Every time you turn over a rock, something Trump slithers out.

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Ain't that the truth...

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Oh, man--this is the most riveting thing I have read in a long while. Outstanding reporting, Jay! Must share this one with everyone I know....

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Since Watergate. Notice: WASHINGTON POST strikes again--even under Bezo's ownership. God bless Patricia Graham

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Did you mean Katharine?

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Of course ! And she's one of my sheroes, too. Bad me . . . .

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Oh thank you for this! Scott Perry has always felt hinky to me... when I was on twitter I followed his absurdities but I had no idea his crazy went so deep. The arrogance of these people still amazes me, that they could be SO SURE of themselves in spite of a lack of evidence... Italy Gate? COME ON! 😂. I hope Jack Smith nails these wingnuts! 🙏

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Another thing that concerns me is how many high-level military people are absolutely nutso and have been involved in promoting these conspiracy theories, including the guy mentioned in here and Michael Flynn, who absolutely needs to be sent to another planet.

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Janet, so true. The farthest planet. 🙄

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If the astronomers can find Planet 9, then how about there? Just bring your best winter coat for the cold.

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Excellent point

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Not to mention all the ex-military personnel who were part of the J6 mob. It’s highly disturbing.

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Nothing new there - this guy (and others, of course) are in the tradition of Gen. Curtis Lemay. A highly competent military officer, and a total wackjob when it came to politics. Nothing new under the sun and all that...

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And this from the TPM article:

"At the time, a 2021 Senate Judiciary Report said, Clark was seeking access to classified records from the DNI to substantiate a theory that the Chinese government had weaponized advanced home thermostats to interfere with voting machines."

Seriously, "weaponizing" Smart thermostats? You mean my Google Nest has been infiltrated by the PRC? Who knew?

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😂😂. Right! The thermostat thing - how is anyone so loyal to someone that they lose contact with all reality!?

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I still believe Perry was the one who took some insurrectionists on a tour of the Capitol right before J6 so they would know where Dem congressional offices were.

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I'm embarrassed he from my state of Pennsylvania. In his bio he says: "He’s the grandson of Colombian immigrants" and "He was raised in a spartan home (for several years with no electricity and plumbing), bathed in a steel tub on the porch, pumped water from a well, and cut firewood with his older brother to keep the family warm in winter." Too bad he didn't learn any ethics while he was living such a hard life. 🙄

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Santos has been expelled, many others deserve to be as well but one is better than none, Vote 💙

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We shall win back the House from these fools and miscreants.

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I certainly hope so but the excuse "exhaustion from this news" must be dispelled, erased and the mantra must be spoken. Are you registered? Please get registered. Please vote - your freedom is in the balance"

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💙 We need it all to stop the chaos 💙

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Perry's promulgations of so patently obvious lunacies may have allowed SC Smith et al to dismiss Perry as a fringe player, but in my mind his "beliefs" were a (clever?) dodge for his real machinations with Clark and other bad actors. Whatever, Perry has managed to avoid indictments or being named as an "unindicted co-conspirator", at least up to now.

On a side note, Judge Beryl Howell deserves a Medal of Freedom for her tireless work on the bench during the Jan6 trials and associated cases, operating with cool judicial resolve and flawless decision-making.

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She must be so overworked and exhausted from it all.

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Probably aided in her decision to step down as Chief Judge of the DC courts.

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I despise Perry. Sully the name of my state, PA! I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong, but PA has the revolting distinction of having the most “Statesmen” involved in the January 6th insurrection/sedition seated in Congress, PA state house or state senate out of any state in the country.

Perry and his other little henchmen, Mike Kelly for instance, ready to back Perry’s play.

Regardless of the absurdity, Italygate, German soldiers, Cousin Eddie’s radioactive shitter, or any number of things Jewish or laser based.

This delusional lunatic must not be permitted to govern in any capacity whatsoever. As it should’ve been 3 and half years ago.

It has not gone beyond notice that all seditious conspirators have been seated, albeit their votes refusing to certify the 2020 Presidential election. They willfully turned their backs on our democracy, refusing to defend the Constitution or uphold the oath they swore to it. Seated without protest and have accomplished nothing. Nothing.

”Hold the Budget Hostage every year we have the majority in House” has met with “Maybe we should’ve thought this Michael Johnson thing through”. He’s looking smarmier than Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas in a little row boat. The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick Maker up to their usual high jinx. Only nowadays, transparency is having some unintended consequences for those whose usual cloak of invisibility is deeply malfunctioning. So yes, boys and girls, it’s not just “The Emperor” with a new wardrobe of “Clothes”!

