I hope that the verdict sends him into a financial purgatory from which he never recovers. For him, of course, but to put a stop to the abuse of good people.
It reminds me of what happened to OJ Simpson. In the end, it was the civil judgment that landed him in prison (although unlike Guiliani, I don't think OJ got a fair shake on that).
Oh my Lord, poor Mr Guiliani. A “death sentence” indeed. s/ It amazes me how difficult it is for the rich and powerful to downsize. Guiliani should be in prison along with his inner circle of insurrectionists and traitors to democracy. He didn’t just unravel those two poor women’s lives, he tried to steal my vote. He tried to disenfranchise me. This is personal for me and for every single person who voted. Our democracy “struggles” because of the likes of him. He should be in prison and thankful I’m not his cell mate. (Sorry for the rant. He really gets my goat.)
Right there with you. He made these women’s lives hell. And all for a lie. I hope they get all the money he has left. He won’t need it as he is going to prison (🤞🙏🏻)
He tried to steal my vote. I live in one of the fake electors states. He deserves what he gets. And I expect there is a special place for him and his cronies in the hell realm. May they all find it soon.
Thanks, Jay, for another helpful newsletter. I'd like to suggest that it's not only that "everything that Trump touches rots." My impression is that people without a strong moral or principled core are drawn to Trump; they recognize a personality they are comfortable with. He simply activates and amplifies what already existed.
Not to get too far ahead of ourselves, but if Trump owes a lot of legal fees to Giuliani, could these plaintiffs attach those accounts receivable and proceed after Trump to collect them? Lots of "ifs" here, but it would be interesting. The movie rights alone could be valuable.
To watch Rudy's demise over the years is fascinating. What is it about Trump that brings out the very worst in people and erases their ability to see right from wrong? I think it's clear Rudy is mentally "off" ... he needs to be taken for every cent and tossed in prison. No scotch. No hair dye. 🙄
Sadly, I bought into the emotional hype in the early days after 9/11. A trusted colleague challenged me to remember his “stop and frisk” tactics and to look more closely into who the real Rudy is. Rotten Rudy.
Go easy on yourself, most people did. How many of us were paying any attention to details about Rudy's life and/or behavior? So even if he was showing signs of depravity back then, not many of us would have noticed.
I lived through his terms in NY as prosecutor and mayor. He was always bad. The one time he wasn't terrible - first year as mayor getting rid of the squeegee guys. After that it was all downhill.
He didn't do anything but grab a microphone and love the attention. Winfry coined those awful two words. Much later he said 9/11 was the best day of his life.
The people in New York knew that he was a rotten apple back then. He was responsible for a lot of bad stuff, such as the racist stop & frisk policy, and the equally racist broken-window theory.
This type of downhill slide seems to happen to many Trump loyalists who attach themselves to him. I never paid much attention to Trump until he jumped into politics so I don’t know if he was mentally off before then or the great slide began or got worse around 2015. Scary and creepy.
"The Base" will alway love Trump, because he enables and encourages them to indulge in being their unabashedly worst selves. Easy choices over hard. Might over right. Pure id, with the implication of no reprecussions. "Law-and-Order" my foot...
trump gets that cult money but he doesn't really dole it out to other campaigns. Maybe a thousand here and there, but not big money. He keeps it for his own bills. At least those he bothers to pay..
Many Democrats and moderate Republicans and Independents “say that” Liar, Fraud, Con Trump has absolutely no chance of ever again being elected President of our country. While “I hope” that’s the case, we, most unfortunately, are living in “crazy times”…..when an extremist (MAGA Republican) minority, since it holds the majority of the seats in the House, has ample power to block President Biden’s agenda and to hold back the progress our country needs to make. Powering Liar, Fraud, Con Trump and MAGA Republicans extremists are alt-right “news” sites, such as Fox (Faux) News (the only media company ever to be forced to pay almost $800 million because it knowingly and repeatedly promoted lies about the Nov 2020 election.)
We MUST not only “dump Trump” a second time, we MUST also render MAGA Republican extremists powerless. We MUST keep the Senate BLUE and MUST take back control of the House. WE. MUST. DO. THIS. TO. PRESERVE and PROTECT. OUR. DEMOCRACY.
