All the Maricopa Co. ballots were spoiled once they were turned over to a private contractor (illegally) without any precautions against tampering. They may as well have burned all the ballots.

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The damage done by the former guy and his minions, is going to reverberate for generations. Every election is going to be like this, from now on. This is criminal activity, by Republicans, IMO and it must be stopped. I can't believe this has been allowed to go on, at all, but especially for this long, without any kind of real oversight. We're never going to get rid of the idiots that glom onto this crap and unfortunately, stupidity is almost as contagious as COVID.

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This has gotten so far out of hand and is so far over the top should never happen in our election process, democracy is being flushed down the toilet over a sad pathetic orange monster dictator wannabe! I am so over his and his radical bases falsehoods and conspiracies this country is losing its mind and half of Americans seem to approve of the lies and ridiculous conspiracies l, wtf is happening? We are living a nightmare Americans better wake the heck up because those who are claiming my rights and fraud are the ones who may wind up getting bit in the ass and wondering wtf happened when their dictator really shows his ugly. SMDH this needs to end!!

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I would say that no reasonable person would take this "Audit" seriously, but that's not exactly the audience.

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It's a shame, in a weird way, that our side doesn't also lack the scruples and discernment enough to counter with our own crazy conspiracy hypotheses. I don't have the heart to credit these crazy stories with being theories.

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In your fifth paragraph (not counting the quoted letter), should the hashtag be realauditorsdont, instead of readauditorsdont? Thank you for following and reporting on this issue.

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Thanks for catching that

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If only we had a president who knew about the election fraud of 2016 and had 4 years to fix it!

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#PuckRefuglycans ANYWAY.

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Jay Question ❓ Sorry 😐 not to change the subject.. great article!!I deeply can't understand why our Constitution doesn't allow the Democratics to use THIS:


the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

"the regulation imposes censorship on all media"...... FOX news 📰,Tucker,CRUZ Gaetz Green 🍏...We need to stop 🛑 this and more would relax and perhaps be more available for TRUTH........ just asking.... WHY isn't this a weapon?

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My thoughts on this...they're trying to find the Republicans who voted "wrong" and target them. Not to mention the blatant data breach.

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I have a theory to share here. At the risk of adding another conspiracy to the pile, I would like to point out the Republican tendency to accuse others of criminal activities that they themselves have (apparently) been guilty of committing. The premise of my theory is that it would be too difficult to alter an election at the Presidential level because of the complexity of the task involved in committing fraud in a multi-state (national) environment. Too many eyes, too many differing groups to deal with. On the other hand, holding the Oval Office is not that important to controlling the government. It would be much easier, more simplified to simply make sure that candidates in Congress, for example, each running in a single state, got enough votes to avoid an automatic recount. My suggestion would be taking a closer look at the other companies who supplied voting equipment for the 2020 election. And maybe auditing some of the other ballots and machines at that level. Again, I make the disclaimer that this is entirely conjecture, I have nothing but suspicions and observations to go by.

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Hi, Jay. You are a litigator by training, and an excellent one at that. These statements are consistent with those of a defensive party before discovery, no? Let’s hope someone objective wades into the raucous and produces some findings beyond reproach. Yes, no election fraud. But fraud is an incredibly high legal standard, rarely proven in the absence of compelling direct evidence, as you know.

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I wish that fraud in the eyes of the public had to survive a Rule 9(b) challenge! Sadly all it takes to convince the Trump base is a mere unfounded allegation. They won't ever prove fraud, but they know they don't have to here to discredit the election in the eyes of Republican voters.

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