Felons are disqualified from holding liquor licenses. Per The Guardian, the New Jersey atty general is looking into revoking the licenses at Trump properties. My preference is to see President Felon in an orange jumpsuit breaking rocks in the hot sun, but I'll take what I can get.

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Are they disqualified in Florida, too? Imagine Mar-a-Lago WITHOUT alcohol.

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No matter the legal obstacles, they can be overcome by the rich and powerful. These obstacles are merely small hills to climb when aided by the dark furies of the legal system and easily influenced and led voting public.

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I would not cry if a weather event washed out Mar-a-lago from Florida. No more base in the South, or would Trump take up space in his daughter's Florida home?

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I would support Zeus sending repeated microbursts onto all of Trumps holdings, especially if he were in them. He is the 666 man of our times.

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Agreed on your characterization. I have just written a piece about Germany making a deal with the Devil. I was referring to Musk directly, and Trump and Putin indirectly. The devils!

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Even the real Satan had redeeming qualities. Biblically, Satan—if the serpent was Satan—only offered Eve knowledge. Musk, Putin and Trump do not seem to have any redeeming qualities.

I read your piece. Good work.

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Thanks Jim.

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I really think it's unfair to compare Trump or Musk to Satan. I mean, Satan is evil, but he's not that bad.

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Linda, I have just (finally) ordered my T: "Hell is Empty, and all the Devils Are Here." I have been wanting one for a while, and this is something I can wear to work! Meanwhile, I read an interesting (scary) article on-line, written by a guy who has been following Musk for 2 years. He says he believes that Musk is literally going insane. Here's a link. I should post it separately as well. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/elon-musk-s-madness-could-endanger-america-warns-biographer/ar-AA1xb02F?ocid=BingNewsSerp

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Jocelyn, Kara Swisher, in her book Burn Book, which I have let to a friend before finishing, also tells us that she sees things not ending well for Musk. He is the kind of person to take us all with him. Biden is the only one who can address the things that Musk's biographer is saying here, and I don't see him doing anything to that in a few days, especially, since Trump can just renegotiate these contracts. But, I think the EU discussing using their own Satellite network, which is much smaller instead of his, is heading in the right direction.

Here is the article that I wrote on Musk's influence on German politics.


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And should Mar-a-Lago be washed out to sea, it will be claimed that it's all the Democrats' fault to be sure. Just like the fires in California have nothing to do with climate change, but rather Democrats giving old fire equipment being given to Ukraine.

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I'll gladly take my share of the blame should that happen!

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Thanks for the laugh! We can shoulder the blame together.

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They will claim that, just as they made outrageous claims in North Carolina, and Springfield, Ohio and and and...

Our biggest problem is that there is so much disinformation that most people have given up sorting out the truth and just go with these lies as their entire world view. That is the stuff of dystopian thrillers.

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Exactly. Steve Bannon---2019---talking about "flooding the zone with sh--." The goal is to overwhelm people to the extent they shut down. It's a highly effective strategy. I met a woman this summer while I was canvassing door to door who spoke of "just not even knowing WHO to believe anymore, and I am just not caring anymore."

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It is just sad that people do not know what to think. I am currently watching in doses, a Netflix movie called Number 24, about Norwegian resistance during Nazi times.

There should be talk of resistance, and it might need to be face-to-face and mouth-to-mouth, not online. We know the online world is increasingly owned by the right wing and their algorithms and content managers twists what is being said for democracy and amplifies illiberal speech.

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Hi Tom,

Yes, felons are disqualified from having liquor licenses in Florida, even if they were convicted in another state, per §561.15(2), Fla. Stat., (2024). I don't know how the ownership of his Florida clubs are set up, but - this is a state run by a republican governor who was one of the several attendees at Mar A Lago this morning just before trump's remote sentencing hearing. If it were to even occur to anyone to question any of trump's FL club licenses, I'm very sure our maga-governor or legislature would make a special provision just for trump or his designee (and God help whoever it is who made the suggestion they're illegal). Before the election, desantis sent his "election police" to two Democratic voter's homes to "make sure they really lived there". I'd love to see that get off the ground, though.

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He’ll probably divert ownership from himself, but somehow still have the proceeds go in his pocket.

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They'll just cheat and no one will stop them. I don't believe there can ever be "post truth", except it does seem to be that way for the very rich or "important."

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It is criminal to steal a purse, daring to steal a fortune, a mark of

greatness to steal a crown. The blame diminishes as the guilt increases.

~Johan Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, poet and dramatist (1759-1805)

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I’d like to see him in an orange jumpsuit raking all the forests in California!

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I'd pay to see that✌🏻💙

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hmmm just a thought.. how about all his properties? Well the sentencing puts him in the jump suit not honorarily.. he just didn't have to go behind bars to get one. and felons cannot vote in some places.. https://www.pnj.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/08/15/can-felons-vote-florida/74810655007/

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He's already wearing orange all the time anyway.

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All over his body 😳👻✌🏻💙

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Will he be allowed in countries, including Canada, that ban felons?

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Apparently, any country that bans felons can make exceptions. I would hope that at least some. countries would follow Trump’s lead and do all they can to delay, delay, delay a decision.

