Let me just say that Jay's writing is wonderfully clear. Thanks, Jay.

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Agreed. It helps to let me sort of "ignore" certain attack vectors from the regime and its enablers in Congress, meaning I can skip mainstream media stories on the kind of stuff Jay focuses on. I've reached the point where I scan headlines but skip the related stories I know Jay will cover.

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Excellent point about headlines, Charles. Same here.

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I agree 110% !!!

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Thank you, Jay.

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Someone needs to tell Trump that Musk's losing all his money because Tesla is tanking. He's a bad businessman who won't be able to keep funnelling him money in a few weeks. That'll put a nice thick wedge between them.

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On the contrary... Musk bankrupting his company just means he and Trump are truly birds of a feather. They have so much in common.

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Both can be true!

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Exactly. Both of them are not the businessmen they think they are. Unfortunately, there are a whole bunch of young, men who think they are great businessmen too. I have heard them in focus groups on the Bulwark. It is amazing at how economically ignorant to many people are.

However, Musk bankrupting a company he is no longer interested in suits his purposes, as he is much more interested in his space companies which Trump is funding.

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He doesn't need Tesla. He has the US Treasurey to raid.

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Trump knows he owes this election to Muskrat who essentially kept him out of jail. Trump does not care anything about what Muskrat does now.

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This CR hurts veterans, and will cause some to lose benefits obtained under the PACT act why the fiscal year ends in October. From Rep DeLauro's fact sheet on the CR:

"(The CR) Reneges on veterans’ medical care and creates future uncertainty. More veterans are enrolled in VA care than ever. While the bill includes $6 billion in mandatory funds to address an immediate funding shortfall, it fails to include $22.8 billion in fiscal year 2026 advanced funding for the Toxic Exposures Fund to care for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances that House Republicans included in their own funding bill last year."


This needs to be at the center of the democrats opposition to the CR.

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Thank you for this additional information. This intentional assault on Veterans is infuriating and diabolical: an affront to all who have served and contrary to everything this country ONCE stood for.

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Agreed! What is truly sad is all the veterans that voted for cheeto. My family of veterans voted wrong and I am truly sad for the bed they have to sleep in as a consequence of their actions.

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We don't need their repentance. We need their vote during the midterms. If they still vote for more of this foolishness, then all sympathy will disappear forever for me.

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I will never understand veterans voting for CFDT.

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It is even worse that all of the other veterans (and everyone else) have to sleep in that same bed. Keep the lines of communication open. The voice that says, "Hey Senator, I voted for you and for Trump, but this is totally unacceptable, and I will not be supporting your reelection in 2026" is much louder than the voice that says, "Hey Senator, I've always thought you were a POS, and this further proves my point." Flipping votes creates impact.

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I will lose my Champ VA insurance and I get a check also each month from the VA….. my husband was a soldier in Vietnam and he was exposed to Agent Orange and died from lung cancer… only 62. I rely on these programs and Social Security. Soooo worried. I’m a breast cancer survivor so finding a secondary insurance is Zero.

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I'm so sorry that is happening to you; these people are evil.

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Democrats were left out of the negotiations for this CR and passing it will only demonstrate weakness and further embolden Republican bullying. Shutdown stops Republicans in their tracks while essential services such as Social Security and Medicare payments continue. Federal workers are paid after the shutdown ends once Republicans negotiate. Shutdown? Democrats have the power if only they have the will to use it. If not, they are useless.

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I don't know. Dems would look really bad with Trump supporters if even non-essential services were shut down. We will not reach the tipping point with Trump supporters until it hits them in the pocketbook, i.e., Medicaid (no, Grandma has to leave the nursing home. Too bad.), Social Security, SNAP, Affordable Care Act, Medicare.

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Trump supporters control all three branches, so have only themselves to blame though they will try to blame Democrats for everything bad that happens on their watch. Frankly, I’m not interested in appeasing them and don’t think they’re persuadable.

