The concern that I have is that because they know just how fucked they'd be in a fair and honest election, they will double down on their efforts to rig as many elections as they can... be it by voter bans (excuse me, "cleaning up the voter rolls"), gerrymandering ("redrawing districts to reflect demographics") or draconian voter ID laws and banning absentee / early voting ("preventing voter fraud")... and of course the always favorite closing down of polling places - after all, if they can't vote, they can't vote the wrong way.
This is true but it is nothing new. That has been their MO for a long time, and we need to 1) be vigilant, 2) fight them in court, and 3) beat them on their ground game.
As an Ohio resident, extreme gerrymandering isn’t even something they deny anymore. When I ask my Republican friends how it isn’t unfair to voters, they just shrug.
Example: my state rep is a farmer that somehow represents both an entire rural county and a single, deep, jagged stripe of a major urban center. It looks like a ridiculous tail on his district.
They have no problem with it being unfair, as long as it is unfair to others and benefitting them...
"I was all for Trump getting rid off all the illegal immigrants, I just never expected him to go after my maid"
"I supported Trump building the wall, I just never thought he would use eminent domain to force me out of my house"
"We need to cut entitlements, but keep your socialist hands off my medicare" (I actually once heard a guy argue the Obamacare was completely unnecessary, after all he got his meds through the Affordable Care Act)
Confusion about the ACA and "Obamacare" was/is a running joke in certain parts. Usually coming from those who are heavily subsidized and paying pennies on the dollar. Until Medicare, I was paying the full monte to the tune of over $25K a year, but was grateful to have it, "being of a certain age" when things start to fall apart. Medicare has been a huge relief.
Randy, they have been blatant about the Ohio districts; let's not forget how they responded to the Ohio Supreme Court. IOW, with a collective middle finger.
Also, Jordan's district is huge and looks like a big splot on the map.
Bowling Green Kentucky had its majority Democratic Party precinct sliced into a pizza pie, with the heavily Democratic city merged into the rural Republican County precincts. It got rid of one of the very few Democratic Representitives, Patti Minter. They silenced a whole CITY.
As someone who, unfortunately, knows many a MAGA cult member, trust me. They do not understand, or choose not to understand, what the debt ceiling issue actually IS, and are all for what McCarthy is doing. Because, you know, all these people on welfare/Medicaid, etc are what is dragging us down. Tax breaks for the wealthy are absolutely fine with them. They will continue to vote against their own Interests to "own the libs" because they simply cannot get past Hunter Bidens laptop. It's very sad.
I wonder if those center/modest/disgusted-MAGA Republicans will vote for Andrew Yang's Republican-lite third party - what the hell is called, Way Forward, or something? There's the real possibility of them being on the ballot in all 50 states might peel of many who voted democrats but believe (falsely) that "both sides are the same."
What doesn't follow in my mind is that the MAGA complaints about people on those "socialist" or "communist" (another confusion) is that many of them -- at least here in Ohio -- ALSO get their ACA insurance through Medicaid, and also use food stamps at the local grocery.
This brings to mind the LBJ quote, “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you”.
They are convinced they will one day be the rich, and therefore they are somehow exempt from being a “socialist, communist, antifa, woke, whatever”, no matter how many social safety nets they benefit from. Lauren Boebert is a perfect example of this. She says that she only had food because of the SNAP program, but wants others to just work harder.
I continue to believe that the Administration (Biden/Yellen) will, after letting McCarthy twist in the wind for a few more weeks, pull the 14th Amendment argument and raise or eliminate the debt ceiling unilaterally. Yes, it will lead to a court fight, possibly ending at the SCOTUS, but it will prevent the worst effects of a default. Not to say that there won't be a shock to the markets and possibly a credit downgrade (as happened in 2012); there will. But pulling the rug out from under McCarthy will be worth it.
Here is an idea for the “Less-extreme” GOP members in the House, and maybe in the Senate. Seven Steps to avoid disaster and set our country back on the rails:
For those who have a remnant of a conscience and haven’t yet sold their soul, there is a way out. First, reconnect with your spine.
Second, find others like you in the House.
Third, call for a vote on McCarthy. Thanks to the “Loss of Freedom Caucus” it only takes one of you to call for the vote.
Fourth, be absent for the first roll call vote.
Fifth, when they go around a second time to pick up the stragglers, vote for Rep Jeffries.
Sixth, immediately call a press conference and declare that you are leaving the Republican Party. If you don’t feel good about joining the party of sanity (Democrats) then become Independent.
