Great Gaetz is gone, and now Bondi sails through. So what does Gaetz do now? Well he could take the seat he won in congress for the 119th Congress, or DeSantis could make him a Senator; replacing Marko Rubio. Or he could become a special prosecutor to indict the people who "came after" trump.
Yes, I sound a little nihilistic right now. However we need to think outside the "crazy box," an be prepared for anything. We don't know what's going to happen on January 20th; and that is our greatest liability.
At least I can say I’m “prepared” in Florida (aka P2025 Test State) after having Bondi as AG for 8 years during Rick Scott’s reign. I think Gaetz may be a bridge too far for even DeSantis.GOP chairman Christian Ziegler was out after threesome-gate.Maybe DeSantis will appoint himself as Senator. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Nope. Cannot just show up January 3th and take the oath. In his resignation he resigned from from the current session and the next session of Congress.
He could run in the special election for his seat again. Or wait to run for governor of Florida.
He didn't actually say that about the next congress, he said he didn't INTEND to serve in the next congress. That's not the same as saying I will NOT serve in the next congress. But he does keep saying he won't publicly' so we'll see.
I think that filing baseless lawsuits supporting the “big lie” which undermines the idea that America has free and fair elections should be disqualifying. But maybe that’s just me. I plan on writing my senator about this and the other appointments which are just utterly horrible.
As more of an “establishment” figure than Gaetz ever was, Bondi will proceed more cautiously and will prove less willing to burn the whole thing to the ground.
Stormy got paid. And quite a while ago, too. Before he "won" in 2016. The payments to her were used as some of the evidence in his 34 felony convictions.
This! I find no comfort, only ever increasing fear of what is to come. I’m sorry, but I will not hold any false hopes anymore. I think that’s why the election was so devastating for me. My eyes are open now. We’re in for the fight of our lives.
I want to believe that all these women will provide a guardrail of sorts. But I also want to take a very large saw and cut Florida off from the rest of us, let it drift out at sea, bang into Texas, and watch Iive streams of the ensuing toxic disaster. And I wanted a woman president. So I guess I'll lower my expectations a tad.
I had hoped for the last 35 years to live long enough to have a woman as president. I really thought that 2024 was the year we had a real chance of making that happen. Now, I don't think I will live to see it happen. If I survive until the next presidential election, I will be 89 years old. Even though Kamala received over 48% of the 2024 presidential vote with just over 100 days to campaign, I don't see another woman candidate in 2028. That's an extreme disappointment for me.
I thought Kamala ran a very good campaign and was one of the most qualified people to run for that office I've seen in a long time, but it does seem that Americans are still steeped in misogyny and racism, despite this being the year 2024. I simply have no other explanation, given the utter lack of credentials from Trump. I mean, the guy basically was directly responsible for a million deaths. We also have a horrific problem with the media. I'm not sure how we fix that.
This benighted country is full to the brim with misogyny and I doubt we will see another woman run anytime soon. Not until we rid the country of the slime of grifting, thieving, lying, bullying Trump and his brainwashed cult morons. I shan't give in or "obey in advance" but damn I'm as p/o'd as it's possible to be.
Do NOT expect these women to provide any guardrails. They are trumpists through and through, or he would not be advancing them. As a white woman myself, I am appalled. But that is the reality.
You and at least 47% of us (white) women and 100% of all the other women who care about not being second class citizens, Mr. Bastille. I wanted Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to win so badly I could almost taste victory. Damn Trump right to hell.
I'm back to not understanding how he received 10% of the vote, much less the slim majority he received. The various Blueanon conspiracy theories are meaningless to me. Even if true, small injections of cheat codes into some election precincts doesn't explain the vast number of voters who chose a feeble minded, craven idiot.
I know, I know....we seem to have become a country who values bread and circuses above experienced skilled leadership. Too many people addicted to Faux Noise and the entertainment value of antics and drama.
There are enough female eligible voters to have defeated the Chump without help of a single male, except that they didn't vote as a block against the bigot. What every happened to a political sorority?
