Where are the Dems?!

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Paula I think we need More AOC's Schumer want to compromise. We need to fight Harder than that now.

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they are still the monitory that will not help until we are at least even and then again??? Sure wish he will declare Marshal law so we can have a legal coup? The same as in South Korea in October.

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If Congress allows this to happen, they will be counted as complicit.

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It would effectively void the US Constitution!

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Pro tip. They don’t care if they’re complicit, and the Dems are not fighting back hard enough. 🤷‍♂️😎

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They are doing something: https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2025/01/28/congress/schumer-murray-funding-freeze-00200955. Whether it's enough? Probably not--yet.

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And it's not like the complicit corporate media give them any coverage unless it is negative to increase the helplessness we are feeling.

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Also, sort out if these memos (as have others) were actually *from* the OMB, or writers from Heritage/Project 2025. You can find in the metadata of the .pdfs, as you are likely aware.

If they are indeed from P2025, this is the far bigger issue.

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If we have to depend on Congress to keep up the guard rails of democracy, we are, quite frankly, doomed

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Thanks, Jay. I look forward to your take on this blatant overreach—and what we can do about it.

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And just think, he know wants Mike Johnson to agree that he can have a third term in office! No way! We are going to survive, maybe just barely, the 4 years coming at us.

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Jay, I'll have a Yankoboop ready for you if you want it--

(it'll also be on Mixtape on the Titanic when I get around to it... https://democracyonhospice.substack.com/s/mixtape-on-the-titanic )

Fiscal Footsie With Fascism

Verse 1:

Executive Order Number Who's-Still-Counting-Now,

Says democracy's too pricey, gotta shut the whole thing down!

Freezing federal funding with a dictatorial dance,

While Congress sits there wondering who stole their fiscal pants!


They're playing Monopoly with Medicare,

Strip poker with the schools!

Taking food stamps hostage just because they can,

Breaking every golden rule!

The Constitution's now available

As a pay-per-view event!

Verse 2:

The Treasury's been relocated to Mar-a-Lago's vault,

They say it's just procedural, but honey, that's assault!

Research grants are frozen like a dead man's bank account,

While billionaires get tax breaks that nobody can count!


(Spoken in game show host voice)

"Welcome to 'Who Wants to Be an Autocrat?'

Today's grand prize: The entire federal budget!

No lifelines, no rules, no accountability required!"

Verse 3:

They call it budget management, I call it grand theft state,

Putting democracy on ice while fascism can't wait!

The purse strings are now puppet strings in tiny golden hands,

Welcome to America's new budget wonderland!

Final Chorus:

They're playing Jenga with our civil rights,

Russian Roulette with aid!

Taking bets on which department dies,

While democracy gets delayed!

The White House is now a casino,

And we're all forced to play!

(Whispered outro):

"Please note: Your constitutional rights have been placed on hold due to insufficient democracy balance..."

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The little lady in tennis shoes aiming such shoes directly at Vaeth's tender parts

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This will become “raise the debt ceiling or I won’t unfreeze these funds” - wait a second - we already hit the debt ceiling - why is this not the screaming hot topic right now?

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well, since the government can't SPEND any money at the moment, maybe we haven't actually passed it.

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It'll be funny when all the police agencies around the country are like, "WTF just happened?"

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Housing and stock values have soared in particular for the wealthiest one-tenth of Americans over the past four years. The value of their home equity has leapt 70% from the first quarter of 2020 through the second quarter of this year, according to Fed data — to $17.6 trillion. Their stock and mutual fund wealth has jumped 86%, to just under $37 trillion.

Now , who needs a tax cut?

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They are so greedy that they can never get enough! He who dies with the most wins.

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Absolutely, Jay. Looking forward to your take on the latest power grab.

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So they are having RFK, Jrs hearings today. These are the senators and their phone numbers who are on the confirmation committee. Please call their office and ask they do not confirm RFK, Jr. If you are not one of their constituents tell them you are a US Citizen who will be affected by any and all of the Health issues Mr. Kennedy touches. Be aware that he is anti polio vaccines and a number of other vaccinations. This can affect things like measels, chicken pox and of course Polio. RFK, Jr confirmation

Senator Mike Crapo 202.224.6142

John Cornyn 202-224-2934

Senator John Thune (202) 224-2321

Senator Tim Scott (202) 224-6121

Bill Cassidy MD (202) 224-5824

Todd Young (202) 224-5623

John Barrasso 202-224-6441

Marsha Blackburn 202. 224.3344

Ron Johnson (202) 224-5323

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I can’t wait! Sort it out, please!

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Huge question here. Has anyone else seen a post reporting Federalist Foundation individuals showing up randomly in DC government offices with laptops and communications equipment? I saw a post allegedly from a department employee reporting that this was happening in several government offices.

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