The entire Republican part has gone so far down the rabbit whole there is no chance for recovery SMDH wasting tax payer money on this is insanity only to be proven ignorant and spreaders of more misinformation is laughable and Chrissy wasn’t wrong 😂
So why is it OK for conservatives and right-wing to say anything on social media but not ok for anyone else ?? Make it make sense ! Why are they not raked over hot coals and made to pay for all the misinformation and misogynistic crap they spew !!
Exactly....."don't do their homework." What homework???? Most are just crisis actors wanting to pass gas, pointing finger to accuse others for passing gas at the same time!
Thank you for reporting the whole fiasco. It seems inconceivable that the republicans would allow themselves to be so ridiculous in public. But intelligence doesn’t go very far in that crowd, does it?
My Heavens. Biden won simply because of a 24 hour Twitter hiatus on news available from all over the internet. Who knew people with a twitter log in are barred from looking at any other news???
But more important, if Twitter threw the election to Biden, then what happened to voter fraud? Will the GOP now repeal all the restrictions they have enacted to prevent voter fraud? By their own statements it was Twitter, not fraud, that bollixed trump. They should merely try legislation to do something about Twitter. Like making it illegal to log into it in their state? Making people turn over their history logs to the state every month? If they can do it with teenage menstrual cycles, why not logins?
Thanks for connecting the Twitter and stolen election dots. The NY Daily Post? Really? Next, they’ll be going after the pillar of journalistic integrity, the National Enquirer! That’s the source for CNN, right? Oh horrors!😂
For those searching for highlights online, Reps Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez, Connolly, and Markowitz made especially trenchant remarks at this GOP sh!tshow. Greene and Boebert had more gas than a spy balloon, and Chairman James Comer demonstrated over and over that he doesn't even know the rules governing committee hearings.
A HUGE victory over the DEEP STATE that the aggrieved ULTRA-MAGAs can spin as another example of the coastal ELITES manipulating REAL AMERICA. Did I capitalize the right words for TFG?
- They accuse others of trying to influence Twitter when it’s Republicans reaching out to Twitter.
- They accuse the others of increasing the deficit when it’s due to tax policies implemented by Republicans.
-  they accuse others of government overreach. When is Republicans who are tell people what they can do in their bedrooms and with their own bodies. 
- They accuse others of election fraud when it’s Republicans who are found to do it.
- They accuse others of promoting “cancel culture” when is Republicans were trying to outlaw education in Florida.
- They accuse others of being “snowflakes“ when it’s Republicans who insist on removing books from libraries because acknowledging America’s true history might cause somebody to feel bad.
And so on and so on and so on.
Without exception, EVERY Republican accusation is a confession. EVERY.
Can’t take credit for it. It was first pointed out by Justin Rosario, who absolutely nailed what basic Republican behavior is. Check him out over at and Twitter. Good stuff.
It appears that MAGA Republicans have set out to prove that they know nothing about Government or the Law and to prove to their hangers-on their belief that ‘truth will out’, with no research or other effort required, only lots of yelling.
Perfect ending to this article, first good laugh I’ve had today. 🤣🤣🤣 If you suffered through that hearing just to write this article, you have more than earned your money for the week. I find it very hard to believe that this is what America wants from their reps. My hope is that everyone tires of the circus before the 2024 elections.
Listening to Rep. Lauren Boebert was perhaps the worst. I couldn’t bring myself to add her grievances in. Now I’m listening to Tulsi Gabbard whine about being called a Russian asset…
The radical extremists are routinely owned, and the recall of Chrissy Teigen's quote was the coup de gras; yet still, stubborn as a mountain troll, they press on...
Love this amusing (and so truthful) status report. The GOP (we need to find another acronym for them) have proved repeatedly and consistently that they have no use for the Constitution, truth, the legal system, decency, protocol, etc., etc., so of course Evidence is entirely meaningless in their reality. Reminds me of a 3 year old showing us how to make a delicious cake out of mud and grass clippings.
The GQP is getting to be like the "gossip mongers" in a neighborhood that without facts evolve into a vigilant group with threats and screaming, which is to push their followers to move onto violence. And sadly, they fail to see how foolish they look with, as you posted, "...heavy with the allegations but empty on the evidence." They have never proved any of their claims.
The entire Republican part has gone so far down the rabbit whole there is no chance for recovery SMDH wasting tax payer money on this is insanity only to be proven ignorant and spreaders of more misinformation is laughable and Chrissy wasn’t wrong 😂
So why is it OK for conservatives and right-wing to say anything on social media but not ok for anyone else ?? Make it make sense ! Why are they not raked over hot coals and made to pay for all the misinformation and misogynistic crap they spew !!
You want it to make sense? Ok; Because hypocrisy is a key pillar of fascism.
