I just donated a few days ago thru Act Blue. I am feeling anxious, nervous and scared, but I am writing even more letters for https://votefwd.org/ to help take the edge off my nervousness; 20 more to go to 300 letters! We can do this!

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I have my 300 cards nearly ready to go. I talk to people even if it awkward. Even posted on Facebook. I donated. I have never done any of those things before. But when the next generation asks me what did you during that time I want to be able to say I did at least something.

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Oct 6
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You MAGA folks are getting harder to take by the second. Nothing to offer; nothing to say. All junior high school nastiness. Poor things.

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When MAGA is mentioned it attracts the flies.

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Smells like desperation and fear, Komrad. Say hi to Poo-tin.

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I've been donating but I had forgotten about https://votefwd.org/. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to check into it today.

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There are still about 3 million voters to reach. I download 20 at a time, but there is the option to do five. Your pick. No judgements, they are happy to have the work that we do.

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Thanks for this. I have no money, and very little energy, but this seems like a sustainable way for me to contribute. I will check it out!

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Yep, I got to 400+ letters doing five at a time.

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As Shell said, the five letters at a time option for Vote Forward is very doable and not overwhelming. Five letters takes 15-30 min depending on how much you write. Every little bit counts and I highly encourage you to give Vote Forward a chance. They make it very easy.

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It took me a long time to find the right words to write regarding why I vote. Feel free to copy what am writing below or search for other ideas.

“I believe in Democracy. I believe in a way of life where everyone is free to live how they want and be who they are.

Please vote! Our future and way of life depend on it.”

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I’ve given through ActBlue many times. Like never before in an election. So much so. I’ve had to “stop” to limit my email to a reasonable amount ~ 90! This madness with the MAGA base must stop. I’m so anxious to get to Nov 6th & know life as we’ve always known it can resume. Nothing has ever been perfect and never will be but seeing this man walking free is just so hard to accept or to understand that there really is a double standard.

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We give weekly via ActBlue, have 1100 postcards ready for mailing, working on another batch of 100 for the final push. Pedal to the metal!

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Ann, you are a hero. And a big thanks to all who donated, wrote, posted and encouraged!

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I just donated for the first time, thankfully was paid something end of September on an old invoice so I could - but I am really sorry I can’t contribute more or more often, it’s a choice to buy food or fuel for the car, so donating isn’t the easiest thing. But I am really anxious about this election.

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Sharon, you have to take care of yourself first and foremost so you can take care of others. ☺️

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Keep calm and fight like we’re 10 points down!

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Count me in for a donation!

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We’ve been giving weekly for a few months, and longer for certain folks.

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Donated...and 25 postcard went in the mail yesterday, with 200 more by the 15th.

Thank YOU, Jay! The next few weeks will be relentless and there the amount of misinformation and lies from the right - amplified by doomspraying from Dems - will be off the charts.

Nothing is guaranteed, but Harris/Walz has the momentum, energy, organization, money and more to win. That and the fact that a majority of Americans are smart, informed, patriotic, empathetic and actually do put America first and will vote accordingly- in massive numbers.

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Donated! Post cards ready to go! Going to vote early on Tuesday!

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Me too. Even voted by mail on Friday. Voted blue up and down the ballot!

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Electing Harris Walz is a family affair! My daughter produced a 700 person event for Rosario Dawson at the DNC, then a 70 person donor breakfast, she is now out on the road to 6 swing states, created tailgate trucks with food and DJ's to make sure people are registered, my 10 yr old grandson and I are holding the fort down at home, I am volunteering for the Jewish Democratic Council, they are doing phone banks, postcards and I am supporting them with social media outreach! We are keeping it all in the family for Harris/Walz and democracy!

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Wow. Well done!!

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Donated! Also have followed suggested links for donations from Simon R and Jessica C. Keep up all the good work, all !!!

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Most positive act is just to ignore "the polls", and carry on as if a strong push in the final weeks will do it for our side. I mean, Nate Cohn practically turned himself inside-out this a.m., as he tried to explain polling biases, and "have we got it right this election year?" ruminations.

Simon Rosenberg called it right: R-biased polls are flooding the zone, driving the aggregators' numbers toward tRump and away from Harris. Fuck these guys, it's in our hands, and ours only...let's do it!

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Oct 6
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Also, Cohn is highlighting the "recalled-vote" demographic as a cohort that "may" reflect more "accuracy"...point is, these pollsters can't agree amongst themselves what constitutes a fair and unbiased polling set.

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I used your code and donated, thanks for keeping us on track, Jay and I hope the baby is sleeping well!

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Keep calm and carry on.

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Happy to give and write 5 letters last night for vote forward!

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