The "speaker" even had the balls to say they would not bring it to a vote because there was nothing in there for US Border security. The border security agreement they killed. It's like dealing with a toddler.
Mike Johnson needs to understand that he is the Speaker of Our House. It's the People's House, not his. And a bipartisan majority of Our Representatives want to sustain aid to Ukraine. How dare he allow a minority faction of MAGA extremists to betray us, our European allies and the courageous Ukrainian resistance.
We need to do more than just complain in the comments section. We need to raise our voices and be heard where it counts.
Everyone reading this can help by calling your Representative and urge them to pass the Ukraine aid package using whatever parliamentary procedure is available (discharge petition, etc.) as soon as it passes the Senate. If you don't know their number, call the U S Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121. Also, call the Speaker's office: (202) 225-4000.
For more information, and the phone numbers of six influential "traditional Republicans" to call, please visit
I still wonder what would happen if the House's own border plan, with the stupid wall, were the attachment to the foreign aid. How could the explain voting down their own plan?
The speaker has no "balls!" He is the little worker bee for Queen Bee Trump. It is a Catch 22 situation. Of course MAGA Mikey Johnson realizes that there are work-a-rounds, but he is too much of a cowardly sheep to be the one to do it. In this way he saves face with the MAGAs, with the head MAGA being Trump. This is a time when Democrats should stand up to not doing Trumps bidding. By standing by principles to not fund Israel that are not making a difference in the lives of people in Gaza and prevent them from getting much needed aid, because many of the UNs traditional funders are backing down at the news from Israel that there are HAMAS members working in the the aid group UNRWA.
So, now, without our aid they are doing even worse. In the meantime, the Biden administration is trying diplomatic means to bring about peace in the Middle East. So, I hope that the work-a-round happens soon.----- I was glad to read in Euro News, that Trump's lunatic ravings about pulling out of NATO and siccing Putin on EU NATO countries, has gotten EU leaders to think that they need to be stepping up even more with Ukraine. These are the countries that have taken in millions of Ukrainians and are also giving them military support. However, we are the big kahuna when it comes to support, so European countries are going to be hard pressed to match what we are not able to offer right now. Our troops meanwhile probably have much higher mental health bills with all this dithering around. If not now, then later. There is a price to pay and MAGA Mikey Schäfer, is clearly oblivious to how much less safe the USA is under his proxy "leadership" for Trump.
I grew up in the 1950's and early 1960's. At the time, conservative Republicans were reflexively supported a strong NATO as a bulwark against Soviet Communism. And at the heart of Soviet Communism was Russia. Now, conservative Republican support Russia's expansionism. It makes my head spin. How did it happen?!?
I think it is because they are following what their orange savior wants. He has cozied up to Putin for a long time, and all they do is whatever he tells them. They have no platform, no beliefs, whatever tfg wants. It makes my head spin, my stomach churn, and my mouth spew bad words. And that is on a good day! /s
Someone has spent decades laundering Russian money. Don't believe me? Read Bill Browders memoirs about investing in Russian securities when Yeltsin privatized the government run businesses. The subsequent rule by corruption and bribery of oligarchs went on steroids under Putin. It's all there. Very educational and fun reads. If Bill Browders name is not familiar, he authored and spent years getting the Magninsky Act passed at the tale end of the Obama administration. Hooboy was Putin pissed.
It really ain't all that successful. It has the largest land mass of any country with abundant natural resources but has a GDP smaller than that of Italy. Kakistocracy will do that to ya.
Yes, thank you for clarifying. My intent was to say it was successful in enriching Putin and his goons but certainly no one else. And now they are stealing Ukrainian children to replace the indigenous cannon fodder.
Uninformed, uneducated people love a strongman. Anti-Communism was always a red herring to drum up the base and further right wing causes. They just changed tactics and started attacking and demonizing more of their fellow countrymen as “the other” once communism fell in Russia.
if you were to remove the orange asshat from the equation my guess is there would be a lot less support for Russia anything. IMO a lot of Repugs who seem to be supporting Russia right now are just going along with the party line that is still being lead by whatever trump wants. And I don't think he's leading them down a path that many want to go down, I just don't get why enough of them don't put on their big boy pants and speak out. Towing a party line vs speaking/voting/acting on their own is destroying them.
