Judge Jackson is becoming my hero. The irony that the emancipation of my freedoms as a white man who respects the rights of women is being fought by a warrior knighthood of fierce black women judges. We rely so much on them to slay this fire breathing dragon of Christo-fascism.

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The notorious KBJ

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I like it. The sword of justice has passed from the fierce Knight of Justice RBG to the new Knight of Justice KBJ.

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She is definitely becoming my hero, too!!!

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the catastrophic anti-abortion laws not only affect women directly, but also men and families. A significant number of conceptions result in problems incompatible with carrying to term. many such sad things occur to women with husbands and children. putting that mother @ risk puts the husband and family @ risk. how many husbands are equipped to suffer the loss of their wife and the responsibility for full- time care of one or more typically young children? this is as cruel as the death of the woman considered in isolation. it reverts to a primitive time when care options in such situations were not known. as an OB -GYN from Idaho said - there is nothing worse than knowing what care a patient needs and not being allowed to provide it.

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There is a saying that can judge or evaluate a country by how they treat their poor. I would like to add whether they provide the respect towards women they deserve.

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Sadly republican uber-religious men see it as "an act of god", shrug, and get a younger wife and repeat, as often as necessary. It would never occur to them just just keep their religion out of healthcare and let women live.

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This is Project 2025 being enacted. Alito and his flags, Thomas and his wife, are all for the Heritage Foundation's project. Add into all of that Kavanaugh's mystery benefactor paying off his debts. The goal IS delay as much as possible until after the election, so the full force of the project can move forward with SCOTUS and the lower courts in place to defend it.

Get out and vote, people.

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Yes. Exactly the point I made recently. These SC delays & decisions all make perfect sense when seen as laying ground for Project 2025.

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Scotus has been weaponised and politicised by von trump and his maga corrupt republican party. They have lost all trust from american citizens long ago. Those corrupt justices must be expelled. Insane!

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Well, we have the power to vote the entire republican party out of office. I say: "Let's do it!"

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You hit the nail on the head again Jay! This was done to make the GQP seem "moderate" on abortion before the election. Nothing more than that. When they take the issue up again, and they will, the US Government will lose. Even when Biden wins in November, this court will continue to push minority rule.

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Yes, the Court is showing their partisan political views once again. Take the issue off the agenda for the election, just as they’ve embarrassingly done with the issue of presidential immunity. “Justice delayed is justice denied.”

They are as obvious & transparent as they are duplicitous. A true shame.

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I respectfully disagree. This does not make the GOP seem "moderate" on abortion, it simply delays flying the flag of their true colors until after the election. In many states, like my own (Ohio), abortion became a furiously important issue. We got it on the ballot and now our rather corrupt state government is frantically trying to figure out how our voted directives on the issue can be modified.

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Of course it doesn't, but that won't stop them from CLAIMING that. I can hear the talking heads now: "See the supreme court ruled against us, we're not so terrible on abortion rights."

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How you see this might depend on how awake (woke?!?) you are.

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Vote blue FULL BALLOT!

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yes !! governors snd state legislatures are very very very important. our friends @ Heritage are hoping to have state legislatures convene a constitutional convention to propose (and then ratify) changes/ amendments to the constitution to permanently remake the country.

look for papers by John Malcolm @ the heritage foundation website.

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in particular they favor a “unitary executive” ( which Trump once called a “unified reich” — really!!) which is supreme over legislative and judiciary branches, not coequal. that is a dictatordhip.

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In the first place, something can happen in a pregnancy out of nowhere,and there are also times a Mom won't understand or realize right away that something might potentially be wrong,or that it could become life threatening if not looked after.

In most normal routine cases,there isn't an expectation that an abortion is going to be the first thing that's called for when a pregnant woman turns up in the ER.She could be admitted to hospital to be under observation,given treatment,watch to see if labor can be stopped,or making sure that she will be okay to go home.

But what bothers me,is when it's obvious that the pregnancy isn't going normally,there's obviously heavy bleeding or the water has broken early,or early onset of conditions like preeclampsia,which can have dangerous high blood pressure,and a doctor is expected by law to let someone go to a point of losing too much blood,or becoming dangerously septic,or with way too high blood pressure that could induce a stroke,this is just barbaric.The politicians look heartless and uncaring.The doctors are faced with impossible choices.

