One month to go. After the longest campaign in recent history, it’s now down to just over four weeks.
Many voters are feeling anxious, and for good reason. We all remember how it felt, that knot in the pit of our stomachs back in 2016, when Donald Trump first broke through the Blue Wall and seized the presidency away from Hillary Clinton, whom the polls had assured us was going to win handily.
We won’t make that mistake again. We are working like we are two points down. And we can feel that we have the momentum.
But even that understanding doesn’t help with that deep sense of unease. We all can imagine a horrific outcome precisely because we’ve been traumatized by one before.
But listen. We can also envision a positive outcome. Imagine turning on the news on Election Night to see Kamala Harris and Tim Walz beaming and waving their hands to crowds as the Democratic ticket cruises to two or three point victories in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, even before all the mail-in votes have been counted. Imagine an angry and flushed Donald Trump going before the cameras, trying to say the Democrats cheated, but the media fact checking him right away, including Fox which doesn’t want to pay another $750 million settlement.
This isn’t fantasyland. It’s as within the realm of possibility as a bad outcome. I’d even venture to say that a good outcome a bit more likely. But it’s not enough to simply envision this. To help overcome that deep anxiety and stress, we need to turn thoughts into action.
That’s what I’m here to urge you to do today. Maybe you haven’t made calls, written post cards or signed up to canvass. Life is challenging enough without the burden of working during this election. But all of us can support the folks who will be out there on the front lines, knocking on doors, creating and running digital adds, and persuading the base to come home and send Trump back to Mar-a-Lago for good—at least until he’s locked away elsewhere!
I’m a member of the Harris Victory Fund, and today I’m asking for one last push from readers here. This is the final stretch, so for your dollars to mean anything, they simply have to come in now. I’m working with the Human Rights Campaign, on whose national board I serve, to turn out millions of Equality Voters in the battleground states. This is a targeted, effective, and proven way to make your contribution dollars go farther. If we succeed in our mission, we change the game on the ground and the outcome of the election, plain and simple.
If you haven’t given yet, here is a chance to put skin in the game. If you’ve given before, THANK YOU, but truly there is an urgent need for you to give again. We require your help in these final weeks, and with it we can get Harris/Walz to the finish line.
Below is the button to give, embedded with my special raiser code. And here’s a tip: When giving, consider a number that feels like a big donation…and then add more to it. This should feel like a sacrifice, because that’s what it will take from all of us to win this.
Thank you for listening and in advance for contributing. I’ll update on donation numbers later this week!
This is a truly amazing community, and I am honored to be a trusted voice for the readership here. Together we are powerful, and we can make a true difference come Election Day.
I just donated a few days ago thru Act Blue. I am feeling anxious, nervous and scared, but I am writing even more letters for to help take the edge off my nervousness; 20 more to go to 300 letters! We can do this!
We give weekly via ActBlue, have 1100 postcards ready for mailing, working on another batch of 100 for the final push. Pedal to the metal!