With all the horror, political dysfunction, and high level crimes that have pervaded the news of late, it’s nice to read a heartwarming story about justice finally catching up in a major way to a serial fraudster and conman.
But how can she run for the US Senate if she's the guvenuh??? I mean, this isn't FL, this is AZ where, when I last checked, which was about 20 seconds ago, the State of AZ laws require a state official to resign their position in order to run for another position. 🤭
Same argument can be brought to bear on tRump's 2024 campaign, as by his and 74 mil voters reckoning, he indeed "won" in 2020, is the "real" president currently, but according to the 22nd Amendment, he's constitutionally barred from seeking a THIRD term. But, then again, tRump pays NO attention to the Constitution, and he can have it both ways.
Oh but DeSanctimonious had FL legislature pass a law to let him run for President while he’s gov of that swamp. Maybe he’d “think about it” in a manner akin to chump’s declassification of national security?
Shouldn't they be freezing all his accounts? Sound's like he's going to have to pay back some money to the people he scammed. Of course the republican caucus will be calling for him to resign now, right? Right? Bueller? Bueller?
He still get's a congressional salary, freezing his accounts would keep him from doing things like paying rent or traveling, and could pressure him to resign.
Wouldn't it seem prudent that the guy whose credit card was scammed would have been wise to ditch that card and apply for a new one? The charges are noted on a monthly statement. After the first statement, I would have set the card on fire and RAN to the bank to let them know something weird was going on.
This is an example of why you want to monitor your credit card charges on a regular basis. This can be done easily online, takes little time, & fraudulent charges can be caught immediately & reversed. Ask me how I know that.
Just this week I had a charge on my account for $18 for "professional services" for a daily newsletter, the fact of which was news to me! Plus an added bonus: it was reoccurring!
I had a couple of hundred dollars in tickets to Disney World charged on mine. I've never been there and have no plans to go. Ever. I can't think of any place WORSE to spend my time and money. Luckily, the bank credited the charges so yes, it does pay to be vigilant.
Does anyone else find it stunning that certain of our “public servants” have become so emboldened as to commit such brazen illegal acts? Ones so easily found out? These folks must truly live in an alternative universe, one where there are no rules, where wrong is right and down is up.
As with pretty much all things Republican, I am simply tired of hearing about "Santos" and fed up with the lies, hypocrisies, and manipulations that allow these people even to survive politically let alone have such inordinate influence on our government and our lives. Sure, I'm glad that the wheels of justice are turning and, if successful, will eventually grind up, digest, and expel the remains of such soylent green raw materials as Santos, Trump, and many of the other most corrupt. But, damn it, our constitution, laws, and their enforcement need to be beefed up, speeded up, and fully implemented to *prevent* such egregious travesties from occurring. The Republican party has become by far the largest and most effective organized crime machine in our history, complete with its own enablers, bought lawmakers, religious leaders, and cult followers. Too bad that RICO laws can't be applied to political parties. Or can they?
RICO laws could be applied in this case to a network of political operatives and the scams they are running. It’s probably not worth it though, as there’s enough evidence to nail them directly.
I'm not too sure - it's possible that the Governor appoints a replacement. That's the way it works for an empty Senate seat, but I dunno about a rep. If so, that would be fine, as she's a Dem. And IIRC, Santos' district is pretty much purple and the voters there are very unhappy with how they got scammed by this guy.
My schadenfreude cup runneth over. And Santos thought he was getting a free pass from the press while we needed a calculator to count the Trump indictments. Say goodbye to your cushy seat next November, George.
I'm really curious why the person whose card was used for unauthorized donations didn't report the fraud to the bank and cancel the card. Perhaps a gullible supporter who first believed whatever the campaign was telling them? It's just...odd...
Oh, I’d like to think so but.....months after indictments, do we have arraignments yet? No way on God’s green earth is there going to be even jury selection for this scum before the next election.
And, why does it not occur to anyone that forensic accountants need to be deployed to ever cubicle, office, storage closet, and restroom at every RNC office in the country and Moscow????
Some days are darker than other with all the unbelievable &&it going on in this world. But, I can always count on a laugh out loud moment, or several really (despite the serious situations), when reading your posts. Crimey McCrimester, Shady McShadester, Fakey McFakester... I needed this today! Thank you and I can't wait for MA IN ALL CAPS. :)
Santos is now the obvious choice to be Trump’s running mate.
This brought a smile to my face!
Dumb and Dumber 2024
They can share a 10' x 10' cell.... And we can declare it to be a 30' x 30'.
Kari Lake was his fav, but she declared for the US Senate race in AZ, so yes, Santos moving up nicely.
But how can she run for the US Senate if she's the guvenuh??? I mean, this isn't FL, this is AZ where, when I last checked, which was about 20 seconds ago, the State of AZ laws require a state official to resign their position in order to run for another position. 🤭
Same argument can be brought to bear on tRump's 2024 campaign, as by his and 74 mil voters reckoning, he indeed "won" in 2020, is the "real" president currently, but according to the 22nd Amendment, he's constitutionally barred from seeking a THIRD term. But, then again, tRump pays NO attention to the Constitution, and he can have it both ways.
He pretty much told us he plans to ignore that poor sorry little thing while he WAS POTUS. And then, of course, he told us again after he lost.
Oh but DeSanctimonious had FL legislature pass a law to let him run for President while he’s gov of that swamp. Maybe he’d “think about it” in a manner akin to chump’s declassification of national security?