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Phew...rant of the week👍👍👍👍!

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I wonder why these delusional/disturbed people always think "their" god is on their side and telling them what to do....

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To paraphrase Forrest Gump, Crazy is as crazy does.

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IKR? They scream Fake News but believe all the BS they hear on Fox.

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Ive read several of Adam Kinzingers Substacks and he refers to these people as being in a cult. I think that’s accurate. You can’t discern from right and wrong, honesty or deceit... they’re dangerous.

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If it is a cult, it’s a cult of power. That is their main aphrodisiac

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Exactly! Arrogance and stupidity and just plain DEPLORABLE.

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Thank you for that fantastic reportage.

There are a LOT of termites in the wood. Prying Scott Perry out will undoubtedly result in more and more Congressional MAGA insurrectionists being lifted blinking into the unaccustomed light of day.

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Let us hope so.

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A fog of methyl bromide will take care of those termites real good.

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No deal for Perry! Prosecute the hell out of him!

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I live to see Jeffrey go down.

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Laughing out loud at your tongue in cheek humor. Love it…and all your great research and story development.

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It always amazes me, from the Jan 6 emails and texts that are finally seeing the light of day to recently revisited typewriter memos by aids of Nixon and Kissinger, that all of these “smart” people put so much in writing, especially now with a tap of a phone screen. Once it’s out there, it’s out there; “recall” doesn’t work. I guess casual chance meetings and lunch time walks in the park or parking garages went out with Deep Throat and pre-2000 spy novels. Too many pesky reporters with cell phone microphones in the hallways and front steps? Well I know it violates The Guy Handbook, but if I were these folks I’d invoke the urinal side chat.

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Unfortunately, we will be forever be plagued with claims of "false facts".

Someone above quoted Forest Gump. I remember when that movie came out, and Tom Hanks was edited into real images of historic events, thinking that historical reality may have just died. Would there every be a form of recorded events that couldn't be manipulated or claims made that something real actually wasn't.

Well, here we are.

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Completely agree. Fake everything is way too easy now. Funny you noted the Forrest Gump reference; that was my reply, changing “stupid” into “crazy”.

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The urinal side chat? So that’s a thing? 🤔😂😂

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You should trademark "Coup-le"!

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Ironically, it was the Republican legislators in PA who enacted Act 77 to expand no-excuses mail voting toward the end of 2019. Then, they hyped the option until 2020 when Trump started having hissy fits about mail voting and fraud.

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Perry believed the lies. Another victim of siloed info. The fate of the Republic is in the hands of the willfully ignorant who exist to give cover to the will to power.

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He's a victim of his own lazy thought process. It's called Confirmation Bias. It's like a warm fuzzy blanket. Engaging in Devil's Advocacy actually causes one to think critically.

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They believe what they want to believe.

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Yes. That's a working definition of the will to power.

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How can anyone be so stupid and/or so delusional that they believe the conspiracy theories about the election? Or are they just trying to convince Trump and the MAGAts so they can keep their votes?

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We may be overestimating their cynicism and underestimating their naivete. Remember, the GOP has been spinning these tales since Goldwater. People like Greene and Jordan have grown up thinking they could actually shrink the government to fit Norquist's bathtub. In some ways Maga Mike is the perfect spokesman for this cohort. Small town mind wrapped in religion.

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"Hoo boy," indeed! So overturningthe government is now part of a Congresscritters' "official duties," apparently.

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And I'll just be very blunt and a bit crude.......they are freaking bat dung crazy. I can not believe grown men and women who've achieved this "level' of accomplishment would throw out such nonsense. And then, the folks who pounce on this as truth, "hoo boy" to quote Jay. As I've just discovered that a very close family member with multiple degrees has fallen down the rabbit hole of being anti-vaccine and full on dominionist, I'm already reeling and frankly, mourning.

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Through this whole seven years of hell, I have learned the lesson, finally, that one’s level of education has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to understand facts, think critically, and make coherent decisions. It’s very very sad.

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Dec 1, 2023
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It's painful. And there's no talking with them. I hate this is happening to so many of us.

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It doesn't surprise me that the “God does what he does for a reason" folks so easily buy into wild conspiracy theories like Jewish space lasers and satellites and Nest thermostats controlling voting machines. After all, they've been indoctrinated to believe in talking snakes and other literal interpretations of the Bible, no matter how bizarre. Perhaps sneaking some anti-psychotic meds into the water fountain nearest the Republicans' offices might not be a bad idea.

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