Meanwhile the media either doesn't know or doesn't care about any of this. At least last night, it was presented as totally normal. I'm sick to death of our lopsided media. They're putting us all in danger by normalizing all of this and speaking about President Biden like he's the one who's the real criminal. This is the worst season of the Twilight Zone ever.

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This is why more and more folks choose to get their news from other sources, such as from trusted sources on Substack!

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It's the main reason I'm here.

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Like you!! Thank you, Jay Kuo, for being a truth teller! 💙💙💙💙💙

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Which is exactly what Heather Cox Richardson said yesterday. McCarthy doesn't need a reason to announce the impeachment inquiry, he just needs to create the illusion there is something there and the media does the rest. Basically if there is smoke there MUST be fire or why would there be smoke right? And unfortunately it's working, but for how long?

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It's enraging.

The GOP pours smoke into the room, the media reports on the presence of smoke with little pushback or context, and pundits sagely nod, noting while there's no 'evidence' of crimes by Biden, one can't overlook the smoke.

Exact same playbook as the "Big Lie", "her emails", Benghazi.

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Yep. Because that's the society we've become. Don't need evidence, it's good enough to put the idea out there. It's rather disturbing.

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It’s simple—follow the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Clicks and eyeballs rule the day! No corporate owned media has anyone’s best interest in mind other than their own bottom lines.

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I can’t agree more! If not for Jennifer Rubin I would have dropped my subscription to WaPo already. I may anyway. Yesterday they published an opinion piece stating we should not vote to re-elect Biden because he’s old!

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There's also op eds saying he should dump Kamala. They can't make up their minds.

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That’s because she’s a woman of color “oh the horrors!” It has absolutely nothing to do with her qualifications!

Gawd this infuriates me!

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Ageism, sexism, or racism. At least they cover all of their bigoted bases. SMH

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Here’s the gifted link to the opinion piece. https://wapo.st/3RgBFHp

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Thank you.

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That isn’t what David Ignatius said. He said that he thought that Biden should not run for the Democratic nomination. That’s a rather big difference, though the Post certainly has displayed some very distinct anti Biden writing over time. I’ve lost an enormous amount of respect for the publication both for their continued employment and regular publication of right wing liars and for their board’s oblivious and biased editorials.

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I did see some push back on MSNBC’s The Maddow Blog written by Steve Benin. This is the closest thing to major media I get as my evening news.

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Ditto. And there are a couple there that are totally valid!

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I totally agree!

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As an American who would like to be heard (but nobody ever asks me, ever!), I would like to say enough of this frippery, Republicans! I am weary of your needless, mindless yowling! To paraphrase your own words, "Shut up and govern!" [I feel better now -- thank you]

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You are heard!

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[Helps Deb off the soap box, hands over a large whiskey and a box of dark chocolates].

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You know me!

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"My Kevin" is desperately seeking a legal opinion to sink his no-vote "enquiry", where he can tell his MAGA rabble that he in fact "honored" their request to kick off impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden, but "my hands are tied" because of the need for a vote by the entire House to enable further impeachment action. Has there EVER been a House Speaker of such cowardly and feckless demeanor as "my Kevin"? Not bloody likely, and Kev also hasn't at all heard the dictum, " If you're in a hole, stop digging! ". Loser!

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McCarthy is a spineless trump lackey. He KNOWS this will go nowhere and yet he does it to make the noise go away. He is without a doubt the worst leader the House has had. I do not foresee a long future for him.

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He may make it to the next election. But it won’t be because of any skill. He’s ineffective, and that is good for Democrats considering what he’s promised to do. And the far-right has no one more palatable to offer. What a party!

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My fear is that the replacement choice for McCarthy will be MTG. She has a lions share of power and the support of Trump.

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Not a prayer. She will never have the votes, at least not in this Congress. She has pissed off entirely too many people in her own party. Her power is all negative, as in a wrench in the gears.

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We may now find out sooner than later....

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Taking America from Pelosi to McCarthy resembles our venture from Obama to Trump.

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Yes. It truly boggles the mind.

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And the fact that tRump and his MAGA allies in the House are orchestrating this impeachment nonsense to the great detriment of the GOP brand gives yet another example of the political truism, "Whatever tRump touches, dies".

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So true! I refer to it as the "Reverse Midas Touch"...whereas everything Midas touched turned to gold, everything Trump touches turns to crap.

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We can only hope it dies a quick death.

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He does get his name in the annals of history (which apparently is his sole goal since he has no clue how to govern) but it will forever be followed by an asterisk and the notation *least effective Speaker in history.

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It’s pathetic. Pushed by Trump’s ego, McCarthy’s palpable fear and rabid burn-down-the-house Republicans, it doesn’t fool anyone. “You can't make a race horse of a pig." ― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

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I don’t feel sorry for him at all. A bed of his own making. They are all babies, toddlers and bratty children. They did not come to Congress to legislate, to help the American people. They came to further their autocratic, religious, hateful agenda.

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I feel no pity either. Just contempt.

