I think one of the most potentially consequential pieces of information was kind of tossed in at the end, that being the statement by Cheney that Trump had tried to contact one of the witnesses we have yet to hear from. That obviously needs to be fleshed out but it could be an attempt at witness tampering by Trump. Yet another potential charge.

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I believe they have several accounts of witness tampering or attempts at witness tampering. Just more charges he should be facing

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Two points I would offer:

Day 7 did provide a direct connection between Trump and the plans for the violent assault, although it did not reveal the method or the direction of those communications. Either Trump communicated his plans to all of the elements, or the central planner(s) both communicated the plans out to the masses and then found a way to get Trump to call for the march and to keep that action a secret, or the country is overrun with psychics that somehow knew far ahead of time that he would go off script and call for the attack.

It also changed Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony from he said-she said, to largely corroborated. I was hoping for that after the emergency session, because by itself it was of little value.

Sure, most of it was just a "previously on" reel, but these two points from day 7 were of high value in my opinion

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I'm very curious to see if they bring up the fact that many of the attendees were wearing shirts already printed with "January 6, the next Civil War" or something to that effect. I mean, it takes at least a day or two to print out shirts in bulk, yes? Proof of premeditation, yes?

I hope the Committee discusses the shirts at some point. 🤔😮

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definitely premeditated

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I was pleased to see the details of 12/16, 12/18, 12/19 (1:42 am) to 1/6/20 fleshed out to a Mass Audience. For more evidence, see Mother Jones, Dan Friedman's 10/31/20 leaked audio of Steve Bannon's message too insurrectionists:,""Leaked Audio Before Election Day, Bannon Said Trump Planned to Falsely Claim Victory" Quote:

"(Trump) is just gonna say he's a Winner." Trump clearly aware mail-in Votes would go to Biden

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Bannon goes to Trial Monday July 18

for Contempt. The Court stripped his stated defenses as a matter of law..Trailing smoke & losing altitude fast Update: The Trial Judge has now twice rejected Bannon's attempts to delay the Trial. Trials The Defendant must appear for Trial on Monday with a Toothbrush.

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Yes! I heard that audio as well! I'm sure the J6 Committee has that, and maybe we'll hear it during one of the next hearings? If not, they may be saving that for the courtroom as evidence against Bannon?

It's definitely damning if it can be linked directly to 45. 👍

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Yesterdays testimony also brought about a long meditation on the relationship between White House staff and the president; these are well intentioned, intelligent people and yet they let the craziness go on for the three previous years… It took the threat of violence to bring them to realize that the president was that out of kilter?

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Another very good post. I believe perhaps the easiest case is his attempt to defraud the government by urging the DOJ to sign a letter claiming election corruption and then saying he and Republican House members would take it from there. More than anything else, I believe that one act shows his intent to use whatever means necessary to falsely influence the process. Thoughts?

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I'm still mystified as to why there has been little regard to the presence of the "Hang Mike Pence" gallows. This was brought fully built to the riot scene, certainly not a spontaneous erection (yes, my "gallows humor" is intended). This is the clearest possible evidence of pre-meditated mayhem, that certainly anticipated Pence's "cowardice," even when *trump himself was still publicly imploring Pence to "do the right thing." Now THAT is a dot worth connecting!

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funny. yes, i have been wondering about that for over a year

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I shall warrant, given the former President's penchant for irresponsible statements, he will inevitably in violation of the 18 U.S.C. § 953, aka the Logan Act. As the first person to be twice impeached it would be appropriate for him to the first person actually prosecuted under this act.

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Realized I should have added a ‘be’ before ‘in’. Bad editing.

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There is no more room for any more nails on that coffin, yesterday was just putting a nice coat of shellac

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I wonder if DOJ is waiting for Trump and family to testify in NYC on Friday as this would be a convenient time to arrest him. 🤔

Wishful thinking?

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I’m a little puzzled about the Twitter voice over segment. What was the point of this other than the fact that if you or I tweeted as Trump did, we would have been banned immediately. During the hearing I thought they were going to drop some kind of bombshell on this subject but obviously they didn’t.

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Jay, am I correct in my thinking that the reason the J6 Committee isn't revealing all their cards to the public, because the evidence they've gathered, and are still gathering, will become part of the DoJ's arsenal against 45 and his co-conspirators once indictments are issued? It seems logical that they would have to save a good portion of it for the courtroom, so as not to prejudice potential jurors. Would you agree, or is my layman's way of thinking far off course?

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I was thinking about that yesterday. Nor did they focus upon the war rooms in the hotels. Very strange to me

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I've been wondering about "contaminating" potential jurors with all these hearings. I truly believe he needs to be put on trial and it's going to be hard enough to find impartial jurors. I love all the information we are getting but if it means he can never go to trial it's not worth it.

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I created this--it is my column but it reveals that Hutchinson absolutely was telling truth about a major aspect of the January 6 events. I am surprised that the Jan. 6 committee and media did not pick up on these facts--or if they did, I surely did not see/hear them do so. Thoughts? https://share.descript.com/view/zdSYETweu8m

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