It is better to ask “how “ they get by with this rather than asking “why”. And better still “ how do we stop this abuse “
Typical MAGA playbook: long on claims about pretty much anything they don’t like, but very short on proof. They definitely don’t do their homework!
Exactly....."don't do their homework." What homework???? Most are just crisis actors wanting to pass gas, pointing finger to accuse others for passing gas at the same time!
Thank you for reporting the whole fiasco. It seems inconceivable that the republicans would allow themselves to be so ridiculous in public. But intelligence doesn’t go very far in that crowd, does it?
My Heavens. Biden won simply because of a 24 hour Twitter hiatus on news available from all over the internet. Who knew people with a twitter log in are barred from looking at any other news???
But more important, if Twitter threw the election to Biden, then what happened to voter fraud? Will the GOP now repeal all the restrictions they have enacted to prevent voter fraud? By their own statements it was Twitter, not fraud, that bollixed trump. They should merely try legislation to do something about Twitter. Like making it illegal to log into it in their state? Making people turn over their history logs to the state every month? If they can do it with teenage menstrual cycles, why not logins?
Thanks for connecting the Twitter and stolen election dots. The NY Daily Post? Really? Next, they’ll be going after the pillar of journalistic integrity, the National Enquirer! That’s the source for CNN, right? Oh horrors!😂
Thank you Jay, excellent piece!
For those searching for highlights online, Reps Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez, Connolly, and Markowitz made especially trenchant remarks at this GOP sh!tshow. Greene and Boebert had more gas than a spy balloon, and Chairman James Comer demonstrated over and over that he doesn't even know the rules governing committee hearings.
Then apparently you're not watching this story on FoxNews. They edit and spin it as a victory - with "more to come."
A HUGE victory over the DEEP STATE that the aggrieved ULTRA-MAGAs can spin as another example of the coastal ELITES manipulating REAL AMERICA. Did I capitalize the right words for TFG?
Every Republican accusation is a confession.
- They accuse others of trying to influence Twitter when it’s Republicans reaching out to Twitter.
- They accuse the others of increasing the deficit when it’s due to tax policies implemented by Republicans.
-  they accuse others of government overreach. When is Republicans who are tell people what they can do in their bedrooms and with their own bodies. 
- They accuse others of election fraud when it’s Republicans who are found to do it.
- They accuse others of promoting “cancel culture” when is Republicans were trying to outlaw education in Florida.
- They accuse others of being “snowflakes“ when it’s Republicans who insist on removing books from libraries because acknowledging America’s true history might cause somebody to feel bad.
And so on and so on and so on.
Without exception, EVERY Republican accusation is a confession. EVERY.
I wish you could save comments here. You nailed it, 100% EVERY GOP accusation is a confession, admission and projection, EVERY TIME!
Can’t take credit for it. It was first pointed out by Justin Rosario, who absolutely nailed what basic Republican behavior is. Check him out over at and Twitter. Good stuff.
The monkeys are now running the circus.
It appears that MAGA Republicans have set out to prove that they know nothing about Government or the Law and to prove to their hangers-on their belief that ‘truth will out’, with no research or other effort required, only lots of yelling.
It won't hurt them though because they cater to the ignorant.
Perfect ending to this article, first good laugh I’ve had today. 🤣🤣🤣 If you suffered through that hearing just to write this article, you have more than earned your money for the week. I find it very hard to believe that this is what America wants from their reps. My hope is that everyone tires of the circus before the 2024 elections.
Listening to Rep. Lauren Boebert was perhaps the worst. I couldn’t bring myself to add her grievances in. Now I’m listening to Tulsi Gabbard whine about being called a Russian asset…
The Republicans running the House of Representatives are looking more and more like a Roadrunner Cartoon.
That is an insult to both Road Runner and Wily C Coyote! 😉
I was already laughing at this whole story but that last part - I have tears in my eyes!!!! Chrissy was definitely not wrong!
We all needed a laugh.
Great piece. I watched a small part of the hearing but couldn’t watch any more. It was embarrassing and completely ludicrous! 🙄🙄🙄
The radical extremists are routinely owned, and the recall of Chrissy Teigen's quote was the coup de gras; yet still, stubborn as a mountain troll, they press on...
Love this amusing (and so truthful) status report. The GOP (we need to find another acronym for them) have proved repeatedly and consistently that they have no use for the Constitution, truth, the legal system, decency, protocol, etc., etc., so of course Evidence is entirely meaningless in their reality. Reminds me of a 3 year old showing us how to make a delicious cake out of mud and grass clippings.
The GQP is getting to be like the "gossip mongers" in a neighborhood that without facts evolve into a vigilant group with threats and screaming, which is to push their followers to move onto violence. And sadly, they fail to see how foolish they look with, as you posted, "...heavy with the allegations but empty on the evidence." They have never proved any of their claims.