Do you think there is any hope at all that some Republicans, living in these gerrymandered districts, are at all fed up with the current state of their party? I know that Democrats have a nasty habit of not running anyone against these people or not investing time, money or energy on anyone who does run, but, what if there was a Democratic option for those people? I would love to see a heavily gerrymandered district flip for a Democrat, even if that win is based on the idea of how much worse could it get if we tried a Democrat for a couple of years? Look at me, being optimistic. LOL

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I doubt there's enough fed up Republicans to flip. With Biden's poll numbers in the toilet, the constant drumbeat of lies and "both-sides" media reporting (or at least leading with the Republican-preferred negative slants), and as-usual-scattered and not aggressive messaging by the Democrats, the narrarative to vote against him is getting baked-in more by the day. Plus, we're talking about a party that, after four years of historic disaster and a botched and deadly pandemic response, increased their numbers in the POTUS election. 12,000,000 more people looked at the last four years and said, "more of that, please." Will the Dems be as motivated? Are there enough independents confident in Biden today?

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See, that's my normal train of thought, but, I thought I'd dabble in optimism for a second. LOL I also don't trust polls. If polls were accurate, Hillary would have been President instead of trump.

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Let’s hope that this is the case and that people actually sit up and pay attention and take themselves out and vote no matter how hard republicans try to make it

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