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And get as much money and attention as they can...for them (as for Trump) it's not government service - it's a reality show they're starring in.

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“Let’s jump in and swim with these fools in this choppy waters for a bit.” This is outstanding! 😂🤣

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Yes! Loved that too!

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Love this phraseology 😂💯😂

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Maybe we should start referring to McCarthy as "Speaker in Name Only."

Nonetheless, the danger posed to the nation by the insane clown posse known as the (Un)Freedom Caucus is very real.

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I have used that before, in fact! Coming off of his pathetic 15 attempts to secure the position, when he gave away the farm.

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It really should be named the Freedom for Bigots Caucus. That's all they care about... the freedom to exercise their prejudices.

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"We get it Kevin, House math is hard for you." Methinks life is hard for Kevin.

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Watching him suck it up and trying to appear leaderly is painful to watch.

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So when those republicans voters go without their first SS check they can look to blame the dems but have nobody to look at except themselves.

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But sadly they will blame Biden

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unfortunately true

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It is my understanding that our SS checks do not stop when the government shuts down.

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Well that is a great thing because contrary to what “they” say, that money is NOT an entitlement and the only way millions of people live.

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Damn. You’re right! Well that eliminates a very clear source of pain. ☹️

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Welfare checks, however, DO stop. Also SNAP, and some Medicaid payments. And many other things that the "gummint is the problem" folks don't think about that makes their lives bearable. That is the worst part of the GQP con - it convinces people to vote against their own interests.

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As someone who lives in McCarthy's district, we have long seen his craven hollowness...I don't believe he's ever done anything that didn't benefit him and his lust for power. Even Bill Thomas, who shepherded McCarthy into Washington politics, has come out against him. I knew he was a "bad'n" because he's refused to hold ANY town meetings with local constituents, and the doors to his local offices are always kept locked. He only meets with those who can give him big money.

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Good information to know. Sad for your district, effectively unrepresented.

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Wow. That’s pretty telling!

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Why don't YOU run against him? He's giving you all the ammo you could possibly ask for!!!

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At 74, I'm afraid I'm too old! Kern County has been deep red for generations, though that's slowly changing...however, not enough yet to loosen his stranglehold on electability.

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"Gaetz, however, does not appear to have the support of enough Democrats and rebel Republicans to actually unseat McCarthy."

I don't think the HFC actually ever intends to use the Motion to Vacate. It can be executed but once, and if it fails, it loses its power. Gaetz is pointing a gun loaded with blanks.

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“…a gun loaded with blanks”. Now that describes Gaetz in more ways than just one! 😉

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I don't see any way that either the bogus impeachment inquiry or a (probable) government shutdown works out well for the GOP. McCarthy has truly boxed himself right in to that space between the rock and the hard place.

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Historically, shutdowns have not favored the party that has caused them, which is always the GOP in recent years.

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That is because the Democratic Party actually believes in the proper mission of government.

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McCarthy lost a great chance to lead when he failed to get the Democrats and a handful of real Republicans to pass the bills to keep the government open and at the same time could have shown power over the crazy Freedom Caucus.

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Yep. The Dems would have worked with Kevin and the few House Repubs who have a brain and a spine. Not now though. That ship sailed.

Not now that Kev is starting an illegal impeachment.

Kevin, what does the fact that you don’t have the votes tell you, hmmm? Maybe that the majority don’t see the need to impeach Biden. And maybe, just maybe the majority wants to spend their time on, oh I don’t know, things like governing and legislating. You know, those things you all were elected to do.

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But..but..it’s what TFG wants…

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These Status Kuo reports need to somehow get cabled directly into the mouths of the news anchors and into the inboxes of mainstream news media story writers. Especially this report. This feigning of "balance" that the news media pretends was preposterous and dangerous the first time around. This time, you'd think mainstream media would be embarrassed, but it looks like they're gearing up for round two.

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I don’t get the sense that this kind of reporting would make much money for the news media.

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Until the money dries up it will continue to be this way. I think it was Les Moonves that said trump would be bad for the country but good for ratings and their bottom line. Look at how these SAME corporate overlords are treating the striking unions—it’s all about lining their pockets and the rest of us be damned.

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McCarthy's bedfellows, the grotesquely named Freedom Caucus, are the personification of bilious emesis.

Perhaps we can all have a moment of clogging Elise's inbox (within your preferred medium) with our opinions of her ill-fated malignancy within her frontal cortex called Donald. I do wonder what a forensic financial Stefanik biopsy might reveal

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Stefanik is among the worst of the lot, in my opinion. She’s smart enough to know better, but still chooses the path of sycophancy and lack of principle.

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That's exactly it- Boebert, Greene, Jordan, etc, are known entities ....but it seems that at one point, long ago in a land for away, Stefanik approached reasonable.

So, she waved goodbye to her soul....for what, I wonder?

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Always, but her power feels like the powers to Tweet (X) incessantly. As I mentioned, would live to have a gander at her coffers or the pirate map to her money trail...

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I lived in her district for many years, and would say her constituents admire her because of her sycophancy and lack of principle.

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