Women can be misogynists, too. Misogyny is so deeply enculturated in this country that 53% of yt women voted for Trump and against Harris and Walz. It felt like being stabbed in the back by a trusted partner.
You might get a woman president some day but please not an idiot who loves yellow school buses and using our tax dollars to fund tranny surgeries for prisoners. Maybe someone who will care about the Constitution would be good.
I am so insync with all of these responses. I have to say , anyone who would compromise to the extent of defending Rittenhouse doesn't exist in my life's book..
Tristan Snell's piece on Bondi *should* be required reading for the incoming GOPer Senate majority, but it appears though that most already are taking the "Well, tRump tried forcing Gaetz on us" and Bondi looks "real good" in comparison. The old bait-and-switcheroo ploy, and that people in the tRump orbit realized that if one shares a seat with tRump on his aircraft, and upon landing that person is named to a high-level position, his advisors needed to get a better handle on the Demented One's thought processes and guide them in a more - *cough-cough* -"respectable" manner, hence the Bondi sub-in.
Just what I was thinking. 'bait-and-switch'. Could be that the other clowns of Trump's useful idiots are also bait. "That person was so awful. Now this new person Trump is putting forward is not as bad as the last one!"
Here in Australia, we are very careful around anyone with the name Bondi. They're either bogans or the scum of the earth. And this one looks to be both! What an absolute feral.
Is it naive to think that some of the remaining FBI staff who take their oaths seriously will stick around to do some subtle but lethal undermining when it's necessary? Same with the CIA who know what a dupe Gabbard is?
I'm hoping that happens. Especially, any of the bureaucrats at the FBI could him things up. Have the computer experts there do a number that makes it difficult to accomplish anything.
Almost like Trump threw Gaetz out there for sacrifice, but had her in his pocket as a “lesser” repugnant choice. Her political evolution is what will appeal to many GOP legislators. I just wonder if she’s strong enough to stand up to T’s worst nature. Or would she enforce them?
She will not stand up for what’s right. Shes there to burn it all down but with a smile and swooshing of her hair. Thats what trumpers voted for they just didn’t want a pedo doing it.
Well it's inevitable that he picks some kind of loyalists for these posts, it will just be a matter of how palatable they are to the House and Senate (and to some extent the public).
I love that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed maiden, who has ZERO qualifications for Attorney General, is surrounded by all white guys looking glassy-eyed and adoringly at her.....just like trump told them to.
Yep, just another sleazeball from Florida
Legally Blondi
Red, White, and Blondi.
Great Gaetz is gone, and now Bondi sails through. So what does Gaetz do now? Well he could take the seat he won in congress for the 119th Congress, or DeSantis could make him a Senator; replacing Marko Rubio. Or he could become a special prosecutor to indict the people who "came after" trump.
Yes, I sound a little nihilistic right now. However we need to think outside the "crazy box," an be prepared for anything. We don't know what's going to happen on January 20th; and that is our greatest liability.
At least I can say I’m “prepared” in Florida (aka P2025 Test State) after having Bondi as AG for 8 years during Rick Scott’s reign. I think Gaetz may be a bridge too far for even DeSantis.GOP chairman Christian Ziegler was out after threesome-gate.Maybe DeSantis will appoint himself as Senator. Nothing surprises me anymore.
Nope. Cannot just show up January 3th and take the oath. In his resignation he resigned from from the current session and the next session of Congress.
He could run in the special election for his seat again. Or wait to run for governor of Florida.
Or better yet retire from public life.
Although retirement is preferable it's not likely. Gollum might skulk in the shadows for a while. I hope he never resurfaces.
He didn't actually say that about the next congress, he said he didn't INTEND to serve in the next congress. That's not the same as saying I will NOT serve in the next congress. But he does keep saying he won't publicly' so we'll see.
Your are correct. I guess wishful remembering on my part.
