My heart breaks for Kate Cox. NOBODY should have to go through that!

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Perhaps, once this disaster has passed, and she is back to good health, she can become a national "poster woman" for the Democrats, similar to the young lady from Kentucky, who bravely exposed herself as a rape victim in defense of abortion rights in a Deep Red state. She is a hero, and I feel Mrs Cox can be also. That is, if she would be willing. I would hope so.

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She is almost already a national heroine, with a lot of help from the odious misogynist, Ken Paxton. But yes, I agree with you. The Washington Post published today that she has left the state to have her abortion. I don’t even know if that’s legal under the Texas abortion laws, but good for her and her husband!

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I believe they have another draconian law regarding receiving medical care in another state. And if the asshole decides to press charges, I'll be first in line to donate to her legal defense fund. Like the Orange Asshole, Paxton will eventually end up in prison or murdered, but either one can't come soon enough!

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I have a feeling you’re right, Daniel, because the Washington Post reported that Paxton ordered her to not leave the state. This guy is so criminally insane and so out-of-his-mind hateful, that he probably will try to bring criminal charges, so I hope they plan to hire good legal representation. Actually, they should sue him anyway for the travel expenses and the physical and emotional anguish that he has caused the entire family.

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Great idea, Janet! Maybe Jay would "volunteer" to be lead council ( hint, hint )! And I'd be happy to donate to THAT legal fund, as well.

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I'll contribute to her bail and to her defense! And if she needs money to move out of that fascist state - I'll contribute to that too. This is when I wish I was wealthy. I'd start a national fund to help women move and find housing and jobs in states that have sensible reproductive care laws.

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Unfortunately, Maria, there's not too many of those states left. I'm in Ohio, and even though we just passed a "get out of my doctor's office" amendment, the Fascists here are doing all they can to circumvent the will of their constituents. I know Michigan is a safe zone, due to their terrific governor. Perhaps there?

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Having survived two non-viable pregnancies, I don't want her to have to do anything. That kind of experience is draining and shocking to the body and to the mind. She should be allowed to rest up and get better to recover from his hideous ordeal. But if she runs a GoFundMe to help her move out of the hellhole that Texas has become, I shall gladly contribute.

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Kate Cox is the perfect poster woman for Freedom of Choice. She meets the Texas tests of white, married, already a mother, and relatively affluent. Even with all of her privileges, the State STILL interfered with her personal need to end her pregnancy for well-documented medical reasons. No matter how this is resolved -- and I desperately hope Ms. Cox is able to manage her health as she sees fit -- her story is a crucial FREEDOM v. DICTATORSHIP demonstration for the 2024 election. We are all in her shoes, one way or another, unless we stand up at the voting booth.

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Thank you! You perfectly captured my thoughts in your comment. We must make sure that everyone hears about Kate Cox and every single person who has to face these horrible situations and then fight the law as well. This is not freedom!

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You are so right. When I first read about this, I was in tears...and I'm still angry as hell. I wish there was a way to support her and her family.

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So true. Classic case of the classic dictatorship warning attributed to Martin Niemöller:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist..."

Just add:

"Then they came for the pro-choice crowd, and I did not speak out—because I was not pro-choice. "

They will come for everyone. This is what a dictatorship does.

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I can't love your comment enough!!!

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BBC just broke a story that Kate Cox has travelled out of state for her abortion.

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The only choice she has. Luckily for her, SHE has the resources to do so. The fight is for those who do not.

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Texas was also a state that (I thought) was attempting to make it illegal for a woman to travel out of state to receive services. Will be interesting to see what happens when she comes back to Texas.

Land of the free. 🙄. I don’t understand how republicans can justify it. We live in a country where the movement of women is being restricted. It’s very Handmaid’s Tale.

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I agree. I saw a meme that said, “Texas, where you can’t read The Handmaid’s Tale but you can live it.” The story is appalling. Sadly, it will drive even more free-minded and liberal voters out of that hellish place, ensuring the state will never flip. That’s a lot of red state electoral college votes. I can’t blame anyone who leaves (or doesn’t move there). Heck, I don’t even want to visit that state.

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She can afford to go out of State. I feel for the women in her position who cannot afford to go out of State.

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This is why she brought the "test case" instead of just traveling to another state (which she ended up doing.)

