Sounds about white ...

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This matter immediately brings to mind the "Citizens United"case. It seems to me that if corporations are entitled to a first amendment right of free speech via their chosen vehicle of monetary contributions, then organizations such as the NAACP also should be considered entitled to the same broad coverage of any number of actions that can and are frequently enjoined with free speech such as filing challenge lawsuits on behalf of disaffected parties.

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Excellent point, isn’t the NAACP incorporated? And if not, how hard could it be?

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The NAACP was incorporated in 1911.

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In this case, "private" means non-governmental. In other words, only the DOJ can bring these cases. Which is ridiculous bullshit.

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why is it that every blessed time I read something like this my first (internal) response is "those rat bastards!" Gorush, Alito and Thomas are licking their chops and Roberts cannot be trusted to do the right thing either. Sick and sad.

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Time to get ready to protest march and I mean like daily until the Supreme Court is ousted through lack of faith in it.

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"(W)hy is it that every blessed time I read something like this my first (internal) response is 'those rat bastards!'"

Because you were favored with great instincts.

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I can only hope that Roberts and Kavanaugh will actually do the right thing. If actually citizens can't sue to protect their rights to vote we are doomed. Democracy in the U.S. may suffer "death by a thousand cuts" if our citizens don't start paying attention.

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Do we think that is a reasonable hope? Seems to be part of a coordinated plan to render democracy irrelevant in the country's leadership.

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There is some hope they will do the right thing. It makes me very nervous to have to put our hopes on Roberts and Kavanaugh though.

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Clarence Thomas is so unmoored that I imagine that he sees his skin as white when he looks at a mirror. I’d like him and the other conservative justices be forced to live in a poor gerrymandered district. They talk in the abstract, as if the law is above the people rather than for the people.

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Thank you for stating the obvious on Thomas. Most political commentators dance around that one.

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"Clarence Thomas is so unmoored that I imagine that he sees his skin as white when he looks at a mirror."

"Praise White God!"


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Looks like the fascist GOP octopus had prepared itself much better that initially thought. There goons will do everything to destroy the actual system and bring forward a mind blowing dictatorship. It is time to step up our defenses and switch to a more serious attack mode against them all. Why the Dems are still sleeping? Pls wake up, you are going to lose it! Tks

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Folks are awakening!

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Stop calling them the GOP for starters. They’re not the GOP. The GOP has been eaten.

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MAGATs are like the cuckoo laying eggs in another bird's nest and "claiming" that the nest is now theirs. Unless GOP stands of Godawful Oligarchic Party.

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Well, I guess it does now.

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Sorry to sound harsh.

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Whoever these people are, they ate the GOP but try to keep the name.

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Everyday we wake up and have been "had" again. Very prepared, very organized and the Democrats act surprised every single time.

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So private citizens without standing can sue doctors who perform abortions, Uber drivers who take patients to their appointments, and anyone who drives through some counties to a place where they’re legal but they can’t sue for voting rights under the VRA. Does anyone else hear how crazy that is?!

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Oh, yes. Consistency and sound reasoning have been tossed in the dustbin of history over there at SCOTUS. They will bend all logic and discard any and all precedent to get the result they want, and declare it to be the law of the land because they are SCOTUS, you're not.

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This sounds like what is going on in Texas. Just disgusting.

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Thanks for your clear writing -- but no thanks to the 8th Circuit!

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Crucial day ahead: 11/05/2024

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It isn't shocking to Black Americans who lived through Jim Crow. Question:

If it isn't a problem, why the push to change the laws back to the Jim Crow era laws? That is what it is.

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Lisa Needham, writing for the "Public Notice" Substack notes here:

"Chief Judge Lavenski Smith, a George W. Bush appointee, noted in his dissent that in the last 40 years, there have been at least 182 successful Section 2 cases, only 15 of which were brought only by the DOJ. As David Becker of the Center for Election Innovation and Research explained, the DOJ doesn’t have enough attorneys to cover the whole country all at once, and “over the course of over 50 years, private plaintiffs have also brought those cases so that residents of a small county in Arkansas are just as well protected as residents of the entirety of the state of California.”

