We're not supposed to feel sorry for the Republican party and their donors, right? I mean, trump's been a grifter and a con man his entire life. If his cult wants to give him their money, I'm fine with that. If Republicans in local and state races have no money from the RNC to rely on, I'm fine with that, too. They all signed up for this. The faster this party implodes the better. The fact that his no talent, batshit crazy daughter in law will have a hand in it, makes it that much better.

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I guess I'm blessed to not be deep in Trumpland details. I didn't recognize the name Lara Trump (my thought was, "damn, there's another one?"), so I googled her and saw she's married to Eric. And I'm constitutionally incapable of thinking about Eric Trump without seeing Alex Moffat in my head on his SNL Weekend Update news skits, which are hilarious.

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When I think of Eric, I also see Colbert doing his imitation, and I laugh and laugh and laugh some more. The gums thing just kills me. And the way he says, Dad.

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Actually, it is cause for joy. The Trumpublicans allowing him to bankrupt them just like it was one of his businesses should allow a new Republican party to grow and replace it.

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Even better, their down ticket R candidates stand a better than even chance of being outspent by the Dem candidates with little to no support from the RNC.

Trump and his team of enablers must figure that they can run the government all by themselves with no support from the House or Senate. Makes me wonder what he's got up his sleeve....nothing good for anyone but tffg, that much is certain.

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I have that same concern (as your last sentence ). Seems he’s happy to destroy the party, so what’s his plan for the opposition?

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He and the Heritage Foundation have so generously given us a preview of what he’ll do should he win: fascism all the way.

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Hmmmm. How about the "Heritage Party", the political party that will take American life back to the good old days.

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What "good old days"? That phrase and the hazy golden aura it invokes around the imaginings of just how golden those good old days were, is greatly--almost unrecognizably--exaggerated. Yeah, there were some good things going on--but there were many bad things going on as well. We humans have highly selective memories I'm afraid.

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I suspect Koch’s PAC and others of the same will fund the down ballot campaigns and causes and direct their corporate cronies to directly donate to Republican congressional candidates and state level races.

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Not new. Without naming the person, I told a friend who was shot and injured in the Gabby Gifford shooting:

Lady Justice does not wear a blindfold as a metaphor that justice is blind. She wears it to have plausible deniability that she sees the corruption in the legal system that is bought and paid for.

Saw on MSNBC today what I have been saying for months. The legal system by not throwing Trump in jail is treating him as a protected individual who is above the rule of law. Democrats are still wimps.

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Amen, sister, amen!

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And then we would be left with our own Democratic Party which is a party of wimps that complains about but does nothing to stop Trump’s continuous violations of gag orders elevating him to a protected person who is above the law.

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That would be our judicial system not the Democrats in Congress. Keep in mind that we're not in the majority in the House and the fucked up filibuster in the Senate, along with Manchin and Sinema screw things up on the regular.

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Let’s talk about the Democrats—and I am one:

1. I keep getting texts and e-mails from demos all over the country running for office, not telling me what they stand for, not trying to find out what is important to me and ignoring that I’ve asked the Democratic Party over 20 times to remove me from e-mail and phone lists.

2. All over YouTube I see MAGA Maggot ads on liberal podcasts and see advertisements on CNN and MSNBC from Trumpers but nothing from Dems on scum ball sites.

3. The best voices right now for Dems are fierce Black women. Why are we not seeing more about them. As an older white guy I’m tired of seeing people who look more like me talk, talk, talk.

4. NBC HIRED MCDANIEL Are you kidding me?

5. Not happy we didn’t have a real primary process.

Enough. I could go on for hours. The Democratic older white men are wimps. give me more of Jasmine Crockett., AOC, Leticia James and many more.

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They are not even trying to appear as if they are beholden to any decorum, convention or guardrails. They are so confident in the loyalty of their base that they freely divulge their spending intent, and not erroneously assume many will in fact welcome the opportunity to play their part in their god's resurrection. That is where we're at: Trump is the addled-minded's Jesus.


Let's all shiver and shudder and entrain ourselves to this set point.

Their money, their choice.

They wanna bleed their accounts to the anti-dulcet screech of Laura Trump, well, their purgatory.

We will continue to unify, more convinced than ever that we stand within reality and decency while that iceberg continues to bobble towards destruction.

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Well written!

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As we speak, Trump's Truth Social stock is dropping like a stone over a cliff. Google "DJT" stock. They had to file a required report today, and it was B.A,D. https://www.axios.com/2024/04/01/trump-truth-social-revenue-2023

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Love a blistering 8-K report

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me, too

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Jay I have a question

We all know trump will try to overturn the election this time as well.

What if people refuse to sign to election results? I know it God's to the house to decide but they are corrupt

Hiw do we stop it?

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Goes to the house !!!*** not God!!!

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Oh please, let there be a Randy Rainbow mash up of Lara Trump’s greatest songs. Which I believe my be identical to her worst songs list. To paraphrase real stars the Pointer Sisters, I’d be so excited!

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And we could do a Zoom call with each other and dance and laugh until we all fall down in exhaustion!

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Yeah, the SPAC is the real problem. Right now, it seems to me, it's a way to avoid those pesky max donations the FEC (sort of) keeps track of. Since the treason weasel has stated he will use his "own funds" to campaign this fall, it seems likely that his billionaire buddies (Like Elon) have gotten the message. The best proof of that is the stocks increase has no basis in normal financial indicators like the company making a profit. Now a bunch of his cult members are also driving the stock up, but when he (and his buddies) starts dumping it they will be stuck holding the bag. It also doesn't seem that the FEC has anyway to control this kind of violation, since no presidential candidate has had a resource like this before.

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The stock is down 23% so far today…

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That’s exactly it. Buying this stock from Trump is just a way to give him unlimited money.

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It's basically just an instrument for bribery: Anyone can dump money in there then pumped up shares held by his family (and, with permission, him) can be sold and voila! Laundered money.

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Minus capital gains tax, of course. He'll find a way around that, too...

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Tax on net gains and losses. All he has to do is sell one or more of the overvalued properties at the true value shown on the tax roles mixed with a little hocus-pocus to show a loss.

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Yep, about what I thought - no clue re: details, but I knew it'd generally be something like that. It'll just about kill him (opleaseopleaseoplease) to do that, but our tax laws were written by and for people like him.

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I second the Oplease.

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Elon Musk is NOT donating to DJT nor to Biden. He is conservative but not stupid.

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Ever since Citizens United so many of us wanted to see money taken out of political campaigns. Ironically, Trump is making it happen.

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Jay, you’re the best.

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If the price of DJT bottoms out, I wonder if any cult members will figure out what happened to their money? 10 to 1 they will blame it on Biden. Or maybe Obama. Same thing, you know.

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I’m hearing that old classic Sony & Cher song “the beat goes on” only its the grift goes on.

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Someone said I should have called it, “The Cheat Goes On.” Damn, missed oppy

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I thought of that, too!

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Wondering how many RNC up for re-election will jump ship seeing as they will get no help funding their campaigns. Dems need to double down with this revelation and take back those seats with funding.

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It’s more how many won’t run again

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That, too.

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Apr 1Edited

The RNC is getting exactly what it deserves and what it has apparently asked for. Sustainability as a party is nowhere near the top of its list. Watching it collapse in on itself is quite satisfying.

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Nothing would make me happier than to see this travesty of a party that has supported & condoned so much damage to our country for so many years just implode.

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"Anything is possible" seems eerily reminiscent of "Tomorrow Belongs to Me."

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From Wikipedia: "Tomorrow Belongs to Me" is a song from the 1966 Broadway musical Cabaret, and the 1972 film of the same name, sung primarily by a Nazi character.

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By a blond-haired member of Nazi- youth, in the movie at least. So sinister.

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She could put her cover of “Springtime for Hitler in Germany” on the B-side.

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Posted before scrolling down and seeing the next comment below.

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"Springtime for Hitler"

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“The Producers” is one of my favorite movies.

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“And the walls came tumbling down”. . . Except of course nothing actually got built. If religion can do anything for this country, it can save us all from this anti-Christ. It definitely feels as though he’s getting desperate and even more deranged. Grift on, dummy.

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My impression is that the RNC leaders aren't suckers, but are willing Trump cultists, eager to be allied with what they view as Trump's actual and potential power. There's always the possibility they're scared to defy him, in case he sics his followers on them, as he's done with others who oppose him.

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It's about the policies. They know he's an idiot and they don't care because they will enact the deregulation, the tax cuts, the harmful policies that take away people's human rights, all for the 1%. Remember Shawn Fain told his members he represents the billionaires. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zgQEqYco2mg

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Great line!

“The RNC has become a money-laundering operation for the most crooked president in history.”

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I am still in complete confusion about how even a Leadership PAC can pay a candidates legal expenses under the "irrespective test" of the FEC. At the very LEAST how can it pay for purely private cases like Carroll or Letitia James? Is the fact that trump MAKES these a "campaign issue" by bitching on Truth Social and at rallies about the cases enough? .

What I have been finding is folks just guessing about what a Leadership Pac can do, but most seem to exclude Carroll and James. Is the PAC required to report what it is spending its money on? If not, how does the FEC have any way of enforcing its "irrespective" rule? Does the FEC just ignore campaign finance violations during a campaign? Makes no sense.

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By the time this gets challenged, if it ever did, the election would be over.

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I just decided to write to the FEC to ask my questions. Will report if I hear any frickin' thing at all. I might write to my representative, too.

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Campaign ads have to say who paid, so that would semi-self-enforce that provision.

IRC from Stephen Colbert's explanations last cycle, as long as they don't explicitly spend it on, say, campaign ads or any other direct promotion of a particular candidate, they can spend it on any damn thing they want.

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So a Leadership Pac is just a GoFundMe for someone running for office? That really doesn't make sense.

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Pretty much. Thank SCOTUS and Citizens United.

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I guess this PAC/campaign money heist is actually a good thing, though, right? For the good guys? It also hints that some of these lawyers are actually getting paid for their work, which I find mildly shocking. When Trump is finally finished and playing dog poker in the hoosegow, will it be necessary to set up a GoFundMe page for out of work lawyers? I have so many questions.

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It’s part of the demise of the party. What rises to take its place might be scary though

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Hopefully The Bullwark Party or something like that, and the maniacs will get tamped down. But it may take awhile.

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That’s what worries me - they have to know what they are destroying/creating. It’s the creating that is scary.

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The GoFundMe will be for TFFG in prison to pay for high fat, high cholesterol snacks in the prison store along with diapers.

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Conflict of interest? In the fake business world Trump inhabits, and the autocratic regimes he openly and explicitly prefers to this country, it’s called “efficiency.”

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