"Trump’s attorney predictably is howling that this is unfair. In a letter objecting to the Case Management Plan, James M. Trusty (no small irony in the name) wrote Judge Dearie complaining that nowhere in the assignment order appointing him as special master did Judge Cannon state that the plaintiff rather than the government"
What part of "you brought the case, you have to provide proof " don't T***** lawyers understand?
I am enjoying the fact that he just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper. The fact is, he just can't seem to keep his big mouth shut. That's turning out pretty well for DOJ, it seems. Thank goodness that Judge Dearie is an honorable man.
Thanks, Jay. I think what we have here is the definitive peeling of trump's onion-skinned scammery. It almost feels like that Sean Connery "James Bond" film where Connery is strapped to a table as a saw blade or laser works itself up between his legs. Hopefully, there will be no "saving grace" for the trump version.
He's a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum, but this time, I highly doubt he'll get his way. I'm anxious to see what Garland will do once this farce is completed.
Well. Guess I need to refill my drink and get some more popcorn! Word is if you elect a clown, you'll get a circus. But I thought once the circus left town, the clown act would go with it.
First the orange one claimed he had nothing; then he claimed he gave them everything; now he asserts they planted documents; they were looking for the missing tapes (Hillary); they took his will; he demanded a Special Master; and my favorite, he can declassify any classified document with his mind. Out of all of the garbage spewed from the orange septic tank I'm surprised he has not brought up a complaint against Judge Dearie being that he came out of Eastern District of NEW YORK! To me, that alone makes Judge Dearie extra Special since the septic tank no longer likes NY.
This is all good, very good, but I'm looking for a much more significant payoff than *trump being in "quite the legal pickle." Yes, I know, we need to be patient, but I will not be satisfied until *trump - like anyone else who had created all this manifestly criminal chaos - is behind bars.
It is both disgusting and sort of pitiful that Trump continues to maintain that he is above the law simply because he is (a)Donald Trump or (b) President of the United States or (c) former President of the United States. Sickening, really. And I used to think that Michael Jackson lived in Fantasyland.
Thank you. It really does lift my spirits to see into the nooks and crannies of the law that I ordinarily would never need to know. I have pretty high hopes that he will be indicted.
Trump's judge says he doesn't have to do what the special master says... As usual he gets away with it. I am so over laws, enforcement and punishment for the masses vs the political and wealthy! This country is so extremely broken and corrupt. We are no better than the facist regimes we look down our noses at.
Thanks for the update Lisa: yes, Trusty went runnin' back to the tfg's trusty cannon, but the 11th Circuit has set the "Law of the Case". I believe the DOJ has the important Confidential docs secured for immediate national security matters. Update: NARA has advised by letter that tfg stll has Records Act documents that still have NOT been returned.
" When you’re reduced to telling the Special Master he is actually not so special, you’re probably in trouble" hahaha
"Trump’s attorney predictably is howling that this is unfair. In a letter objecting to the Case Management Plan, James M. Trusty (no small irony in the name) wrote Judge Dearie complaining that nowhere in the assignment order appointing him as special master did Judge Cannon state that the plaintiff rather than the government"
What part of "you brought the case, you have to provide proof " don't T***** lawyers understand?
I am enjoying the fact that he just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper. The fact is, he just can't seem to keep his big mouth shut. That's turning out pretty well for DOJ, it seems. Thank goodness that Judge Dearie is an honorable man.
And, Dearie has deep FISA Court experience.
Thanks, Jay. I think what we have here is the definitive peeling of trump's onion-skinned scammery. It almost feels like that Sean Connery "James Bond" film where Connery is strapped to a table as a saw blade or laser works itself up between his legs. Hopefully, there will be no "saving grace" for the trump version.
Having a fine and experienced judge for Special Master may not be what Trump was expecting when he suggested him - pobrecito.
He's a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum, but this time, I highly doubt he'll get his way. I'm anxious to see what Garland will do once this farce is completed.
Thanks Jay, for keeping us in the know. 😁👍
Brilliant! Thank you!!
That’s awesome give him enough rope
Well. Guess I need to refill my drink and get some more popcorn! Word is if you elect a clown, you'll get a circus. But I thought once the circus left town, the clown act would go with it.
First the orange one claimed he had nothing; then he claimed he gave them everything; now he asserts they planted documents; they were looking for the missing tapes (Hillary); they took his will; he demanded a Special Master; and my favorite, he can declassify any classified document with his mind. Out of all of the garbage spewed from the orange septic tank I'm surprised he has not brought up a complaint against Judge Dearie being that he came out of Eastern District of NEW YORK! To me, that alone makes Judge Dearie extra Special since the septic tank no longer likes NY.
This is all good, very good, but I'm looking for a much more significant payoff than *trump being in "quite the legal pickle." Yes, I know, we need to be patient, but I will not be satisfied until *trump - like anyone else who had created all this manifestly criminal chaos - is behind bars.
It is both disgusting and sort of pitiful that Trump continues to maintain that he is above the law simply because he is (a)Donald Trump or (b) President of the United States or (c) former President of the United States. Sickening, really. And I used to think that Michael Jackson lived in Fantasyland.
Thanks for untangling the lawyerly bits!!
Thank you. It really does lift my spirits to see into the nooks and crannies of the law that I ordinarily would never need to know. I have pretty high hopes that he will be indicted.
Loving it!
Trump's judge says he doesn't have to do what the special master says... As usual he gets away with it. I am so over laws, enforcement and punishment for the masses vs the political and wealthy! This country is so extremely broken and corrupt. We are no better than the facist regimes we look down our noses at.
Thanks for the update Lisa: yes, Trusty went runnin' back to the tfg's trusty cannon, but the 11th Circuit has set the "Law of the Case". I believe the DOJ has the important Confidential docs secured for immediate national security matters. Update: NARA has advised by letter that tfg stll has Records Act documents that still have NOT been returned.
While I agree securing the confidential documents is important, if we don't find a way to shut this man and his movement down we're sunk.
I don't think the classified documents are in issue any more, under the 11th Circuit Ruling and Judge Cannon's amended order (See https://www.lawfareblog.com/cannon-strikes-two-provisions-special-master-order-response-eleventh-circuit-ruling ). So with respect to point two (Unsupported Claim that he Declassified Documents) -- that's not something that the Special Master would be ruling on one way or the other.
AMarsh, thank you for the analysis & Link!