Hey, Speaker Mike. I got some news for you. The Appeals Court finally made a decision. That guy whose boot you're licking? You'll have to kiss his orange sandals before long. If you even recognize him in "the house." No, dummy, not your house. THE HOUSE.

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The news came in right as I was hitting send. A happy day!

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Robert Reich did a long post on "What's with the delay here, folks?!"

That didn't age well, but I bet he's not complaining. :-)

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The Family that commits crime together... does time together.

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Von trump not only wants the border prblm alive to galvanise his troops. He wants a personal revenge. Ukraine did not follow what he wanted with Hunter's son. A classical childish bully without balls behaviour. How dangerous. That corrupt conman will start the next world war if elected again. Vote Dems!

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Feb 6, 2024
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I #think you #missed a few #hashtag #possibilities on #your #comment.

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Alexander Vindeman is saying that while the Republicans dick around with our funding our allies, Russia is spending about 40% of their budget on military and that in a few years they will be ready to take on more of Europe, who are big trading partners of ours. This is an invitation to China to take over Taiwan. Trump followers are angry people, whose sense of entitlement is being fed by Trump. It is unfortunate that he is able to appeal to these hateful people.

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Trumpians are angry, stupid, entitled, US focused, short sighted, boot licking fools. Of course Putin is going to move past Ukraine. Putin has stated that he wants to reassemble the old Soviet Union. The Republicans are playing games while other countries are getting their nukes ready. This isn’t WW2 it’s a new game. The MAGA leader is a demented fool and Mike Johnson is slow walking the MAGA’s straight to hell🔥

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I totally agree!

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Feb 7, 2024
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I read that Russia released frozen North Korean funds which was in exchange for North Korean weapons. Russia is also ramping up their at home production of military machinery.

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I can't shake the feeling that the democrats, even the negotiators, new this would happen; or at least had a good idea. Which is why they gave in to all the demands of the MAGA cult members. The same thing happened when Speaker Pelosi negotiated the bill for the original January 6th committee and gave the republicans everything they wanted, including subpoena powers. They still voted against it, because the orange one didn't want it. It even seems that the legacy media, such has the WSJ, has had enough of the MAGA nonsense. Even the Union for the Border Patrol officers endorsed it!

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We can’t really know. But I’m sure it was talked about early on, how the House would torpedo almost anything that the Senate did.

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Of course. Biden called their bluff. He knows he could propose mowing down all immigrants with AR-15s at this point, and the GOP would still be forced by their Orange King to say no. Dark Brandon is a Judo Master!

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The Orange King would say no. It was his idea. He wanted to do it.

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I know he likes chocolate chip ice cream, has dementia and is utterly unaware of how is one non-degenerate son died. I was unfamiliar with his martial arts proficiency. The more you know, right....

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I’m reminded of something Trump said about his “followers”, precisely like “cbi”: “I like the poorly educated!”

“cbi” and the rest of his willfully ignorant Cult Members would be advised to take Abraham Lincoln’s advice: “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

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Clearly I’m overmatched seeing as how you are so masterfully using quotes. And from one of my republican forefathers no less. Truly sir, you have one the day.

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Two things: #1, one can use relevant quotes to highlight the hypocrisy of those that clearly can’t add 2 + 2 and get the correct answer, hence the reason for pointing out the highly relevant comments from your Cult Leader and his assessment of your mental acuity; #2, I doubt that anyone has “one the day”, though it might be “won” or “lost”. See also item #1.

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Good points which I'll concede. Also, I rely too much on spellcheck and sometimes have to suffer the embarrassment of using the occasional homophone. So, my bad.

Don't confuse my dislike of Brandon with a love of Trump. This is the unfortunate binary political system we find ourselves. To criticize one is to be found guilty of liking the other. I dislike both pretty much equally.

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And you can go away.

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He won't be here long.

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I was a little surprised by how muted the response from the progressive wing of the Dem party was. There were complaints, to be sure, but it was pretty rote stuff, nothing dramatic. It's almost like Hakeem Jeffries was sticking his finger in the air to test the wind and let everyone know these idiots would make the strategic error Jay is talking about.

