Looking forward to this guy, and all other slimy, bottom feeding Trump sycophants, getting his/their just due. It can’t come soon enough.

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Agree completely!!

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I would think Prof. Tribe is also shaking his head saying to himself, "how the f-ck did this idiot get into law school at all, let alone Harvard?"

What a blessing in disguise. This dumb ass decides to cooperate but forgets that he has other social media accounts that undercuts his entire proffer. The gift that keeps on giving.

As a non-lawyer, I have been dumbfounded that cases in Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania have not emerged against Orange Adolf let alone the co-conspirators. While I understand that Georgia's RICO statute is a bit more robust, and while the fake electors are legally being prosecuted in Michigan, Cheesboro, Eastman, Orange Adolf — these dopes all should be indicted in those states, similarly to Georgia.

And Cheesboro, is now caught — Again! He folded like a cheap lawn chair the first time around in Georgia along with Jenna Ellis. How quickly will he fold this time with all of these other jurisdictions coming down on him (at least I hope they are coming down on him)?

All of this points to one more massive thing — which I will say every single time. There can be no staying home on election day. No protest votes. No "he's too old." No third party votes. No excuses. Biden may not be perfect, but he is the only pro democracy candidate on the ballot. Jill Stein is a Russian plant. RFK Jr. is like his grandfather (former Amb. Joe Kennedy — there is a reason he and Orange Adolf see eye-to-eye). I get some people are upset about certain policies, but nowhere is it written you get everything you want. Voting for Biden/Harris is the only thing you can do if you want the United States to be a Constitutional republic. That is not hyperbole. Just listen to what Orange Adolf is saying!

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This. This right here. Every word of this.

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Perhaps Professor Tribe is also asking, "How did he ever graduate from HLS?"

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I believe he was a research assistant to Tribe.

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Excellent Andre

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For a truly sobering view, I refer to a Medium article from November of 2020 entitled “I lived through a stupid coup. America is having one now.”

The author brings up an excellent point regarding our current delay between the vote count and the winner taking office:

“For example, your dumbass founders left enough time to get to Washington by horse. Four months where a loser could hold power, later reduced to two. This is a built-in coup.

“Think about it. Your system gives the loser all the power and guns for two whole months. Almost every modern democracy changes power the next day, to avoid the very situation you’re in.”

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Yea this has got to change.

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I think the Achilles Heel for most of these MAGAts is arrogance.

They arrogantly believed they were untouchable and creating a Twitter account with a clever name was all they had to do to avoid detection.

They arrogantly believed they were smarter than everyone else and nobody else had the brains or know-how to catch their dirty work.

They never imagined a scenario where they would get caught and not have Trump to bail them out.

Now their loyalty to Trump is what is going to put them in jail.

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Being fair this coup attempt probably would have worked any time before 2012. Before there was a 24 hour news cycle and millions of people could be informed of stuff like J6 as it was happening. If we didn't have these social media and phone records and such to give us all this evidence. If Nixon had done things this way, history probably would have turned out significantly differently.

These goons just don't understand the technology they're dealing with.

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They succeeded in 1963 and 2000.

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Feb 27, 2024
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Yes and no. Social media and the public outroar about why the National Guard wasn't getting involved also made it obvious that the proverbial call was coming from inside the house. So while it made the attempt possible, it was also responsible for defeating it.

That is, it literally gave them enough rope to hang themselves with. It's just that they'd been intending to hang Pence.

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A user on Reddit offered a similar observation yesterday. All these dumdums are boomers and GenXers and despite their rather lofty positions in society and government, they are feckless twits when it comes to their use of media—Trailing their bits from crimes committed to their very front doors.

Dad fail.

Secret Service was slightly more saavy. But only slightly.

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I would say social media has worked both for them and against them. They get the instant likes and people lapping up all the bs. Then all the records and trails afterward work against them. Social Media is always going to be a double-edged sword for the good guys and bad guys, but it's going to take investigators starting on top of things or these coups are going to work. I wouldn't be surprised if the Heritage Foundation has all sorts of contingency plans in place to make Project 2025 work.

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I completely agree. ✌️

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Goes hand in hand with their malignant narcissism.

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And, of course, that same unearned privilege feeds their racism

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Hubris is a powerful drug.

Now for the hangover.

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stupid criminals make stupid mistakes

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The power of the incumbency.

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It's great that they've been working ten years to end democracy and almost all of them are still free. Including Congress critters we know to have been involved in J6.

I like my government full of active Russian agents looking to subvert and destroy it. How about you?

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I am finally feeling like we need a more aggressive AG

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With you.

Waiting any day now for Joe to fire his ass.