Seventh, when asked with whom you will caucus……say Democrats. And watch the insane howl and the weak-hearted drop.
My worry is that religion will carry them through, bricks and all. Where I’m from, a not-insignificant amount of voters legitimately believe Trump was sent by God. He’s nearly on par with Jesus, himself. With so many Republican policies tied in with Christian “values,” to deny the Republicans is to deny God. Even if they don’t always agree with what is done or said, even when they express doubt in party direction, they will hold their noses and support it. Nobody wants their friends/family/neighbors to suspect they would vote against God’s will.
It sounds dumb, but that’s pretty much how it is in rural Ohio right now. Hopefully this is a rare situation.
Agreed because of my observations in rural central Ohio. When I came back in 2009, someone asked me what was the most shocking difference between the greater NYC area (where I lived for 40 years) and here. "Those warehouse churches alongside the highway with no discernable denomination." My interrogator was taken aback.
A very interesting piece aired on NPR this morning (actually I think it was a WOSU piece) about the decline in attendance at churches across the state. Today's piece focused on the Roman Catholic Church, which is closing parish churches right and left because of a decline in attendance. A history professor, who was also a Baptist minister, was asked his opinion on why. "Politics. Churches have come to stand for extreme Republicans, and liberal or moderate folks don't want to be labeled like that, so they don't attend." (or something like that, I'm paraphrasing.) You can probably find the piece in a podcast somewhere.
I have a number of right-wing friends, too, and your comment is spot on. The hoops they jump through to justify t & the xtian country they think we should be: it’s a very injurious “mission from god.” They can’t get past Obama--Hunter’s laptop is their dog whistle. Sadly, imo, there are still many who support the gop’s craziest side, fully.
"...he isn’t trying to solve the nation’s problems. He’s trying to solve his party’s problems." He may not even be trying to do that much. It would fit my opinion of Kevin McCarthy that the only thing he is trying to do is hang onto his "speakership." His party, the economy, the country, and everything else can go hang as long as he gets to stay speaker.
This right here, is the correct analysis. He cares about nothing else - except he'd love to be President, but it may be sinking in that it will never happen. OTOH, he may, in fact, be that delusional.
I do not think cutting off the most vulnerable in our society, namely the young and old, the poor is the way to go with budget cuts. In fact, I support Biden's attempts to get more money out of the super wealthy who skip country as far as it goes to hide their money in countries that are friendly to tax dodgers. In fact, I think that our congress ought to pass a bill that one cannot have dual citizenship in countries that help hide money, like St. Kitts and Nevis, where Billionaire Harlan Crow likely hides his money.
In fact, old Harlan Crow has got to go! Let him be given a choice of citizenships, and there are probably a lot of others. If they leave they keep their money, but it won't be welcome here, and there should be protections to ensure that they cannot give campaign contributions. I think if anything the IRS should have even more money since they are the bureau that is best suited to fund our government. Make the rich pay their fare share and then we can see about bringing down the debt ceiling.
Jay, would you please speak into the US debt and how not paying them may be unconstitutional? Thom Hartman (Substack the Hartman report) lays out his thoughts. Specifically: 11. Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment, declaring that, ‘The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, ...shall not be questioned,’ is confirmatory of a fundamental principle, applying as well to bonds issued after, as to those issued before, the adoption of the Amendment; and the expression ‘validity of the public debt’ embraces whatever concerns the integrity of the public obligations.
“The Joint Resolution of June 5, 1933, is a direct violation of §4 of the Fourteenth Amendment, expressly limiting the delegated powers of Congress, and making the public debt of the United States inviolable at the hands of Congress.”
Yes. I would like to know more about this as well. I have heard whispering, but would like more solid information. I will check out Hartman. Thanks Mark.
Ok, just read the Hartman report. I agree with you Mark. I would like to see more of this discussed across a variety of sources. Maybe even a discussion would cause the House Repugs to back down.
But but but. Gerrymandering. We in NC failed in our attempt to keep the NC Supreme Court in sane hands and I fear we will lose seats in 2024. What’s to be done? There are reliable progressive and voting rights groups here, but, sad to say, Democrats need more support from the party.
Is it ever possible for the house Dems to form a coalition with moderate Rs to force a vote and approve a clean "debt" limit increase? Would McCarthy even allow that vote?
Any moderate Republican would be worried about getting primaried and ousted by a MAGA extremist... it has happened before, and it will happen to anybody who "dares to betray" the party line
Loved this, Jay. So true. Especially like your phrase "stick to their guns" by the Guns Over People demagogues. (I'm not dignifying this group of professional political thugs as a legitimate party.)
