my first thought. I wonder if she had to bring him his sodas. Someone who is an utter misogynist and tempted to go all crimey-wimey would be well advised to hire only male assistants. Decorative can turn deadly.
well, let the chickens rule the rooster!. The creeps assume that young and attractive = airhead. Michael shows 'taint so. Assumptions have consequences.
Typically the same women who respond poorly to being bossed around and shouted at also respond poorly to their body parts being referred to as 'gazongas'. You want to support strong women? Stop using that terminology.
I think some acknowledgment of sarcasm or satire should be made. Clearly Pope Buck wasn’t meaning to use the term in a derogatory way. It’s clear to me Pope BUCK used it to highlight the attitude of the bosses, not of themselves. .
yeah, I hear you but on the other hand or "udder" hand, this just the fact of human sexuality. Animals of all types have three characteristics: sexual behavior, food (eating) behavior, and what JT Bonner called "social coordination." So you are always going to see all three. Some element of sex is present most of the time. You cannot get away from it.
The pressure on Walt Nauta to flip just went to MAX. He has to see he is going to jail, and that trump isn't really helping him. Also, I hope Molly has a good security detail from the DOJ. I'm sure she's in extreme danger.
Yes. I was thinking the same thing. Considering all the threats against EVERYONE who had done anything right in this case, she is definitely a target now. So, I hope she has help staying safe.
I don't understand why Judge (Loose) Cannon won't hold a Garcia hearing for Nauta. Surely she's aware of the facts as laid out in this post -- I'd be astonished if Smith's team didn't spell the situation out for her in their request for the hearing. It would seem to be an obligation of the court to avail a defendant of every opportunity to save his ass, or part of it. At the very least, a Garcia hearing would formalize Nauta's acknowledgement that his legal representation could be compromised and it may well be in his best interest to seek other counsel. Nauta can ignore that information if he chooses and continue in the face of ample and completely damning evidence. To the legally untrained eye, it sure looks like if he does that, his goose is well and truly cooked.
I'll bet you do understand, she's on team trump. Jack Smith is just waiting for her to make a major mistake, like not holding a Garcia hearing; so he can request her recusal.
Right, I get that she's on Team Dump, but I'd think that already having been spanked hard in public by the 11th Circuit she'd be much more concerned about appearances now and would be rather subtler about when and how to put her thumb on the scale. She would be the dimmest of bulbs if she didn't realize that (a) her every utterance and decision in this case will be scrutinized in micro-detail, (b) Smith did not send the B team to prosecute it and has prepared for every manipulative and evasive tactic from the bench and from the defense, (c) ham-fisted steps at the outset like not allowing a Garcia hearing as a way to create grounds for appeal would greatly support a potential Smith recusal petition, and (d) if she were forced to recuse, she would obviously no longer be in a position to favor Nauta's or Inmate P01135809's cases at all.
But what do I know, maybe the simplest explanation really is the right one: she's a partisan, just an erratic and not very perceptive one.
Just read enough about the treatment that people in cults accept, to understand that there are no depths to which these people will not sink, including suicide. We do not have to look to Jim Jones, or Waco Texas, we can just look at the cult in Africa where the leader had people intentionally starve themselves to death.
So, where Cannon falls on the spectrum remains to be seen.
Nauta as well. There’s been MANY articles about how he’s not being well represented. He can’t have not seen them all. He’s also got to be aware of his co-worker flipping as soon as he got an independent attorney.
And yet, he continues to do what is clearly bad for him.
I wonder if she *will* hold one, but is slow-walking it, like she seems to be doing everything else in this case. Juuuust a few days or weeks, here and there, all adds up to the May ‘24 date sliding further away.
I don't think trump is connected like that. His followers may do bad things but they don't do them at his request. They get who they can get. I think Walt's family is in the Philippines.
There will some sort of cosmic justice if Trump is finally taken down by strong, smart, capable women - Molly Michaels, Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis, Leticia James, E.Jean Carroll, etc
This is why misogynists don't like to let women into the upper level Boys Club. Women often don't support criminality and bad behavior nor is the treatment they receive conducive to blind loyalty.
People who are in one cult will often join another after getting out of the first cult. I think they find a comfort in not having to think for themselves.
Exactly. But I personally fear for her life, not threat directly from orange cancer himself. Domestic terrorist leader tRump has the power to send order to his fervent, take-one-for-the-team supporter(s) ...... DOJ must better protect her life with a team of Secret Service agents during this trial.