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The whole young republicans thing is just awful. I can understand old folks falling for Trumps lies, but when young people are spouting his crap, I worry. Are they stupid? Ignorant? Greedy and cynical?

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Please don't lump all of us "old folks" together as falling for rump's lies. There are a great many of us that are not that stupid.

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Amen. And many of us have the time & energy to call and march and write. We also have friends all over the country; a frequent side effect of living long 😊

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I apologize- I am old myself, 63, and I know that there are very many capable, effective, energetic older people, including President Biden, thankfully!!!!

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Doesn't actually matter at this point. I don't think we should negotiate with terrorists.

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You are so right. What’s the point, wrestling with pigs just gets you dirty and they like it.

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Latter-day Hitlerjungend.

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All of the above, I'm guessing.

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Reading about the plight of Ukraine raises my blood pressure, truly. We are here in Europe, right next door and the feckin Repugs are screwing with world peace!

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tRump's NY fraud defense: "The banks love me, they don't care if I lie about my assets!" Ah, but here's the rub: NY state law DOES...see ya, sucka.

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re: Orban/Heritage Foundation/Putin

the mind boggles

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This is a code red.

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Heritage Foundation has so jumped the shark with their "Project 2025", hosting far-right rabblerousers, and now giving the American Right's favourite European, Viktor Orban, a hate-mongering platform. Well, at least the HF pushed back on tRump's latest "plan" to introduce federal "certification" of all teachers who must teach to a "patriotic" syllabus, an obvious nod to Third Reich "co-ordination" of NSDAP policies with national education goals...oy vey.

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The GOP held their CPAP in Hungary in the spring of 2022 and had Orban as a key note speaker at their convention in Texas that fall. I read The Heritage Foundation wrote Project 2025 in 2022 also and I am thinking Orban probably helped them write it. Orban rewrote the constitution in Hungary in 2011 and changed multiple laws to keep himself in power. I read a couple of days ago several organizations, including a couple involved with Mike Johnson were working to get states (34 required) to sign on to a petition to hold an Article 5 convention to change the constitution of the US.

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Republican CPAC has been to

Hungary/Orban twice. Tucker Carlson has been there several times. Why in heavens name, are we even

allowing one of Putin's trades to address any part of our

government? Especially over

Ukraine! The only reason it's

not Putin in person, is due to

the arrest warrant we have for him.

As for Paxton, hopefully he'll be convicted and Texas will

be rid of him.

Tough road ahead. Not one

step back!

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I agree Victoria. How have we normalized inviting fascists into our country and our government? Scary times!

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Lisa, it wasn’t “us”. It was the Republimagas who are letting him in. Trump has probably issued Putin an invitation for January 2025. As if.

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But it has been "us" Sara. We,

the electorate, have voted these people into office and

allowed, for the most part, without a whimper, the lies

and disinformation to permeate our news, TV,

radio and social media platforms. Just look at

Steve Bannon's War Room.

He's been broadcasting

our plotted doom for years.

FOX is no better. MSM has

been asleep since J6. Now

they want a "horse race" for

the 24 election.

In the meantime, the Heritage Foundation is wining and dining Victor Orban of Hungary, Putin's toady, who

will meet the republican house in "closed door" session to discuss Ukraine

aid. Who do you think sent

Orban on this little junket?

The republican Cpac has

been to Hungary twice! And

now, authoritarian Hungary

has been invited, behind

closed doors, into the Peoples House.

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Imagine being gullible enough to think Trump would actually testify. The only people naive enough to buy that are (checks notes) people who make six or seven figures covering national politics.

As for Ukraine, some Republicans are against more aid because the concept of preventive measures is too advanced for them; others are against it because they actively prefer Russia and Hungary to this country. Which percentage of Republicans is in which camp? Actually, I don't care.

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I often wonder if the Republicans are even dimly aware that a huge part of Ukrainian aid goes directly to US arms manufacturers. They seem to think it means pallets of cash being sent directly to Ukraine. It’s not Iraq this time!

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Exactly! We send weapons, ammo, and other systems to Ukraine, and the money is to replace OUR stocks. So they are attempting to disarm the United States. Hmmm.... wonder who THAT would benefit? 🤔

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And much of what is being sent is outdated and coming out of storage.

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Yes. Exactly.

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Most are in the latter is my guess.

