YES! I JUST did a TikTok about this yesterday, and sent it out as a video post to my paid subscribers at almost the same moment you sent this this morning. This MN session is really worth celebrating and amplifying, because folks should see and really understand what Democrats will do when given the power to do so (and no Manchinema to obstruct it.) Incredible! Thanks so much for writing about it!

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It’s really something, ain’t it? Makes my heart swell.

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I was just going to post Jay's "Minnesota Miracle" on your CW,CW. But I see that's not necessary. Love the Manchinema coinage.

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I predict we'll see more and more of a seismic shift between red and blue states. The Blue Team will promote every issue Team Red opposes, and we'll indeed have Two Americas. Vote BLUE in '24 so we can begin to reclaim our country.

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Wowzers. Thank you for a shot of hope and optimism this morning. It's almost enough to make me consider a move to the frozen north.

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I'd eventually like to move back. I grew up there, but moved away for college and haven't moved back since, now stuck in a deep-red state. While some of the provisions may go a little further than even I would have proposed, I'm fine with almost all of it. Give it a shot and see what happens, because what we've been doing as a country since Reaganomics was implemented hasn't worked.

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Come home from a Minnesotan who grew up in Indiana. We'd love to have you back!

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Very proud Minnesotan, here! Watching government ACTUALLY work for the people they represent shouldn't feel so out-of-the ordinary, but here we are. It's amazing. I'll take it. And, I'll continue to support the amazing, diverse, powerful progressive caucus working at the capitol to make this state a great and safe place to live for EVERYONE.

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The national Democratic Party should be crowing about this every chance they get. The news loves it's old, tired "Democrats in disarray" trope, and this proves that Dems can do great things, even when there's some argument about the details.

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Right. This needs to be held up as a “look what we can do” model!

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As a proud Minnesotan, DFL member, and mother of a trans daughter, I am most pleased with the trans refuge law.

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Very grateful to live in Minnesota, and so proud of everything our representatives have accomplished! It's very sad to watch the opposite things happening in Wisconsin, which wasn't that different from us not too long ago. Thanks for this great write-up.

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Things are moving on either side of Wisconsin, in MN and MI. And in Wisconsin, the progressive Supreme Court candidate won by a landslide! There is hope.

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Give WI time! We are going to get it back, I feel confident!

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I am so proud to be a Minnesotan! We are an island up here in the northern Midwest! It’s about time we used our money for the good of our citizens! If only they could have done something about our cold winters!!

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Just wait, climate change will give you a lift on that.

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Yes it will. I’ve seen some of that already ( comparing our winters to those 25 years or more ago)!

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Thank you for this extensive summary and good news, which the MSM news cycle doesn't seem to be covering.

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The country could be something better. Here’s a great blueprint.

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Looking at this from the hellscape that is Texas…………Minnesota looks like Nirvana. If only they did t have 8 months of winter. LOL

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Woohoo! Congratulations Minnesota! Maybe the memory of George Floyd helped inspire them!

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Today is the third anniversary of George Floyd being murdered. I think it has impacted Minnesota. Going to George Floyd square this weekend.

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Have you taken a close look at Colorado? I believe many of these items were passed last year by our own Dem trifecta and some this year.

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I’ll take a look. Colorado has felt less paralyzed and more safely “blue” in some ways.

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True, even though we still have Boebert (shudder). But 'safely blue' is very recent. It's an eastern/western Colorado thing (Boebert is in western Colorado which is still very Conservative) and I think some of the 'safely blue' is a backlash due to Trump and election deniers. Up until then, we were a purple state. Our majority Democrats in the legislature aren't 100% united, either. Moderates vs. Progressives is definitely a thing. An assault weapons ban failed in our legislature this year. And our Governor is, I believe, very much in the Moderate camp. We've still gotten a lot done, though. Crossing my fingers it lasts.

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I think the reason MN is such a focus, along with Michigan, is that we only just got trifectas in each state in November. I could be wrong, but I think we've had power in CO longer? But yeah, your state has also been doing excellent stuff!

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Incredible - KUDOS TO MINNESOTA!!!!!!!

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Minnesota is a great place to live (we've been here since 1972). You should join us!

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Grew up in Indiana and I don't miss it for one hot minute. Love me some Minnesota.

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GO MN!!!!

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