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As I see it, the CR the GOP is trying to pass is a way that they can get around the SCOTUS ruling which prevented them from impounding funding illegally.

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Interesting thought.

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I keep wondering how these people sleep at night. It's obvious the felon doesn't; however, you'd think by now that a lightbulb would have gone off in some repub's heads that says: "Hmmm. Maybe we're doing more harm than good. Perhaps we should rethink everything." Nope

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Jay, do you think the Dems should NOT filibuster? Because people can be mobilized to let their senators know they support a filibuster, people want stuff to do! I would like to know your opinion

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To be honest, I think it’s hard to message around a filibuster that winds up shuttering the government. I’d rather see if the senate can use the threat of a filibuster to force a shorter CR and require the GOP to move quickly to their more toxic budget.

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Except that there is no true filibuster any more. The minority party simply says they’re not going to go along. Schumer should have changed the rule years ago to require a legitimate filibuster, but he’s too much of a weenie.

The Dems (and Biden) will be blamed in ANY CASE since truth is irrelevant to the GQP and the mass media cowards that regurgitate every right-wing talking point they find.

I’d REALLY like to see the Dems FINALLY pull their heads out and DO SOMETHING instead of meekly going along with the destruction of the country.

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I agree. Trump seems to still get traction with blaming his current economy screw ups on Biden, so yes, the Republicans will blame any outcome on the Democrats. They should take a stand to try and save our Democracy and be blamed for a shutdown, rather than roll over and then be blamed for allowing the ultimate train wreck to occur.

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Yes your writing is so strategic and attuned to the possibilities and outcomes. This kind of analysis has become a dinosaur for the "legacy media". Their legacy is certain suspect at this point. Welcome to the New Media!

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Do that many people really believe they won’t cut Medicaid?? I will be kind and say- are there really that many ignorant people ( or choose your own word) ? Do they really not understand that this is to provide tax cuts to the ultra rich ?

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My 84 yo MIL is worried that Medicaid will be cut for her 64 yo special needs son. I have another special needs family member who receives Medicaid benefits. (My late SIL also received Medicaid benefits.)

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How can the Dem Congressional "leadership" expect to get a -LOL! - "iron-clad guarantee" for the vote from the GOP that moneys appropriated will be moneys duly spent as directed by a spending bill, rather than chain-sawed away by Co-prez Elno? I mean, seriously! This is more of the old "Lucy pulling the football away" ploy, and to expect pliable, groveling Li'l Mikey Johnson to go against his owner(s) is sheer insanity.

Fuck them, just vote it down and let the Repubs figure it out.

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I believe the Dems will be united in the House against. But I think it could still pass by a nose.

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Short term CR to bargain.

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Thank you. Thank you!! I have been trying to find honest information on the Continuing Resolution online without success. This really helps me. I call my Florida Republican Representative every day but the staff who answer the phones have no information to give me. I know that my representative, Laurel Lee, is on the Energy and Commerce committee who would be responsible for Medicaid cuts, so they are not likely to be honest with me, ever.

To be honest when I call, I end up repeating myself. I feel like I am shouting in a void. But I will carry on.

I appreciate everything you do for us, Jay.

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Thank you for calling. Keep it up. They are supposed to be logging the calls and presenting them to the reps, but at this point I am wondering if that is even happening or if it ever did.

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I wondered if Laurel is getting my messages. The staff assure me she is but I am not convinced!

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If you are a constituent, the staff is logging your calls and reporting the numbers pro and con for each issue or vote to your MOC. If you leave a message, be sure to include your name and zip code. Also, leave your phone number and ask for a call back. We are hearing directly from congressional staff that our calls are having a big impact. If you are not a constituent, don’t waste your time calling other representatives. Your opinion won’t be reported in the tallies. Focus on your own MOCs and call them once about each vote.

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I am interested in your statement, "We are hearing directly from congressional staff that our calls are having a big impact." Is that the congressional staff of republicon or dems? My two new Ohio Senators Husted and Moreno (former used car salesman) and my congressman are all republicons.