Before it was Capitalism vs Communism two economic systems. Now it's Totalitarianism vs Democracy, two government systems and businesses prefers a Power Hierarchy not a consensus union. The Republicans always conflate Communism with the Government instead of the feared economics.
I spoke to my parents in Zaporizzhya on Sunday. Just as we were wrapping up, the sirens starting going off again. That - on top of the 5-1/2-hour barrage that took place the day before. This is their life. For two years. Every day. When I posted my daily report about the news from Ukraine, I encouraged people to imagine ANYTHING taking place for 5 - 1/2 hours.... and then replacing it with being shelled.
Up until recently I was on Zoom calls almost daily with Ukrainian software developers for daily standups. When the Russians invaded, it was eerie watching people I worked with and cared about begin to show up intermittently for meetings. Of course, we kept telling them, "don't worry about meetings!" but they showed up anyway, and did work, somehow. One day their lead developer informed us, apologetically, that his appearances would become more sporadic because he and others would need to make molotovs at night.
Another one, a lady with a young toddler, had to flee to Poland for several months. She'd report in, anyway. And fix bugs while on the run. Unbelievable.
I'm anti-war to the core, but witnessing what these folks went through from afar prompted me, before the military flowed in, to contribute money to the cause. A Ukrainian outfit sent me a sticker that I now cherish that says, "From Ukraine with NLaw." (those were the anti-tank guns they used early in the fight.)
My heart will always, always be with Ukraine, and this behavior on the part of Mike Johnson and his band of misfits is sickening. I take it very personally.
My project was an almost two year project and it is finally over, but one thing I agreed to do was tell the owner of the company that I could wait on my payments one or two months, just pay the Ukrainians every week. He did that. A small contribution, but it matters, I think, when we do things like that. Sorry for the long comment.
Oh, not at all - what a great story! I love it. There have been many great initiatives to help raise money for Ukraine without having to wait for the world's governments to get their act together. One of my favorite ones was where they sold these amazing, beautiful carved rolling pins to make cookies in the shape of traditional Ukrainian ornaments. I've been participating in private fundraising campaigns too as well as doing my part as a translator and trying to get more Ukrainian literature out there.
Thank you. One of the biggest challenges for Ukrainian civilians living close to the front lines has been not having anywhere to go.... safely. For example, my native Zaporizhzhya Region is currently split in half - and my parents live about 20 kilometers north of the front line, dividing the northern part of the region, still under Ukrainian control, and the southern part occupied by Russians. Since Russians had refused to guarantee "green corridors" and safe passage for any civilians who wish to evacuate, and since they are so close to the divide, there is no way for them to get out of the area. They are both in their mid-70s so it's not like they can just.... par-cor across the roofs and out of the city.
Thank you. My stepmom said she would fight the Russian militants off with a cast iron pan if she had to. Never.... never.... never corner a sweet little linguistics professor with a little-girl voice and a cast iron pan.
Maria, it disgusts me that someone as ignorant and disgusting as Marjorie Taylor Greene has this kind of outsized control over congressional decisions. Mike Johnson is an absolute disaster and a religious freak who has no place in Congress. I think ultimately the majority who want to pass this bill will somehow make it happen. I pray that your family stays safe during this horror that they are living through.
First of all, I would love for all Republicans who opposed this bill to go to Ukraine. Just.... to see, you know? And not someplace that is still safe like L'viv, but places like Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv, etc. Also, I do wonder what other options are available.
For example, I know that Anthony Blinken at one point had evoked his emergency privileges as the Secretary of State to get some aid to Israel. Can this be done for Ukraine? Is there SOMETHING that can be done via an executive order? Also, what happened to that plan to funnel frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. I know other countries already started on it - Belgium, for example. But US has a BIG chunk of that. What happened with that?
