On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell made a curious statement. He said that the Senate Leadership Fund, an “outside” group with which he is nevertheless closely affiliated, would consider stepping into the primaries to stop “unelectable” candidates from facing the Democrats in November of 2022.
Everything Trump touches, dies. Let's hope that includes the GOP. Let something sane and rational, and actually committed to the betterment of the country rise in its place.
Gonzalez is my rep and they are putting ex-Trump aide Max Miller up against him in the primary. Should be interesting. If they can get these gerrymandered districts back to something more reasonable maybe a Democrat can actually win. Also, Mandel is frickin' nuts. He'll sell his own mother to get elected.
Everything Trump touches, dies. Let's hope that includes the GOP. Let something sane and rational, and actually committed to the betterment of the country rise in its place.
Let Trump endorse anyone and watch Mitch burn. Love it!
Gonzalez is my rep and they are putting ex-Trump aide Max Miller up against him in the primary. Should be interesting. If they can get these gerrymandered districts back to something more reasonable maybe a Democrat can actually win. Also, Mandel is frickin' nuts. He'll sell his own mother to get elected.