All I want for Christmas is for all the extremist Republicans and their leader to be shipped off on a visit to Russia and accidentally forgotten there. Their passports lost, their record of being American citizens wiped out. If they want back, let them "go through the process" as they keep telling all the immigrants.
In the section discussing immigration issues, even considering whether the left should make a move towards the right to placate the Republican hardliners in Congress to loosen their hold on funding for Ukraine makes me shudder. I've watched the Democratic party 'compromising' with the right for decades to accomplish various causes or win votes of more conservative 'independents' to the point I often barely recognize the party of my youth. The Republicans take this hard line because it works. Democrats do all the compromising and immigrants, women and minorities suffer (and don't get me started on healthcare). I realize there are few alternatives to keeping our government moving forward but I do wonder when Democrats will realize they're on the verge of taking a step too far.
There are political realities that require sometimes the most painful of “compromises”. But many of them could be avoided if Democrats would just get better at calling Republicans out on their shit.
The Dems unrelenting message should be that Republicans are eagerly sacrificing America’s security and don’t want to solve any immigration problems.
Alas, Dems still suffer from the fatal belief that being forceful and uncompromising in telling the truth about Republicans (“Can we really say ‘EAGERLY sacrificing’ or is that too harsh?”) is impolite.
Without being able to support it, my opinion and hope is that Biden won't compromise. Mostly because compromising with people without ethics is just a waste of time, money, and the hope of any positive outcomes. However, I'm not the president and I don't have to try to juggle all the balls in the air that he does without dropping any of them.
Why isn’t anything being done with Judge Cannon? Can’t she be removed. We don’t hear anything further about that case, which is the most clear cut case of all of them.
With all the action now directed toward the DC trial and divers motions and appeals from both sides, *Judge* Cannon's supervision - such as it is - of the MAL docs trial has gotten lower priority from SC Smith, and she is taking full advantage of that, and totally slow-walking the proceedings. tRump's lawyers own her, and this particular trial is shaping up as a lost cause. Too bad that the missing Russia/2016 intelligence binder wasn't uncovered in MAL, as no way could Cannon stop a fast march toward trying and prosecuting tRump...but, here we are, sand in the gears, and at a dead stop.
I’m finally beginning to believe he was right about not losing any voters no matter how egregious, absurd, stupid, corrupt, or inhumane his words and actions are. “‘I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?’ Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. ‘It's, like, incredible.’" ( - 2016)
I remember being taught about Hitler in History and the thought of how it was possible so many people went along with the atrocities of the holocaust. This was taught, in part, to hopefully prevent history from repeating itself. Now I fear we have not taken sufficient heed of the warnings and are heading into a profound destruction of our country’s democracy and loss of freedom and peace.
Biden will capitulate on immigration and "toughening the border", using the "my hands are tied" regarding aid to Ukraine as a cover. GOP and the media are playing up the huge crush of people trying to cross the southern border over the past several months, it's a big political problem, particularly so since the Repubs would prefer to keep it as a problem, rather than work with Biden and Dems to ameliorate conditions at border crossings. Better mileage on posturing than on fixing, and there you have it, where we are today and Biden's Hobson's choice dilemma.
Because the Biden administration canceled the Title 42 restrictions, and because the general impression amongst migrants is that immigration difficulties have greatly eased under Biden vis-à-vis tRump, the rush is on. "Humane", or other considerations fall by the wayside when the entirety of immigration policies are caught up in election-year politics, regrettably.
The great illnesses of hatred and selfishness are gathering around an ideology of a might-makes-right, criminally abusive form of power. What's scary is that so many Americans are enchanted by it. Ruth Ben-Ghiat precisely called it "fake populism" and "garbage politics in her Lucid Newsletter today. We have to deconstruct and name the forces - concretely and also psychologically. Here's one of my go's at it -
2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.
MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)
Watched Miss Lindsey on TV this AM trying to desperately dodge a question about Dear Leader Donnie's Nazification of the GOP with his blood contamination speech. He must have excelled at dodgeball as a kid as the questioner never got a reply despite several attempts. All she got from him was more BS about the border. The new GOP line is that Hamas terrorists are threatening us from Mexico!
Right, the Orange Führer and Kate Cox in TX, none of those gutless GOPers will touch those topics, the sniveling swine...Tailgunner Ted Cruz did a Josh Hawley sprint-away from reporters when pressed by a effers can run, but you can't hide from us voters!
The next time he gives a straight answer will be the first. Bobs and weaves like a boxer. He MIGHT know the truth if it slapped him, but he will try not to recognize it - ever.