The only executive action that I know about is these Russian frozen assets. Lawrence Tribe, the Harvard law professor now retired, has brought this up multiple times, so I don’t know if Biden is working on this behind the scenes. If my father, who fought in World War II, was alive right now he would be sickened watching what is going on. And he was a Republican! (i’ve always been a Democrat, but we were able to agree on a few things, including defense against authoritarian regimes.) We have lost what’s left of the Republican party; there is no reasoning with them anymore. They are a complete lost cause, so we can hope and believe that we can flip the house and have better years ahead of us in the next election. Thank God that the EU just agreed to an aid package to Ukraine, so that will help. You probably know about Timothy Snyder and his newsletters, and he is fundraising. I just sent $50 to his fund for these defensive drone systems. I have to go out to an appointment now, so if you should respond to this, I promise to reply later. Sending love to you and your family. I am so sickened by this. 💜
Something to consider about the EU package - it's actually not for the war. It's for rebuilding and to boost Ukraine's budget because it's working on its EU application. There is a separate package for ammo and weapons - it's still in the works. So, it's not an immediate relief.
If you are interested, I have a YouTube channel where I cover the events in Ukraine daily. Here is the link:
Also, those of us in Ukraine and Ukrainians living around the world, have been working with a group IN Ukraine raising money for the army. We have actually done some pretty smashing things, like.... fuel for the armored vehicles, vehicle repair, mobile kitchens and showers, as well as little things like glove and sock warmers. The PayPal contact for that is Yuriy Biryukov ( if you want to spread the word.
100% agreement. Empty Greene is about as nasty and useless a piece of work as is Mike Johnson, whose head is so far up Trump's stinky butt that Mikey must surely be able to see Trumpy's orange tonsils.
😂😂 I think that sums it up perfectly. I shake my head every day because I sometimes can’t truly believe what we are living through right now. These people are not just cruel and stupid. They have completely degraded what it means to be a member of Congress.
The axis of the entire world must NOT spin upon the toupee of one delusionary chupacabra and his flock of parasitical prostrating amoebas. His Magadonian Island is rife with Trump Flu and will get pinched off to larger and larger degrees until the remaining clingons are floating amidst their own feculance while claiming to be the chosen.... this should be his anthill, his last stand, the moment he starts to outwardly unravel in a dynamic that will finally be congruent with his internal decomposition.
Hold your positions; these foul winds are passing, but it will be a moment.
Seems like a classic case of cutting off their nose to spite their face, and not even reading the bill to actually see that most of the funds stay in American businesses . It’s utterly B O N K E R S.
I hope for the discharge petition. But I dream about just enough traditional conservatives in the house leaving the GOP to become independents and ending the GOP majority with its requisite results. Sigh…
Like you, I hope for the discharge petition. Another option would be to use the sledgehammer. With a few sane GOPers on board, somebody, even a Democrat, could file a motion to vacate and kick out Johnson, to be replaced with Hakeem Jeffries, or at least somebody sane.
When will NY go to mail in ballots. I just moved from Colorado. NY is decades behind CO! Mail-in voting doesn’t care about the weather, the sick and disabled, or lines!
I have a friend who lives in NYC, and she has talked about early voting for as long as I can recall. Everyone she knows also participates in early voting. I believe her to be plugged into the ways of most others. Fingers crossed.
I work the elections with a MAGGOT and he says his MAGGOT group is actually pushing Republicans to participate in early voting so that it's less likely someone will "steal their vote". IE take your name off the poll book early before someone comes in and claims to be you. I asked him how many times his cohorts have shown up to vote and they couldn't because records showed they voted already, his response was to shrug and say "It could happen".
I was a poll worker for 35+ years, and that never happened where I worked. That’s new, I feel empathy for you working with a tfg supporter. It must be a difficult day.
I have to believe it's not something that happens often if at all. It just shows how the rhetoric has distorted their minds.
