Mayor Pete is so much more on the ball than the GOP leadership - they should be careful about letting him testify - it could go very very badly for the GOP.
The GOP-ers are yellers and tantrum-throwers. They have a feral instinct for sound bites (dogs that they are), supplying Fox et al with the requisite 20-second hand grenade. No matter how smart Pete is, he won't be able to counter punch the GOP's intentionally stupid and inflammatory comments fast enough. Dumbness will prevail for those voters eager to lap it up.
Mayor Pete doesn’t need to change the minds (such as they are) of FOX viewers. Democrats need to get their message out to the non-MAGA world, and Pete is exceptionally good at lacerating idiotic liars like Gym Jordan with truth and reason.
While the fascist right-wing may be eating itself and slowly self-destructing, it is still horrifyingly dangerous. And it is enormously wearying to face another 18 months, at least, of their absurd, hateful nonsense.
Or they can form a new, more moderate, party which would likely fracture that voting bloc even more, making it less and less likely that either party would win a presidential election, maybe for decades, maybe even long enough to finally bury “trickle down voodoonomics” for good. As well as the winning at all costs mantra they’ve been pushing for the past 50 years.
It has been made extremely difficult to mount a national third party campaign. The local rules governing how and when to get on ballots are all over the place. It’s also hugely expensive. Don’t expect to see a functioning third party any time in the next few decades.
I concur, Jay, but I don’t think TFG would be more than a spoiler, driving the election to Democrats. And the complexity of trying to get on the ballot everywhere and lining up the required electors is surely beyond the absurd incompetence of Team Trump.
It really is a circus, isn't it, albeit an extremely dangerous one. Thank you, as always for your astute viewpoints and tireless (I'm sure) research. Thank you, also, for the giggles within ("extra turtle neck tucks", for one!!). Comic relief is always needed during times like this.
What are your thoughts about the lone, trump appointed judge in TX teeing up to wipe out the abortion pill nationwide? The fact that 1 person has so much power, pisses me off, beyond repair. I'm wondering how many of these less trumpy Republicans would be willing to leave the party and at least become Independents who caucus with the Democrats? Not that we need anymore Manchins or Sinemas, but it would increase or majority and drive Mitch and Kevin insane.
It depends on how far he goes, and whether it is immediately stayed by the Fifth Circuit or not. He is clearly biased and picked precisely for that bias.
Watching Face the Nation and the uproar over the Grand Jury forewoman and her cute/coy interviews (gag). I understand she did nothing illegal, but… seriously and WTH? Fani Willis or her staff didn’t advise the jury not to speak to reporters??? More to the point: will this hurt us?
The court gave the admonitions to the jurors, and the judge says the forewoman has not broken with those admonitions. Special grand juries are not sworn to secrecy the way regular grand juries are, except to the extent the court has ordered. Here, the judge said do no discuss the grand jury deliberations or the specific names of those who have been indicted. That’s the only restriction. Now, is it good that the forewoman spoke to the press? No, because it gives a talking point to rally the MAGA base around the idea that this was an unfair process.
Jay, question on the “we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy” thing. I can’t tell you how often I get this comment from trolls--especially on Tiktok. I understand it’s specious, but why do they return to it again and again? What is the pay-off for underscoring this so-called distinction? And what’s your recommended one or two-sentence rebuttal?
A democracy can take on many forms. Ours is a Constitutional Republic. They are not mutually exclusive, and the only reason MAGA world says it is because they want to abandon democratic principles and think they can do so with this nonsensical phrase.
I see, more and more each day, how the Government has forgotten just who they work for. A government 'For the People' has turned into a government for 'ME ME ME'. They seem to have an attitude that says, "Why should we take their taxes and spend it on them when it doesn't benefit MY interests?" We elected them to do a job for US. We didn't elect them in order for them to enrich themselves, and take more and more from US. We didn't elect them to take away our rights. We didn't elect them to force religion on us. We need to join our voices together to remind them of their commitment. Something needs to be done about people like George Santos, who lied through his teeth to gain his position. He's supposedly gay, however; he's now supporting anti-LGBTQ legislation. Marjorie Traitor Greene is bat-*)&_ crazy. John Jordan is a truly evil man. Along with Matt Gaetz, and all the rest of their posse. What gives these people the right to force feed us their bs? What can we do to get rid of them? Why are they allowed to continue in their position? They are obviously unfit for the job.