Sick! "If it's true......" Apple and orange. You are comparing a President to a former employee who happened to be cooperating with SC Smith in an upcoming trial against ex-president tRump. What your comments in replying is totally sick without intellectual truth!
She worked for him for years without any complaints. I'm not sure that it's medal of honor level. She just finally had her fill and didn't want to be named in a lawsuit. I'd say that yes, she is taking a risk, but she's also keeping herself out of trouble by doing so. She and Cassidy Hutchison were completely onboard with the aims of the administration while they were in it.
So, what you're alluding to is that the argumentative "trump versus Biden" conversation is not equivalent to a simplistic, "I like salt, you like pepper" thing, but more, "No, trump is a multi-layered fucking criminal." Is that it?
Golly, shooting the messenger???? Stay on topic. Your sentiment is clear about tRump the evil ex-president..... Molly just now becomes a target that this defendant will work to ensure her testimony not presented in the upcoming trial.
No. That's not what I mean, Ty. My opinion is not better or worst than yours. Or anyone else in any case. We are just having a meaning ful conversation here due to we all share same vision about our country. I appreciate different perspective and opinions, espcially about politics. But sometimes we all wear our emotion on our sleeves..... anyhoo, go vote! I'm certain our votings are against all Republicans and their ideologies due to tRump as the leader of GOP.
Please do not confuse my use of language, e.g. "multi-layered fucking criminal", as an emotional response. You said, "Stay On Topic", suggesting that my post was off-topic. You say I'm shooting the messenger. Whom? Jay? I fail to see anything in that post that's off-topic or shooting the messenger. Please let me know when the coffee kicks in. And have a nice day!
When the young are more scrupulous than those habitually mired in Trumpism, that lends hope for the encroaching dawn of a new, Trumpless day.
Also, more than ever as we are exhausted, depleted right when need to be vigilant, attentive, turning toward humor is a rescue- turns of phrase such as "crimey no no" are delightful; let's pump up the humor and laugh the humorless clowns out of office!
Wow!! That poor woman was really caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She did the right thing in resigning and coming forward. Another example of someone being American and doing the right thing. ❤️🇺🇸
the title of this says everything: trump cannot control himself, not even a little bit. molly is pretty darn brave for cooperating: the looming threat of potential bodily harm must be scary. nauta is an idiot: can't really expand on that.
This is a good lesson in all the reasons you should be good to your assistant because they know where all the bodies are buried (or in this case, evidence). Then again, no amount of money or other rewards can make someone with principles abandon those principles, something Trump cannot possibly understand. I especially noted his "you don't know anything about boxes' remark, as if he's a mafia don.... but as far as I know he's never done his own dirty work in order to follow through on his threats so he is little more than a legend in his own mind. Depending on your followers to 'punish' your enemies and those you believe betrayed you is hit and miss, at best. I do wonder about Ms. Michael, though. To have stayed so long with an employer who is so obviously a criminal demonstrates a level of dedication that must not have been easy for her to turn her back on.
She was a Republican, and until November '20, most Republicans thought that Trump was the best think since sliced bread. Plus, she had a highly desirable job that she expected to open a lot of career doors and that millions of college kids would have killed for, regardless of who is President.
Women frequently respond poorly to being bossed around and shouted at. How odd.
my first thought. I wonder if she had to bring him his sodas. Someone who is an utter misogynist and tempted to go all crimey-wimey would be well advised to hire only male assistants. Decorative can turn deadly.
And yet, these creeps are exactly the kind to ONLY hire young, attractive women to do those jobs.
well, let the chickens rule the rooster!. The creeps assume that young and attractive = airhead. Michael shows 'taint so. Assumptions have consequences.
Typically the same women who respond poorly to being bossed around and shouted at also respond poorly to their body parts being referred to as 'gazongas'. You want to support strong women? Stop using that terminology.
I think some acknowledgment of sarcasm or satire should be made. Clearly Pope Buck wasn’t meaning to use the term in a derogatory way. It’s clear to me Pope BUCK used it to highlight the attitude of the bosses, not of themselves. .
yeah, I hear you but on the other hand or "udder" hand, this just the fact of human sexuality. Animals of all types have three characteristics: sexual behavior, food (eating) behavior, and what JT Bonner called "social coordination." So you are always going to see all three. Some element of sex is present most of the time. You cannot get away from it.
We don't get mad. We get even.