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Couldn't agree more!

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Plus, when Democrats take the House, they can use this against Republicans and write a bill they like. They know the Republicans have nothing of import to add to any legislation.

I'm thinking this was sneaky chess.

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The one thing we can be certain of is that MAGAites don't know much about chess.

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If nothing else, the MAGA crowd has basically written the Democrats election campaigns for them. On abortion, on LBGTQ+, on the Border issue, on the fact that the House has accomplished absolutely ZERO since the 2022 elections. And this time the Democrats could actually campaign on “the coming Third World War, thanks to the Republicans who are Russian operatives and rooting for Russia to win so they can attack another NATO member and start Armageddon!”

Oh and the Canadian Right has now also decided that Ukraine just isn’t that big a deal and we should stop funding them too. Considering how all our right wing news outlets keep telling us that there is no comparison to the MAGA Trump cult, they sure seem to operate in lockstep!

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Napoleon observed at the Battle of Austerlitz, as he watched the Austrians tie themselves in knots, “Never interfere with an enemy who is defeating himself.”

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Unanimous decision, should make it clear for future consideration, thoughts and prayers 💙


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The opinion is so compelling and strongly written as a UNANIMOUS ruling, I'm speculating that SCOTUS will deny cert...Orange Gobshite is heading for trial, end of.

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Neal Katyal concurs with your assessment.

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The appeals court also described him as an "officer"! (whee-hee-hee!!)

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And I believe they used the term Citizen trump more than once.

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Yes please! 💙

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Hopefully before the election.

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Thank you for the link.

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You are very welcome, hope you have an amazing day! 💙

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For me this pretty well sums up our current state of affairs. "[The GOP] bottom line is always going to be what Trump and the most MAGA elements of their party want. And in the end, they want chaos, not governance."

In the end this stance will either bring down the Republican Party, or it will presage an imminent threat to the continued existence of our democracy.

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Another classic example of the Perfect being the enemy of the Good. tRump and lap dogs MAGA in Congress want a pure tRump version of the bill with no if, ands, and buts. Progressive Democrats are horrified what the negotiated Senate bill includes.

As long as Perfect over Good remains the stated standard operating procedure in Congress, especially amongst the fascist tRump MAGA cult, the 21st Century Republican Do-Nothing Congress will continue to do-nothing.

Frankly, Biden’s presidential campaign should pick up this muddy mess (I’m in California, makes me an expert in mud in more ways than one) and throw it back in the faces of all members of The Fascist Party (aka now dead Republican Party) with ads using their own flip-flop words and faces and then cut to Biden asking for the more immigration funding and legal authority to do just that.

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The SOTU should be interesting to watch.

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Hoping Joe is blunt and names names.

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Should we propose a drinking game where most closed-caption systems just print WTF! when trying to figure out what ol' blue collar Joe is mumbling on about? You have to finish the whole bottle if he starts yelling. I love it when Dark Brandon gets tough. Scary!

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His campaign hasn't really kicked off yet. I am fully confident he will come out swinging!

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Agree, but there’s no better time than the present.

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What are we to do with this wholesale cowardice? Our media systems are damaged enough that the GOP can count on their folks receiving the narrative they prefer. Meanwhile across the country one can see the consolidation of fascist power as the Trumpians replace the GOP infrastructure with loyalists. At the heart of it all is long-standing GOP bad faith which, I believe, stems from their attachment to the oil-based economy. Job number one for the GOP has been suppression, distraction and diversion from the planet's extinction. Trump is the detour into spectacle that our oligarchs prefer to action.

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We need to continue to deploy information without reliance upon the mainstream media’s normalizing and equalizing of fascism. Places like this are great examples of what ordinary citizens can do to escape a broken system.

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That's why I subscribe.

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THAT is why I ALWAYS share your work.

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I pay NO attention to the MSM. So any "news" outlets are owned by corporations, and "journalists" are often not at liberty to investigate a story that might harm the bottom line.

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David's opening comment brought to mind Elvis Costello's "All this useless beauty" . . .


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1. We need the Fairness Doctrine reinstated.