Haven’t our foreign assets been disappearing in mass during and since the blump’s presidency? Not just in Russia but around the world?Didn’t one of our top moles in Putin’s inter-cabinet flee to Florida and Putin’s had a reward on his death? Assets, Military Intelligence, Strategic data . . . It’s all been compromised. Our enemies are producing our latest weapons before we do. Putin’s operatives have infiltrated every nook and crevice in all branches of government from Federal to state and local departments. We’re being conquered from within, while sleepwalking to 1984.
1) Even though Presidents do have the ability to declassify some information, there is a PROCEDURE. Did trump actually issue an executive order? And of course, anything that needs a SCIF isn't within his powers. Presumably that was what the redacting was about. So clearly trump's claim that the thing was fully declassified is false.
2) the Asylum statute already has the "safe countries" exception. trump tried to set this up but didn't follow through, and some of his deals skirted the requirements of safe. The point of the exception is to allow a place for those claiming asylum to wait till their claim is adjudicated.
Biden has WAY more diplomatic chops than trump. Does anyone know if he is trying to pursue this avenue? It clearly would require the US to help the Safe Country in housing and feeding anyone sent there.
What IS happening with MoscowMeadows? If he’s fully cooperating with officials to avoid more of his own legal troubles, why is the binder still “missing”?
Won't a Dem Rep please file something similar (to below) regarding Cannon?! Stefank filed something similar in Nov about Engoron in NY and now she is targeting another judge regarding trump specific cases why can't the same be done by Dems? It is so frustrating to watch the corrupt take the offense while Dems continue to play defense, the best defense is a good offense!
Because that is window dressing, and will have zero effect, one way or the other. It is performative nonsense, as NO judge will, nor should they, pay any attention to that sort of outside poking.
Political pressure has no place in our courts, period - only evidence and testimony. Cannon's comeuppance will come soon enough; eventually she will get tired of being reversed and either get her act together, get sidelined by the Chief Judge of her circuit, or decide the job doesn't pay enough to take all this crap and leave.
Thank you, it seems odd that being appointed by the defendant doesn't meet the threshold for "perception of impartiality" or in the example in 2017 article below where they deferred to "precedent"... a novel concept we can no longer rely on to protect us.
(1) Trump and Hitler: Every successful dictator needs a readily available target to blame for all ills. Hitler had the Jews and Trump has Blacks and Hispanics. In fact, his first brush with DOJ occured in 1973 when he was 26. The Fed complaint alleged that DJT and his Dad.".. systematically excluded African Americans and Hispanics from their apartments." White supremacy was practiced early on.
(2) Trump and MAGA on Immigration. I think the media and commentators miss the point about their motivation. It has nothing to do with immigration, it's all about excluding Blacks and Hispanics from the US, no longer just apts.
(3) The Missing Russia 2016 Binder. The Feds might check the Mar - i - Lago toilet with the chandelier. More seriously, I believe MAGA and Don's deepening descent into dictatorship, should raise the issue of Art III, Sec 3 of the Constitution: "Treason against the United States shall consist of levying war or in adhering to their (US) enemies giving them aid and comfort".
Thank you for reminding everyone about the early New York discrimination trials. Unfortunately Upstate didn’t hear about it enough so the sycophant Stefanik got elected.
Here's the thing- if you're willing, eager, in fact, to flaut law, decorum, to sacrifice people for your whims and power, to declare dominion as the goal, well, you'll defy any and all guardrails, and should be managed and accounted for as such; remove all benefit of the doubt as there is no uncertainty about the man, his intentions, his penchant for nefarious comissions and omissions.
Assume the worst from him and proceed accordingly.
I think that we cannot deny aid to Ukraine, and I think that the Democratic party needs to think outside the box to help migrants. I know I am frustrated, and others are, so let's harness our frustration and our youth in the party and somehow DO something. Let's use our resource if people to in some way help ease the plight of immigrants
All I want for Christmas is for all the extremist Republicans and their leader to be shipped off on a visit to Russia and accidentally forgotten there. Their passports lost, their record of being American citizens wiped out. If they want back, let them "go through the process" as they keep telling all the immigrants.
It’s an understandable desire. But what I really want is true American democratic accountability for these criminals and their enablers.
He might actually be more of a threat if he were collaborating with his buddy. So lets keep him here, in jail, in isolation!
Straight to Siberia
Yup.... where, if you survive the winter, you get done in by the gnats from the swamp in the summer.