The pressure on Walt Nauta to flip just went to MAX. He has to see he is going to jail, and that trump isn't really helping him. Also, I hope Molly has a good security detail from the DOJ. I'm sure she's in extreme danger.
“Molly, you in danger gurl!” - Whoopi Goldberg
Dang she does need to be cautious
HA! Perfect.
Yes. I was thinking the same thing. Considering all the threats against EVERYONE who had done anything right in this case, she is definitely a target now. So, I hope she has help staying safe.
I don't understand why Judge (Loose) Cannon won't hold a Garcia hearing for Nauta. Surely she's aware of the facts as laid out in this post -- I'd be astonished if Smith's team didn't spell the situation out for her in their request for the hearing. It would seem to be an obligation of the court to avail a defendant of every opportunity to save his ass, or part of it. At the very least, a Garcia hearing would formalize Nauta's acknowledgement that his legal representation could be compromised and it may well be in his best interest to seek other counsel. Nauta can ignore that information if he chooses and continue in the face of ample and completely damning evidence. To the legally untrained eye, it sure looks like if he does that, his goose is well and truly cooked.
I'll bet you do understand, she's on team trump. Jack Smith is just waiting for her to make a major mistake, like not holding a Garcia hearing; so he can request her recusal.
Right, I get that she's on Team Dump, but I'd think that already having been spanked hard in public by the 11th Circuit she'd be much more concerned about appearances now and would be rather subtler about when and how to put her thumb on the scale. She would be the dimmest of bulbs if she didn't realize that (a) her every utterance and decision in this case will be scrutinized in micro-detail, (b) Smith did not send the B team to prosecute it and has prepared for every manipulative and evasive tactic from the bench and from the defense, (c) ham-fisted steps at the outset like not allowing a Garcia hearing as a way to create grounds for appeal would greatly support a potential Smith recusal petition, and (d) if she were forced to recuse, she would obviously no longer be in a position to favor Nauta's or Inmate P01135809's cases at all.
But what do I know, maybe the simplest explanation really is the right one: she's a partisan, just an erratic and not very perceptive one.
Just read enough about the treatment that people in cults accept, to understand that there are no depths to which these people will not sink, including suicide. We do not have to look to Jim Jones, or Waco Texas, we can just look at the cult in Africa where the leader had people intentionally starve themselves to death.
So, where Cannon falls on the spectrum remains to be seen.
She may be among the dimmest of bulbs.
Nauta as well. There’s been MANY articles about how he’s not being well represented. He can’t have not seen them all. He’s also got to be aware of his co-worker flipping as soon as he got an independent attorney.
And yet, he continues to do what is clearly bad for him.
Walt Nauta is a stand-up guy. And stand-up guys do time, most places I know about. He is likely convinced TFG will win again, and then pardon him.
I wonder if she *will* hold one, but is slow-walking it, like she seems to be doing everything else in this case. Juuuust a few days or weeks, here and there, all adds up to the May ‘24 date sliding further away.
We don't know what Trump has promised Nauta to stonewall. If I were him, I would demand it in an offshore bank!
I don't think trump is connected like that. His followers may do bad things but they don't do them at his request. They get who they can get. I think Walt's family is in the Philippines.
Has to schmasto. I don't think so. The guy could be cult like brainwashed. Sociopaths often do that. Stockholm syndrome and all that.
There will some sort of cosmic justice if Trump is finally taken down by strong, smart, capable women - Molly Michaels, Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis, Leticia James, E.Jean Carroll, etc
I see it happening!
I sure hope so!
This is why misogynists don't like to let women into the upper level Boys Club. Women often don't support criminality and bad behavior nor is the treatment they receive conducive to blind loyalty.
Except for the crazy religiously brainwashed by cults like mad Ginny Thomas!
This isn't Ginny's first cult.
Yes, it seems she is very susceptible to wholeheartedly adopting crazy and irrational cults. Some sort of mental impairment or character flaw or both!
People who are in one cult will often join another after getting out of the first cult. I think they find a comfort in not having to think for themselves.
Let's add Stormy Daniels, in her own odd way, to this list.
Also, Shaye Moss & Ruby Freeman. Give them the support and props they deserve and earned.
I'm hoping that Ms Moss and Ms Freeman end up with Rudy's NYC luxury apartment.
That woman is a PATRIOT! Medal of Honor! Go Molly Michael!
Exactly. But I personally fear for her life, not threat directly from orange cancer himself. Domestic terrorist leader tRump has the power to send order to his fervent, take-one-for-the-team supporter(s) ...... DOJ must better protect her life with a team of Secret Service agents during this trial.
