It’s been months since the January 6 Committee last conducted live hearings, and in that time a lot has happened to pull focus from the insurrection at the Capitol, not the least of which was an FBI search and seizure of top secret and classified documents from Mar-a-Lago.
Legal systems are much slower than we would wish - protecting the innocent is important. I am betting my money on the Justice Department - Merrick Garland doesn't take cases he can't win. His track record is outstanding.
If there’s a case that they think they can convict Trump with, they will press it, of that I am certain. What none of us knows is whether there is such a case, at least when it comes to seditious conspiracy. There are other charges that would be easier to stick him with.
So the pussy grabber just says he won even when he didn't and declares victory. It's no wonder he can declassify documents just by thinking it. How long is this entitled POC going to get away with crimes everyone else would go to jail for (except of course those he pardoned)?
Justice grinds slowly forward. We need to be patient with the DoJ. These are extremely perilous times, and the only thing worse than not indicting Trump is indicting him and failing to win a conviction.
Of course there is a Tech answer but, Roger Stone's comments on camera have already been reported in near real time in January 2021. You can publish misinformation easily. If you challege an Exhibit at Trial after the video, photograph or sound has been authenticated -- you let the Prosecutors bring in killing corroborative evidence.
I disagree. The Rule of Law is operating more or less as it did when Nixon was under investigation. That took around two years, and we are nearing that point now, and there is much afoot.
It can be when the "modus operandi" has been going on for many years. But, the Stuart Rhodes'/ Oath Keeper jury is being picked now as we comment. Evidence of a repeated, a distinct way of doing bad acts can be tellingly admissible to the Jury.
Let us not forget that Stone was the one who also came up with the disgusting and reprehensible: "Lock her up!". Hate brokers the likes of Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, trump, Jared Kushner, LOUIS DEJOY (is Dejoy being investigated yet???? He needs to be removed/indicted before the next election in order to ensure just voting practices and procedures with regard to the USPS), Virginia Thomas, Clarence Thomas, must all be held accountable. As much as we may want to purge him from all memory, we must remember Roy Cohn as well; he died in 1986 but is no less culpable for planting the seeds of the current state of things.
Regarding the Danish video, all we have seen is some edited footage of Stone, and unfortunately, he is right. It is selective and could even have been at least partially faked. I'm not saying that it was faked, but it obviously was edited. Investigators need to have access to (and to release) the source footage. That sort of evidence *could* be damning, but as it is, what has been released only adds fuel to the *trumper skeptics' "witch hunt" claims.
Very sharp & very timely analysis Jay (as usual) for us reader's great benefit. Thank you very much.
Legal systems are much slower than we would wish - protecting the innocent is important. I am betting my money on the Justice Department - Merrick Garland doesn't take cases he can't win. His track record is outstanding.
If there’s a case that they think they can convict Trump with, they will press it, of that I am certain. What none of us knows is whether there is such a case, at least when it comes to seditious conspiracy. There are other charges that would be easier to stick him with.
Don’t you just love it that it’s the old farts with domestic terrorists as bodyguards who are the big mouths shouting for violence?
BREAKING NEWS: Tomorrow's hearing has been postponed due to Hurricane Ian.
So the pussy grabber just says he won even when he didn't and declares victory. It's no wonder he can declassify documents just by thinking it. How long is this entitled POC going to get away with crimes everyone else would go to jail for (except of course those he pardoned)?
Justice grinds slowly forward. We need to be patient with the DoJ. These are extremely perilous times, and the only thing worse than not indicting Trump is indicting him and failing to win a conviction.
Not being a techie at there a way to prove that a video has not been manipulated as Roger Stone is implying?
Of course there is a Tech answer but, Roger Stone's comments on camera have already been reported in near real time in January 2021. You can publish misinformation easily. If you challege an Exhibit at Trial after the video, photograph or sound has been authenticated -- you let the Prosecutors bring in killing corroborative evidence.
Thank you. I would love to see Stone, et al in prison where they belong!
Rhodes is first up but, the J6 Committee will roast Roger Stone at tomorrow's Hearing. Update: Understand the J6 Hearing is Hurricane delayed.
There's something very wrong with the Rules of Law that any of these people aren't already in jail!
I disagree. The Rule of Law is operating more or less as it did when Nixon was under investigation. That took around two years, and we are nearing that point now, and there is much afoot.
That's reassuring. But nevertheless it just seems to take too long!
It can be when the "modus operandi" has been going on for many years. But, the Stuart Rhodes'/ Oath Keeper jury is being picked now as we comment. Evidence of a repeated, a distinct way of doing bad acts can be tellingly admissible to the Jury.
Let us not forget that Stone was the one who also came up with the disgusting and reprehensible: "Lock her up!". Hate brokers the likes of Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, trump, Jared Kushner, LOUIS DEJOY (is Dejoy being investigated yet???? He needs to be removed/indicted before the next election in order to ensure just voting practices and procedures with regard to the USPS), Virginia Thomas, Clarence Thomas, must all be held accountable. As much as we may want to purge him from all memory, we must remember Roy Cohn as well; he died in 1986 but is no less culpable for planting the seeds of the current state of things.
Regarding the Danish video, all we have seen is some edited footage of Stone, and unfortunately, he is right. It is selective and could even have been at least partially faked. I'm not saying that it was faked, but it obviously was edited. Investigators need to have access to (and to release) the source footage. That sort of evidence *could* be damning, but as it is, what has been released only adds fuel to the *trumper skeptics' "witch hunt" claims.