7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Legacy media is gasping for air, the current and future generations won't even get their news the way Boomers (and older), Gen X, or Millennials did. But this THIS is the big one right here:

“I don't think she understands that there are a whole lot of women out here not aspiring to be humble. This is not the 1950s anymore.”

BOOM! Game Over!

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I loved that quote so much! I am a boomer who has fought for women’s rights since the beginning of time it is starting to feel like. And no, we are not aspiring to be humble. Au contraire.

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Neither is fuckabee.

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As a boomer, I have to say that I haven’t gotten news from the media for a long time. Same names, but a whole different ballgame.

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Honestly, regardless of what happens, the convicted felon can’t touch her. She’s smart and funny. She can talk to folks. Her accomplishments are her own, NOT because she was lifted up by billions. Love her.

If Kamala wins, Joe goes down as one of the greatest Presidents ever, and willfully gave up power, with a very strong track record of domestic accomplishments!

Can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz victory wearing this funny "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt on November 5th 👇 🤣


After that it is over for Trump, he won't make it to another four years to run again.

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It may be over for trump, but MAGA will still exist and other will want to try their hand. They will be slicker than trump, and more dangerous.

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Do you actually sell any of these shirts that I see in every comment thread?

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About Kamala's strategy of communicating through multiple non-traditional (and more popular) channels, Robert Hubbell in his Substack post today notes that legacy media continues to have its knickers in a very big twist (my paraphrasing) about no longer being the nexus of everything and points to Josh Marshall's critique in TPM: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/the-insider-newsletters-still-struggling-to-make-interview-fetch-happen .


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Sanders also doesn't get that by comparing her own status as a mother to Harris' status as a woman without her own offspring, she isn't demonstrating humility, she's bragging. I think the term is "humblebrag." So if she needs her kids to keep her humble, it appears she is making it too hard for them.

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Boomer here and Harris is doing a brilliant Media blitz. The MSM are doing sour grapes now but they made their choice to try to give up investigative reporting and manipulate people instead of presenting the News with revelent facts exposed to allow people to make intelligent decisions. I had a revelation about the Rich Male Commentators bloviating their opinions at us were actually "Mansplaining" per Rebecca Solint book MEN EXPLAIN THINGS TO ME. I highly recommend it as it also revealed what's behind the far Right's Anti Gay Marriage stance and it's not what you think. Christian Marriage is about male domination of wife and kids. Two guys married are equal and that's what they think is a abomination equality. She says it better than me.

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“She doesn't lie in a complicated way because her mind doesn't work that way,” Trump insisted. “She’s not a smart person. She’s a low IQ individual ... She’s a stupid person. We can't have a stupid person as our president.” I find it hilarious that when he's pointing a finger at Kamala, he's really pointing at himself. And I'll agree with him on one thing: We can't have a stupid person as our president -- which is why he shouldn't be re-elected. One stupid person as our president one time, was one time too many.

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This week someone in my neighborhood put up a sign that says "My dog is smarter than Harris" and it literally set me off. Seriously people think he's smart??? WTAF? Do they listen to him or is their IQ so low that they just don't get it.

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I would refer you to Aaron Sorkin’s movie the American President. “People want leadership. They’re so thirsty for it they’ll crawl through the desert toward a mirage and when they discover there’s no water, they’ll drink the sand.” To which President Shepard replies, “People don’t drink the sand because they’re thirsty. They drink the sand because they don’t know the difference.”

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Also..."he tells you what to fear and who's to blame for it..." Trump in a nutshell.

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I too have quoted the American President so many times since 2016. And this particular quote I've posted numerous times since then.

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I guess I should watch it!

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It's a good movie on many levels!

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I’d tape a sign over that one: Donald Trump des not have a law school degree. Harris does. Trump never passed the bar. Harris did. Trump was never a State Attorney General. Harris was. Trump was never a Senator. Harris was. Who’s the real dummy? Not Harris!

