I saw a woman who put out a video stating her dream for this whole situation. trump is indicted in NY and gets processed. Waiting for him in the lobby. Fanni Willis to escort him to GA. He gets processed. Waiting in the lobby. Jack Smith to escort him to DC. Indictment trifecta. She ended her video with, a girl can dream. Unlikely, of course, but it would be amazing. I'm just waiting for consequences for Jordan, McCarthy, and the others for overstepping their authority, among other things. It's like living in a really bad mafia movie. Certainly doesn't help with the media more than willing to push the GOP talking points without challenge or perspective.

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“Certainly doesn't help with the media more than willing to push the GOP talking points without challenge or perspective.”

More than more than willing. The media is EAGER to push GOP talking points.

Because if they reported things accurately, the 2024 campaign season would be boring. A highly competent incumbent who is steadily making things better for people vs an utterly incompetent fascist who is supported by a party that’s actively trying to destroy democracy.

It’d be no contest. The conclusion would be obvious. And how are “journalists” supposed to increase their ratings and book deals if they can’t claim both sides are the same and the race is a a dramatic too-close-to-call?

That’s why Trump’s indictment on multiple charges is no big deal and Biden’s ordering the same meal as his wife is a scandal! See? Both sides are exactly to same!!

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Oh that would be GLORIOUS! (Yes, I know it will never happen). There's not enough champagne on the planet to celebrate that if it did happen.

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Absolutely. LOL

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Always remember the unshakeable rules of conservatives. It's ok when they do it and it's not a problem until it affects them.

Oh and the last rule, they make the rules

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Let me be clear, I support 100% Jays mission to bring information to the people and activate them to resist the narratives of the wicked.

Saying what I said above does not absolve any of us from action because we know that is how they operate. Knowing means we can build a strategy around communicating clear messages and goals. The time for cohesiveness is now while we still fight for our democratic ideals. Once that fight is mostly won we can go back to warring among ourselves about which cause is more just.

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Strange to call the indictment/investigation a “politically charged” matter, when all tRump's apparent choices (crimes) were politically motivated.

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The charges of infidelity and fathering a child out of wedlock destroyed John Edward’s career even after charges were dropped. The difference between Trump and Edwards is Trump has no good reputation to ruin.

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“I’m directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy by interfering in elections with politically motivated prosecutions,” McCarthy wrote.'

So he's going to have them investigate DeSantis having 20 voters arrested in 2020 for running afoul of the legislature's restrictions of a voter-approved constitutional amendment?

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To Republicans claiming these investigations are politically motivated I say “Benghazi”.

And to those clutching their pearls at the idea of the party in power wanting to jail their political opponents I say “Lock her up.”


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If conservatives were smart, they would recognize that the GOP has been fully captured by extremists and begin the work of constructing a worthy replacement political party. The MAGA fanatics are fully committed to destruction. Democracy, and if they can’t manage that, then they will complete the self-destruction of the GOP.

America, as currently structured, requires two competent competing parties willing to govern. I would prefer a multiparty system, but that is not likely. A single party state, by either party will threaten democracy.

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The problem with extremism, is it allows for no nuances, no new information and most especially NO facts that disagree with the overriding narrative. This is why the current Republican Party can only move in one direction….further and further to the right, shedding anyone who does not agree completely with their ideology, and yet still believing they are the majority and that the majority of voters love their messaging!

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Exactly. In their reinforced post-truth bubble, only the echo chamber of hate and grievance resonates. As such their detachment from reality makes them incapable of governance, only of destruction. As soon as conservatives can come to grips with this, they will need to act to create a functioning party. Organizations not based in reality are functionally insane. They only escalate until stopped, or until they expire in a self-destructive mess.

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Many of the individuals currently denouncing the investigation and prosecution of Donald Trump are themselves individuals who are (or should be) nervous about whether THEY will also be held accountable before a court of law. They have copied and expanded upon the Trumpian tactic of heavily politicizing various judicial processes, and then turning around and claiming that the procedures should be considered invalid BECAUSE they have been politicized. Since every single thing in American public life has been politicized in recent years, that almost removes doing so as an argument.

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Well, yes. Those same individuals of questionable character should be afraid if the chickens come home. Escorted tours through the capitol the day before the coup attempt? Check. Fist bumps to the gathering crowd before the insurrection? Check. Next, next, next. There is no end with these folks.

I think they were all caught up in an "I'ma gonna get myself rich" scheme, from Flynn on down. So, yea, flim-flammed by TFG via Bannon and Miller. How? That blasted Russia thing. In the end, they are behaving, and in some cases resembling, slavering baboons looking for their treats. (No offense intended to actual baboons.)

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I honestly don't see how GOP recovers from the sheer mass of all this filth they had brought upon themselves. I am sure you have already heard about Santilli's demands for execution of Obama, should Trump be arrested - and that is all but commonplace among the GOP following these days.

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How do they recover? Spite.

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Wow! I haven't heard of that deranged demand. How scary, but sadly not surprising with these extremist lunatics.

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OH! It's just a "bookkeeping error"... sigh.

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"It's just a bookkeeping error" - wasn't that Al Capone's line?!

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'I remain skeptical that it will help him.'

It's neither here nor there to rank and file GOP voters (aka the fascist crowd).

They will prop up the fascist figurehead as long as he remains useful, as a tool for power. When he is no longer useful, they will find others.

It is a mistake to focus on the figurehead- the fascist crowd is the source everything that is currently wrong in the country, and they have been intent on constructing an apartheid state at the national level for decades.

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I don't even see how he is still useful. But then again I've never found him useful

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Pam, I would look to the rail accident in Ohio. In part that was due to deregulation which Trump signed off on. That was useful to someone (likely the rail company and their lobbying arm). manchurian candidates are still useful to someone, otherwise they woudn't be needed.

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Ok true. So I have never found him useful in an actual good way :)

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From NPR: Since Saturday, there have been at least a dozen fundraising emails sent out in Trump's name about his impending "arrest" (plus about half a dozen more trying to shape the narrative).

This strategy isn't new for Trump. Here's how it works: Post something provocative. Generate attention and headlines. Use said headlines to raise money. Pound the table. Trigger liberals. Send the right into a protective rage. Rinse. Repeat.

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I hate the statement that this is politically motivated. It's all "politically motivated" to them until the shoe is on the other foot- if this had been Biden or Obama they would be singing a whole different tune. That's honestly how I put it to people who say "they are just out to get tRump"... I ask- who would you be believing if it were a Dem? The justice dept or them? Then ask why this is any different. All the hypocrisy is exhausting

I honestly am looking forward to his mug shot :)

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Both of these guys look completely out of their depth and panicked.

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Us living "in interesting times" still continues. How long, oh lord? How long?😵

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For a change, *I* would like to live in boring times. I have enough on my plate with life issues for all of this, and it tries my patience. And depletes my supply of tea, tea towels, and smelling salts.

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Of course Trump managed to get in a transphobic potshot while complaining about DeSantis

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