Yes he is very difficult to work with. We obviously have to play nice and it's fine for a day. What really kills me is in Aug he was saying "trump isn't my candidate. Well he might be if that's who my party chooses but I don't want him" (he's a straight tow the party line man). Then in Nov he was all about trump again- I asked him why he was supporting him again and his answer was "Because he's trump". Of course then there was the fact that all his law suits are bogus, blah blah blah. It can be difficult to smile and nod. Good news is the next election we can't discuss trump because it's the primary, it will be a much less difficult day :)
I called my Representative this morning to urge him to try to work around the speaker to pass the bill. He is a Democrat, so is probably already working on it. There are also Republicans in the House working on it too. This might just be the straw that breaks the back of the speaker.
The fact that a complete nitwit and fanatic like MTG has this kind of outsized influence over congressional decisions is absolutely obscene. This woman needs to be slapped down and put in her place once and for all. Mike Johnson is making Kevin McCarthy look like a good speaker. He is an inept disaster.
I can't help but think that at least one reason for this dramatic shift in GOP global politics is the outsourcing of our military adventures to the working class. As the GOP leaves the golf set behind and takes up with the cohort that provides the foot soldiers, the attitude of the rank and file might not align with those who used to push the pawns around on the chessboard. Trump's admiration for Putin is a thing unto itself but he is leaning into attitudes created by our over-reliance on one class to do our fighting.
"Johnson and the MAGA right were willing to pass a clean aid bill for Israel, with no demands for border security. But now they aren’t willing to do the exact same thing if Ukraine is included. The message is crystal clear: Their problem is Ukraine. They don’t want to fund the war because they are in fact stooges for Vladimir Putin."
Can this be said out loud by news outlets and voters everywhere - it doesn't get any clearer.
Johnson supports only giving Israel aid because he's expecting the war to lead to Armageddon. Again I urge people never to vote for people who enthusiastically promote the end of the World.
Looks like the House Speaker has delayed swearing Suozzi in to the end of February when the House reconvenes following an almost 2-week "President's Day Weekend" ... whereas the hoi polloi, if lucky and in the right job, get 3 days.
Jay, I admire you, but I think the US is a lost cause. I hope you will be okay. But I think Death to America is not an unreasonable demand. Almost half the US wants a drooling, demented idiot as leader. I’m lucky, I got the fuck out. But it’s no longer tenable. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. From a former American and proud EU citizen. #fuckAmerica #Republicans #fucktRump #DeSantis #NikkiHaley #theConstitution #theUSA
This should come as no surprise, Jay. If you align yourselves with an increasingly unstable idiot like tRump, who only cares about himself, this is the situation you find yourselves in: painted into a corner with no way out!
Did the poor babies have to work through Taylorbowl? Were their feelings hurt by the perfect aryan specimen worshipping their orange leader? So sad. Too bad. #TaylorSwift #Fucktrump #FuckCongress
The "speaker" even had the balls to say they would not bring it to a vote because there was nothing in there for US Border security. The border security agreement they killed. It's like dealing with a toddler.
Because they are marching to the orders of the biggest toddler of all.
The tangerine toddler strikes again!
Mike Johnson needs to understand that he is the Speaker of Our House. It's the People's House, not his. And a bipartisan majority of Our Representatives want to sustain aid to Ukraine. How dare he allow a minority faction of MAGA extremists to betray us, our European allies and the courageous Ukrainian resistance.
We need to do more than just complain in the comments section. We need to raise our voices and be heard where it counts.
Everyone reading this can help by calling your Representative and urge them to pass the Ukraine aid package using whatever parliamentary procedure is available (discharge petition, etc.) as soon as it passes the Senate. If you don't know their number, call the U S Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121. Also, call the Speaker's office: (202) 225-4000.
For more information, and the phone numbers of six influential "traditional Republicans" to call, please visit
Not “like” dealing with a toddler.
It is dealing with a toddler.
I still wonder what would happen if the House's own border plan, with the stupid wall, were the attachment to the foreign aid. How could the explain voting down their own plan?