^^^^ is why they are so afraid of the Equal Rights Amendment. Until women start going all Lysistrata on them, they will keep taking their Viagra, humping their secret girl and boy friends, and think all will be fine.
BTW, I sincerely hope if the Lysistrata moment happens, ALL of our LGBTQ+ friends will join in.
I would agree with you based on the reasoning in the gun case and Dobbs (we can't have any rights that didn't exist in 1785 or at the time of the 14th amendment) except thankfully our right to vote as women is explicitly in the Constitution. No penumbras, thank god.
This week or next, the Senate is holding hearings on the bill, showcasing how disastrous the GOP "budget" could be, and if the debt ceiling isn't passed.
It's part of the process and will get coverage.The DOA bill is dead on arrival. I'd be surprised if those GOP clowns will stick their neck out for McCarthy at any rate.
What do you want them to do/think they can and should do?
It's easy to dis on Chuck, lord knows.
My bigger worry is that Biden caves the closer the deadline gets. His offer should be to repeal the Trump tax cut!
I like all that. I think Biden and the Dems being aggressive is a win politically and the smart thing to do. What I would give for any of them to consistently say about their moves, especially protecting Americans vis-a-vis the debt ceiling (and protecting our wallets!) "THIS is actually putting America first."
Forgot about Durbin...the blue slips is infuriating at this point. Durbin and others STILL worry about precendent, comity, etc. when it comes to how things were done - STILL thinking it should still be that way. Ridiculous. GOP scorched that earth a long time ago.
The concern that I have is that because they know just how fucked they'd be in a fair and honest election, they will double down on their efforts to rig as many elections as they can... be it by voter bans (excuse me, "cleaning up the voter rolls"), gerrymandering ("redrawing districts to reflect demographics") or draconian voter ID laws and banning absentee / early voting ("preventing voter fraud")... and of course the always favorite closing down of polling places - after all, if they can't vote, they can't vote the wrong way.
This is true but it is nothing new. That has been their MO for a long time, and we need to 1) be vigilant, 2) fight them in court, and 3) beat them on their ground game.
As an Ohio resident, extreme gerrymandering isn’t even something they deny anymore. When I ask my Republican friends how it isn’t unfair to voters, they just shrug.
Example: my state rep is a farmer that somehow represents both an entire rural county and a single, deep, jagged stripe of a major urban center. It looks like a ridiculous tail on his district.
They have no problem with it being unfair, as long as it is unfair to others and benefitting them...
"I was all for Trump getting rid off all the illegal immigrants, I just never expected him to go after my maid"
"I supported Trump building the wall, I just never thought he would use eminent domain to force me out of my house"
"We need to cut entitlements, but keep your socialist hands off my medicare" (I actually once heard a guy argue the Obamacare was completely unnecessary, after all he got his meds through the Affordable Care Act)
Confusion about the ACA and "Obamacare" was/is a running joke in certain parts. Usually coming from those who are heavily subsidized and paying pennies on the dollar. Until Medicare, I was paying the full monte to the tune of over $25K a year, but was grateful to have it, "being of a certain age" when things start to fall apart. Medicare has been a huge relief.
Randy, they have been blatant about the Ohio districts; let's not forget how they responded to the Ohio Supreme Court. IOW, with a collective middle finger.
Also, Jordan's district is huge and looks like a big splot on the map.
Bowling Green Kentucky had its majority Democratic Party precinct sliced into a pizza pie, with the heavily Democratic city merged into the rural Republican County precincts. It got rid of one of the very few Democratic Representitives, Patti Minter. They silenced a whole CITY.
And the GOP Kentucky Supreme Court upheld it.
You’re right. Voter suppression is all they’ve got. Sad.
George, it may be all the’ve got, but it’s sufficient to skew elections and get them what they want - power and control.
I thought this is what they've been doing?!
As someone who, unfortunately, knows many a MAGA cult member, trust me. They do not understand, or choose not to understand, what the debt ceiling issue actually IS, and are all for what McCarthy is doing. Because, you know, all these people on welfare/Medicaid, etc are what is dragging us down. Tax breaks for the wealthy are absolutely fine with them. They will continue to vote against their own Interests to "own the libs" because they simply cannot get past Hunter Bidens laptop. It's very sad.
This is a battle for the center voters, in my view. The MAGA voters will vote the way their leaders tell them to vote.
