I joined the majority of Oregonians in voting for Measure 113, and I’m still frustrated that it allows them 10 unexcused absences. They’re petulant enough to take full advantage of that leeway, and it will be at the cost of human rights for those they despise. I love this state, but the conservative minority has been out control for too long. (Like so many other places, I suppose…)

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Florida is outta control, too. DeSantis has become “Florida Man.”

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A real nut case.

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They'd be first to cry foul if they were victims.

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Oh for crying out all night.... Do they need to go back to school to get their reading levels up to snuff?

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The GOP's fact sheet is so infuriating as it totally mis-states the proposed legislation. Do they believe that misrepresenting is the same as misunderstanding? Maybe the Democrats should respond by drawing them pictures?

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Next up, Pictionary Jr. the preschool edition 😝

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The GOP would try to ban them as pornographic.

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As they reach their teen years, many children feel compelled to resist what the adult world asks of them. This reflexive opposition exist across cultures. It's natural and developmentally appropriate, even when successive complaints directly contradict each other. After adulthood, however that's defined—by calendar age, brain maturation, individual growth—this tendency fades away. A political party that chooses adolescent behavior as its model deserves to be treated like minors: with basic respect for humanity but strict limits and no indulgence. That seems to be the intent and tone of Measure 113, and it's pitiful that such a rule is necessary.

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Any adolescent that chooses an abortion and does not tell their parents, or lean on them for support for a variety of reasons is more mature than these GOPs. Mostly children don't tell their parents because their parents are either not going to support them, or may have been the cause of said pregnancy and won't support them in revealing statutory and incestuous rape, or will throw them out of the house for sinning and having sex, and in general will not be the supportive parents one needs when making such a decision. Better to let good friends know. These GOPs don't get it, and never will.

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How about a "time out" for republicans? What would that look like?

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Making sure there are consequences.

Many Republicans believe they can do what they want without facing any consequences because often they have not. We need to stop indulging them.

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I have not read the bill, but the GOP interpretation you included seems very far fetched. For example, how could a minor who is on their parent’s insurance receive any major health care without their parents knowing about it? Maybe the GOP senators really can’t read.

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My thoughts exactly. A minor child cannot enter into a contract or payment agreement. So even if the doc was an unethical sort, they still want to get paid. How does that happen with no parent or guardian involved? The GOP depends on the voters not knowing what the law says, and so they will continue to elect dances to represent them.

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Distract, Distract, DISTRACT !!

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"the GOP interpretation you included seems very far fetched" Of course it is. It is twisted so as to have the spin they want to inflame their base and demonize Democrats. Not one of those points is actually what is in the bill, since it was not written by idiots.

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That happens all the time. Insurance companies can refuse to communicate with parents of children over 12, regarding the care provided to the minor, even on matters of submitting/paying claims, citing HIPAA laws. They are happy to keep on taking premiums from said parents though. I know this from personal experience.

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I voted FOR measure 113. Glad to see it will be working soon. Thanks for keeping us informed.

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Strangely (although not really...) when TX D legislators did this, Abbott tried to have them arrested and returned to the state. Maybe the Oregon D’s should do that. No reason to make it easy on the GOP legislators.

Also, this is what the Nazi party did in Germany in 1932 and 1933 to force new elections and get Hitler appointed chancellor.

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When they ran away from voting a few years ago, Oregon republican legislators went and hid in Idaho so they could not be forced to do their job.

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Well, the governor or the leader of the Senate (can't remember which) threatened just that, and the minority leader threated to shoot any State Police officer who trespassed on his property. Because they're a party of violence.

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Sounds about right. That would definitely have him removed from office.

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Perhaps if they're having trouble with reading comprehension, they need a teacher's aide to come walk them through it, like the kids in special needs classes. There's no shame in admitting you need help,

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They could also take notes!

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It is maddening!! I live here and I voted for measure 113. Go to work, like an adult, and do your job. I currently have Republican representation unfortunately and it would be just delightful if this created an opportunity for the incumbents ineligible to run in the next election. 🤞

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Toddlers grabbing their blocks and refusing to play on the playground until they get their way....speaks volumes about the mental and emotional capacity of today’s GOP.

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Perhaps the GOP is behaving rather like a tumblr obsessed teen girl who declares herself a boy because "it FEELS right!" and then threatens to run away if her (evil wrongthink) parents don't let her sterilize herself on their dime. Why would the legislature bother including all the provisions for birth control or gun control? If we trust a 13yo with their own medical decisions, surely we can trust them with guns, and alcohol and the right to vote and enlist in the military. The bill is about 46 pages of word salad, I can't imagine anyone getting through it without a few questions.

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In red states, the Republican legislatures punishes Democrats by expelling them or refusing them entry to the Capitol. In blue states where they DON'T hold a majority, they whine and walk out and cheat in order to achieve an effect. What babies! There are times I wish that they WOULD be allowed to join Idaho. Rural Eastern Oregon is just as cruelly and racistly conservative as Idaho. And they complain that the 100 miles of Willamette Valley controls the state. Well, DUH! The majority of Oregon's population resides here. Once again, it's people refusing to accept that land doesn't vote, people do.

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Of the population in the US between 16-74, 54% (130 Million people) speak at or below a 6th grade level. The ones at the bottom are typically in red states where, "Treat 'em like mushrooms. Keep 'em in the dark and feed them shit.", prevails. How smart were you at 12 years old?

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I may not have been too bright at 12, but I behaved better than the OR GOP!

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I was well educated enough to read and understand the concepts of plain English!

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I tested at an IQ level of 145 as a child younger than 12. Taught myself to read at age 3. Was reading at the GQP 8th-grade level at age 8. It's only gotten better from there. Failed to mention, I'm an Ohioan.

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Oh, just about everything my state government is proposing is ludicrous. This gun insurance thing is awful--especially in light of what happened in my little town last week, at a restaurant I'd visited the week prior. Someone shot someone inside the restaurant (non-life-threatening injuries, thank goodness), then retreated to their apartment and unalived themselves. The Ohio government is also trying to destroy reproductive rights. It is sometime tragically difficult to be a blue dot in a surprisingly red state.

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I'm just outside Cleveland. You'd think we live near a shooting range!

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Far smarter than the average Republican adult.

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Great story!!! How ridiculous can they get? 😂

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New Bill for Oregonians to vote on, people must pass a reading test that requires them to be able to read bills before they can run for office. They may indicate their understanding of the written text verbally, by summarizing it. So, if you cannot understand the bills, then you cannot be an elected representative because you do not have the basic qualifications to do the job!

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Thank you for digging this one out of the news cycle. It is reminiscent of Thomas Reed defeating the "silent quorum" in the early 20th C.

There is a cynical voice in my head considering a Congress-creature such as Lauren Boebert who did not finish high school, along with some of her colleagues who might well not have the reading or comprehension skills to understand the menu in a restaurant, let alone a piece of legislation.

Politically we are in the belly of the beast.

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I hope media and the majority of people are treating this with the decision this deserves. Granted, the GOP has no shame (you need integrity for that, and to have integrity you need to actually have a soul), but their idiocy demands at least that.

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