The speaker has no "balls!" He is the little worker bee for Queen Bee Trump. It is a Catch 22 situation. Of course MAGA Mikey Johnson realizes that there are work-a-rounds, but he is too much of a cowardly sheep to be the one to do it. In this way he saves face with the MAGAs, with the head MAGA being Trump. This is a time when Democrats should stand up to not doing Trumps bidding. By standing by principles to not fund Israel that are not making a difference in the lives of people in Gaza and prevent them from getting much needed aid, because many of the UNs traditional funders are backing down at the news from Israel that there are HAMAS members working in the the aid group UNRWA.
So, now, without our aid they are doing even worse. In the meantime, the Biden administration is trying diplomatic means to bring about peace in the Middle East. So, I hope that the work-a-round happens soon.----- I was glad to read in Euro News, that Trump's lunatic ravings about pulling out of NATO and siccing Putin on EU NATO countries, has gotten EU leaders to think that they need to be stepping up even more with Ukraine. These are the countries that have taken in millions of Ukrainians and are also giving them military support. However, we are the big kahuna when it comes to support, so European countries are going to be hard pressed to match what we are not able to offer right now. Our troops meanwhile probably have much higher mental health bills with all this dithering around. If not now, then later. There is a price to pay and MAGA Mikey Schäfer, is clearly oblivious to how much less safe the USA is under his proxy "leadership" for Trump.
Grrrrrrr…… 😡🤬
I grew up in the 1950's and early 1960's. At the time, conservative Republicans were reflexively supported a strong NATO as a bulwark against Soviet Communism. And at the heart of Soviet Communism was Russia. Now, conservative Republican support Russia's expansionism. It makes my head spin. How did it happen?!?
I think it is because they are following what their orange savior wants. He has cozied up to Putin for a long time, and all they do is whatever he tells them. They have no platform, no beliefs, whatever tfg wants. It makes my head spin, my stomach churn, and my mouth spew bad words. And that is on a good day! /s
Someone has spent decades laundering Russian money. Don't believe me? Read Bill Browders memoirs about investing in Russian securities when Yeltsin privatized the government run businesses. The subsequent rule by corruption and bribery of oligarchs went on steroids under Putin. It's all there. Very educational and fun reads. If Bill Browders name is not familiar, he authored and spent years getting the Magninsky Act passed at the tale end of the Obama administration. Hooboy was Putin pissed.
Putin has a very successful kleptocracy which has long been the goal of Koch/Mercer/Donor’sTrust and all their other GOP sugar daddies
It really ain't all that successful. It has the largest land mass of any country with abundant natural resources but has a GDP smaller than that of Italy. Kakistocracy will do that to ya.
Yes, thank you for clarifying. My intent was to say it was successful in enriching Putin and his goons but certainly no one else. And now they are stealing Ukrainian children to replace the indigenous cannon fodder.
To be fair, at least Koch seems to have turned against Trump and is supporting Nikki Haley. He's also among the money man behind No Labels, though.
Uninformed, uneducated people love a strongman. Anti-Communism was always a red herring to drum up the base and further right wing causes. They just changed tactics and started attacking and demonizing more of their fellow countrymen as “the other” once communism fell in Russia.
if you were to remove the orange asshat from the equation my guess is there would be a lot less support for Russia anything. IMO a lot of Repugs who seem to be supporting Russia right now are just going along with the party line that is still being lead by whatever trump wants. And I don't think he's leading them down a path that many want to go down, I just don't get why enough of them don't put on their big boy pants and speak out. Towing a party line vs speaking/voting/acting on their own is destroying them.
Before it was Capitalism vs Communism two economic systems. Now it's Totalitarianism vs Democracy, two government systems and businesses prefers a Power Hierarchy not a consensus union. The Republicans always conflate Communism with the Government instead of the feared economics.
Putin is very much Soviet and Communist to the core. He rose through the ranks of the KGB.
Donald J. Trump
I spoke to my parents in Zaporizzhya on Sunday. Just as we were wrapping up, the sirens starting going off again. That - on top of the 5-1/2-hour barrage that took place the day before. This is their life. For two years. Every day. When I posted my daily report about the news from Ukraine, I encouraged people to imagine ANYTHING taking place for 5 - 1/2 hours.... and then replacing it with being shelled.