Those two hard-right 8th CA judges were given a golden opportunity to drive a silver spike into the heart of what remains of the VRA, and they took it up with relish. Now whether the Alito/Thomas/Gorsuch wing will pull along CJ Roberts and either Kavanaugh or Comey Barrett, or both for that matter, to sustain the appellate decision should it reach them barring an en banc hearing over-turning the three-judge panel, there is clear momentum and intent to diminish and destroy all but in name the VRA, a chief "conservative" target for decades.

Once again, the GOP game plan of perpetuating minority rule through the courts could claim yet another success, as the federal judiciary is stocked to the brim with like-minded white supremacists who have dedicated themselves to preserve white privilege against an evolving multi-racial, multi-ethnic polity. Impossible to see how this situation can meaningfully change in the next decade or so.

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Thanks for the update, but no one should be surprised that a "conservative" court would rule like this. They are doing everything they can to rig the elections in favor of republicans. The only hope we have is that Roberts will take this ruling as a slap at the recent ruling in Alabama; which is almost no hope at all.

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Extremist Court, not "conservative" in the traditional, long-held sense of the word.

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I was going to put Nazi court, but settled for adding the quotation marks to conservative.

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Over the past few years, when I've read something as clearly rascist, AKA "white supremacist", as the 8th CA decision, I've quietly thought we should have let the confderate states secede.

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Nope, but maybe instead of the “live and let live” approach that was taken, we should have had trials followed by firing squads for the treasonous bastards- starting with Jefferson Davis.

“On February 15, 1869, Jefferson Davis was scheduled to begin his trial in the United States District court in Richmond, Virginia. He was charged with treason against the United States for his part in leading the states in rebellion during the American Civil War, 1861-1865. But instead proceeding with the trial, federal prosecutors entered a “nolle prosequi,” or statement of decision not to prosecute.” We screwed up and they’ve done nothing but glorify their disgusting “lost cause” ever since. NPS

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Thank you for that brief but revealing snippet of post-Civil War history.

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We can’t make that mistake again. All involved in J6 must be held accountable. IMHO we should expand SCOTUS to correctly represent all Americans.

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I think that often as well--it's not too late! Texas and Florida keep "threatening" to secede--go for it! Knock yourselves out!

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Nope. Nope. Nope. The nation is ALL the states. Folks in those states who want to leave are absolutely free to do so (if they can find a nation to take them).

Love It or Leave It. If they leave it, they do not get to take the dirt with them.

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Nov 28, 2023
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That would be their problem. Think of Texas’s electric grid freezing up when the temps dropped... They think they can stand alone but those are misguided dreams of grandeur.

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No kidding

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I suspect there are many white citizens and white male citizens who come out strongly for equal rights for all people. You would see them as the least racist types of all. However, when it’s time to vote, maybe some of these same people vote against equal rights, because they really deep down want to retain their advantage. It could be a large number.

Do I sound naive just saying this? Have many people thought the same thing?

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I meant to say perceived advantage.

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I don't think it's a perceived advantage, it's real

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It is real. I won’t argue with you. I think however there’s a price to pay for that in loss of self respect, even though it may be unconscious it destroys just the same. In the ‘animal world’ they fake fight for territory and sometimes they fight to the death. In humanville we subjugate others and true superiority is not in the equation. We use its substitute. Money and coercion. Blackmail and bullying. We invent the parameters of worth.

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Needing laws to be enacted that claim the superiority of white skinned people means they can’t actually be superior because of skin color.

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And anyway only inferior people would enact laws that would make life harder for those who aren’t white.

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Thanks a freaking lot, 8th circuit, we so needed another reminder, how our voting rights are in the hands of racists. <deep sarcasm>

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Nov 28, 2023
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This is what really gets to me. Do the female judges, African American judges, gay judges, and all other judges who come from marginalized groups and proceed to rule conservative NOT realize that the only reason they have their positions is due to the actions taken by liberals? That, by upholding gerrymandering, by infringing upon marriage equality and reproductive rights, they are supporting the side that is AGAINST the very fact that they have this job?

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It's so sad to me that so many Americans see the right to bear arms as more fundamental to their constitution than the right to vote and for one's vote to count. I can't believe that's how the framers intended it.

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