In order to get this done, WE (and I’m referring to Democrats, moderate Republicans and Independents) MUST make sure that all citizens are fully aware of all of the issues our country faces and the importance of registering to vote and getting out to vote. To accomplish the latter, we MUST be proactive and we must be very vocal.
My suggestions:
• Citizens who feel as I do should organize rallies in their cities. BIDEN / AMERICAN DEMOCRACY RALLIES. At least one rally per city, per month, beginning in January 2024 and continuing until just before the Nov 2024 elections. We must build a crescendo where the size of the rally-crowds grow to hundreds of thousands of people. This is absolutely essential in swing-states.
• The citizens who speak at these rallies MUST have their talking points organized and on-point. The same exact speeches must be given in each and every city where rallies are held. Pound home the points over and over and over again. There should be at least a dozen different speakers at each rally, different speakers to handle each different talking point. Heather Cox Richardson is one of the most gifted authors on Planet Earth. Her past and current posts on “Letters from an American” could and should be used as a guide to the talking points for each speech.
• At each rally, tables should be set up to hand out information about registering to vote (where and how). And, would it not be a good idea for volunteer networks to form to offer driving-assistance to take those who do not have their own transportation to voter registration offices?
Some of my suggestions for the “talking points” for speeches at the rallies: (this is just my quick attempt to sort out the issues; I’m certain this list is not all-inclusive; how about suggesting talking points I’ve failed to include?!)
• Fraud Trump’s most significant lies and cons. Fraud Trump’s failures. Fraud Trump’s indictments. Fraud Trump’s support of Putin. Putin’s support of Fraud Trump. Fraud Trump’s wealth generated by Putin-guided Russian Oligarchs and Russian Mobsters laundering money in Trump condo projects. Fraud Trump’s most significant anti-democracy actions and threats. Fraud Trump’s grant of pardons to people who committed crimes against the American People. Fraud Trump’s threat to weaponize the U.S. Department of Justice against his enemies and against the free press.
• The illegitimate U.S. Supreme Court. At least two SC Justices are on the take. At least two SC Justices are blatant liars. (Explain!)
• A woman’s right to choose. Women did not achieve the right to vote until 1920, 144 years AFTER the signing of the Declaration of Independence (an astounding fact). With the SC’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, women all over the country are now threatened with the loss of the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. Men have no place in this decision. (During the speech, it would be a great idea to project on a giant screen the video made by Hadley Duvall, the courageous young lady in Kentucky whose video helped propel Governor Andy Beshear to re-election.)
• MAGA Republican extremists’ past and continuing attempts to suppress the vote of non-white citizens. (This is disgusting and disgraceful!)
• MAGA Republican extremists’ past and continuing attempts to gerrymander congressional voting districts so that a “minority” of a state’s population ends up being the majority rule. (In American Democracy, this is unconscionable!)
• The importance of funding Ukraine’s war against Russia’s illegal and unconscionable invasion of Ukraine. (This is, most definitely, an American security issue.)
• The importance of NATO to American security interests (and how Trump tried to undermine NATO and, therefore, threaten America’s security interests.)
• President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s accomplishments as the leader of our country (list them out, one by one.) Include in this speech that “inflation does not happen on day one, inflation is caused by a myriad of converting factors over an extended period of time. For example, the inflation the U.S. experienced after the Covid-19 pandemic was, in large part, caused by Fraud Trump’s huge tax cuts in early 2017, tax cuts that mostly benefited very wealthy people.) Include in this speech President Biden’s support for Unions. (Unions built the middle-class in the U.S.A.)
We are most fortunate that President Biden, a true American Patriot and a great and visionary leader, won the Presidency in 2020. We need to do everything in our power to ensure that Liar, Fraud, Con, Coward, Traitor Trump, America’s Presidential Accident and Disgrace, does not prevail in his attempt to win re-election and demolish what’s left of America’s Democracy! We also need to sweep out of office Trump’s disgusting and disgraceful MAGA Republican extremist enablers!