Up until recently I was on Zoom calls almost daily with Ukrainian software developers for daily standups. When the Russians invaded, it was eerie watching people I worked with and cared about begin to show up intermittently for meetings. Of course, we kept telling them, "don't worry about meetings!" but they showed up anyway, and did work, somehow. One day their lead developer informed us, apologetically, that his appearances would become more sporadic because he and others would need to make molotovs at night.
Another one, a lady with a young toddler, had to flee to Poland for several months. She'd report in, anyway. And fix bugs while on the run. Unbelievable.
I'm anti-war to the core, but witnessing what these folks went through from afar prompted me, before the military flowed in, to contribute money to the cause. A Ukrainian outfit sent me a sticker that I now cherish that says, "From Ukraine with NLaw." (those were the anti-tank guns they used early in the fight.)
My heart will always, always be with Ukraine, and this behavior on the part of Mike Johnson and his band of misfits is sickening. I take it very personally.
My project was an almost two year project and it is finally over, but one thing I agreed to do was tell the owner of the company that I could wait on my payments one or two months, just pay the Ukrainians every week. He did that. A small contribution, but it matters, I think, when we do things like that. Sorry for the long comment.
Oh, not at all - what a great story! I love it. There have been many great initiatives to help raise money for Ukraine without having to wait for the world's governments to get their act together. One of my favorite ones was where they sold these amazing, beautiful carved rolling pins to make cookies in the shape of traditional Ukrainian ornaments. I've been participating in private fundraising campaigns too as well as doing my part as a translator and trying to get more Ukrainian literature out there.
Not at all. Thank you for the story and the inspiration I got from it!
I’m so sorry Maria. I am making more calls to representatives in the house today to urge funding for Ukraine. 🫶🏼
Me too, Lisa -- not sure what else we can do. Jerry Weiss' post containing the FeathersOfHope link gave me the 5-6 Republican rep. numbers I needed.
Praying your family remains safe. I cannot imagine what they are going through.
Thank you. One of the biggest challenges for Ukrainian civilians living close to the front lines has been not having anywhere to go.... safely. For example, my native Zaporizhzhya Region is currently split in half - and my parents live about 20 kilometers north of the front line, dividing the northern part of the region, still under Ukrainian control, and the southern part occupied by Russians. Since Russians had refused to guarantee "green corridors" and safe passage for any civilians who wish to evacuate, and since they are so close to the divide, there is no way for them to get out of the area. They are both in their mid-70s so it's not like they can just.... par-cor across the roofs and out of the city.
Will definitely keep you and your parents in my thoughts everyday as I say the Shema at noon. (
Ohh, thank you, that is so sweet! It all helps - all the good thoughts and moral support.
😰 I can't even begin to imagine your worry and fear for them. Prayers for your parents.
Maria, I will keep your parents & all Ukrainians in my thoughts and hope and wish everything to turn around and peace to prevail. Peace and victory!
Thank you. My stepmom said she would fight the Russian militants off with a cast iron pan if she had to. Never.... never.... never corner a sweet little linguistics professor with a little-girl voice and a cast iron pan.
Maria, it disgusts me that someone as ignorant and disgusting as Marjorie Taylor Greene has this kind of outsized control over congressional decisions. Mike Johnson is an absolute disaster and a religious freak who has no place in Congress. I think ultimately the majority who want to pass this bill will somehow make it happen. I pray that your family stays safe during this horror that they are living through.
First of all, I would love for all Republicans who opposed this bill to go to Ukraine. Just.... to see, you know? And not someplace that is still safe like L'viv, but places like Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv, etc. Also, I do wonder what other options are available.
For example, I know that Anthony Blinken at one point had evoked his emergency privileges as the Secretary of State to get some aid to Israel. Can this be done for Ukraine? Is there SOMETHING that can be done via an executive order? Also, what happened to that plan to funnel frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. I know other countries already started on it - Belgium, for example. But US has a BIG chunk of that. What happened with that?