2. I hope they do impeach Mayorkas. You know conservative media will cover that live -- and the defense will trot out every single thing the GOP has done to hobble border enforcement.

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what a time to be alive…. i hope people are enraged enough to vote them all out …as much as the gerrymandering allows… but that’s a grievance for another day

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So..... what do we do? People in Ukraine are dying. People at the border are dying. People in Israel and Palestine are dying. They can't wait until the November election. What - realistically, considering the MAGA position - can be done NOW?

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Perhaps the Biden administration can find another way to fund the Ukrainian war effort. Expend frozen Russian assets?

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That would be fitting since they caused the Ukraine crisis.

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Could he play Cheetolini's card and redirect defense funds (not for a silly wall, but to actually help improve the country's (long-term) defense)?

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Can this be done bypassing the Congress?

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Don't know about the legalities of that, but it would certainly be appropriate! (I really have no idea)

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Yes, I am now worrying about that all the time, too. We cannot allow Ukraine fall, and people in Isreal & Palestine are suffering terribly, while MAGAs play their stupid & harmful games. What are our altenatives now to solve these gigantic challenges??

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What did the French do to Vichy? 'Cause that's where it feels we are headed...all set to hand Putin the keys and vamoose.

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How do you like them apples, Kyrsten Sinema? This is exactly what happens with “bipartisanship” and “compromise”. Four months of “compromise” gave the border hawks nearly everything they want, with cake and candles on it! If not for the selling out of Ukraine, which has me deeply worried, I would be fully rejoicing.

Sinema and Manchin being the last two holdouts on the 60 vote filibuster cudgel and both leaving at the end of this Congress gives Democrats a real chance at true democracy operating in the Senate, with majority votes for everything, rather than 60 votes and the near universal Republican no vote.

Just need to maintain the majority and all.

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I think she is toast in AZ. I wonder how she’l respond.

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Yeah - she seems to have pissed everyone off on both sides of the aisle. I've never been quite able to figure out what, if anything, she was hoping to accomplish, other than to attract attention.

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Manchin's replacement is unlikely to be a Democrat. We will need to hold onto every currently blue seat, and pick up a couple more.

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For sure. But even a 50-50 senate is still workable. Picking up two more would be ideal, and I hope people are working on that!

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Yes, 50-50 is workable - but we currently have a Dem Senator in redredred Ohio, and it is really possible we will lose that seat. It is going to be a very close thing, unless the revulsion at the Rs goes totally viral everywhere. Which COULD happen - but I'M not holding my breath.

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An Oval Office address might be a good idea here. Or at least a POTUS press conference. Schumer and others don't have the weight this needs right now (or effective speech writers of late).

It's only a strategic error if the public knows about it - and outside of our silos, do they? At a time when immigration is increasingly becoming a growing concern among voters - Dems and independents, too.

Seems the days might be gone where the bully pulpit is an influence. But you have to actually use it, first.

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We must vote them out! The house and senate republicans

who carry Trump's water and kiss his ring. VOTE THEM OUT!

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Say it out loud - they chose not to do anything in the face of their "concerns."

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seems magamites are not neurotic as much as they are completely in thrall to constant crises in order to feel that they are powerful and alive. which is obviously to everyone else’s expense and well-being. way too spoiled bratty. enough. we know how fascism works, push back, vote them out.

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Crisis begets rage, rage begets money. Rinse, repeat, maintain.

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The right-wing's permanent outrage industry (Fox noise has been doing this for years).

Like the song says "hell-bent on being hell-bent" . . .

("Movin' On", by Deal's gone bad: https://www.songlyrics.com/deal-s-gone-bad/movin-on-lyrics/).

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Not just "terrified cowards", but dishonest, mean-spirited (evil even) terrified cowards.

Sadly, this is a very appropriate label for the current GQP congresscritters.

The overall message of this (very helpful) letter needs to be repeated loudly and often through the end of the year. Make it so commonly heard that it becomes part of the "understood baseline" (like how people seem to believe that the GQP is somehow competent in handling the economy or security (in spite of very clear evidence to the contrary).

Thank you for laying it all out clearly.

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