100% agree. These people need to be voted out but, as proven with MTG, that probably won't happen. Mind boggling to me that she won. Republicans for life will vote in a rock (as evidence by Walker almost winning) before voting Democrat, they are the most dangerous voters out there. More willing to give these unfit people jobs and ok with having rights taken away before voting for another party. I'm hoping some of them get taken down with J6 indictments but honestly not holding my breath.
The American commoner has been vanquished. They are not part of the equation for those vying for the Castle--they think. Their desperation is palpable and I can smell their body odor tinged with fear and hate.
I personally can’t wait to see footage from Pete excoriating Gymbo Jordan. NO ONE on either side of the aisle is more informed and prepared AND can speak as eloquently when called upon to defend whatever mouse the GOP is chasing this week. The pursuit of “raw power” mentioned in the piece, their absolute priority over policy is, in fact, a form of hubris, which rarely brings a ‘win’ for those who embrace it. Chase it. Endlessly. Bring on the popcorn.
I certainly hope moderate conservatives choose to vote for democracy. The 2022 midterms seemed to show a trend in that direction. I wish the Dem party would flood the airwaves with ads concerning this very topic before campaign ads take off. Somehow, the public needs to be more educated.
But is it the party of Newt Gingrich? I feel like he is taking victory laps somewhere, or could it go too far even for him?
Regarding bullying: When I was bullied at school, my parents told me to ignore them -- this was just childhood bullshit and it would pass. But it turns out bullying is an abusive relationship style that teaches those subject to it that all life is hierarchy and you're either the lion or the tethered goat. And so the only way to "win" at life is to put other people down and yell louder than anyone else; then people do what you say. So Trump is the Head Bully for all the people who feel like bullying is reality. I doubt you'll change their mind with people who want equity, justice, kindness, and mercy.
Mayor Pete is so much more on the ball than the GOP leadership - they should be careful about letting him testify - it could go very very badly for the GOP.
The GOP-ers are yellers and tantrum-throwers. They have a feral instinct for sound bites (dogs that they are), supplying Fox et al with the requisite 20-second hand grenade. No matter how smart Pete is, he won't be able to counter punch the GOP's intentionally stupid and inflammatory comments fast enough. Dumbness will prevail for those voters eager to lap it up.
Mayor Pete doesn’t need to change the minds (such as they are) of FOX viewers. Democrats need to get their message out to the non-MAGA world, and Pete is exceptionally good at lacerating idiotic liars like Gym Jordan with truth and reason.
Let's hope, and let's hope that Fox is unable to extract even the tiniest of exchanges to please their audience.
While the fascist right-wing may be eating itself and slowly self-destructing, it is still horrifyingly dangerous. And it is enormously wearying to face another 18 months, at least, of their absurd, hateful nonsense.
Very dangerous indeed. It will radicalize certain elements of American society even more, for example.
Citizens United always comes to mind when I think about what the GOP has become.
And I simply cannot like Mayor Pete anymore than I do now. He is incredible.
Pushing out moderate GOP members seems not to bright a move maybe they can switch parties and give us the majority 😂
Or they can form a new, more moderate, party which would likely fracture that voting bloc even more, making it less and less likely that either party would win a presidential election, maybe for decades, maybe even long enough to finally bury “trickle down voodoonomics” for good. As well as the winning at all costs mantra they’ve been pushing for the past 50 years.
It has been made extremely difficult to mount a national third party campaign. The local rules governing how and when to get on ballots are all over the place. It’s also hugely expensive. Don’t expect to see a functioning third party any time in the next few decades.
The only third party that could arise that I foresee is Trump if he doesn’t receive the nomination. He has the GOP over the barrel with this.
I concur, Jay, but I don’t think TFG would be more than a spoiler, driving the election to Democrats. And the complexity of trying to get on the ballot everywhere and lining up the required electors is surely beyond the absurd incompetence of Team Trump.
If that happened, wouldn’t it basically cut the Rep vote in half and neither of them would win? This is my dream and prayer, of course.
I want in on the secondary market for tickets to watch Mayor Pete intellectually annihilate Gym Jordan.
And he won't even work up a sweat doing it. GymShorts of the Sweaty Pits, on the other hand.......
It really is a circus, isn't it, albeit an extremely dangerous one. Thank you, as always for your astute viewpoints and tireless (I'm sure) research. Thank you, also, for the giggles within ("extra turtle neck tucks", for one!!). Comic relief is always needed during times like this.
Drive the wedge deeper and without mercy, as if your life and the lives of those you care about depend on it. Because they do.