In the section discussing immigration issues, even considering whether the left should make a move towards the right to placate the Republican hardliners in Congress to loosen their hold on funding for Ukraine makes me shudder. I've watched the Democratic party 'compromising' with the right for decades to accomplish various causes or win votes of more conservative 'independents' to the point I often barely recognize the party of my youth. The Republicans take this hard line because it works. Democrats do all the compromising and immigrants, women and minorities suffer (and don't get me started on healthcare). I realize there are few alternatives to keeping our government moving forward but I do wonder when Democrats will realize they're on the verge of taking a step too far.
There are political realities that require sometimes the most painful of “compromises”. But many of them could be avoided if Democrats would just get better at calling Republicans out on their shit.
The Dems unrelenting message should be that Republicans are eagerly sacrificing America’s security and don’t want to solve any immigration problems.
Alas, Dems still suffer from the fatal belief that being forceful and uncompromising in telling the truth about Republicans (“Can we really say ‘EAGERLY sacrificing’ or is that too harsh?”) is impolite.
Without being able to support it, my opinion and hope is that Biden won't compromise. Mostly because compromising with people without ethics is just a waste of time, money, and the hope of any positive outcomes. However, I'm not the president and I don't have to try to juggle all the balls in the air that he does without dropping any of them.
Why isn’t anything being done with Judge Cannon? Can’t she be removed. We don’t hear anything further about that case, which is the most clear cut case of all of them.
With all the action now directed toward the DC trial and divers motions and appeals from both sides, *Judge* Cannon's supervision - such as it is - of the MAL docs trial has gotten lower priority from SC Smith, and she is taking full advantage of that, and totally slow-walking the proceedings. tRump's lawyers own her, and this particular trial is shaping up as a lost cause. Too bad that the missing Russia/2016 intelligence binder wasn't uncovered in MAL, as no way could Cannon stop a fast march toward trying and prosecuting tRump...but, here we are, sand in the gears, and at a dead stop.
I’m finally beginning to believe he was right about not losing any voters no matter how egregious, absurd, stupid, corrupt, or inhumane his words and actions are. “‘I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?’ Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. ‘It's, like, incredible.’" ( - 2016)
I remember being taught about Hitler in History and the thought of how it was possible so many people went along with the atrocities of the holocaust. This was taught, in part, to hopefully prevent history from repeating itself. Now I fear we have not taken sufficient heed of the warnings and are heading into a profound destruction of our country’s democracy and loss of freedom and peace.
Biden will capitulate on immigration and "toughening the border", using the "my hands are tied" regarding aid to Ukraine as a cover. GOP and the media are playing up the huge crush of people trying to cross the southern border over the past several months, it's a big political problem, particularly so since the Repubs would prefer to keep it as a problem, rather than work with Biden and Dems to ameliorate conditions at border crossings. Better mileage on posturing than on fixing, and there you have it, where we are today and Biden's Hobson's choice dilemma.
There is no humane way to control the border. Too many people want the better life that they think will be in the US. There is not quick or easy fix.
Because the Biden administration canceled the Title 42 restrictions, and because the general impression amongst migrants is that immigration difficulties have greatly eased under Biden vis-à-vis tRump, the rush is on. "Humane", or other considerations fall by the wayside when the entirety of immigration policies are caught up in election-year politics, regrettably.
The great illnesses of hatred and selfishness are gathering around an ideology of a might-makes-right, criminally abusive form of power. What's scary is that so many Americans are enchanted by it. Ruth Ben-Ghiat precisely called it "fake populism" and "garbage politics in her Lucid Newsletter today. We have to deconstruct and name the forces - concretely and also psychologically. Here's one of my go's at it -
2024's consequential election season looms. Psychiatrist Ravi Chandra takes a look at the Far-Right playbook and the choice between autocratic and egalitarian-in-progress choices, with a focus on psychology, propaganda, and dangerous influences that are amplifying chances of violence.
MOSF 18.12: Election Season 2024: Deconstructing the Trump/Far-Right Playbook and Propaganda, and Constructing a Positive Response From Our Shared Humanity and Reality – East Wind ezine (December 1, 2023)
"Blut und Boden", now a fashionable slogan on the MAGA right, delivered by the Orange Hitler straight to the masses.
Watched Miss Lindsey on TV this AM trying to desperately dodge a question about Dear Leader Donnie's Nazification of the GOP with his blood contamination speech. He must have excelled at dodgeball as a kid as the questioner never got a reply despite several attempts. All she got from him was more BS about the border. The new GOP line is that Hamas terrorists are threatening us from Mexico!