And vote Blue in all the down ballot races that you can. It is in the state governments run by the Republicans that gerrymandering took place. And the anti-abortion laws were concocked.
Florida Republican Party Chairman, MAGAt Christian Ziegler, to be charged with sexual battery and rape, according to Sarasota FL Police.
Interestingly, “Christian” and his MAGAt wife Bridget Ziegler, founder of the book burning Moms for Liberty group terrorizing Florida teachers and librarians, are in a three way sex relationship with the woman who notified Sarasota Police that Ziegler raped and abused her.
Gee, the Ziegler’s sound like an upstanding “family values” couple to me, LOL!!!
Yes, and I live in that hotbed (literally) county. They are a trip. Just when it can't seem to get any more bizarre, it's something else. The hypocrisy is just amazing.
Moms 4 Liberty - now just a place to get your threesome together. Every school board meeting where they show up, they should be asked about threesomes. Hang that around their necks like a heavy bell.
(As for people who enjoy consensual threesomes or other polyamorous relationships - have a wonderful time, just don't be hypocrites about it.)
I get your point, but I'm not into the idea or reality of rallies. It's too culty. But definitely, talk up Biden and other blue candidates among your circle of influence and vote blue in every election.
There is a huge danger with that approach (and the current situation in general): it allows Democrats to run on a platform of "we aren't quite as bad as the other guy" and not do enough to fix the country - they still haven't undone most of the damage from GW Bush. That has gone wrong in 2000, and even more horribly in 2016. And Biden already risked losing Michigan through an unforced error (although I do appreciate that he's now backpedaling on that - too late, but better than not at all).
That's why I propose a modification of your strategy: in at-risk states, say, Michigan, by all means support and promote Biden. In safe states, such as California, DON'T vote for Biden. We want those states to stay blue, but ideally only by a sliver, not by a landslide. The party needs to get the message that even when they are the only adults left in the room, they still need to do their job.
My only quibble is with reports that Giuliani and Trump chickened out from taking the stand. It seems more likely that their lawyers locked them in a room and wouldn't let them out until they agreed not to take the stand..
If only people would believe that a verdict for millions actually meant he was liable. The pervasive psychosis in this political climate is to believe nothing but what's on one's wishlist.
Then what? Be it the end! My guess is nobody will cry over the disappearance of this serial fascist and corrupt liar. That would be very good news indeed. The circle around trumpy dumpty is becoming tighter and tighter. Yessss. Thank you
If you’re hit by a drunken driver the ability of the drunk to pay is entirely beside the point in calculating damages. While it is relevant to the collectibility of the judgment, that is different issue. If I were the judge, I would ask the plaintiffs if they would like me to preside over a judgment debtor examination of Rudy to determine what assets he has to pay the judgment. He’d testify under pain of perjury or contempt.
What is a judgement debtor examination? I'm completely unfamiliar with that term. If it concerns Giuliani's ability to pay a judgment, to a non-attorney like me that seems like it would be something that forensic accountants could best determine. Why would Giuliani have to testify?
The testimony would be something that forensic accountants would be starting with. Also, one challenge is, who is going to pay the forensic accountants?
For that matter, I wonder how the plaintiff's attorneys are getting paid? They probably already have an idea of how to collect at least some of that money.
Further up in the comments, somebody suggested that the plaintiffs could now go after Trump, or rather, what Trump owes Guiliani. I hope that's true.
We wished for financial purgatory for Alex Jones and look at him. He's living large in Austin Texas and hasn't paid a dime. Even if this dingbat gets hit with millions, it's doubtful he'll pay a cent. The best that can happen is that sensible people who are on the fence will see the trump enablers for what they really are.
Amazing that he’d say this in the closing: “And he claimed that no amount of money would restore the plaintiffs’ reputations before those who believed election lies.” Thanks for the details. Wish they’d let cameras in the courtroom.
I would so very much like to be able to hear and follow the conversation that is currently going on in the room where the jury is deliberating. That conversation from a historical perspective might very well be one of the most important of jury deliberation discussions ever held, given all the many issues attached to this case.
