I send money to Heather Cox Richardson because the work she does adds a great amount of value to my life. Your writing and hers compliment each other, and I put The Status Kuo in the same category. I’m happy to pay a little and support the work you do.
Subscribed! Would have appreciated another support option - like $120/yr - because the $500 is out of my comfort zone. Consider another level? Or allowing folks to enter any amount over $6? THANK YOU for writing this newsletter - one of my favorites and often shared.
Thank you for continuing the status quo. I cannot afford to support you at this time because I am living on a meager social security income but The Status Quo has become a daily ritual that I look forward to reading. I greatly appreciate the time and work you must put into it. Peace to you and Ma.
I am in the same boat. My fixed social security income simply does not allow for any Nice to Have extras, particularly with the ever-increasing food prices and living expenses of late. It makes me sad to not be able to contribute because I have thrived on Jay’s daily updates. They have informed me and kept me from needing admission to the rubber room.
Thank you. I am moved by your kindness and generosity and am very grateful to you. Jay certainly deserves the support and we all benefit from The Status Quo.
Jay, ditto on please allowing us to indicate another yearly amount that is less than the $500 but more than $60. I understand you are tying certain benefits to amounts but I would gladly subscribe without the higher benefit for the $500.
I'm in! After reading the 15+ comments before me, I agree with all of them. You have given us hope for the future. You help clear the way to a greater understanding of the law and politics. Your writing style is straight forward, concise, approachable and yet still detailed. Here's to your future . . . and the country's! Keep us posted, ya hear? ;)
Just subscribed and happy to do so. Like one of the other supporters noted above, I’m a regular and grateful reader of Heather Cox Richardson and I value your work in the same way. Happy to support both of you.
Sorry, I'd really would like to support you financially, but I'm (American Version) on disability. On the other hand, I'd really like to grasp on, what's happening in the US. Yes, I'm a German :-)
I'm very happy to subscribe. I'm an avid fan of your writing. Id be happy to provide even more support. Please just let is know how. Support and donation to people like you is even more important than political donations.. IMHO.
I send money to Heather Cox Richardson because the work she does adds a great amount of value to my life. Your writing and hers compliment each other, and I put The Status Kuo in the same category. I’m happy to pay a little and support the work you do.
Subscribed! Would have appreciated another support option - like $120/yr - because the $500 is out of my comfort zone. Consider another level? Or allowing folks to enter any amount over $6? THANK YOU for writing this newsletter - one of my favorites and often shared.
PS - hope Ma is improving. 🩻❤️🩹
She’s still in the hospital but we are hopeful she’ll be out in a few days. Thank you for your thoughts!
I was just about to write the exact same thing!
EASY to donate a Sub! Jay, your analytical abilities are definitely needed by all.
Thank you for letting us know that you really need our support. We're happy to do that. You bring so much to the table. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for continuing the status quo. I cannot afford to support you at this time because I am living on a meager social security income but The Status Quo has become a daily ritual that I look forward to reading. I greatly appreciate the time and work you must put into it. Peace to you and Ma.
I am in the same boat. My fixed social security income simply does not allow for any Nice to Have extras, particularly with the ever-increasing food prices and living expenses of late. It makes me sad to not be able to contribute because I have thrived on Jay’s daily updates. They have informed me and kept me from needing admission to the rubber room.
Hang in there, and you bring value to this merry band of democracy defenders, with you presence and your voice/vote! 💖
I got you ;)
Thank you. I am moved by your kindness and generosity and am very grateful to you. Jay certainly deserves the support and we all benefit from The Status Quo.
I'm honored to be able to support you work, its a blessing for all of us, thanks Jay!!
Proud subscriber! This is an invaluable source of information and comfort in a volatile political landscape
Subscribed! Your work has been essential to me since I found you a few months ago.
Jay, ditto on please allowing us to indicate another yearly amount that is less than the $500 but more than $60. I understand you are tying certain benefits to amounts but I would gladly subscribe without the higher benefit for the $500.
Thank you!
Happy to support you and your family. You help keep me sane!
Done! Keep the super helpful and insightful content coming!!
I'm in! After reading the 15+ comments before me, I agree with all of them. You have given us hope for the future. You help clear the way to a greater understanding of the law and politics. Your writing style is straight forward, concise, approachable and yet still detailed. Here's to your future . . . and the country's! Keep us posted, ya hear? ;)
Just subscribed and happy to do so. Like one of the other supporters noted above, I’m a regular and grateful reader of Heather Cox Richardson and I value your work in the same way. Happy to support both of you.
Sorry, I'd really would like to support you financially, but I'm (American Version) on disability. On the other hand, I'd really like to grasp on, what's happening in the US. Yes, I'm a German :-)
Jay, may I donate for Hans? "Ich bin ein Berliner". Update: DONE.
Thank you a thousand times and Merry Christmas! I appreciate it very much!
I'm very happy to subscribe. I'm an avid fan of your writing. Id be happy to provide even more support. Please just let is know how. Support and donation to people like you is even more important than political donations.. IMHO.
I’m happy to support you! I look forward to your clear understandable explanations of what is going on in the country.