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Good question....yes this sentencing will have repercussions especially since he wants to annex Canada.. we shall see..

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maybe that's why he wants to annex Canada? LOL

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He checks nothing out - just opens his mouth and spouts excrement. Canada has just in excess of 41,000,000 and by last report over half registered voters do vote LEFT of center ... I have not verified that, but in that case, Canada would more likely take over the US!!!

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Most likely will be allowed in them because of his being the US President and he has to approve the things he and other leaders discuss. We can see the constant fawning by everyone despite (1) his being found liable for sexual assault by a jury, months ago, and (2) the pictures of the boxes of stolen classified documents stored in his bathroom. I wonder how world leaders will work around that felony conviction in their countries, there's a long list of them that have issues with felons coming there. As with everything, we've never encountered any case like this. This link is also above but its a convenient reference for those countries, see the 4th header: https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2025/01/10/donald-trump-sentenced-hush-money-payments-felon/77591549007/

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My take is that when he visits the UK that he will not receive any public audience with King Charles or any other senior royal. No visits to Balmoral or Windsor or Sandringham. He might get a private visit.

No state dinners. If he goes he will get to see the PM at 10 Downing Street.

I doubt he will receive any official invitations. He has to be invited to the G8 but the individual members will probably not extend formal invitations.

This may well be the ultimate punishment.shunning by other heads of state or very low key visits with few chances to speak publicly.

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That was already an issue in November. He was able to vote in Florida because apparently, they only take local FL and federal convictions into account. NY convictions don't count in FL.

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NY convictions, and other states' convictions, would disqualify you from voting in FL only if those convictions disqualified you from voting in those states. In NY, you're disqualified when incarcerated. He wasn't incarcerated, so he doesn't get disqualified in FL from voting.

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The more cynical view is, it would only disqualify you if you weren't superrich to afford the expensive lawyers.

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Hey James,

I found a great article, dated today, 1-10-25, from a Florida newspaper (The Daytona News Journal) that discusses the impacts of his felony conviction on his life activities, like voting, international travel, etc. There's a really nice video of a NY newsstand showing the large, bolded headlines of GUILTY! In Florida, if you were convicted of a felony in another state that still allows felons to vote, then you can still vote in Florida. Also, note the comments of gov. desantis, as head of the Clemency Board which restores voting rights, that he said trump's would be an easy case to qualify for the restoration of his rights. We know he'll commit other crimes, though, and the DC case could land him a few years, once he's out of office.

Here's the link: https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2025/01/10/donald-trump-sentenced-hush-money-payments-felon/77591549007/

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because he was sentenced with no penalty he will still be able to vote. no punishment means no parole no fines

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He can always still vote in Florida unless he's actually in jail, even if he's a convicted felon, which he now is.

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He's a felon, but he can still vote because (1) the sentence was in NY for NY crimes, not FL, so voting is preserved in Florida; (2) NY doesn't take away voting rights for most felons (3) even if it were a FL sentence, the sentence is served and there's no $$ to be paid. Still, some countries prohibit entry to felons.

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Are you saying the licenses are held by Trump personally? As opposed to corporate entities that were not found guilty?

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The case he was a felon for in NY was him not his entities as far as i know. His children involved in these things also have restrictions to being able to be involved in the corporation. Bedminster in New Jersey is owned by him. This would not include buildings he doesn't actually own but had his name put on them. Mar A Lago is a murky situation because of how it is stated. e cannot live there as a permanent resident all year long. but he owns that.

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This is a lovely idea, but you know, owing to Corporate Culture, that the Trump properties are not owned by Trump the Felon, they are owned by various corporate entities. This should be the subject of legislation but if course it won't be.

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Can he transfer the license to Melania? Not Barron yet, at his age. Don Jr. ?

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I think this works like anyone's home. I can bring liquor in, but I can't charge anyone staying here to have a drink or drinks. I can, however, offer it gratis. That would definitely get to him!!

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Although they will likely then switch Don (I'm on coke) Jr as the owner of the liquor licenses.

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Just barely is good enough for today only. I have no expectations from this horrid SC. Jay, Joyce Vance and HRC are my lighthouses. Let’s just stay focused.

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Thank you, Jay. Hope Cannon gets disbarred at some point.

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Won't help. You don't need to be a lawyer to be a federal judge. The only way to get rid of her is to impeach in the House and convict in the Senate (by 2/3). Not gonna happen.

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It might help to keep her from getting confirmed if Trump nominates her for the next SCOTUS vacancy.

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That's for sure! because barring impeachment federal judges are life time appointments.

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And the two accomplices that still are under investigation with charges pending just got promoted to WH positions. So at this point is there any new hires in this administration that aren't convicted felon or pardoned criminals ? I think not

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You know, his cabinet nominees have demonstrated the appalling choices they've made in their lives. So, knowing just the publicly revealed things they've done so far, I'm wondering if any of the Senators are apprehensive about entrusting the lives of their families, and ours, to people who clearly aren't morally or experience-qualified. I also don't know what ally would trust the info any of these crackpots would give them.