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Yes, I’ve seen that one as well. It’s my favorite—and my dogs are BOTH smarter than tRump!

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So we're my Cats. 😸😸😸

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So are their "leavings". And they probably smell better too.

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They don’t really listen to what he says, and they are also low IQ.

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YES! My mom raised me with this jewel: "When you point a finger of mockery, cruelty, or hate in another person's direction, just remember that three more fingers are pointing right back at you, my dear!"

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It sure seems to me that the major media has completely LOST their understanding of how people, especially younger voters, actually communicate. Maybe because they don't really trust the major media ? Harris and her team have figured out what media outlets are REALLY communicating with the voters. Maybe this is also reflected in the newspapers continuing to lose subscribers. I am a senior citizen and I have almost completely stopped reading my daily newspaper and have subscribed to several sources on Substack and other outlets for my "trusted" news sources.

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Me too! I still watch MSM, and I am appalled at their lack of "smart" reporting. Last night NBC said Trump shares "misinformation." Lies, people lies. And some of them very dangerous.

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That's one of the most insidious Media tricks, the use of language to obscure or inflamed. The words have lost their actual meanings and words that were beneficial have been turned into insults. This means they aren't available anymore for use in negotiating a better world.

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So many of us have become disallusioned with the corporate press, but please keep supporting your local newspaper, if you have one, if it is locally owned!

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Our local newspaper isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. There’s no competition and no independent reporting. All they do is monitor the police and fire radios and reprint statements issued by local politicians and businesses. I gave up on them long ago.

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Me, too. A fellow senior citizen.

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Same here. Although while we're living with Mom (moving out very soon, though) we have been watching the 5:00 ch. 7 news and the 6:00 PBS news hour. My reviews are mixed.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

I still find it so hard to believe we are even having a discussion about our future president. How is the convicted felon even permitted in the race?

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Every TFG sign I see in someone's yard literally outrages me.

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Signs? They’re banners here. 😝 Two of my neighbors have their houses wrapped in them. I was the first to put up a very classy smallish Harris sign - in typical MAGAt fashion they opted for LOUD trash and wrap… In response.

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What does it say about a huge segment of voters in this country? I don't see them going away anytime soon.

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In our area Harris Walz yard signs are being stolen.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

It happened to me in SW FL with Obama - I gave up after the 5th one disappeared over night. I got my brand new car keyed for having a Pete Buttigieg bumper sticker. Now I am down to a 'White Dudes for Harris' hat.

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The one that honks me off the most is the banner that reads, “Trump won in 2020. You know it, I know it.” I practically snarl every time I drive by it.

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Slap a "Paid for by Putin". sticker across it. 😄

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If it was up to me, I would be asking this question as the lede of every discussion.

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The Politicos of the world think the only real interview Harris can do is one in which every question starts with “Donald Trump said today that you …” They consider that “unbiased.”

Meanwhile, let’s not forget that the NABJ said Trump was an hour late because he refused to go on if his lies were corrected. Which leads to the question of how many “unbiased” outlets have agreed to this demand over the years. Judging by the debates, I’d say a lot of

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When Biden and Harris announced Harris's candidacy on a Sunday afternoon, after the legacy media (Sunday TV shows, WaPo, NYT) had closed shop for the day, they took control of their message.

A breath of fresh air to see the president of our future understanding and using the media of our future. Makes me believe she can and will move us forward.

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She saw what they did to Biden and knows their Bias. They've been blocking progressive ideas for years and are controlled by Establishment Billionaires who have monopolized the conversation long enough. To save America, we will need to break numerous Monopolies in Media, Energy, Health, Big Agra, Big Pharma, Private Equity, and a few Right Wing Extremist Organizations like the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation and more. The Right Wing started this with alternative education, alternative media, alternative science and alternative facts. They have beaten down or taken over legitimate journalists and sources of information. Therefore our answer is to create our own new avenues around their blocks. Like Substack.