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While the judgment against Rudy will be largely uncollectible, Rudy evidently is still working on radio and so the judgment can be used to garnish his wages. Garnishments always endear the judgment debtor to the employer and make the work much more satisfying, right?

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It’s been some time since I looked at collection and garnishment, and I don’t really know how it works in a D.C. federal court. I imagine they can place liens upon his income and his properties in some ways, but I’d need a collections attorney to sort that out.

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I dabbled in collections many years ago. There are a few steps to turn a judgment into a collection device. While I can't remember them now, I do recall they weren't very difficult. With that judgment, the judgment creditor can go after a variety of assets, such as garnishing wages, putting a lien on assets like Rudy's still unsold real estate, etc. The judgment can even be sold. I'm sure the plaintiffs will be contacted by a variety of attorneys willing to help with the collection.

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"Liens upon properties"

Could that also apply to Trump? Makes me think of NY Fraud case, NY Caroll defamation case, DC J6 civil cases and any future others.

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Oh, yes. Legal money judgments have well-established collection mechanisms. And I would guess there will be a market for these. Hopefully they'll be picked up by those who wish to actually hound them for payment, rather than, say, Harlan Crow and his ilk, who would just forgive the shit - with certain conditions, of course.

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Kate Cox is mourning the loss of a child and now misogynist Paxton, wants to prevent her from having more children. As we know this is not about being pro-life, it's all about men controlling women. I just don't get how pro-life women can be okay with this.

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With zero survival rate what "life" are they trying to protect? The mental anguish of carrying a baby you know is never going to survive- why put someone through that?

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Unfortunately there are cases of infants with Trisomy 18 whose heart continues to beat for a year. Quality of life is irrelevant; just that heartbeat.

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Protecting a "heartbeat" is more important to this pig than what he's doing to the family. And I have to assume protecting that heartbeat comes at a medical cost to the family as well should the baby survive birth. The whole thing is devastating, there is no upside for this poor family.

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It's just talking points for them. They don't discuss the mental and financial toll giving birth to a baby in this condition. It's inhumane to put the baby and the family through this.

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It absolutely is. The reality is Paxton would never put his own family through this, that he's ok putting another family through it should be criminal.

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Again, I yearn for the day that Trump, as well as his cronies, are out of the news cycle.

As it is, though, Trumpism, and all it encompasses, is the bread and butter of "mainstream" news, the nation be damned.

As always, thanks, Jay, for the insight you provide.

It is much needed and welcome.

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I’ve wondered if there could be a mechanism for citizens to fund military aid to Ukraine. One million people giving $100 is $100,000,000. If done for 10 months it would total a billion. You'd think there must some number of wealthy individuals who could do a lot more, or provide matching funds.

Who’s in?

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I'm in. Even tho my funds are tight, since my husband died, I will sacrifice to help these brave people defeat Putin.

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I'm in. How would it be administered, and how can we be assured that the funds get to the right place?

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I’m in. I’ve given contributions to a friend who travels there to bring medical supplies. I need to direct some of my year end donations to World Central Kitchen. I’d definitely want to give money to support Ukraine in their fight against Putin.

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The fact that the president of the New York Young Fascists (excuse me, Republicans) is 29 indicates that the "the next generation will save us" rhetoric is inaccurate. Racism and xenophobia won't automatically end once old, white, voters die off. It's up to all of us to push back against it now, rather than hoping it will just go away. In this version we save ourselves!

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I don’t think it’s completely inaccurate, but I get your point. The majority of younger voters will not vote for fascism, but it is up to all of us, young and old alike, to get the vote out.

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Well there you go! A great new headline that should be front page on EVERY left wing news site!

“Republican Heritage Foundation, sides with RUSSIA, and Putin and puts Americans LAST!”

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It is worthwhile to call your Senators, no matter how MAGA they are, and tell them to pass unencumbered aid for Ukraine. Tell them that doing otherwise betrays the Ukrainian people, who have bled, suffered, and died to oppose Russian aggression, undermines the hard-won trust of our NATO allies and other partners, enables Putin, a bloodthirsty war criminal, and risks US and NATO forces having to directly defend NATO member states against Russian aggression. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

Keep doing the great work Jay!

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It makes me sick that we may not be funding Ukraine, but inviting the Hungarian leader here. Everything has turned upside down. In the infamous words of Rodney King, "can't we all get along?" Sadly, no.

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