I wonder if those center/modest/disgusted-MAGA Republicans will vote for Andrew Yang's Republican-lite third party - what the hell is called, Way Forward, or something? There's the real possibility of them being on the ballot in all 50 states might peel of many who voted democrats but believe (falsely) that "both sides are the same."
What doesn't follow in my mind is that the MAGA complaints about people on those "socialist" or "communist" (another confusion) is that many of them -- at least here in Ohio -- ALSO get their ACA insurance through Medicaid, and also use food stamps at the local grocery.
This brings to mind the LBJ quote, “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you”.
They are convinced they will one day be the rich, and therefore they are somehow exempt from being a “socialist, communist, antifa, woke, whatever”, no matter how many social safety nets they benefit from. Lauren Boebert is a perfect example of this. She says that she only had food because of the SNAP program, but wants others to just work harder.
I continue to believe that the Administration (Biden/Yellen) will, after letting McCarthy twist in the wind for a few more weeks, pull the 14th Amendment argument and raise or eliminate the debt ceiling unilaterally. Yes, it will lead to a court fight, possibly ending at the SCOTUS, but it will prevent the worst effects of a default. Not to say that there won't be a shock to the markets and possibly a credit downgrade (as happened in 2012); there will. But pulling the rug out from under McCarthy will be worth it.
Here is an idea for the “Less-extreme” GOP members in the House, and maybe in the Senate. Seven Steps to avoid disaster and set our country back on the rails:
For those who have a remnant of a conscience and haven’t yet sold their soul, there is a way out. First, reconnect with your spine.
Second, find others like you in the House.
Third, call for a vote on McCarthy. Thanks to the “Loss of Freedom Caucus” it only takes one of you to call for the vote.
Fourth, be absent for the first roll call vote.
Fifth, when they go around a second time to pick up the stragglers, vote for Rep Jeffries.
Sixth, immediately call a press conference and declare that you are leaving the Republican Party. If you don’t feel good about joining the party of sanity (Democrats) then become Independent.
Seventh, when asked with whom you will caucus……say Democrats. And watch the insane howl and the weak-hearted drop.
My worry is that religion will carry them through, bricks and all. Where I’m from, a not-insignificant amount of voters legitimately believe Trump was sent by God. He’s nearly on par with Jesus, himself. With so many Republican policies tied in with Christian “values,” to deny the Republicans is to deny God. Even if they don’t always agree with what is done or said, even when they express doubt in party direction, they will hold their noses and support it. Nobody wants their friends/family/neighbors to suspect they would vote against God’s will.
It sounds dumb, but that’s pretty much how it is in rural Ohio right now. Hopefully this is a rare situation.
Agreed because of my observations in rural central Ohio. When I came back in 2009, someone asked me what was the most shocking difference between the greater NYC area (where I lived for 40 years) and here. "Those warehouse churches alongside the highway with no discernable denomination." My interrogator was taken aback.
A very interesting piece aired on NPR this morning (actually I think it was a WOSU piece) about the decline in attendance at churches across the state. Today's piece focused on the Roman Catholic Church, which is closing parish churches right and left because of a decline in attendance. A history professor, who was also a Baptist minister, was asked his opinion on why. "Politics. Churches have come to stand for extreme Republicans, and liberal or moderate folks don't want to be labeled like that, so they don't attend." (or something like that, I'm paraphrasing.) You can probably find the piece in a podcast somewhere.
I have a number of right-wing friends, too, and your comment is spot on. The hoops they jump through to justify t & the xtian country they think we should be: it’s a very injurious “mission from god.” They can’t get past Obama--Hunter’s laptop is their dog whistle. Sadly, imo, there are still many who support the gop’s craziest side, fully.
Thom Hartmann has said many times that he is asked if he thinks TFG is the anti-christ.
"...he isn’t trying to solve the nation’s problems. He’s trying to solve his party’s problems." He may not even be trying to do that much. It would fit my opinion of Kevin McCarthy that the only thing he is trying to do is hang onto his "speakership." His party, the economy, the country, and everything else can go hang as long as he gets to stay speaker.
This right here, is the correct analysis. He cares about nothing else - except he'd love to be President, but it may be sinking in that it will never happen. OTOH, he may, in fact, be that delusional.
I am still hoping that Biden takes one of the paths that Paul Krugman offers.
I do not think cutting off the most vulnerable in our society, namely the young and old, the poor is the way to go with budget cuts. In fact, I support Biden's attempts to get more money out of the super wealthy who skip country as far as it goes to hide their money in countries that are friendly to tax dodgers. In fact, I think that our congress ought to pass a bill that one cannot have dual citizenship in countries that help hide money, like St. Kitts and Nevis, where Billionaire Harlan Crow likely hides his money.