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Thank you for passing on this welcome news.

As I have posted elsewhere, anti-Trumpers of all stripes need to contest every single unsavory thing that MAGA Republicans and the Trump administration try in cherry-picked friendly jurisdictions. I call it "Flooding the zone with writ." The SCOTUS has only so many cases that they can hear, and the legal system still has many upstanding judges who aren't going to go along with this nonsense.

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As a convicted felon Trump can’t own a gun, but he will have control of our nuclear arsenal.

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That's a great point!

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Honestly it's way better than I thought we'd get, and I'll take it. Just him being forced to have that little 'convicted felon' footnote is gonna give me the good Schadenfreude.

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Two women at the core of matters - yet again. First, they were the heroines of the Jan 6 commission. Now Barrett and Cannon. Barrett must have realized early on that power did not lay in being slavishly loyal to her conservative brethren. If they stick together, they don't need her. But if she can grab one of them and go the other way, then the two of them (Barrett and whoever), don't need the other 4 - just as this case proved. Barrett has "gone rogue" with at least Roberts and Kavanaugh, if I remember right.

Then Cannon. She was on trump's short list for SCOTUS since her first ruling that showed her bias. Every ruling since has tweaked her resume. She is the perfect trump candidate - young, conservative, a complete trump bootlicker, incompetent and totally unqualified. Her confirmation hearings would be a doozy. Unless trump decides to bypass that too.

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He isn’t even in office yet. The “fight” and warriors are already fatigued!

And why on earth is there so much published about his mobsters crossing the country deciding what government depts will be cut, thinned,eradicated? And the disgusting noise about Panama Canal, Denmark, Greenland, etc .

Holy lack of integrity! All the nonsense used as distractions.

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pay attention to what is going on in Congress.

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It seems like Trump wanted to just toss them something to keep musk and ramaswamy busy and away from him. Thankfully, it doesn't look like anything is going to come from their "busy work".

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Unconditional discharge sounds like something you should see a gynecologist for. The Justice Department really needs to get rid of that rule about not prosecuting sitting presidents. With trump in office, that little tidbit will be the downfall of us all.

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President Convicted Felon has a nice ring to it, but the vote from the College of Cardinals was way too close. What we're seeing is the real world effect of having the highest court bought and paid for by the right-wing billionaire class. You can put cold hard cash on the fact that had this been President-Elect Harris, the vote would have been 9-0.

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I trust Alito and his gang as far as I can throw them. Alito says his and Trump's phone call was for a 'job reference' — really? Trump thinks the SCOTUS decision to allow him to be sentenced is a 'fair decision' — really? This stinks and is all for appearances. When it *really* matters, SCOTUS will be back at their grants of immunity.

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I agree - I hate that I’ve turned into such a cynic!

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Having read Barrett’s separate majority potus immunity brief, I was not surprised that she joined the minority in this Order in Pending Case. (It appears, to me, that Brown may be a good influence on Barrett.) Roberts is the wildcard, as usual. Perhaps he & Kavanaugh take turns? Idk

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it feels like a light a glimmer of light.. not like Sandra Day O'Connor but hey it's not what we thought. May the women stick together much much more often

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Me either! Having followed her line of questioning in the immunity case I saw what she was getting at.

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President Felon Trump

It’s official: Donald J. Trump, the world’s loudest case study in moral bankruptcy, is set to make history—not as a statesman, but as America’s first convicted felon president. The Supreme Court, in a rare moment of competence, rejected his desperate bid to delay sentencing in the hush money case. The ruling wasn’t unanimous (because of course the MAGA contingent on the bench tried to carry his water), but the verdict stands. Come January 20th, Trump will enter the White House with a new title: Felon-in-Chief.

⚖️ The Details: Convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, Trump will escape jail time and probation (because justice in America is frustratingly toothless when it comes to the rich). But the label felon? That’s his forever. No pardon, no PR spin, no Truth Social rant will scrub it away.

The SCOTUS lineup?

The Justices who blocked Trump’s Hail Mary pass: Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan, Barrett, Jackson.

The MAGA loyalists who would’ve given him a free pass: Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh. The latter four offered no reasoning because reasoning isn’t their strong suit.

🗂️ And It Gets Worse: Just as this humiliation unfolded, the 11th Circuit Appeals Court cleared the release of the Jan. 6 Special Counsel report on Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Details? Expected Sunday. Implications? A reminder that his “law and order” shtick was always projection.

📚 The Legacy: Trump’s name will now be a permanent fixture in history books—not for groundbreaking policies or unifying leadership, but as the only convicted felon to hold the presidency. Imagine the test questions:

Who was the first U.S. president convicted of a felony?

Answer: Donald Trump.

And that’s what future generations will learn about him: not a leader, but a cautionary tale.

This is how Trump returns to power: disgraced, indicted, and historically stained. He’s always wanted his name etched into history, and now it is—right there next to “convicted felon.” Congratulations, MAGA. Your king wears a tarnished crown. •••• https://substack.com/@patricemersault

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The ctime began before his 1st term and conviction occurred between terms. He will enter convicted before his 2nd term.

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Trump is a flaming piece of shit

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