If it's true that Biden himself doesn't trust the SS detail, how do we know that assassins aren't being sent to guard their target?
Sick! "If it's true......" Apple and orange. You are comparing a President to a former employee who happened to be cooperating with SC Smith in an upcoming trial against ex-president tRump. What your comments in replying is totally sick without intellectual truth!
She worked for him for years without any complaints. I'm not sure that it's medal of honor level. She just finally had her fill and didn't want to be named in a lawsuit. I'd say that yes, she is taking a risk, but she's also keeping herself out of trouble by doing so. She and Cassidy Hutchison were completely onboard with the aims of the administration while they were in it.
Good point.
If only more republicans had a spine like Ms Michael
If we have learned anything from the movie "Alien" it's that we should listen when a smart woman warns us about a carnivorous monster.
Good golly, Miss Molly!
So, what you're alluding to is that the argumentative "trump versus Biden" conversation is not equivalent to a simplistic, "I like salt, you like pepper" thing, but more, "No, trump is a multi-layered fucking criminal." Is that it?
That’s it, yes.
Yay me! The coffee's working today! Thank you!
Golly, shooting the messenger???? Stay on topic. Your sentiment is clear about tRump the evil ex-president..... Molly just now becomes a target that this defendant will work to ensure her testimony not presented in the upcoming trial.
You ain't the boss of me! :)
No. That's not what I mean, Ty. My opinion is not better or worst than yours. Or anyone else in any case. We are just having a meaning ful conversation here due to we all share same vision about our country. I appreciate different perspective and opinions, espcially about politics. But sometimes we all wear our emotion on our sleeves..... anyhoo, go vote! I'm certain our votings are against all Republicans and their ideologies due to tRump as the leader of GOP.
Please do not confuse my use of language, e.g. "multi-layered fucking criminal", as an emotional response. You said, "Stay On Topic", suggesting that my post was off-topic. You say I'm shooting the messenger. Whom? Jay? I fail to see anything in that post that's off-topic or shooting the messenger. Please let me know when the coffee kicks in. And have a nice day!
Women to the rescue, AGAIN!
When the young are more scrupulous than those habitually mired in Trumpism, that lends hope for the encroaching dawn of a new, Trumpless day.
Also, more than ever as we are exhausted, depleted right when need to be vigilant, attentive, turning toward humor is a rescue- turns of phrase such as "crimey no no" are delightful; let's pump up the humor and laugh the humorless clowns out of office!
"A million Republican girls": Why is there even ONE "Republican girl"?
Many people did not get the reference to The Devil Wears Prada so I have added it for clarity.
For the life of me, I can’t understand that level of internalized misogyny…
A white woman who voted Republican may be the most reprehensible of all Americans.
Why more reprehensible than anyone else?
I hope the people telling the truth about Trump's assorted criminal misdeeds are really protected by DOJ.
Wow!! That poor woman was really caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. She did the right thing in resigning and coming forward. Another example of someone being American and doing the right thing. ❤️🇺🇸
the title of this says everything: trump cannot control himself, not even a little bit. molly is pretty darn brave for cooperating: the looming threat of potential bodily harm must be scary. nauta is an idiot: can't really expand on that.
If she wasn't cooperating she may have been on the other side of the v. That's not a good place to be in law.
This is a good lesson in all the reasons you should be good to your assistant because they know where all the bodies are buried (or in this case, evidence). Then again, no amount of money or other rewards can make someone with principles abandon those principles, something Trump cannot possibly understand. I especially noted his "you don't know anything about boxes' remark, as if he's a mafia don.... but as far as I know he's never done his own dirty work in order to follow through on his threats so he is little more than a legend in his own mind. Depending on your followers to 'punish' your enemies and those you believe betrayed you is hit and miss, at best. I do wonder about Ms. Michael, though. To have stayed so long with an employer who is so obviously a criminal demonstrates a level of dedication that must not have been easy for her to turn her back on.
In trumps case, the evidence may very well also be buried w the body (Ivana)!
Ivana was cremated, so no evidence
some have speculated that the heavy casket that was put in the ground at Bedminster contained more than cremains. It looked heavy in the photos!
She was a Republican, and until November '20, most Republicans thought that Trump was the best think since sliced bread. Plus, she had a highly desirable job that she expected to open a lot of career doors and that millions of college kids would have killed for, regardless of who is President.
“You don’t know anything about the" women who are TAKING YOU DOWN.