Not sure if this verdict would be the most appropriate for Jay to do a YMCA in Chinese dance video with George, Brad and Blair, or if that kind of a celebration should be saved for a TFG guilty verdict in 2024. 🤔
Seriously though, I still wonder, was the "America's Mayor" version of Giulian after 9/11;i real or an extremely well managed act by Giuilani's mayoral staff? If it was real, how did he manage to fall this far?
Also, how far could Giuliani appeal this verdict and what do we know about his finances? TFG gets his voters (aka marks) to donate and pay his bills. Has Giuliani been successful at using TFG's coattails to also fleece MAGA voters for $$?
That "America's Major" thing was fake. New Yorkers at the time knew him as the racist who implemented stop & frisk, the broken window policy, and who Disneyfied Times Square.
Sibley pleaded. “This is a man who did great things.”
"This is a man who should have known better." There; I fixed it for you (Sibley).
Sibley doesn't have much to work with, but that was my first thought too.
She was just channeling her inner Ollivander - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5XScpahvBg
I hope that the verdict sends him into a financial purgatory from which he never recovers. For him, of course, but to put a stop to the abuse of good people.
It reminds me of what happened to OJ Simpson. In the end, it was the civil judgment that landed him in prison (although unlike Guiliani, I don't think OJ got a fair shake on that).
Oh my Lord, poor Mr Guiliani. A “death sentence” indeed. s/ It amazes me how difficult it is for the rich and powerful to downsize. Guiliani should be in prison along with his inner circle of insurrectionists and traitors to democracy. He didn’t just unravel those two poor women’s lives, he tried to steal my vote. He tried to disenfranchise me. This is personal for me and for every single person who voted. Our democracy “struggles” because of the likes of him. He should be in prison and thankful I’m not his cell mate. (Sorry for the rant. He really gets my goat.)
Right there with you. He made these women’s lives hell. And all for a lie. I hope they get all the money he has left. He won’t need it as he is going to prison (🤞🙏🏻)
He tried to steal my vote. I live in one of the fake electors states. He deserves what he gets. And I expect there is a special place for him and his cronies in the hell realm. May they all find it soon.
Thanks, Jay, for another helpful newsletter. I'd like to suggest that it's not only that "everything that Trump touches rots." My impression is that people without a strong moral or principled core are drawn to Trump; they recognize a personality they are comfortable with. He simply activates and amplifies what already existed.
Not to get too far ahead of ourselves, but if Trump owes a lot of legal fees to Giuliani, could these plaintiffs attach those accounts receivable and proceed after Trump to collect them? Lots of "ifs" here, but it would be interesting. The movie rights alone could be valuable.
Oooh, That's a great question!
Every time I hear Giuliani's name, I think of this::::
"Trump’s personal attorney has indiscreet encounter with actor playing Borat’s daughter in hotel room during pandemic"
Giuliani is scum, just like Fraud Trump. I hope this lawsuit bankrupts Giuliani.
To watch Rudy's demise over the years is fascinating. What is it about Trump that brings out the very worst in people and erases their ability to see right from wrong? I think it's clear Rudy is mentally "off" ... he needs to be taken for every cent and tossed in prison. No scotch. No hair dye. 🙄
I also have this question. Was the "America's Mayor" version of Giuliani we saw after 9/11 real, or is the MAGA version real?
Sadly, I bought into the emotional hype in the early days after 9/11. A trusted colleague challenged me to remember his “stop and frisk” tactics and to look more closely into who the real Rudy is. Rotten Rudy.
Go easy on yourself, most people did. How many of us were paying any attention to details about Rudy's life and/or behavior? So even if he was showing signs of depravity back then, not many of us would have noticed.
Thank you. I do pay better attention these days. I appreciate your kind response.
I knew...I read three books about him and knew that he is a racist, greedy thug
So, not alien invasion?
I lived through his terms in NY as prosecutor and mayor. He was always bad. The one time he wasn't terrible - first year as mayor getting rid of the squeegee guys. After that it was all downhill.
He didn't do anything but grab a microphone and love the attention. Winfry coined those awful two words. Much later he said 9/11 was the best day of his life.