The only executive action that I know about is these Russian frozen assets. Lawrence Tribe, the Harvard law professor now retired, has brought this up multiple times, so I don’t know if Biden is working on this behind the scenes. If my father, who fought in World War II, was alive right now he would be sickened watching what is going on. And he was a Republican! (i’ve always been a Democrat, but we were able to agree on a few things, including defense against authoritarian regimes.) We have lost what’s left of the Republican party; there is no reasoning with them anymore. They are a complete lost cause, so we can hope and believe that we can flip the house and have better years ahead of us in the next election. Thank God that the EU just agreed to an aid package to Ukraine, so that will help. You probably know about Timothy Snyder and his newsletters, and he is fundraising. I just sent $50 to his fund for these defensive drone systems. I have to go out to an appointment now, so if you should respond to this, I promise to reply later. Sending love to you and your family. I am so sickened by this. 💜
Something to consider about the EU package - it's actually not for the war. It's for rebuilding and to boost Ukraine's budget because it's working on its EU application. There is a separate package for ammo and weapons - it's still in the works. So, it's not an immediate relief.
If you are interested, I have a YouTube channel where I cover the events in Ukraine daily. Here is the link:
Also, those of us in Ukraine and Ukrainians living around the world, have been working with a group IN Ukraine raising money for the army. We have actually done some pretty smashing things, like.... fuel for the armored vehicles, vehicle repair, mobile kitchens and showers, as well as little things like glove and sock warmers. The PayPal contact for that is Yuriy Biryukov ( if you want to spread the word.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
100% agreement. Empty Greene is about as nasty and useless a piece of work as is Mike Johnson, whose head is so far up Trump's stinky butt that Mikey must surely be able to see Trumpy's orange tonsils.
😂😂 I think that sums it up perfectly. I shake my head every day because I sometimes can’t truly believe what we are living through right now. These people are not just cruel and stupid. They have completely degraded what it means to be a member of Congress.
The axis of the entire world must NOT spin upon the toupee of one delusionary chupacabra and his flock of parasitical prostrating amoebas. His Magadonian Island is rife with Trump Flu and will get pinched off to larger and larger degrees until the remaining clingons are floating amidst their own feculance while claiming to be the chosen.... this should be his anthill, his last stand, the moment he starts to outwardly unravel in a dynamic that will finally be congruent with his internal decomposition.
Hold your positions; these foul winds are passing, but it will be a moment.
Seems like a classic case of cutting off their nose to spite their face, and not even reading the bill to actually see that most of the funds stay in American businesses . It’s utterly B O N K E R S.
It actually makes sense when you understand it’s their chess move towards joining Putin’s kleptocracy.
The GOP MAGA’s do not support democracy. They have bullied the remaining sorta, slightly pro-democracy GOP into following.
I hope for the discharge petition. But I dream about just enough traditional conservatives in the house leaving the GOP to become independents and ending the GOP majority with its requisite results. Sigh…
Like you, I hope for the discharge petition. Another option would be to use the sledgehammer. With a few sane GOPers on board, somebody, even a Democrat, could file a motion to vacate and kick out Johnson, to be replaced with Hakeem Jeffries, or at least somebody sane.
How much will the snow in NY affect the voter turnout for the replace Santos vote? I guess thank goodness for early voting.
When will NY go to mail in ballots. I just moved from Colorado. NY is decades behind CO! Mail-in voting doesn’t care about the weather, the sick and disabled, or lines!
I have a friend who lives in NYC, and she has talked about early voting for as long as I can recall. Everyone she knows also participates in early voting. I believe her to be plugged into the ways of most others. Fingers crossed.
A majority of early voting is Democratic because tfg told his people that voting early is a chance that their votes would be not counted.
I work the elections with a MAGGOT and he says his MAGGOT group is actually pushing Republicans to participate in early voting so that it's less likely someone will "steal their vote". IE take your name off the poll book early before someone comes in and claims to be you. I asked him how many times his cohorts have shown up to vote and they couldn't because records showed they voted already, his response was to shrug and say "It could happen".
I was a poll worker for 35+ years, and that never happened where I worked. That’s new, I feel empathy for you working with a tfg supporter. It must be a difficult day.
