Watering down the bill will achieve nothing, just like the ACA. Democrats do this all the time to appease Republicans, who end up not voting for it anyway. With McConnell coming out and saying 100% of his caucus will oppose anything Biden wants, should convince everyone they don't care about anything that would help people. Manchin is a media whore, who right now holds a ton of power he has no business having. His claim of wanting bipartisanship is bullshit, given McConnell's statement. If Democrats don't get rid of at least parts of the filibuster, nothing will get done, the Republicans will use that fact in 2022 against the Democrats, and possibly retake one or both houses. This isn't a game, and Democrats need to act like our democracy depends on them doing their jobs, because it does.

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Sounds to this Canadian, that every true American should start talking to ALL their friends qabout how important this bill is going to be in making sure that EVERY eligible voter actually GETS to vote AND have their vote counted.

While pointing out just how HARD republicans are working in EVERY State to make sure that DOESN’T happen.

Ask your friends if they care about their Right to vote! Then explain how the Republicans are trying to make sure ONLY Trump supporters will be allowed to vote, if they have their way.

This is a battle for the heart of your democracy! If average citizens don’t stand up and start getting REALLY loud, while spreading the word about the traitorous actions by the Republicans, you WILL lose it!

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