Unless and until our current Justice Department holds every one of these people accountable, up to and including trump, we will never be out of the woods. Also, Manchin and Sinema need to get their heads out of their asses, at least carve out the filibuster, and pass both of the voting rights bills. This is disgusting, all of it. This may sound harsh and cruel, but, considering who COVID is killing, hopefully there will be far less Republicans by the time 2022 rolls around, including some of the candidates. I am exhausted with all of this and totally disappointed in the lack of any accountability for any of them.

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So dangerous to our election processes, sadly they are screaming fraud at democrats all while commuting fraud and suppressing voters themselves to stay in power it’s pathetic, the Republican Party is not pro America at all, they prove it daily.

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It is abundantly clear that trump et al were trying to overthrow the government. Why are there still no consequences?

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And their lies continue ...

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In "fin" believable!!! It's a trump cult!!!

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I view this whole thing like a newly "found" sports star. Republicans have been working steadily for many years to place key people in key positions. Think about it...many are not new to politics: McConnell, McCarthy, Grassley, Thune, and so on. The Trump administration and the coup attempt are the now visible manifestations of this work. There is far more to "undo" than just MAGA. Our entire system is infected and oozing with corruption all the way down to school boards.

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I just can’t fathom why the orange lard ass in not in jail.

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We simply can not let our guard down. I’m from South Georgia, and have driven all the way across the country to San Francisco and now halfway back so far. It was refreshing to me to meet people who weren’t afraid to speak of their pride in their legislative leaders, and how much they are relieved that their governor stayed put. I don’t hear as much of that in the south, but our numbers are increasing. We just have to keep pressing the importance of voting, especially with our young voters. They are the ones I care most about for getting good people elected. I leave the crusty old farts alone, don’t remind them to vote. 😎

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