Not just a classic example, but so blatant they must be angling to get this to the Supreme Court. They're likely banking on the conservative leaning justices backing them up.

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The right might be overestimating their chances with the Supreme Court. It seems Roberts and Gorsuch have both voted against blatant LGBT discrimination. Will also be curious to see where ACB falls on this. Obviously she's conservative, but if the argument can be made that this bill is actually harmful to children, it may affect her POV.

Jay - Curious to know your thoughts on this question. It seems that it's easier to be an activist judge in the lower courts, expounding views to the right or left, because you're setting up an opinion and framing an argument, but you know that your opinion can be overridden by the Supreme Court. I wonder if being the final authority changes a Justice's perspective, knowing that real lives as opposed to theoretical principals are in their hands and that they will be judged by history for their decisions.

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Certainly justices have been known to temper or even change their views once on the Court for life. Look at Earl

Warren and Souter.

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I hope the ACLU will be able to stop this disgusting act. The GQP is the party of hate and inequality. So sick of them and their tasteless acts of discrimination.

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Perhaps a significant curtailment of federal funds is in order when a state so clearly sets itself against science, doctors and its own citizens.

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The Biden administration agrees. It has issued a statement that it considers LGBTQ discrimination in schools subject to Title IX and will withhold federal funds for those in violation.

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It seems cruelty and not much else is the point for the Republicans. It's like they wake up and ask themselves, who can we decimate today? It's these hypocritical, so called Christians that made me walk away from being a Christian, although, I was never this type. So much hate for anything different than themselves. In this case, it will be children who will suffer, which I cannot tolerate. I just can't with these miserable people.

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