A pregnant woman who is in an emergency situation isn't there with that just because she"wants an abortion"or she don't want her baby.She is likely scared,and also afraid she could lose a baby she wanted and planned for.Nothing could be scarier.But yet,the zealot politicians see a need to overreact,and demand the unborn baby be saved or ELSE,even at the expense of the health,future fertility or life of an ill woman.

Just imagine,if a heart attack patient were treated this way.To be told, You're not sick enough, you're faking,go home and stop the act.How many people would die? Obviously that would be absurd,and tragic.And also malpractice.But why single out a pregnant woman with complications that are beyond her control,and force her to be with in an inch of her life before it's okay to save her life?How the hell is that justified?

I do wonder,would these people feel differently if it was their wife,or daughter,in life threatening distress,and they have to stand by and wait until she's almost dead before someone can help her?Like,they wouldn't care to just stand there and wait for her to die?How sad and barbaric.

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I wonder how MAGA men would feel about heart bypass surgery if the same criteria were applied to them? "We have to wait until just before your heart stops to operate."

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My feelings on this are becoming sufficiently barbaric that I *almost* wish a couple of the most vocal of the no-abortion politicians would get to Very Publicly experience wives or daughters going through this agonizing process. Watching their wives/daughters get the quick green light for “medically necessary life saving surgery”. I almost wish for this; hanging on to the fraying remnants of my personal decency Christian beliefs.

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I have entertained thoughts of standing over one of those poor hapless women,and reminding the anti-abortion zealots about their screaming"NO EXCEPTIONS!!!"over our wives and daughters and gleefully pointing out this means YOURS too!For sure they should have to sweat and handwring and"wail and gnash teeth"the same way they sit in their Ivory Towers and expect the rest of us to do.Like maybe make them take a dose of their own bitter medicine for a change.

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That depends on how fundamentalistically religious they are. If not, they never would have allowed things to get this far...they lack empathy.

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Jay, slightly off-topic at first to get back on-topic: In today's Sackler Opioid ruling, Kavanaugh dissented with this comment: (NYT) "Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh homed in on the complication, asking the government why it would push to end a tactic approved over '30 years of bankruptcy court practice.' " He goes on to say that the majority of plaintiffs accepted the initial ruling, so why muck that up?

Can you please ask / highlight Justice Kavanaugh on why the Court (and he) chose to to overturn Roe v Wade, a ruling with over 50 years of safe medical practice, and which had significant public support?

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I assume this is a rhetorical question!

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It needs to be called out. Such a blatant contradiction.

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It suited the partisan Justices as needed. If it helps Trump. MAGA or Rich Republicans, then do it. Otherwise, what the heck!

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I would like to know the male equivalent of this issue.

What emergency medical situation would a man ever find himself in where the doctor says, "I'd love to save your life, but legislators have ruled that this particular life-saving procedure is against their beliefs so you'll just have to die. We doctors have our hands tied. If we use this procedure to save your life we could be prosecuted and lose our medical licenses. Maybe if you drive a couple hundred miles to another state where this is legal, they can help you. So sorry"

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Prostrate cancer comes to mind. Imagine if “sorry, if we operate to cure your cancer, you won’t be able to impregnate anyone so we can’t do that”. Or a man who wants a vasectomy to protect his wife from a potentially harmful pregnancy is denied it because he is healthy.

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the closest is when the man’s wife, the mother of his children is denied care by laws

but to directly answer, i doubt there is one; i might nominate treatment for kidney stones. ( yes i know women get them too ).

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Some people don't know what an abortion actually is and how it is used medically to save women's lives.

Their idea of abortion is that it's used by slutty women who irresponsibly get pregnant and want to get rid of the pregnancy.

My friend recently told me a story from 40 years ago when she had an ectopic pregnancy.

She didn't know she was pregnant, which is common for ectopic pregnancies.

She had severe stomach pain and thought she was having an appendicitis attack.

She went to where the the ER where the ectopic pregnancy was quickly diagnosed and was rushed to surgery because the ovary had ruptured and she was bleeding internally.

The bleeding was so bad she was given Last Rites from the priest on duty at the hospital.

Luckily, the bleeding was gotten under control.

I remarked that she was lucky that abortion was legal then or she could have been left to die if she lived in a state that banned abortion.