House clerk reads former Rep. Matt Gaetz’s letter of resignation
I just got a notification that Gaetz is gone. CNN was going to report on another minor he had sex with. Seems he’s toast.
Yesterday’s news.
Didn't Gaetz resign in preparation for the AG position?
Only the current congress, not the next.
I think that filing baseless lawsuits supporting the “big lie” which undermines the idea that America has free and fair elections should be disqualifying. But maybe that’s just me. I plan on writing my senator about this and the other appointments which are just utterly horrible.
In a dystopia like what we're having now it's not. I agree that it should be. We must remain vigilant though.
As more of an “establishment” figure than Gaetz ever was, Bondi will proceed more cautiously and will prove less willing to burn the whole thing to the ground.
She threw a case for Trump after he left $25K on her night stand. She'll do anything he wants.
she should have held out for more, Stormy got $130g.
They don't call it Flori-duh for nothin......
Stormy got paid. And quite a while ago, too. Before he "won" in 2016. The payments to her were used as some of the evidence in his 34 felony convictions.
This! I find no comfort, only ever increasing fear of what is to come. I’m sorry, but I will not hold any false hopes anymore. I think that’s why the election was so devastating for me. My eyes are open now. We’re in for the fight of our lives.
Agreed. We need to be prepared and stay aware of what's happening.
I want to believe that all these women will provide a guardrail of sorts. But I also want to take a very large saw and cut Florida off from the rest of us, let it drift out at sea, bang into Texas, and watch Iive streams of the ensuing toxic disaster. And I wanted a woman president. So I guess I'll lower my expectations a tad.
I had hoped for the last 35 years to live long enough to have a woman as president. I really thought that 2024 was the year we had a real chance of making that happen. Now, I don't think I will live to see it happen. If I survive until the next presidential election, I will be 89 years old. Even though Kamala received over 48% of the 2024 presidential vote with just over 100 days to campaign, I don't see another woman candidate in 2028. That's an extreme disappointment for me.
I thought Kamala ran a very good campaign and was one of the most qualified people to run for that office I've seen in a long time, but it does seem that Americans are still steeped in misogyny and racism, despite this being the year 2024. I simply have no other explanation, given the utter lack of credentials from Trump. I mean, the guy basically was directly responsible for a million deaths. We also have a horrific problem with the media. I'm not sure how we fix that.
I wanted Kamala and Tim to win as well for the sake of our country, our society, and the future.
This benighted country is full to the brim with misogyny and I doubt we will see another woman run anytime soon. Not until we rid the country of the slime of grifting, thieving, lying, bullying Trump and his brainwashed cult morons. I shan't give in or "obey in advance" but damn I'm as p/o'd as it's possible to be.
Succubus is female. Incubus is male.
Noted, thank you. I've always been convinced that Trump has sexual identity issues, so perhaps I'm not too far off anyway?
Maybe. 🤣🤣🤣
I will be 86. Hope springs eternal....
Do NOT expect these women to provide any guardrails. They are trumpists through and through, or he would not be advancing them. As a white woman myself, I am appalled. But that is the reality.
You do realize that some call Florida "America's dangly bits" -- and the image of it "banging" into Texas is priceless.
America's sphincter would be more accurate though less descriptive.
Please don’t insult sphincters. They are good people.
That's Texas. The “dangly bits” should bang into the sphincter.
Lol no I didn't know that. That's perfect.
I hadn't heard that. It fits though. The image is priceless.
You and at least 47% of us (white) women and 100% of all the other women who care about not being second class citizens, Mr. Bastille. I wanted Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to win so badly I could almost taste victory. Damn Trump right to hell.
I'm back to not understanding how he received 10% of the vote, much less the slim majority he received. The various Blueanon conspiracy theories are meaningless to me. Even if true, small injections of cheat codes into some election precincts doesn't explain the vast number of voters who chose a feeble minded, craven idiot.
I know, I know....we seem to have become a country who values bread and circuses above experienced skilled leadership. Too many people addicted to Faux Noise and the entertainment value of antics and drama.