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Not gonna happen. Not until after the election - bad optics, bad politics.

Now, he might possibly offer his resignation, but no one would believe he wasn't coerced anyway. Garland will be AG until 1/20/25 at least.

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Feb 27, 2024Edited
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If Jack Smith had been Voldemort, his not-name would have been "He With Whom No One Fucks."

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Feb 27, 2024
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Certainly the right reputation for the job.

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I vote for Letitia James getting a promotion.👍🏽

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That would be fantastic.

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Plus all the help they get from the incompetent media.

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It’s not all incompetent.

Much of it is quite intentional.

The coup is everywhere.

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Yea totally cool!

I mean what’s the rush really?

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On one hand, the overt stupidity is almost amusing. On the other hand, the issues are deadly serious. This shitbag (I can't come up with a more polite term) was conspiring with Trump and the rest of his cabal to overthrow the lawfully elected government of the United States. It is treason, plain and simple, and deserves to be punished as such.

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and we have room for them in GITMO

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"Shit bag" is just fine. It's appropriate with anyone and anything related to Trump and MAGA.

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GITMO for 400 years would be appropriate.

Didn’t we used to hang traitors? Or was it firing squad?

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At one time, traitors were hung until almost dead, then drawn and quartered, and their remains burned at the stake.

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Can you see Haiti at our doorstep? Roving armed gangs of thugs— but who’s really in charge? T is a useful idiot, who’s the King?

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LOL...you know he wasn't too smart with "“legal giants like [Sen. Ted] Cruz"!

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Actually, whatever you think of him - and I wouldn’t pee on him if he was on fire - Ted Cruz graduated from Harvard Law School with a JD magna cum laude and before that from Princeton cum laude. He plays the good old boy well and he lacks common sense about how he’s perceived - Cancun comes immediately to mind - but he didn’t get those degrees by bribery or nepotism. He also clerked for Rehnquist. I think he’s playing the long game and he was smart enough not to dirty himself with the fake electors scheme but he’s far from stupid.

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Far from stupid but certainly ethically challenged and slimy.

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Pure slime. I’d like to send Rafael back to Canada where he belongs.

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Book smarts do not always translate well to street smarts. Rafael is a highly educated socially inept, people-skills deficient, self-absorbed tool who lacks common sense.

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I am aware of his credentials, but he is still no "legal giant" when he does the crap he does. He is also a child of immigrants (one of which is sorta iffy as far as legality), but want to close the border to any more.

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This is an example of the gang who couldn’t shoot straight.

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CheeseBro, you in trouble guuurrrl…👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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How are they THIS stupid?

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Feb 27, 2024
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Could be but they do a ton of damage.

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Thank you for laying it all out so clearly!

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Waallll lookie here. We got us the smokin' guns!

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What a tangled web he weaved, when he practiced to deceive. Something like that from the old saying. A big heap of trouble for the Cheese.

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I'd call him a rat, but I have too much respect for rats to elevate him that far up. Calling him a virus or bacteria is unfair because they simply act the way they're programmed to whereas he has chosen - and continues to choose - his path. There's nothing really fitting to call him. He certainly lacks a conscience like a sociopath and sticks to the shadows like a serial killer plus he has that narcissistic tendency to throw others under the bus.

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Cheseboro's lawyer claims that the advice given to Trump's campaign is reflective of th testimony offered under oath to Michigan under proffer.

In other words, I only think those things (ideas posted to Twitter under badger pundit) when I'm NOT under oath!

Hopefully Michigan and Georgia don't need this guy as a witness, he is self disqualifying...

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I do have some concerns that he is now open to impeachment should he be a witness for the prosecution.

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If they do, they will need corroborating evidence.

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They will have plenty.

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Jay, thanks so much for this report. I can not express what joy it brings to my heart. I find that our Democracy is still in tact to the degree that we can collar this evil, criminal clown a sign of hope. Thank you for bringing us this hope.

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Jay, inquiring minds want to know (and you are an excellent answerer):

1. Can the Cheese be charged with additional counts in Georgia after he took a plea deal?

2. Can the named Senators & Congresspersons in this scheme be charged with sedition -- or something else?

3. Why is the John Eastman disbarment in CA taking so long?

4. Do you think the prison sentences for so many of the J6'ers will affect what happens post-election in November 2024 - January 2025 from the MAGA's?

5. When will the other government co-conspirators -- esp. DOD Chris Miller and Kash Patel messing with Capitol protections -- be brought to justice?


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Great questions! I've been wondering about the senators and Congress people involved as well. Since the FBI seems to go after senators and Congress people more readily than it does the president it's a wonder these people haven't been on the hotseat yet.

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