Thanks Jay. I'm Canadian and am heartily sick of the "protest" and idiots saying they're speaking for "all Canadians". It's even caused some interesting conversations within my own family. I'm a Social Worker, so I'm used to having unpopular opinions but, Holy Crap, I never thought I'd have such a difference of opinion from my hubby and oldest daughter! They, like many of these protesters, don't seem to get that we may have rights but we also have responsibilities to others in our society 😕.

I just read that Ontario's premier is calling a State of Emergency today because of the ongoing disruption from these people who have become more occupiers than protesters.

The science deniers have really caused a lot of division in our countries.

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Angry and stupid on parade. Never underestimate the dangers of Stu-I’d people gathered in large numbers.

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A reminder the the alleged start of this nonsense was a vax requirement for truckers to come back into Canada from the US -- which has a vax mandate for truckers to enter. It was bogus to begin with, and it's bogus now.

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What if it were black truckers? You know what the fox News would say then. What is wrong with this world?

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This is what happens when the tolerant continue to believe these people can be reasoned with. It’s no different than when your 3 year old throws a temper tantrum because they want a toy, and you give in. It emboldens them!

There should have been a major crack down on this type of disinformation right from the start, but Trump and his sycophants decided to use it as wedge that could gain them the Presidency again. And all that miasma of anger, hatred, ignorance, and right wing conspiracy theories, spread across our border, because damn near ALL of our media entertainment is American. And though our deplorables are a much smaller percentage of our population, they are just as ignorant of our country, it’s founding principles, our Constitution or even what rights and freedoms we have as opposed to what the believe from all the Americanisms they have absorbed!

Not to mention that our right wing party, the Conservatives, have been trying desperately to become the Republican Party North since Stephen Harper was Prime Minister, and they have attempted to use every leaf out of the Trumplikins playbook, while adopting an anti-everything stance, playing to the most intolerant of the populace.

And now, after they stood with them, supported them and encouraged them, these same right wing politicians are now realizing their own provinces are being hit economically, by the blockades, and are asking them to go home, hoping to god, that people forget them shaking hands with white supremacists, having their pictures taken with people holding Nazi paraphernalia, and wearing White Power symbols! I guess some of them have finally realized that when you grab a tiger by the tail it’s DAMNED hard to let go without it eating you!

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Thank you for bringing some clarity and sanity to this “protest “. Reading and watching the news left me with the mistaken belief that there are more involved when in reality it is a group of suckers and loud thugs. Jay from Lancaster,Pa

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I hope they spread and block the super bowl!!! nothing will turn this country against them more than that

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That sounds likely.

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Listening to Beau of the fifth column this am, he said the spokesmen is deputizing members to arrest people?? If I understood correctly. He thinks this will be bad for them. I feel like everyone is “hands off” these days to the point where other’s rights matter more than yours and mine.

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That’s how I see it too. These folks say they’re “fighting for our freedom and rights” but think it’s perfectly okay to trample on EVERYONE else’s rights to do so. These folks believe they are far more important that anyone else. And I can’t quite figure out what rights or freedoms they think they have lost when Canada sits at #6 in the World Freedom Index, when the USA doesn’t even make it into the top 10!

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Jay, I’m glad you weighed in on this because I’m reading conflicting explanations of who’s behind this … though I still have questions.

Dave Troy (via Medium) is someone whose opinion I generally trust and he’s saying it’s right wingers/libertarians working in concert (knowingly or unknowingly, unclear to me) with Putin’s operatives. And that these “protests” are meant to spread chaos to further undermine world economies and foment more social unrest. For what purpose? WTF knows but I can guess.

But then I read on the another writer (on the Tangle blog by Isaac Saul) who lives in Ontario and claims to have spent time walking around talking to the truckers and he says they’re mostly regular people (of all ethnicities) who are fed up with government overreach.

I try* to be careful about the people I read but this one is a head scratcher. But it has me very worried, especially with elections on the horizon … hard not to feel like the world is just crumbling apart in every way possible.

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I have a friend and her father who live in the neighbourhood in Ottawa where this occupation has been occurring. They said they are being terrorized in their own homes. Her father has Stage 7 Pancreatic cancer, and first they couldn’t get in or out to get home to his treatments, because they had to walk at least 10 to 12 blocks to get in or out without a vehicle, and every time they went out they were harassed for wearing masks, called names, and intimidated. The caregiver quit because she was being harassed both sexually and because she is not white being called all sorts of colourful names! And she says the ones who are there now, really are, as far as she’s concerned, “the scum of the earth”!

Talking with the terrorists does nothing but attempt to humanize them. Instead listen to those who are being terrorized. And all the stories I’m hearing from friends and family who live all over there, it’s been the same for them!

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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

They are copying the “Freedumb” convoy here in New Zealand.

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I can’t “like” your comment, because there is nothing to like about the moron circus. But I understand completely. Sorry.

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Thank you Alexis. It is getting ugly here. Q-Anon supporters believe our Prime Minister was arrested at the White House and now wears an ankle bracelet under house arrest. Crazy stuff.


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Yeah, that sounds just insane enough for these nut bars to believe.

Just amazes me what they WILL believe.

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When is enough, enough???

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