I have to believe it's not something that happens often if at all. It just shows how the rhetoric has distorted their minds.
Yes he is very difficult to work with. We obviously have to play nice and it's fine for a day. What really kills me is in Aug he was saying "trump isn't my candidate. Well he might be if that's who my party chooses but I don't want him" (he's a straight tow the party line man). Then in Nov he was all about trump again- I asked him why he was supporting him again and his answer was "Because he's trump". Of course then there was the fact that all his law suits are bogus, blah blah blah. It can be difficult to smile and nod. Good news is the next election we can't discuss trump because it's the primary, it will be a much less difficult day :)
I was just fretting about that very thing.
I called my Representative this morning to urge him to try to work around the speaker to pass the bill. He is a Democrat, so is probably already working on it. There are also Republicans in the House working on it too. This might just be the straw that breaks the back of the speaker.
The fact that a complete nitwit and fanatic like MTG has this kind of outsized influence over congressional decisions is absolutely obscene. This woman needs to be slapped down and put in her place once and for all. Mike Johnson is making Kevin McCarthy look like a good speaker. He is an inept disaster.
Agreed. What has MTG accomplished in her time in congress except to spew hate and cause chaos? She's as useless as tits on a bull.
I don’t know that there’s ever been a worse Congresswoman, at least in recent memory. She and Matt Gaetz are a total combo disaster.
I can't help but think that at least one reason for this dramatic shift in GOP global politics is the outsourcing of our military adventures to the working class. As the GOP leaves the golf set behind and takes up with the cohort that provides the foot soldiers, the attitude of the rank and file might not align with those who used to push the pawns around on the chessboard. Trump's admiration for Putin is a thing unto itself but he is leaning into attitudes created by our over-reliance on one class to do our fighting.
"Johnson and the MAGA right were willing to pass a clean aid bill for Israel, with no demands for border security. But now they aren’t willing to do the exact same thing if Ukraine is included. The message is crystal clear: Their problem is Ukraine. They don’t want to fund the war because they are in fact stooges for Vladimir Putin."
Can this be said out loud by news outlets and voters everywhere - it doesn't get any clearer.
Since Speaker Johnson's faith is so important to him, I would like to ask four simple words... what would Jesus do?
He wouldn’t have bloody clue! Too wrapped up in his own little bubble of weird stuff and nonsense…. Being Moses btw.
He has his son to chide him if he strays, MS Jane
All he cares about is what the Tangerine Stable Genius would do. Of course, that is basically whatever Putin wants.
Johnson supports only giving Israel aid because he's expecting the war to lead to Armageddon. Again I urge people never to vote for people who enthusiastically promote the end of the World.
Maybe he will soon have a 1-vote majority, if Suozzi wins today!
When Suozzi wins today, when does he get sworn in?
Suozzi has won and, I heard on Lawrence O'Donnell, he can or will be sworn in tomorrow. Can't be soon enough!
Looks like the House Speaker has delayed swearing Suozzi in to the end of February when the House reconvenes following an almost 2-week "President's Day Weekend" ... whereas the hoi polloi, if lucky and in the right job, get 3 days.
Jay, I admire you, but I think the US is a lost cause. I hope you will be okay. But I think Death to America is not an unreasonable demand. Almost half the US wants a drooling, demented idiot as leader. I’m lucky, I got the fuck out. But it’s no longer tenable. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. From a former American and proud EU citizen. #fuckAmerica #Republicans #fucktRump #DeSantis #NikkiHaley #theConstitution #theUSA
Dang, Ms Kate! We probably deserve whatever fate we have coming to us but I'm glad you wished us good luck. We're gonna need it!
This should come as no surprise, Jay. If you align yourselves with an increasingly unstable idiot like tRump, who only cares about himself, this is the situation you find yourselves in: painted into a corner with no way out!
Did the poor babies have to work through Taylorbowl? Were their feelings hurt by the perfect aryan specimen worshipping their orange leader? So sad. Too bad. #TaylorSwift #Fucktrump #FuckCongress