The hero mayor never existed in the first place.
A media fabrication to provide a "hero." Every story needs a hero....
The people in New York knew that he was a rotten apple back then. He was responsible for a lot of bad stuff, such as the racist stop & frisk policy, and the equally racist broken-window theory.
This type of downhill slide seems to happen to many Trump loyalists who attach themselves to him. I never paid much attention to Trump until he jumped into politics so I don’t know if he was mentally off before then or the great slide began or got worse around 2015. Scary and creepy.
At his best he wasn't great. He was always creepy and a jerk.
In the 80's or 90's Spy Magazine (great magazine) called him the Short Fingered Vulgarian and they weren't wrong.
Trump corrupts all that is around him. The Devil! Kristall klar herr kommissar
The movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the Donald Sutherland version, comes to mind.
Money. Thump has “the base”, so campaign money will flow to thump & everyone wants a piece.
"The Base" will alway love Trump, because he enables and encourages them to indulge in being their unabashedly worst selves. Easy choices over hard. Might over right. Pure id, with the implication of no reprecussions. "Law-and-Order" my foot...
Agree with you on the base 😵💫
trump gets that cult money but he doesn't really dole it out to other campaigns. Maybe a thousand here and there, but not big money. He keeps it for his own bills. At least those he bothers to pay..
He'll get someone to brew him up some Pruno. It's hard for alcoholics to go cold turkey.
Many Democrats and moderate Republicans and Independents “say that” Liar, Fraud, Con Trump has absolutely no chance of ever again being elected President of our country. While “I hope” that’s the case, we, most unfortunately, are living in “crazy times”…..when an extremist (MAGA Republican) minority, since it holds the majority of the seats in the House, has ample power to block President Biden’s agenda and to hold back the progress our country needs to make. Powering Liar, Fraud, Con Trump and MAGA Republicans extremists are alt-right “news” sites, such as Fox (Faux) News (the only media company ever to be forced to pay almost $800 million because it knowingly and repeatedly promoted lies about the Nov 2020 election.)
We MUST not only “dump Trump” a second time, we MUST also render MAGA Republican extremists powerless. We MUST keep the Senate BLUE and MUST take back control of the House. WE. MUST. DO. THIS. TO. PRESERVE and PROTECT. OUR. DEMOCRACY.
In order to get this done, WE (and I’m referring to Democrats, moderate Republicans and Independents) MUST make sure that all citizens are fully aware of all of the issues our country faces and the importance of registering to vote and getting out to vote. To accomplish the latter, we MUST be proactive and we must be very vocal.
My suggestions:
• Citizens who feel as I do should organize rallies in their cities. BIDEN / AMERICAN DEMOCRACY RALLIES. At least one rally per city, per month, beginning in January 2024 and continuing until just before the Nov 2024 elections. We must build a crescendo where the size of the rally-crowds grow to hundreds of thousands of people. This is absolutely essential in swing-states.
• The citizens who speak at these rallies MUST have their talking points organized and on-point. The same exact speeches must be given in each and every city where rallies are held. Pound home the points over and over and over again. There should be at least a dozen different speakers at each rally, different speakers to handle each different talking point. Heather Cox Richardson is one of the most gifted authors on Planet Earth. Her past and current posts on “Letters from an American” could and should be used as a guide to the talking points for each speech.
• At each rally, tables should be set up to hand out information about registering to vote (where and how). And, would it not be a good idea for volunteer networks to form to offer driving-assistance to take those who do not have their own transportation to voter registration offices?
Some of my suggestions for the “talking points” for speeches at the rallies: (this is just my quick attempt to sort out the issues; I’m certain this list is not all-inclusive; how about suggesting talking points I’ve failed to include?!)
• Fraud Trump’s most significant lies and cons. Fraud Trump’s failures. Fraud Trump’s indictments. Fraud Trump’s support of Putin. Putin’s support of Fraud Trump. Fraud Trump’s wealth generated by Putin-guided Russian Oligarchs and Russian Mobsters laundering money in Trump condo projects. Fraud Trump’s most significant anti-democracy actions and threats. Fraud Trump’s grant of pardons to people who committed crimes against the American People. Fraud Trump’s threat to weaponize the U.S. Department of Justice against his enemies and against the free press.