I just saw - he's endorsing her for Senate... ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease let her win the primary.
And a tRump pardon should the Orange Cancer win in '24.
Shouldn't they be freezing all his accounts? Sound's like he's going to have to pay back some money to the people he scammed. Of course the republican caucus will be calling for him to resign now, right? Right? Bueller? Bueller?
If he had any money left and he was actually wiley, he'd have it in an offshore account. We definitively know that to be false now!
He still get's a congressional salary, freezing his accounts would keep him from doing things like paying rent or traveling, and could pressure him to resign.
Hahahahahaha... no.
Wouldn't it seem prudent that the guy whose credit card was scammed would have been wise to ditch that card and apply for a new one? The charges are noted on a monthly statement. After the first statement, I would have set the card on fire and RAN to the bank to let them know something weird was going on.
That would have been the smart move.
But then, they had already contributed to the Santos campaign, so “smart” probably wasn’t in their nature.
This is an example of why you want to monitor your credit card charges on a regular basis. This can be done easily online, takes little time, & fraudulent charges can be caught immediately & reversed. Ask me how I know that.
How do you know that, Jean? ;-) (I know that was rhetorical, but couldn’t help myself.)
You're funny! ;-))
Just this week I had a charge on my account for $18 for "professional services" for a daily newsletter, the fact of which was news to me! Plus an added bonus: it was reoccurring!
I'm sure they were sorry to see me go....
I had a couple of hundred dollars in tickets to Disney World charged on mine. I've never been there and have no plans to go. Ever. I can't think of any place WORSE to spend my time and money. Luckily, the bank credited the charges so yes, it does pay to be vigilant.
So Santos is next in line for GOP Speaker?
Or maybe he will be Trump’s choice for VP.
Birds of a feather.......
Does anyone else find it stunning that certain of our “public servants” have become so emboldened as to commit such brazen illegal acts? Ones so easily found out? These folks must truly live in an alternative universe, one where there are no rules, where wrong is right and down is up.
Good to see you naming and linking to these investigative reporters and their organizations.
They are heroes to me.
Well, one can see this will soon be a movie.
The Untalented Mr. Santos.
As with pretty much all things Republican, I am simply tired of hearing about "Santos" and fed up with the lies, hypocrisies, and manipulations that allow these people even to survive politically let alone have such inordinate influence on our government and our lives. Sure, I'm glad that the wheels of justice are turning and, if successful, will eventually grind up, digest, and expel the remains of such soylent green raw materials as Santos, Trump, and many of the other most corrupt. But, damn it, our constitution, laws, and their enforcement need to be beefed up, speeded up, and fully implemented to *prevent* such egregious travesties from occurring. The Republican party has become by far the largest and most effective organized crime machine in our history, complete with its own enablers, bought lawmakers, religious leaders, and cult followers. Too bad that RICO laws can't be applied to political parties. Or can they?
RICO laws could be applied in this case to a network of political operatives and the scams they are running. It’s probably not worth it though, as there’s enough evidence to nail them directly.
Why is he still in Congress? Why are Republicans still protecting him? Why is he not in JAIL?
Gym Jordan needs his vote.
This. And the PARTY needs his vote. The majority is slim, and he would almost certainly be replaced by a Democrat.
I'm not too sure - it's possible that the Governor appoints a replacement. That's the way it works for an empty Senate seat, but I dunno about a rep. If so, that would be fine, as she's a Dem. And IIRC, Santos' district is pretty much purple and the voters there are very unhappy with how they got scammed by this guy.
Who resigns first, Sen. Menendez, or Rep. Santos? In today's climate, smart money sez NEITHER, as corruption remains king.
I can’t wait for Andy Kim to kick Menendez to the curb.
One lives in hope.
Sad, but true, Lance.
Only. The. Best. People.
How long until he surpasses 91 charges?
Should we set up a bar chart race?
😆😆😆 go for it!
How about a cockroach race, with appropriately labeled "entrants"?
Obviously a sick, delusional person. Reminds me of someone else.
My schadenfreude cup runneth over. And Santos thought he was getting a free pass from the press while we needed a calculator to count the Trump indictments. Say goodbye to your cushy seat next November, George.
I'm really curious why the person whose card was used for unauthorized donations didn't report the fraud to the bank and cancel the card. Perhaps a gullible supporter who first believed whatever the campaign was telling them? It's just...odd...
As someone whose assistant once used his card to siphon tons of money off without me noticing for months, I have a bit of sympathy…
I'm thinking they never checked their statement, simply paid it on auto each month.
Which is why I do not pay ANY bills via autopay. Every single bill gets my eyeballs every month. But... I'm old and trust no one.
Wisdom of the elderly.
Sadly, I think he thinks he CAN get away with it, screaming "political persecution!" all the live long day.
Trump thinks so, too. They are both mistaken.
Oh, I’d like to think so but.....months after indictments, do we have arraignments yet? No way on God’s green earth is there going to be even jury selection for this scum before the next election.
And, why does it not occur to anyone that forensic accountants need to be deployed to ever cubicle, office, storage closet, and restroom at every RNC office in the country and Moscow????
Some days are darker than other with all the unbelievable &&it going on in this world. But, I can always count on a laugh out loud moment, or several really (despite the serious situations), when reading your posts. Crimey McCrimester, Shady McShadester, Fakey McFakester... I needed this today! Thank you and I can't wait for MA IN ALL CAPS. :)
Levity is important in these bizarre cases, I think!
Shouldn't this qualify him for chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee?