, “Christian” nationalists & fundamentalists. Nothing CHRISTIAN about them!

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A woman in the United States has fewer rights than a corpse. It is against the law to use a dead person's organs to save someone's life (and that someone is an existing, living, breathing human being), unless there is a prior consent. However, it is legal to use a woman's organ (uterus) to preserve a hypothetical life without her consent.

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Well, bear in mind that in those carefree days of slavery, white plantation owners increased their number of bodies working in the fields or in the big house by the simple expedient of raping their way up and down slave row, forcibly impregnating every girl or woman over the age of 14. They also did it when they were drunk. Or if they saw a woman on the row who was smokin’ hot (e.g., an early Kerry Washington, Jasmine Guy, Halle Berry, Taraji P. Henson, or Rae Dawn Chong, to name a few of my crushes), and wanted her as a mistress.

That was usually because these planters’ wives were well-bred young white women, whose training on “marital skills” was being told “grit your teeth, look at the ceiling, and think of Alabama.”

So those women and girls could not control their reproduction, either. They were seen as livestock back then. Heck, their breeding was often recorded by planters IN the livestock books.

So I’m not surprised that the GOP and Texas and the right wing regard women in general as mere livestock.

I hope everyone sees my fury and sarcasm.

As for Rae Dawn Chong et al., well, my attraction to them was not and is not based on rape and conquest…I was just hoping to have dinner with a girl or woman who looked like one of them, who would say, “You’re a very talented writer, knowledgeable historian, and I’d love to go to a Yankees game with you,” and see what happens from there.

I wrote about this subject in my Substack.

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(replying to Deborah) What utter (or should I say udder) garbage. How does one control ones reproductive organs when one is raped? What about situations involving children or incest? All the other situtuations that happen without planning? Or even WITH planning, since the 'rhythm method' isn't terribly effective.

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I seem to recall some Republican politician (don't remember which one) claiming that women have ways of doing just that - in cases of "legitimate rape" - whatever the hell that is. And if you think he was the only one who thought that, I'd like to talk to you about a bridge...

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Yeah--Todd Akin, an immensely ignorant yahoo Representative from former Confederate States. He was (or is) like so very many men...and women, too, for all I know...who can't be bothered to either educate themselves about biology. Much easier to just make up shyte because it fits in with their preferred narrative, whose foregone conclusion is to prevent granting women abortion rights under ANY circumstance.

My wish is for a mountain of bad karma to fall upon those pathetic, insecure male souls who have to tell such lies to themselves in order to justify their need to assert control over women.

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Indeed, it is the mindset of a certain population. And yet, in private, while their husbands are comparing their wives to livestock, those "Christian" women, whose same husbands do not believe in birth control, are begging their providers for chemical abortions because they can't handle the 8th child--because they are losing their minds raising the first 7. In that world, men do exactly nothing to help the woman with child rearing. Yet they blame her for any defective child. Ain't it grand to be a christian?

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Immediately revoke Medicare funds from Texas. Immediately revoke Federal funds from law enforcement in Texas since they went over the head of the Feds in allowing local law enforcement to arrest "illegal aliens". Seriously. Stop playing nice with this State. Kick them out of the Union if they want to do it their way. Enough. (Bonus in this scenario is we'd be rid of Ted Cruz)

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I'm not sure if depriving poor people in Texas of what little health care access they have is a good idea. Or would accomplish what you hope to accomplish.

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Tammy said Medicare not Medicaid.

If I remember correctly the Medicaid income level to qualify for benefits is something like less than $5k per year in Texas.

Because Texas hates poor people just as much as women.

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Rid of Ted Cruz? Thats a win-win!

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Well, if they remove Medicare funds, that’s going to hurt a lot of people. Seniors shouldn’t suffer because of Ken Paxton. If the courts would move a little faster, this guy might actually be in prison already.

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Why not? Women are suffering because of Ken Paxton.

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Maybe the seniors would pull their heads out and vote against the GQP scum.

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I’m in my 60s and I’m always surprised that people in my age group would vote for someone as vile as Donald Trump, who would essentially make their lives more difficult than they already are. Now I’m seeing polls that young people, GenZ people, prefer Trump to Biden. I don’t see how this is even within the realm of possibility, but these polls keep appearing again and again.

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I still wonder how valid polls are since I don’t know anyone who answers unknown numbers (or has a land-line), so I’m guessing the poll is largely old folks in rural areas with “approximations” for everyone else.

Basically, lies using math . . .

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I agree with you, George, and I take most of these polls with a grain of salt. I also think that many of them are corrupted polls. We learned in the 2022 midterm election, where we were warned of a “red wave,” that aggregate polls included a lot of slanted republican polls. In plain English, I think most of them are pure bullshit.

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It’s also never a good idea for Democrats to start behaving like Republicans, the party of revenge tactics.

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As a doctor, even though you’re a veterinarian, your reply surprises me. Why on earth should seniors receiving Medicare be punished because Ken Paxton is a criminal asshole?

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It was a rhetorical question but we make choices every day as a society. Why prioritize seniors over reproduction age women?

Should both be protected? Of course. However, if the federal government has levers, then, why not consider pulling them and see what happens?

Ken Paxton is gonna be one of the FIRST people rounding up his enemies to put in Trumps camps...stopping all these people and their laws needs to be the highest priority. Because when he starts putting people in Trumps camps we will be having a vastly different convo about Medicare because no one will be getting it. All those workers who pay taxes and yet are not legal will be in camps. Tough to give seniors medicare when the tax dollars ain't rolling in.

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I blame the legal folks who are taking a ridiculously long time to convict this criminal. He’s been under indictment for a long time. This needs to be brought to a conclusion. I’m a senior citizen and I don’t think seniors or women of childbearing age should suffer at all. Picking on a particular demographic in order to hurt Ken Paxton or the Texas state government is not helpful nor is it a fair solution. The DOJ should step in and bring charges against the state of Texas.

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It's tempting, just as it's tempting to stop providing federal aid to Texas when there is a drought, a hurricane, or their antiquated power grid goes bust.... again. However, the only people hurt by this would be the people who had no hand in any of these decisions. Sure, they may have voted in these hideous politicians. But taking away programs like Medicare and Medicaid will do nothing to prove them wrong.

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I’d love for that “bonus” and I don’t live in Texas: how the heck anyone wants him is beyond me. His real name is Rafael — not Ted. He’s of Hispanic descent (Cruz kinda vibes it away..), but pretends not to be

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Good idea, but sadly, it would only hurt the innocent working-class folks. The arrogant white (typically) scum that run that sh*thole wouldn’t care. They have already gutted education, killing off medical. Are fits squarely in the GQP plan . . .

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Welcome to Gilead! Oh sorry, Texas! A very special place! BUT…..only for NATIVE BORN white men who espouse an extremist right wing ideology. If you are an immigrant expect to be treated like vermin. If you are a democrat expect to be treated like an enemy. If you are a woman of any colour, don’t go, because you WILL be treated like an expendable brood mare who’s ONLY purpose in life is to be a receptacle for a man’s sexual desires, (and you’d bloody well better comply) and to give birth. Be aware that your life is worth nothing so no extraordinary medical intervention will be given you if the pregnancy goes awry and YOU may die, but your foetus will be saved! Oh and just so you know if your pregnancy does go awry, and you miscarry, you will also be arrested and likely charged with murder!

WELCOME TO TEXAS, the friendly state in a country that supposedly believes in freedom for all, as long as you are white, male and a card carrying member of the Republican Party

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And if you do give birth, you’re on your own, with very little support (other than “thoughts and prayers”), the child will go to sub-standard schools, isolated from anything close to honest history, or actual education, but LOTS of active shooter drills . . . (And sadly, they won’t all be drills). . .

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Spot on!

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I’m so hoping the federal charges against Paxton come with a guilty verdict!

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You and I (and most of the country) are hoping the same!

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These creeps want control and punishment of women. It’s payback for Me Too.

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These creeps need to be labeled as misogynists! (And, that label needs to placed before their name continuously.)

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The federal emergency medical care guidelines follow Biblical teachings. Paxton and the other "christians" need to learn more about what they would foist on the rest of us.

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If you're taking about abortion, there is no direct reference to it in the bible, although it was commonly practiced at the time. They're just making stuff up to suit their misogynist agenda.

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Correct. The "baby" is considered a part of the mother and not a separate individual so there's no problem protecting the life of the mother.

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And of course, in the "Old Testament" (AKA the Torah), which is their go-to scripture for sin and its consequences, life begins AT BIRTH. They just cherry-pick whatever reinforces their control. "Christians" my sorry butt - they don't read the words of their Lord and Savior, and lately when anyone brings them up, they are dismissed as liberal talking points. Which - duh...

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I wrote this satirical op-ed recently and it has provided great opportunities for discussion. Essentially, why isn’t compulsory organ donation a thing if bodily autonomy isn’t a consideration. It takes out the gender component of the discussion and the responses I’ve received from folks, especially those who are horrified by the idea of losing their right to make decisions about their own body and health when there isn’t a shield to hide behind, have been enlightening. At some level it’s think it has helped shine a light on why this topic is so fundamentally abhorrent to (most) women.