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It’s almost like the legacy media doesn’t understand that she has zero time for their gotcha tactics nor how they phrase every question like they’re reading from a list of GOP talking points. Shocking.

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Politico can stick it.

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As I posted elsewhere, I do not understand why anyone would listen to anyone who refuses to be fact checked. Is there a more direct way of saying, "I'm a liar, and I'm gonna lie"?

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His cult followers believe everything he says, not realizing he lies constantly. Do we just write those people off and try to find the persuadable voters?

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We will need to win and then deal with those who can be reached later with the help from mental health practitioners like Dr Brandy X Lee and Steven Hassan.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Great article Jay. I haven’t watched the “news” since my kids were born (19 years ago) because who wants to expose them to all that? I read the news every day from people like you. I say “F” the whiney mainstream media. They are hardly doing us any favors, and they refuse to “understand the assignment.” This election is a not a game and not the time to pretend that they should “level the playing field.” If we lose, the media will have contributed to it 100%. Thank you for giving it to us “straight.” Lol. 😉

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It's absolutely hilarious that an inside-the-Beltway publication like Politico is bleating about "access" and "Where's Kamala?". Well, for starters the 0.00002% of voters who regularly read Politico are overwhelmed by the millions who daily/hourly are on SM of one sort or another, and are being reached by the Harris-Walz campaign. Legacy/corporate media still don't get it...it's a new paradigm in voter out-reach, and despite the hallowed and self-regarded stature of the NYT, WaPo, cablenews, et al, they no longer are the indispensable gatekeepers they once were, and are finding it difficult to adapt to new realities.

Personally, I ignore anything coming from the Times political desk, and even the "bombshell" - for NYT - article by Peter Baker & co. FINALLY describing at length and in great detail tRump's mental decline is too little and too late, as several Substack writers and independent online media were and are miles ahead of the corporate media, and seeing IS believing, after all.

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Imho, Kamala went to the people she needs to motivate to vote for her. NYT and WaPo are both dinosaurs owned by right wing billionaires who want the tax breaks tfg would give them. They aren’t opening up to new possible voters who can swing the race in her direction. OTOH, Call Her Daddy and Howard Stern reach an entirely new demographic that hasn’t been used before. I think her strategy is brilliant.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Great point about redefinition of “media.” Wapo and NYT are no longer sought after for their stodgy coverage.

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Stodgy? Try biased.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Yeah, the corporate media hates it when they aren't the center of attention. But they did this to themselves. Thank goodness we have found other sources of information that we can trust. And they are doing a good job, too. Thanks, Jay!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Jay Kuo

Jay, and isn’t that the same with polls?! Who and where are they talking to people? I’m 63 and have read the NYT since I lived in NYC 30 years ago! But not anymore. I get my news from so many other sources since they’ve let me down.

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I totally agree with you! I used to live to catch the Times in the morning. Now, I find myself just eye rolling way too much…more than once I have considered cancelling my subscription this electoral cycle, including yesterday when some political operative was criticising Jack Smith’s release of his brief, because, you know, electoral influence and scoffing at DOJ rules. No mention of the questionable behavior of the other side of course, because he is the other side… published in opinion like it was a credible, representation by a credible observer…😖

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I've never valued the polls since I took a Statistics Class at UCLA. First trying to get a accurate response is incredibly hard, just phrasing the questions in bias is a issue. Then there's trying to reach your audience. It became obvious you can easily slant it any way you wish on purpose or accidentally by personal bias. Exit Polls after voting are the only acknowledged correct polls and show if the election is fair. Otherwise they are propaganda.

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"Traditional" media is drowning in the same tired concepts while her and her campaign's approach to reach a broad spectrum is a marvel to behold! I mean...Howard Stern y'all; he delivered the real inside Madam President I whole-heartedly support for the next four and then four more years!

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