My favorite was George Conway asking for lightbulb jokes - to which some responded that Kevin would need a house first ;)

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I, an American, laughed out loud when Liz Truss lost to a head of lettuce (I live in the UK) but never imagined the US would consider it a challenge. The US clearly responded with a hearty "hold my beer" and I expect the McCarthy-lettuce competition "will be wild"!

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See if you can also find "Kevin tests negative for Speaker." My favorite of all!

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As ridiculous as the whole situation was, I'm not sure we should still be laughing. Because McCarthy cared only for being able to add the word "Speaker" to his resume, he gave the far right the ability to completely seize up the government. The next debt ceiling increase won't even get a vote unless they are happy with how much of the government they get to destroy. Democrats are now going to be forced to choose between not having a functioning government or defaulting on government debt

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Agree. Looking forward to Jay’s take on WHAT now?

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They memes may outlast this Speakership

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On the news, they're celebrating the republicans finally making a decision. They should be condemned for holding us hostage, waiting for them to be adults, not spoiled brats, stamping their feet and shouting noooooo.

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oh, so good. 👍🏻🤗

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Thanks for the bonus round Jay!

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Excellent! The Washington Generals have won more than Kevin McCarthy.

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The tweet from Anthony Michael Kreis. 😂😂

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Those are hilarious! Funnier because they’re all true!!

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I love Katie! 😆 These were all enjoyable. Thanks.

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Thanks for the giggles!

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Though I do not know if a meme was created, I did enjoy the announcement for 14 times "a speaker has not been elected". I do know it was too much to expect for some Republicans to cross the aisle, if for no other reason, to swear in Mr. Jeffries so the House could start handling its business. Particularly when Kevin's numbers either held or dropped as low as 200.

While we had to watch the public, yet repeated and very painful neutering of Kevin, we also confirmed our beliefs that the Republican party will only serve to bring additional harm to their party as well as this country. The next 2 years will be like watching them chase and attempt to catch a well-greased pig. We will hear a lot of grunting and squealing, see lots of activity, but in the end will witness how ineffective they are in helping to "make America Great again". They will as the majority squander all available resources on petty revenge tactics. The Republicans who truly want to get things done will need to work with the Democrats for the betterment of all and not just a few.

Note - It was rich to hear that the orange Floridian swamp creature ONLY received ONE vote for SOTH.

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Katie winning the internet...again!

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Brilliant! Sad that the humiliation didn’t extend for a few more months since the GQP traitor caucus has zero interest in governing, just spewing hate and lies to keep their willfully ignorant followers outraged.

I’m hoping the head of lettuce lasts longer that the speaker . . .

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