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Brilliant. You’re exactly right. Mandate that men must donate organs (make it testicles since the right-wing snowflakes seem to be so insecure about those). Suddenly they might start to pay attention.

Also, if birth control (including plan B and the “m” pill which I can’t spell) are limited in ANY WAY, boner pills (Viagra and the like) must have the same restrictions).

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I think my thirty something year old daughter has a few bumper stickers on her refrigerator that say these exact things.

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I didn’t realize that pregnancy and childbirth were not “major bodily functions.” Who knew?

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All thanks to the lying, despicable SCOTUS “justices” who perjured themselves when specifically asked about Roe v Wade. They each said it was protected, they each LIED. The blood of women everywhere is ok their hands. The financial hardships; mental anguish; and physical burdens of women who are forced to birth — especially those who have been raped — is on their collective conscious— if they even have one. I hope and pray that every MAGA politician who pushes for abortion bans, has someone in their family who will need — and not be able to get — and abortion. But of course, they will be able to get one, because MAGA will find a way to sweep it under the rug; send the woman away, just as they (hypocrite, white Christians) always have. Their daughters/nieces/etc were always “away” and then there was a baby — or not — they had it in secret; gave up; or had their abortions— no questions asked. Not every woman can withstand the physical, emotional, mental burdens of pregnancy & childbirth— especially young girls/teens — and more especially those of them who had been raped. The man always walks away unscathed— the woman NEVER DOES. Shame on any woman who votes for these politicians whose policies and actions are aimed to control and silence women!! Don’t want an abortion or don’t believe in it — fine, DON’T HAVE ONE — but how dare anyone prevent someone else from getting one?! Abortion is very often A NEED more than a want! Shame on everyone who overturned the decision for that mom in Texas. Shame on all MAGA GOP

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Paxton has been under indictment for something like 8 years. What the hell is the hold up?

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I just said almost the same thing above. It’s a deep mystery how this piece of crap is not sitting in a prison cell already.

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I guess the Justice Department is worried about its 90% conviction rate and is concerned that there's only an 89% chance of convicting the weasel.

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You are the lawyer Mr. Kuo; but I thought it was long ago (since1792 & Kentucky Resolution) that federal law always overruled state law. Yes the states did have some autonomy that was whatever fed permitted them to have.

Why not sequester all federal funds to Texas---I don't think the courts will allow it, and Abbott and Paxton would scream. Or why don't the DOJ arrest Abbott and Paxton and try them for crimes against humanity. Oh we don't do that here either, do we?

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Generally, federal law preempts state law. The conservative courts are tying themselves in knots to claim “states’ rights”—except where those rights aren’t to their liking, in which case they claim federal power must control. It’s all very disingenuous.

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Currently, the Supreme Court will have to decide if it is a 'state right' to declare someone cannot be on the ballot because that person was part of an insurrection. After all the manner of how the elections are done is up to the states.

Note: Couy Griffin in New Mexico was removed from office based on A14.3.


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well of course.

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The 10th Amendment says almost the opposite. State law trumps federal law except in areas the Constitution carves out for the feds. Now exactly how to interpret that varies depending on whether you are MAGA or not...

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Actually that is not what it says. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This is sometimes used to mean states have equal powers, however the powers elegated to congress and to fed. courts as always been interpreted by courts to mean staytes can't renege congressionally mandated. laws that always supersede state. And there was also a case where the supreme court allowed feds to withdrawn state highway funds because of a corrupt (but not convicted) official in Ok. highway dept..

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I like it. Let the whiny snowflakes scream, they’ll go to the courts and it will be amusing to watch the “welfare queen” states like Texas cry for the “evil” federal funds that they survive on.

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Personally I think Mexico should indict Abbott for his razor wire stunt and request his extradition. Since I believe someone died from the wire , they could indict him, for murder and our treaty with Mexico requires us to send them to Mexico. Although I don't think that applies to Am. citizens (at least not if in US). But...how about we indicting him ourselves for a violation of international law.

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So, it appears that a women's ability to conceive a child is not considered a major bodily function, as in the possibility that Kate Cox could have lost that ability if forced to carry her pregnancy to term despite the reality that her fetus would never have survived if born. I wonder if she would have been tried for having an illegal abortion should her fetus miscarry prior to full term as is happening to a woman in Ohio(?). Thankfully, Mrs. Cox was able to leave the state and obtain a portion care but I wonder if the state of Texas is poised to prosecute her for doing so, or some self-righteous persons are seeking the $10,000 bounty provided for in Texas' anti-abortion law.

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