Right, the Orange Führer and Kate Cox in TX, none of those gutless GOPers will touch those topics, the sniveling swine...Tailgunner Ted Cruz did a Josh Hawley sprint-away from reporters when pressed by a effers can run, but you can't hide from us voters!
The next time he gives a straight answer will be the first. Bobs and weaves like a boxer. He MIGHT know the truth if it slapped him, but he will try not to recognize it - ever.
Haven’t our foreign assets been disappearing in mass during and since the blump’s presidency? Not just in Russia but around the world?Didn’t one of our top moles in Putin’s inter-cabinet flee to Florida and Putin’s had a reward on his death? Assets, Military Intelligence, Strategic data . . . It’s all been compromised. Our enemies are producing our latest weapons before we do. Putin’s operatives have infiltrated every nook and crevice in all branches of government from Federal to state and local departments. We’re being conquered from within, while sleepwalking to 1984.
It is hard not to draw a straight line between assets being compromised and what occurred during the Trump years.
1) Even though Presidents do have the ability to declassify some information, there is a PROCEDURE. Did trump actually issue an executive order? And of course, anything that needs a SCIF isn't within his powers. Presumably that was what the redacting was about. So clearly trump's claim that the thing was fully declassified is false.
2) the Asylum statute already has the "safe countries" exception. trump tried to set this up but didn't follow through, and some of his deals skirted the requirements of safe. The point of the exception is to allow a place for those claiming asylum to wait till their claim is adjudicated.
Biden has WAY more diplomatic chops than trump. Does anyone know if he is trying to pursue this avenue? It clearly would require the US to help the Safe Country in housing and feeding anyone sent there.
What IS happening with MoscowMeadows? If he’s fully cooperating with officials to avoid more of his own legal troubles, why is the binder still “missing”?
Very good question.
Guess we found out something.
Fanni won’t be out of his life for a long time. 😆
Won't a Dem Rep please file something similar (to below) regarding Cannon?! Stefank filed something similar in Nov about Engoron in NY and now she is targeting another judge regarding trump specific cases why can't the same be done by Dems? It is so frustrating to watch the corrupt take the offense while Dems continue to play defense, the best defense is a good offense!
Because that is window dressing, and will have zero effect, one way or the other. It is performative nonsense, as NO judge will, nor should they, pay any attention to that sort of outside poking.
Political pressure has no place in our courts, period - only evidence and testimony. Cannon's comeuppance will come soon enough; eventually she will get tired of being reversed and either get her act together, get sidelined by the Chief Judge of her circuit, or decide the job doesn't pay enough to take all this crap and leave.
Thank you, it seems odd that being appointed by the defendant doesn't meet the threshold for "perception of impartiality" or in the example in 2017 article below where they deferred to "precedent"... a novel concept we can no longer rely on to protect us.
(1) Trump and Hitler: Every successful dictator needs a readily available target to blame for all ills. Hitler had the Jews and Trump has Blacks and Hispanics. In fact, his first brush with DOJ occured in 1973 when he was 26. The Fed complaint alleged that DJT and his Dad.".. systematically excluded African Americans and Hispanics from their apartments." White supremacy was practiced early on.
(2) Trump and MAGA on Immigration. I think the media and commentators miss the point about their motivation. It has nothing to do with immigration, it's all about excluding Blacks and Hispanics from the US, no longer just apts.
(3) The Missing Russia 2016 Binder. The Feds might check the Mar - i - Lago toilet with the chandelier. More seriously, I believe MAGA and Don's deepening descent into dictatorship, should raise the issue of Art III, Sec 3 of the Constitution: "Treason against the United States shall consist of levying war or in adhering to their (US) enemies giving them aid and comfort".
Thank you for reminding everyone about the early New York discrimination trials. Unfortunately Upstate didn’t hear about it enough so the sycophant Stefanik got elected.
Here's the thing- if you're willing, eager, in fact, to flaut law, decorum, to sacrifice people for your whims and power, to declare dominion as the goal, well, you'll defy any and all guardrails, and should be managed and accounted for as such; remove all benefit of the doubt as there is no uncertainty about the man, his intentions, his penchant for nefarious comissions and omissions.
Assume the worst from him and proceed accordingly.
I think that we cannot deny aid to Ukraine, and I think that the Democratic party needs to think outside the box to help migrants. I know I am frustrated, and others are, so let's harness our frustration and our youth in the party and somehow DO something. Let's use our resource if people to in some way help ease the plight of immigrants
So true. I’m so angry.
As was suggested in the comments to another analyst, maybe now we know what Jared K was paid for. Just a thought...