We must never forget how complicit everyone around him was, especially Dr. Birx. She could have stood up and defended science and common sense, but, she sat silent, then went on TV to actually praise him. She's now on her rehabilitation tour. Her and the others who stood silently by, while hundreds of thousands of people died, are just as responsible as he is. They don't get to sweep this under the bridge and act like nothing happened. Why he is the hill these people chose to kill their reputations and careers on is beyond me, but, it was a choice they made, and that choice caused a lot of people their lives. We must never let them forget that.

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Trump fired our CDC Response Team; he is at fault for ALL the deaths because CDC could not get into China & help China stop it in China. We all know CDC stopped Ebola & taught Africans what to do if it returned. Which it did around the time COVID became known. Africa fought it off! DT simply fired the CDC Pandemic Response because President Obama started it. This is an example of hatred of a Black American which caused over 3 million possibly 4 million deaths world wide. It is a reason to call Race-hatred a danger to the world. Let all people remember hating a Black American & disregarding his work caused C-19. It is time for white Americans to stop the hatred in their Race. Stop passing it down to their children. Does the entire world have to suffer again so whites can hate Black Americans? Stop racism now the next thing might be worse.

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People don't realize how vindictive and bullying hd is if someone doesn't do as he asks. Well documented since childhood, he is a mean bully and always retaliate if he feels slighted. People around him and afraid of what he will do. That's my take.

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That explains where the wacky drink bleach to cure COVID-19 came from. I always wondered where he got that gem. As it turns out not only was Donald Trump wrong, so was Dr. Fauchi of NIAID when we put out a presser at the beginning of the pandemic that you did not need to wear a mask and that in fact it might make things worse. Donald Trump repeated that false information in the media that we later learned was said by Dr. Fauchi because we had a mask shortage. I remember at the time some even argued on social media that wearing a mask was anti-Chinese and racist.

As wrong as the bleach story was, it appears no one died. As it turns out using a small amount of bleach in your water is like boiling it and a common way to kill off certain bacteria. In fact, this is common practice in Lister bags the military uses to provide water to a large number of troops in the field. Now, drinking straight bleach will kill you, but it appears no one did that. It would be interesting to compare how many people died from drinking bleach (apparently 0) vs how many died from not wearing a mask early on due to Dr. Fauchi intentionally misleading the public due to a mask shortage. Listen to science I guess.

We also have President Bush's lies about WMDs that killed 100's of thousands in Afghanistan and Iraq, so we will need to deplatform him from Twitter. President Obama did a surge in Afghanistan that got Americans unnecessarily killed along with expanded drone strikes. Probably deplatform him too.

Of course, that will never happen because with the exception of President Trump it's typically the poor and marginalized like sex workers who are deplatformed on Twitter or demonitized on Google (to include the socialist workers party web site). Why it's almost as if once we popularize censorship it's then weaponized against people who don't have a voice or institutional power to defend themselves. On the bright side, no politician but President Trump has ever lied, or will ever lie so we won't have to deal with that problem again.

As for President Trump's stupid bleach and Covid claim, he made that on national TV and it was widely reported in the News so I fail to see the link between that and his Twitter accounts. I guess reasons.

Politicians, especially presidents have PR people and access to the media, so shutting down there social media accounts seems performative, but perhaps that's the point. the trouble you run into is that there is a 1st amendment right to "spread false and dangerous ideas," you just can't force a private site to carry that message. Unfortunately, there is no 1st amendment right to force those sites to spread honest messages that are not in their interests either. What could possibly go wrong?

Like millions of American's I thought President Trump was a joke and should not have been president. Unlike millions of American's I think the current President is a joke who should not be president also, but "wings" I suppose. Either way, censorship usually ends badly by not punishing the people you want. That and historically the question was raised "if we censor, who will we place in charge of deciding what gets censored?" At least we have resolved that question since I suspect you believe you are uniquely qualified to make that decision for the public Mr. Kuo.

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No one was “lying, about wearing masks!

At the beginning of COVID even allege actual experts had no idea how the virus was passed from one person to another, and the amount of masks and other PPE was is very short supply. Dr. Fauci wanted what the USA did have to be left for all the frontline health workers who were getting up close and personal with those coming is suffering from COVID.

As the science knowledge increased about how the virus was spread, via the inhalation of viral particles, and the amount of available masks and PPE increased, it became apparent that wearing a mask was a good thing for everyone to practise.

Now research has shown that that is the only way that COVID spreads, just like TB, measles and Chicken Pox, through microscopic sized aerosol droplets in the air.

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You used a quote mark next to lying, but I'm not a fan of that word and did not use it.

Both things are true. You're right there is much we did not know at the beginning of the pandemic and still don't know. Science is a process, not a series of conclusions and scientist should always make that clear before they tell us to "trust the experts." That and science is simply the first step. Policy is something else.

What scientist should not do if they want to be taken seriously in the future is knowingly say something they later admit was not true. When Dr. Fauchi himself admits he knowingly misled people on this topic I'm not sure how you can argue he did no such thing:


"Dr. Fauci Admits Feds Initially Misled About Face Masks: ‘Wanted to Make Sure Health Care Workers’ Had Enough"

The way to handle this would have been to tell the truth. Tell people we had a shortage of masks for healthcare workers so non-healtcare workers for the time being should make due with what they have available. He might also add a statement not to listen to Donald Trump for medical advice. Can you imagine how many lives would have been saved in the first 3 weeks if Dr. Fauchi had told people to make their own masks?

Don't hand ammunition to the anti-Coivid-19 conspiracy theorists that "they should trust the experts" when the experts admit to knowingly withholding information from them.

Dr. Fauchi also admitted to the New York Times that he knowingly downplayed the percentage of people who would need to be vaccinated in order for the United States to reach herd immunity, and then he raised that number only because of a “gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks."


I suspect we agree 100% on the science if we remove the politics. President Trump was a disaster who misled the public about Covid 19. We should be wearing masks and social distancing. What I find troubling is that those who say "trust the experts" continue to defend experts who knowingly mislead us with inaccurate statements even when those experts themselves admit later they knew better when they made those statements. When you do this you only support the conspiracy theorists.

Admittedly, I am not taking a political side on this. No doubt if President Trump had told the public they need to wear masks, his opponents would be talking about how their civil rights were violated and holding cuddle parties in protest.

More proof that politics is based on situational ethics over principles. I belong to a tiny group who believes Donald Trump being terrible is not an excuse for experts to mislead the public, but that goes back to the principle thing I mentioned.

Lest me miss the main point, this post was about the need to deplatform those who spread bad information. Given that Dr. Fauchi has admitted to withholding information at least 2 times, is that the person you want in charge of who should be deplatformed on Twitter?

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