Please vote democrat and don’t reward liars by giving them political power.

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Everything written here makes me so angry! I don't even have words for what they are doing :(

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I'm thrilled that you and your staff monitor so many vile communications media, Jay, and offer your readers a window into a world that most of us haven't the time, energy, or stomach to touch, let alone explore. Meanwhile, Alex Jones continues to amplify this garbage for his minions, proving that he has learned absolutely nothing from the Sandy Hook lawsuits. (One can only hope that they will succeed in driving him out of business and into poverty.) While all these media - at least those that are not encrypted - provide an open window into that dark world (which would not go away if those media disappeared), I do think that there should be stronger laws to restrict or even outlaw them from spreading such hateful and potentially violent messages. Surely, such mainstream media as Facebook and Twitter should be held accountable for allowing garbage to be streamed to their customers. Their sponsors and customers need to speak up.

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The ignorance grows bigger and bigger with every single lie they tell so sick of the right wing and all the disgusting misinformation they spread they are people of GOD they lie too much and hate too much for the teachings Jesus, it is sick what they do! The platforms definitely need to accept their part in the spread of BS, until they are willing to hold people responsible for the misinformation and propaganda they start things will only proceed to get worse. America has lost its way it was coming sooner or later but the former defeated guy brought the ignorance of these people out in droves he heightened the situation and made it ok for people to show hate everyone needs to vote the GOP out seriously they are not a party for the people the are now the party of MAGA crazies the party of Q

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Of course they did, as well as playing the "mental health problem" excuse.

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