I'm baffled that this is even up for discussion. Here's my two cents: Why is "inciting violence" the bar here? If it were not for Trump and his ilk bashing the Constitution, circumventing the Justice Department, and continuously looping his stupid uneducated propaganda, January 6th probably would not have happened. It is WELL KNOWN that Trump knowingly continues to manufacture falsehoods to keep his lemming base salivating. He KNOWS he's lying and he doesn't care and everyone KNOWS he doesn't care. This is not "newsworthy", it's click-bait and that's all it will every be. This right here should disqualify him for FB forever, let alone any other social media platform (thank you @Jack , Twitter has been much more pleasant!) The metric should be set AT LEAST as high as everyone else. Lies, mis/disinformation and other inflammatory rhetoric isn't "free speech", it's yelling "FIRE!" in a theater and Zuckerberg knows it.

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How or where does one find out about the public comment window when a topic such as this comes up? I'm sure I'm not alone, but I am hoping the Board does not elect to allow Trump back on Facebook. If this becomes the case, I will terminate my Facebook account, right down to the very last trace that I was ever on it. I cannot take one more post from someone as hateful, nasty, racist, and narcissistic as Trump. His psychological profile is not one of a well person and he'll continue to use any platform possible to spread his vile lies and hatred thereby further dividing a country already irretrievably divided.

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This man is dangerous. His followers, even more so. Keep the hate off of Facebook!!!

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Outstanding and balanced summary of the issues. Though I realize there are valid pros and cons, I strongly support continuing the ban. Though there may not be a current "clear and present danger" resulting from *trump's comments, that could change at a moment's notice, and he has shown no contrition or moderation since Jan. 6, but has, if anything, increased his distance from mainstream rationality. Personally, I would make *trump's ban permanent, but given the Board's and Facebook's avowed bias toward the "marketplace of ideas," they should probably extend the ban but revisit it in 6 months or so. At very least, they should send a clear signal that his current commitment to "the big lie" is unacceptable and demonstrates that he still does not adhere to Facebook-acceptable standards of responsible speech.

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People who defend orange man do not even know the definition of free speech 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️🤨🤬

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Please keep him off Facebook

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I truly hope they do not reinstate as he co to Jesus to this day to spout rhetoric and to repeat the big lie that started the insurrection in the first place. He is dangerous and he does not need to be given a platform to continue ie to spew his lies

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