What are your thoughts about the lone, trump appointed judge in TX teeing up to wipe out the abortion pill nationwide? The fact that 1 person has so much power, pisses me off, beyond repair. I'm wondering how many of these less trumpy Republicans would be willing to leave the party and at least become Independents who caucus with the Democrats? Not that we need anymore Manchins or Sinemas, but it would increase or majority and drive Mitch and Kevin insane.
It depends on how far he goes, and whether it is immediately stayed by the Fifth Circuit or not. He is clearly biased and picked precisely for that bias.
Watching Face the Nation and the uproar over the Grand Jury forewoman and her cute/coy interviews (gag). I understand she did nothing illegal, but… seriously and WTH? Fani Willis or her staff didn’t advise the jury not to speak to reporters??? More to the point: will this hurt us?
The court gave the admonitions to the jurors, and the judge says the forewoman has not broken with those admonitions. Special grand juries are not sworn to secrecy the way regular grand juries are, except to the extent the court has ordered. Here, the judge said do no discuss the grand jury deliberations or the specific names of those who have been indicted. That’s the only restriction. Now, is it good that the forewoman spoke to the press? No, because it gives a talking point to rally the MAGA base around the idea that this was an unfair process.
Jay, question on the “we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy” thing. I can’t tell you how often I get this comment from trolls--especially on Tiktok. I understand it’s specious, but why do they return to it again and again? What is the pay-off for underscoring this so-called distinction? And what’s your recommended one or two-sentence rebuttal?
A democracy can take on many forms. Ours is a Constitutional Republic. They are not mutually exclusive, and the only reason MAGA world says it is because they want to abandon democratic principles and think they can do so with this nonsensical phrase.
I see, more and more each day, how the Government has forgotten just who they work for. A government 'For the People' has turned into a government for 'ME ME ME'. They seem to have an attitude that says, "Why should we take their taxes and spend it on them when it doesn't benefit MY interests?" We elected them to do a job for US. We didn't elect them in order for them to enrich themselves, and take more and more from US. We didn't elect them to take away our rights. We didn't elect them to force religion on us. We need to join our voices together to remind them of their commitment. Something needs to be done about people like George Santos, who lied through his teeth to gain his position. He's supposedly gay, however; he's now supporting anti-LGBTQ legislation. Marjorie Traitor Greene is bat-*)&_ crazy. John Jordan is a truly evil man. Along with Matt Gaetz, and all the rest of their posse. What gives these people the right to force feed us their bs? What can we do to get rid of them? Why are they allowed to continue in their position? They are obviously unfit for the job.
100% agree. These people need to be voted out but, as proven with MTG, that probably won't happen. Mind boggling to me that she won. Republicans for life will vote in a rock (as evidence by Walker almost winning) before voting Democrat, they are the most dangerous voters out there. More willing to give these unfit people jobs and ok with having rights taken away before voting for another party. I'm hoping some of them get taken down with J6 indictments but honestly not holding my breath.
The American commoner has been vanquished. They are not part of the equation for those vying for the Castle--they think. Their desperation is palpable and I can smell their body odor tinged with fear and hate.
I personally can’t wait to see footage from Pete excoriating Gymbo Jordan. NO ONE on either side of the aisle is more informed and prepared AND can speak as eloquently when called upon to defend whatever mouse the GOP is chasing this week. The pursuit of “raw power” mentioned in the piece, their absolute priority over policy is, in fact, a form of hubris, which rarely brings a ‘win’ for those who embrace it. Chase it. Endlessly. Bring on the popcorn.
I certainly hope moderate conservatives choose to vote for democracy. The 2022 midterms seemed to show a trend in that direction. I wish the Dem party would flood the airwaves with ads concerning this very topic before campaign ads take off. Somehow, the public needs to be more educated.
But is it the party of Newt Gingrich? I feel like he is taking victory laps somewhere, or could it go too far even for him?
Regarding bullying: When I was bullied at school, my parents told me to ignore them -- this was just childhood bullshit and it would pass. But it turns out bullying is an abusive relationship style that teaches those subject to it that all life is hierarchy and you're either the lion or the tethered goat. And so the only way to "win" at life is to put other people down and yell louder than anyone else; then people do what you say. So Trump is the Head Bully for all the people who feel like bullying is reality. I doubt you'll change their mind with people who want equity, justice, kindness, and mercy.
Same here. I'm not holding my breath. Trump shoved too many sympathizers into the judicial system.