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I wonder the same as I’m in ruby red and incredibly stupid TN. I can “hear” their eyes rolling when I call and more times than not, I get voicemail. I usually call multiple offices to try and get a person. I call daily.

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Thank you for the comment. So congressional staff are saying it is making a difference? I hope that is true. The staff who answer my calls say they pass them on. But when I follow up with an online message I just get formulaic responses from my representative. I think she regards me as just a nuisance she can swat away with Republican double speak. Doesn’t mean I will give up though😳.

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Follow the Trojan Horse in the Republican CR.

Elon Musk's Ransom Note To Keep The Government Open: How The Republican Continuing Resolution Hurts You (Infographic & Podcast)


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Jay's last paragraph seems to sum it all up for me. He said,

"And when they do finally have to sit down to pass Trump’s draconian budget, and the lives of millions of the most vulnerable Americans are plainly on the line, all banners will be raised for the fight."

The reality for Republicans, even if they pass a continuing resolution, they just kick the can down the road, and will have to justify a budget that rewards the wealthy, all the while leaving millions without necessary government assistance. The poor and low income earners will be losers with their draconian plan. It will also have a negative economic impact on the support system (nursing homes, nurses, aides, physical therapists, dieticians, supply chain providers, etc.) that cares for the most vulnerable.

We are already seeing town hall meetings call BS on what Republicans are currently doing and proposing. Many lawmakers are being told to not schedule, or show up for town hall meeting with their constituents. As a politician not everyone is a fan of what you, or your political party, is doing for your constituents. The question becomes this, if you are for a budget that impacts your constituents, then have the gall to face the music. Otherwise, you have just decided that representative government, for and by the people, (AKA your constituents) does not exist. Recent polling indicates the majority of Americans oppose the direction the Trump Administration is steering the country, not to mention our global allies.

As for Trump and Musk, they are the uber wealthy that only seek to line their pockets by fleecing the government of public funds that disproportionately go to red states. Those red state members of Congress had better wake up and realize they either stand with their constituents or with an authoritarian leadership duo. The boos and protests are getting louder and larger. Something has to give.

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Thanks, Jay!! I like your con, concise writing! It makes it so much easier to understand with those idiots on the Republican side are trying to do!

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Sure, the town halls will get testy, if the GOP continues hosting them. I doubt they will if this continues. They'll just circle the wagons a little closer.

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I have tried to get info on town halls with my reps and not one has anything planned nor any plans to have one. So

They have already stopped paying any attention to us.

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Susan, check in with your local Indivisible group or get the House recess toolkit from the national Indivisible website. Local groups are planning “empty chair” town halls where republican reps are hiding from their constituents. Some are replacing their absent rep with a rubber chicken or other mocking substitute, recording voters questions and testimony, and spreading on social media. We can get creative with holding these bozos accountable.

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Passing this CR doesn't mean there's going to necessarily be a budget fight any time soon at all.

A six month CR doesn't require them to pass appropriations bills at the end of that CR. They can, and will, kick the can down the road again if that's all they can get out of Senate Democrats. It doesn't get them the permanent tax cuts they want, but it does allow Musk to continue kneecapping the federal government. During the Obama administration, between March-April 2011 Congress passed four CRs. The last of which funded the government through the end of the FY. They passed two more in 2014. Another in 2015 and two in 2016. It's absolutely possible, and legal, to keep running the federal government via a series of CRs. Furthermore, the inflation that's coming will make last FYs numbers able to pay for even less than in a "normal" year. Republicans can win this by simply not losing...aka, kicking the can down the road.

Democrats *will* have to have this fight and risk being blamed for a shutdown eventually. Schumer can't win this without being willing to lose.

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That’s why the length of the CR matters and could be the response from the Dems. “You can’t keep kicking the can” means “You have to take this to Committee.”

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Your analysis seems spot-on, Chris. Something for us to think about.

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