In fact, old Harlan Crow has got to go! Let him be given a choice of citizenships, and there are probably a lot of others. If they leave they keep their money, but it won't be welcome here, and there should be protections to ensure that they cannot give campaign contributions. I think if anything the IRS should have even more money since they are the bureau that is best suited to fund our government. Make the rich pay their fare share and then we can see about bringing down the debt ceiling.
Jay, would you please speak into the US debt and how not paying them may be unconstitutional? Thom Hartman (Substack the Hartman report) lays out his thoughts. Specifically: 11. Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment, declaring that, ‘The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, ...shall not be questioned,’ is confirmatory of a fundamental principle, applying as well to bonds issued after, as to those issued before, the adoption of the Amendment; and the expression ‘validity of the public debt’ embraces whatever concerns the integrity of the public obligations.
“The Joint Resolution of June 5, 1933, is a direct violation of §4 of the Fourteenth Amendment, expressly limiting the delegated powers of Congress, and making the public debt of the United States inviolable at the hands of Congress.”
Thank you.
Yes. I would like to know more about this as well. I have heard whispering, but would like more solid information. I will check out Hartman. Thanks Mark.
Ok, just read the Hartman report. I agree with you Mark. I would like to see more of this discussed across a variety of sources. Maybe even a discussion would cause the House Repugs to back down.
This chaotic group of clunky malfeasance cannot even find unanimity within the plot of their evil comic pages...
As you have indicted, may they Wile E Coyote themselves into singed-hair irrelevance.
But but but. Gerrymandering. We in NC failed in our attempt to keep the NC Supreme Court in sane hands and I fear we will lose seats in 2024. What’s to be done? There are reliable progressive and voting rights groups here, but, sad to say, Democrats need more support from the party.
I am extremely concerned that they are all nuts enough to actually do it, to crash the economy.
Is it ever possible for the house Dems to form a coalition with moderate Rs to force a vote and approve a clean "debt" limit increase? Would McCarthy even allow that vote?
We’ll have to see what Manchin and Sinema will press for so that Schumer can deliver a “moderate” package back to the House for them to fall over.
Any moderate Republican would be worried about getting primaried and ousted by a MAGA extremist... it has happened before, and it will happen to anybody who "dares to betray" the party line
Loved this, Jay. So true. Especially like your phrase "stick to their guns" by the Guns Over People demagogues. (I'm not dignifying this group of professional political thugs as a legitimate party.)
The GOP has got to disenfranchise women. You heard it here first.
^^^^ is why they are so afraid of the Equal Rights Amendment. Until women start going all Lysistrata on them, they will keep taking their Viagra, humping their secret girl and boy friends, and think all will be fine.
BTW, I sincerely hope if the Lysistrata moment happens, ALL of our LGBTQ+ friends will join in.
I would agree with you based on the reasoning in the gun case and Dobbs (we can't have any rights that didn't exist in 1785 or at the time of the 14th amendment) except thankfully our right to vote as women is explicitly in the Constitution. No penumbras, thank god.
They’re trying as hard as they can, and yet “Women for Trump,” gear is still very popular in SW Ohio.
Shades of Phyllis Schlafley and Anita Bryant.
I await the great awakening, this is not going to be pretty.
Bravo Chuck Schumer for calling the GOP bill what it is: the Default On America (DOA) bill. More of this, please!
This week or next, the Senate is holding hearings on the bill, showcasing how disastrous the GOP "budget" could be, and if the debt ceiling isn't passed.
It's part of the process and will get coverage.The DOA bill is dead on arrival. I'd be surprised if those GOP clowns will stick their neck out for McCarthy at any rate.
What do you want them to do/think they can and should do?
It's easy to dis on Chuck, lord knows.
My bigger worry is that Biden caves the closer the deadline gets. His offer should be to repeal the Trump tax cut!
I like all that. I think Biden and the Dems being aggressive is a win politically and the smart thing to do. What I would give for any of them to consistently say about their moves, especially protecting Americans vis-a-vis the debt ceiling (and protecting our wallets!) "THIS is actually putting America first."
Forgot about Durbin...the blue slips is infuriating at this point. Durbin and others STILL worry about precendent, comity, etc. when it comes to how things were done - STILL thinking it should still be that way. Ridiculous. GOP scorched that earth a long time ago.