Thank you. Giving words to the sadness I feel, the horror I see, and the fear for the future I hold helps-naming it helps it to be managed better. Really, thank you. Your work matters. You matter. 💙

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As I have said elsewhere, I am glad my WWII USAF veteran father, a lifelong Republican, is dead, so he does not have to witness what has happened to the party he taught me to respect, even when I disagreed with them. That is no longer possible.

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Excellent article, Jay! I was a moderate Republican my entire adult life until…Trump. I was also a Republican that cared very much about the environment and climate change. Kind of an oxymoron and did not fit with the party.

You laid out the path of demise of the R party perfectly. Thank you!

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There's the key concept; we retain freedom of religion, but not from it. Here's the shame of it;

Jesus is credited in the New Testament with the profound observation "render to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and render to God what it God's". Things of faith, spirituality can live within a broad range of Governmental frameworks. The whole order of things breaks down when we confuse matters of faith with the law and governance. Faith can and should guide our morals, ethics and conduct towards others, but it should leave room for those of different convictions to leave peaceably amongst us. The religious right has missed the fundamental truth of that and is now heading down an increasingly twisted and sordid pathway away from the founders' intent.

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It's all about control. As with any religion, it's about controlling the masses. That's why it works so well in government.

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“Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”

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Is your not-so-very-nice comment directed at me, Mr. Kemalyan?

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Your response to me says more about you than it does about me. Enjoy your evening, Mr. Kemalyan.

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Over the last few years, I have often felt as though we were living in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" where the quote "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" keeps running through my head. My grandfather was a staunch republican and he would not recognize ANYTHING in today's GOP. Not. One. Single. Thing.

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To quote Dr Sam'l Johnson: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" (Not meaning that all patriots are scoundrels, rather that those who ARE scoundrels often get away with it by much public flag-waving and protestations of love for the homeland.)

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As my favorite bumper sticker as a kid in the 70’s and 80’s said, the moral majority is neither.

The Republican Party has been more and more vocal pushing morally and ethically bankrupt policies throughout my life. I’m actually happy they are finally spectacularly showing their true selves.

I’m just a bit concerned by how many are willing to support such malfeasance.

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Statesperson level stuff, Jay. Thank you for your service!

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Thanks you for your writings!! I agree that conservatives long ago grabbed those moral pillars and declared them theirs. But I don't agree that liberals are now adding them to their own set of values. They were there all along.

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While we all read Jay's article, nodding our head in agreement, while simultaneously shaking our heads in disgust, I can *guarantee* that any dyed-in-the-wool Republican and their blind supporters would be enraged, red-face and sputtering, while accusing us of exactly the same. Facts don't matter to them, that much is abundantly clear. They have completely abandoned any responsibility to the country, to the Constitution, and most importantly, to any DECENCY.

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It almost seems as though the two parties are switching platforms, much as they did after the civil war.

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Thank you. The clear explanation is quite helpful.

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Very well said..thanks.

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While in college dating my initial wife we would spend the Christmas and thanksgiving with her parents. There were many wonderful gatherings of celebration among very successful business and political acquaintances of her family.

All, every single one was a Republican.

I remember their kindness, and power, and authority because they earned all such positive patriotic attributes. It was exciting to meet and converse and learn from these most respectable Americans!

Today I curse every repigflican and advocate to boot them all out of office as traitors intent upon destroying American Democracy. WTF!

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