She said, "I didn't have an abortion. The just removed the dead tissue and the ovary."

I told her legally it was an abortion and many states have no provision for saving the life of the mother even if the pregnancy is nonviable.

She was very, very surprised at this as I think other people are too when they talk about abortion.

The fertilized egg that implanted in her ovary and not in her uterus was dead. Her ovary had burst.

Medically, to save her life and stop her bleeding to death, the fertilized egg and what was left of her ovary had to be removed.

That was an example or a life-saving abortion that may forced birth people think shouldn't happen even if the mother dies.

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Abortion is healthcare.

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It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out, in the medical world, miscarriages are referred to as abortions also. Yes, we have a lot of learning to do.

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The medical term is "spontaneous abortion". The public has allowed the medically ignorant to attach stigma to a common occurance. We need to claim the term back from them.

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Yes, we do!

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This was the exact situation my sister went through. I use it as an example often and am always shocked by how many do not realize that the care you explained would not occur in the same way anymore in states like mine. (Idaho) In addition here in N Idaho we have lost many of our OB/GYNs and some small communities no longer have OB/GYNs at their local small hospital or any local women's care at all. Visits for care can be 2+ hours travel one way. Now consider being a busy working mother. Is there enough time in the day for 5 hours of travel and doctors visits, especially near term when visits become more frequent? These are all horrific circumstances that are surely already increasing deaths and harm.

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And they'll say behind closed doors that it is working as planned. Raul Labrador is an idiot who lied about women being airlifted out just to get medical standard of care. A lie that is so easily disproven.

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Exactly. He like the other clueless wing nuts don't even know why many abortions are needed.

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And because they are religious fanatics, who lve in an alternate universe mentally, don’t care.

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You know, for an entity that is supposed to be above politics and only concerned for the law, this Supreme Court appears to be driven by politics, starting with the decision they want and then reverse engineering the logic in how they got there. Shame on them.

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Like the expression "reverse engineering".

It is helpful to have an expression like that to make sense of what's going on. It's almost as if, in this time of turmoil, we need to expand our vocabularies in order to understand the different plays of the 2025 gang.

Once understanding, we can do a better job of responding.

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A daily reminder that there's nothing the extremist majority does that makes 98% of American lives safer or better - just like the extremist party that put them in place.

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I will start by saying I am not a lawyer. I am someone who pays attention to the details. The current Court has been cited for having just completed one of the least productive sessions in a very long time. Even with that very low rating, the Court also seems to have had leakage issues that raised questions. There have been at least two cases where they could have decided cases but elected to delay them by sending them back for reasons that should have stopped them from accepting the cases in the first place. Together, this list of duhs begs the following questions. Is the Court now so corrupt that they will only take cases with favorable outcomes for the conservatives? Is it so corrupt that it is now trying to sway the presidential election by delaying or denying to hear cases that have the potential of supporting the current Democratic Administration? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then we are in a Constitutional Crisis that has yet to be honored with the title.

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As dangerous as Trump and the gop are to our democracy… it’s the illegitimate, bought and paid for SCOTUS that will kill it.

The Senate MUST act to investigate scotus and shine a light into every stinky dark crevice. Women are dying because of this….

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The truth.

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Jun 27Edited

This just really pisses me off....so much so that I am almost speechless. Judge Jackson is amazing and I am very grateful that she is on the court.

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Again.....anyone seeking to tell a woman what they can and can't do with their body; and doesn't have a uterus, should not be giving an opinion about women's bodies. However, if they can't remove themselves from the fray, then we need to be putting limits and laws on what they can and cannot do with their penises. After all, they are what are causing this problem/discussion in the first place....led by Biff, the one who can't keep his own pants zipped and is a convicted rapist.

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id like to have a panel of obgyns review these laws.

most other men’s knowledge of female anatomy and physiology, let alone of the complications of pregnancy, is, shall we say, skin deep.

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The ignorance is shocking - and infuriating

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agree! what’s even more shocking is people feeling they should make laws about dangerous situations they know little about.

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I want to share this podcast that Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project did with the Texas couple who went through the most egregious nightmare after the fetus died about three months into the pregnancy. It is difficult to listen to this horror show, but it’s worth knowing what doctors are capable of when constrained by these insane abortion rules. It is only about 30 minutes long and worth your time.


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