So true.
There are enough female eligible voters to have defeated the Chump without help of a single male, except that they didn't vote as a block against the bigot. What every happened to a political sorority?
Women can be misogynists, too. Misogyny is so deeply enculturated in this country that 53% of yt women voted for Trump and against Harris and Walz. It felt like being stabbed in the back by a trusted partner.
You might get a woman president some day but please not an idiot who loves yellow school buses and using our tax dollars to fund tranny surgeries for prisoners. Maybe someone who will care about the Constitution would be good.
Florida woman complains that another state 'can't count votes properly.' Irony calls in sick with a migraine.
From Chicago-based Public Square:
"Bondi defended Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse as a “little boy” who wanted to protect his community.
"She fired prosecutors who were investigating the use of false evidence to kick people out of their homes."
I clicked “like” but really meant ugh.
(To Charles’ comment)
We need an ugh button!
I'd like a puke button as well.
I am so insync with all of these responses. I have to say , anyone who would compromise to the extent of defending Rittenhouse doesn't exist in my life's book..
And it wasn't Kyle's community!!
Sheesh. Exactly. I missed that aspect of the statement. SMDH.
"...having a woman in charge of defending laws and rules that strip away women’s rights and access to reproductive care is so very…[🤮]" very painful, infuriating, a woman myself, I am absolutely appalled.
Disgusting, reprehensible, hypocritical, dystopian... and so many other others describe it yet don't do it justice.
Tristan Snell's piece on Bondi *should* be required reading for the incoming GOPer Senate majority, but it appears though that most already are taking the "Well, tRump tried forcing Gaetz on us" and Bondi looks "real good" in comparison. The old bait-and-switcheroo ploy, and that people in the tRump orbit realized that if one shares a seat with tRump on his aircraft, and upon landing that person is named to a high-level position, his advisors needed to get a better handle on the Demented One's thought processes and guide them in a more - *cough-cough* -"respectable" manner, hence the Bondi sub-in.
Just what I was thinking. 'bait-and-switch'. Could be that the other clowns of Trump's useful idiots are also bait. "That person was so awful. Now this new person Trump is putting forward is not as bad as the last one!"
Yes! A *must* read for everyone:
Bait and switch is one of his favorite standby moves.
Here in Australia, we are very careful around anyone with the name Bondi. They're either bogans or the scum of the earth. And this one looks to be both! What an absolute feral.
Interesting. I wonder what muck her gene pool emerged from.
I'm not sure there's gene testing equipment industrial enough to handle that level of toxicity.
Is it naive to think that some of the remaining FBI staff who take their oaths seriously will stick around to do some subtle but lethal undermining when it's necessary? Same with the CIA who know what a dupe Gabbard is?
I'm hoping that happens. Especially, any of the bureaucrats at the FBI could him things up. Have the computer experts there do a number that makes it difficult to accomplish anything.
Congress needs to repeal the Comstock Act now. Why the Senate had not yet done so is irritating.
But Biondi is a terrible pick only a bit better than Gaetz and worse than Barr
On target as usual. Thanks, Jay.
Almost like Trump threw Gaetz out there for sacrifice, but had her in his pocket as a “lesser” repugnant choice. Her political evolution is what will appeal to many GOP legislators. I just wonder if she’s strong enough to stand up to T’s worst nature. Or would she enforce them?
Righto. Especially since all his lawyers from all his cases are running the office with her.
She will not stand up for what’s right. Shes there to burn it all down but with a smile and swooshing of her hair. Thats what trumpers voted for they just didn’t want a pedo doing it.
Well it's inevitable that he picks some kind of loyalists for these posts, it will just be a matter of how palatable they are to the House and Senate (and to some extent the public).
I love that a blonde-haired, blue-eyed maiden, who has ZERO qualifications for Attorney General, is surrounded by all white guys looking glassy-eyed and adoringly at her.....just like trump told them to.