• The illegitimate U.S. Supreme Court. At least two SC Justices are on the take. At least two SC Justices are blatant liars. (Explain!)
• A woman’s right to choose. Women did not achieve the right to vote until 1920, 144 years AFTER the signing of the Declaration of Independence (an astounding fact). With the SC’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, women all over the country are now threatened with the loss of the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. Men have no place in this decision. (During the speech, it would be a great idea to project on a giant screen the video made by Hadley Duvall, the courageous young lady in Kentucky whose video helped propel Governor Andy Beshear to re-election.)
• MAGA Republican extremists’ past and continuing attempts to suppress the vote of non-white citizens. (This is disgusting and disgraceful!)
• MAGA Republican extremists’ past and continuing attempts to gerrymander congressional voting districts so that a “minority” of a state’s population ends up being the majority rule. (In American Democracy, this is unconscionable!)
• The importance of funding Ukraine’s war against Russia’s illegal and unconscionable invasion of Ukraine. (This is, most definitely, an American security issue.)
• The importance of NATO to American security interests (and how Trump tried to undermine NATO and, therefore, threaten America’s security interests.)
• President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s accomplishments as the leader of our country (list them out, one by one.) Include in this speech that “inflation does not happen on day one, inflation is caused by a myriad of converting factors over an extended period of time. For example, the inflation the U.S. experienced after the Covid-19 pandemic was, in large part, caused by Fraud Trump’s huge tax cuts in early 2017, tax cuts that mostly benefited very wealthy people.) Include in this speech President Biden’s support for Unions. (Unions built the middle-class in the U.S.A.)
We are most fortunate that President Biden, a true American Patriot and a great and visionary leader, won the Presidency in 2020. We need to do everything in our power to ensure that Liar, Fraud, Con, Coward, Traitor Trump, America’s Presidential Accident and Disgrace, does not prevail in his attempt to win re-election and demolish what’s left of America’s Democracy! We also need to sweep out of office Trump’s disgusting and disgraceful MAGA Republican extremist enablers!
Restore and Protect Women’s Rights!
Defend and Preserve Democracy!
BIDEN 2024!
And vote Blue in all the down ballot races that you can. It is in the state governments run by the Republicans that gerrymandering took place. And the anti-abortion laws were concocked.
There should be no office too small for voting. Got to get them out of the school boards, too.
Yes, vote to stop politicizing schools with Moms for Liberty so schools can go back to focusing on the kids.
Florida Republican Party Chairman, MAGAt Christian Ziegler, to be charged with sexual battery and rape, according to Sarasota FL Police.
Interestingly, “Christian” and his MAGAt wife Bridget Ziegler, founder of the book burning Moms for Liberty group terrorizing Florida teachers and librarians, are in a three way sex relationship with the woman who notified Sarasota Police that Ziegler raped and abused her.
Gee, the Ziegler’s sound like an upstanding “family values” couple to me, LOL!!!
Yes, and I live in that hotbed (literally) county. They are a trip. Just when it can't seem to get any more bizarre, it's something else. The hypocrisy is just amazing.
Moms 4 Liberty - now just a place to get your threesome together. Every school board meeting where they show up, they should be asked about threesomes. Hang that around their necks like a heavy bell.
(As for people who enjoy consensual threesomes or other polyamorous relationships - have a wonderful time, just don't be hypocrites about it.)
And they really ARE going to charge him? Wow!
Another set of talking points, the bottle necking behavior of Republican Congress members to
- stop promotions of military personnel (national security),
- stop approval of appointments to diplomatic service posts (national security),
- refusal to approve aid to the Ukraine for its continued fight against Russian annexation of any parts of Ukrainian territories (national security),
- keep government funding and budget plans unresolved, and
- waste taxpayer time and resources in holding unfounded impeachment proceedings, apparently at the behest of a single private citizen.
Thank you, I've copied your suggestions and have added them to my file.
Thank you for your articulate and compassionate sanity and energy.
Lots of great ideas and energy, Joel. I'm on board in Michigan!!!
I get your point, but I'm not into the idea or reality of rallies. It's too culty. But definitely, talk up Biden and other blue candidates among your circle of influence and vote blue in every election.
Thank you. I am copying and pasting your suggestions to my electronic notebook of ideas.
There is a huge danger with that approach (and the current situation in general): it allows Democrats to run on a platform of "we aren't quite as bad as the other guy" and not do enough to fix the country - they still haven't undone most of the damage from GW Bush. That has gone wrong in 2000, and even more horribly in 2016. And Biden already risked losing Michigan through an unforced error (although I do appreciate that he's now backpedaling on that - too late, but better than not at all).
That's why I propose a modification of your strategy: in at-risk states, say, Michigan, by all means support and promote Biden. In safe states, such as California, DON'T vote for Biden. We want those states to stay blue, but ideally only by a sliver, not by a landslide. The party needs to get the message that even when they are the only adults left in the room, they still need to do their job.
My only quibble is with reports that Giuliani and Trump chickened out from taking the stand. It seems more likely that their lawyers locked them in a room and wouldn't let them out until they agreed not to take the stand..
Yeah, right! Lol. Those blowhards would never allow themselves to be locked up anywhere unless they’re in handcuffs and dragged by law enforcement.
If only people would believe that a verdict for millions actually meant he was liable. The pervasive psychosis in this political climate is to believe nothing but what's on one's wishlist.
Then what? Be it the end! My guess is nobody will cry over the disappearance of this serial fascist and corrupt liar. That would be very good news indeed. The circle around trumpy dumpty is becoming tighter and tighter. Yessss. Thank you
If you’re hit by a drunken driver the ability of the drunk to pay is entirely beside the point in calculating damages. While it is relevant to the collectibility of the judgment, that is different issue. If I were the judge, I would ask the plaintiffs if they would like me to preside over a judgment debtor examination of Rudy to determine what assets he has to pay the judgment. He’d testify under pain of perjury or contempt.
What is a judgement debtor examination? I'm completely unfamiliar with that term. If it concerns Giuliani's ability to pay a judgment, to a non-attorney like me that seems like it would be something that forensic accountants could best determine. Why would Giuliani have to testify?
The testimony would be something that forensic accountants would be starting with. Also, one challenge is, who is going to pay the forensic accountants?
For that matter, I wonder how the plaintiff's attorneys are getting paid? They probably already have an idea of how to collect at least some of that money.
Further up in the comments, somebody suggested that the plaintiffs could now go after Trump, or rather, what Trump owes Guiliani. I hope that's true.
We wished for financial purgatory for Alex Jones and look at him. He's living large in Austin Texas and hasn't paid a dime. Even if this dingbat gets hit with millions, it's doubtful he'll pay a cent. The best that can happen is that sensible people who are on the fence will see the trump enablers for what they really are.
Amazing that he’d say this in the closing: “And he claimed that no amount of money would restore the plaintiffs’ reputations before those who believed election lies.” Thanks for the details. Wish they’d let cameras in the courtroom.
I would so very much like to be able to hear and follow the conversation that is currently going on in the room where the jury is deliberating. That conversation from a historical perspective might very well be one of the most important of jury deliberation discussions ever held, given all the many issues attached to this case.
Not sure if this verdict would be the most appropriate for Jay to do a YMCA in Chinese dance video with George, Brad and Blair, or if that kind of a celebration should be saved for a TFG guilty verdict in 2024. 🤔
Seriously though, I still wonder, was the "America's Mayor" version of Giulian after 9/11;i real or an extremely well managed act by Giuilani's mayoral staff? If it was real, how did he manage to fall this far?
Also, how far could Giuliani appeal this verdict and what do we know about his finances? TFG gets his voters (aka marks) to donate and pay his bills. Has Giuliani been successful at using TFG's coattails to also fleece MAGA voters for $$?
That "America's Major" thing was fake. New Yorkers at the time knew him as the racist who implemented stop & frisk, the broken window policy, and who Disneyfied Times Square.